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(c) For purposes of this section any replacement of components of an existing facility described in par. (a), commenced before August 18, 1983 in order to comply with any emission standard adopted by the department, will not be considered a reconstruction under the provisions of s. NR 440.15.
Note: The intent of these standards is to minimize the emissions of VOC through the application of best demonstrated technologies (BDT). The numerical emission limits in this standard are expressed in terms of total organic compounds. The emission limit reflects the performance of BDT.
(2)Definitions. As used in this section, terms not defined in this subsection have the meanings given in s. NR 440.02.
(a) “Bulk gasoline terminal” means any gasoline facility which receives gasoline by pipeline, ship or barge and has a gasoline throughput greater than 75,700 liters per day. Gasoline throughput shall be the maximum calculated design throughput as may be limited by compliance with an enforceable condition under federal, state or local law and discoverable by the department and any other person.
(b) “Continuous vapor processing system” means a vapor processing system that treats total organic compounds vapors collected from gasoline tank trucks on a demand basis without intermediate accumulation in a vapor holder.
(c) “Existing vapor processing system” means a processing system (capable of achieving emissions to the atmosphere no greater than 80 milligrams of total organic compounds per liter of gasoline loaded), the construction or refurbishment of which was commenced before December 17, 1980, and which was not constructed or refurbished after that date.
(d) “Flare” means a thermal oxidation system using an open (without enclosure) flame.
(e) “Gasoline tank truck” means a delivery tank truck used at bulk gasoline terminals which is loading gasoline or which has loaded gasoline on the immediately previous load.
(f) “Intermittent vapor processing system” means a vapor processing system that employs an intermediate vapor holder to accumulate total organic compounds vapors collected from gasoline tank trucks and treats the accumulated vapors only during automatically controlled cycles.
(g) “Loading rack” means the loading arms, pumps, meters, shutoff valves, relief valves, and other piping and valves necessary to fill delivery tank trucks.
(h) “Refurbishment” means, with reference to a vapor processing system, replacement of components of, or addition of components to, the system within any 2-year period such that the fixed capital cost of the new components required for such component replacement or addition exceeds 50% of the cost of a comparable entirely new system.
(hm) “Thermal oxidation system” means a combustion device used to mix and ignite fuel, air pollutants and air to provide a flame to heat and oxidize hazardous air pollutants. Auxiliary fuel may be used to heat air pollutants to combustion temperatures.
(i) “Total organic compounds” means those compounds measured according to the procedures in sub. (4).
(j) “Vapor collection system” means any equipment used for containing total organic compounds vapors displaced during the loading of gasoline tank trucks.
(k) “Vapor processing system” means all equipment used for recovering or oxidizing total organic compounds vapors displaced from the affected facility.
(L) “Vapor-tight gasoline tank truck” means a gasoline tank truck which has demonstrated within the 12 preceding months that its product delivery tank will sustain a pressure change of not more than 750 pascals (75 mm of water) within 5 minutes after it is pressurized to 4,500 pascals (450 mm of water). This capability is to be demonstrated using the pressure test procedure specified in Method 27 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1).
(3)Standards for volatile organic compounds (voc) emissions from bulk gasoline terminals. On and after the date on which s. NR 440.08 (1) requires a performance test to be completed the owner or operator of each bulk gasoline terminal containing an affected facility shall comply with the requirements of this subsection.
(a) Each affected facility shall be equipped with a vapor collection system designed to collect the total organic compounds vapors displaced from tank trucks during product loading.
(b) The emissions to the atmosphere from the vapor collection system due to the loading of liquid product into gasoline tank trucks are not to exceed 35 milligrams of total organic compounds per liter of gasoline loaded, except as noted in par. (c).
(c) For each affected facility equipped with an existing vapor processing system the emissions to the atmosphere from the vapor collection system due to the loading of liquid product into gasoline tank trucks are not to exceed 80 milligrams of total organic compounds per liter of gasoline loaded.
(d) Each vapor collection system shall be designed to prevent any total organic compounds vapors collected at one loading rack from passing to another loading rack.
(e) Loadings of liquid product into gasoline tank trucks shall be limited to vapor-tight gasoline tank trucks using the following procedures:
1. The owner or operator shall obtain the vapor tightness documentation described in sub. (6) (b) for each gasoline tank truck which is to be loaded at the affected facility.
2. The owner or operator shall require the tank identification number to be recorded as each gasoline tank truck is loaded at the affected facility.
a. The owner or operator shall cross-check each tank identification number obtained in subd. 2. with the file of tank vapor tightness documentation within 2 weeks after the corresponding tank is loaded., unless either of the following conditions is maintained:
1) If less than an average of one gasoline tank truck per month over the preceding 26 weeks is loaded without vapor tightness documentation, the documentation cross-check shall be performed each quarter.
2) If less than an average of one gasoline tank truck per month over the preceding 52 weeks is loaded without vapor tightness documentation, the documentation cross-check shall be performed semiannually.
b. If either the quarterly or semiannual cross-check provided in subd. 3. a. 1) or 2) reveals that the conditions in subd. 3. a. 1) or 2) were not maintained, the source shall return to biweekly monitoring until such time as the conditions in subd. 3. a. 1) or 2) are again met.
4. The terminal owner or operator shall notify the owner or operator of each nonvapor-tight gasoline tank truck loaded at the affected facility within one week of the documentation cross-check in subd. 3.
5. The terminal owner or operator shall take steps assuring that the nonvapor-tight gasoline tank truck will not be reloaded at the affected facility until vapor tightness documentation for that tank is obtained.
6. Alternate procedures to those described in subds. 1. to 5. for limiting gasoline tank truck loadings may be used upon application to an approval by the department.
(f) The owner or operator shall act to assure that loadings of gasoline tank trucks at the affected facility are made only into tanks equipped with vapor collection equipment that is compatible with the terminal’s vapor collection system.
(g) The owner or operator shall act to assure that the terminal’s and the tank truck’s vapor collection systems are connected during each loading of a gasoline tank truck at the affected facility. Examples of actions to accomplish this include training drivers in the hookup procedures and posting visible reminder signs at the affected loading racks.
(h) The vapor collection and liquid loading equipment shall be designed and operated to prevent gauge pressure in the delivery tank from exceeding 4,500 pascals (450 mm of water) during product loading. This level is not to be exceeded when measured by the procedures specified in sub. (4) (d).
(i) No pressure-vacuum vent in the bulk gasoline terminal’s vapor collection system may begin to open at a system pressure less than 4,500 pascals (450 mm of water).
(j) Each calendar month the vapor collection system, the vapor processing system and each loading rack handling gasoline shall be inspected during the loading of gasoline tank trucks for total organic compounds liquid or vapor leaks. For purposes of this paragraph detection methods incorporating sight, sound, or smell are acceptable. Each detection of a leak shall be recorded and the source of the leak repaired within 15 calendar days after it is detected.
(4)Test methods and procedures.
(a) In conducting the performance tests required in s. NR 440.08, the owner or operator shall use as reference methods and procedures the test methods in Appendix A of 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17, or other methods and procedures as specified in this subsection, except as provided in s. NR 440.08 (2). The 3-run requirement of s. NR 440.08 (6) does not apply to this section.
(b) Immediately before the performance test required to determine compliance with sub. (3) (b), (c) and (h), the owner or operator shall use Method 21 to monitor for leakage of vapor all potential sources in the terminal’s vapor collection system equipment while a gasoline tank truck is being loaded. The owner or operator shall repair all leaks with readings of 10,000 ppm (as methane) or greater before conducting the performance test.
(c) The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the standards in sub. (3) (b) and (c) as follows:
1. The performance test shall be 6 hours long during which at least 300,000 liters of gasoline is loaded. If this is not possible, the test may be continued the same day until 300,000 liters of gasoline is loaded or the test may be resumed the next day with another complete 6-hour period. In the latter case, the 300,000-liter criterion need not be met. However, as much as possible, testing should be conducted during the 6-hour period in which the highest throughput normally occurs.
2. If the vapor processing system is intermittent in operation, the performance test shall begin at a reference vapor holder level and shall end at the same reference point. The test shall include at least two startups and shutdowns of the vapor processor. If this does not occur under automatically controlled operations, the system shall be manually controlled.
3. The emission rate (E) of total organic compounds shall be computed using the following equation:
E is the emission rate of total organic compounds, mg/liter of gasoline loaded
Vesi is the volume of air-vapor mixture exhausted at each interval“i”, scm
Cei is the concentration of total organic compounds at each interval “i”, ppm
L is the total volume of gasoline loaded, liters
n is the number of testing interval
i is the emission testing interval of 5 minutes
K is the density of calibration gas, 1.83 × 106 for propane and 2.41 × 106 for butane, mg/scm
4. The performance test shall be conducted in intervals of 5 minutes. For each interval “i”, readings from each measurement shall be recorded, and the volume exhausted (Vesi) and the corresponding average total organic compounds concentration (Cei) shall be determined. The sampling system response time shall be considered in determining the average total organic compounds concentration corresponding to the volume exhausted.
5. The following methods shall be used to determine the volume (Vesi) air-vapor mixture exhausted at each interval:
a. Method 2B shall be used for combustion vapor processing systems.
b. Method 2A shall be used for all other vapor processing systems.
6. Method 25A or 25B shall be used for determining the total organic compounds concentration (Cei) at each interval. The calibration gas shall be either propane or butane. The owner or operator may exclude the methane and ethane content in the exhaust vent by any method, for example, Method 18, approved by the department.
7. To determine the volume (L) of gasoline dispensed during the performance test period at all loading racks whose vapor emissions are controlled by the processing system being tested, terminal records or readings from gasoline dispensing meters at each loading rack shall be used.
(d) The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the standard in sub. (3) (h) as follows:
1. A pressure measurement device, liquid manometer, magnehelic gauge or equivalent instrument, capable of measuring up to 500 mm of water gauge pressure with ±2.5 mm of water precision, shall be calibrated and installed on the terminal’s vapor collection system at a pressure tap located as close as possible to the connection with the gasoline tank truck.
2. During the performance test, the pressure shall be recorded every 5 minutes while a gasoline truck is being loaded; the highest instantaneous pressure that occurs during each loading shall also be recorded. Every loading position shall be tested at least once during the performance test.
(e) The performance test requirements of par. (c) do not apply to flares defined in sub. (2) and meeting the requirements in s. NR 440.18 (2) to (6). The owner or operator shall demonstrate that the flare and associated vapor collection system is in compliance with the requirements in s. NR 440.18 (2) to (6) and pars. (a), (b) and (d).
(f) The owner or operator shall use alternative test methods and procedures in accordance with the alternative test method provisions in s. NR 440.08 (2) for flares that do not meet the requirements in s. NR 440.18 (2).
(6)Reporting and recordkeeping.
(a) The tank truck vapor tightness documentation required under sub. (3) (e) 1. shall be kept on file at the terminal in a permanent form available for inspection.
(b) The documentation file for each gasoline tank shall be updated at least once per year to reflect current test results as determined by Reference Method 27 in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17. This documentation shall include, as a minimum, the following information:
1. Test Title: Gasoline Delivery Tank Pressure Test - EPA Reference Method 27.
2. Tank Owner and Address.
3. Tank Identification Number.
4. Testing Location.
5. Date of Test.
6. Tester Name and Signature.
7. Witnessing Inspector, if any: Name, Signature and Affiliation.
8. Test Results: Actual Pressure Change in 5 minutes, mm of water (average for 2 runs).
(c) A record of each monthly leak inspection required under sub. (3) (j) shall be kept on file at the terminal for at least 2 years. Inspection records shall include, as a minimum, the following information:
1. Date of Inspection.
2. Findings (may indicate no leaks discovered; or location, nature, and severity of each leak).
3. Leak determination method.
4. Corrective Action (date each leak repaired; reasons for any repair interval in excess of 15 days).
5. Inspector Name and Signature.
(d) The terminal owner or operator shall keep documentation of all notifications required under sub. (3) (e) 4. on file of the terminal for at least 2 years.
(e) As an alternative to keeping records at the terminal of each gasoline cargo tank test result as required in pars. (a), (c) and (d), an owner or operator may comply with the requirements in either subd. 1. or 2.
1. An electronic copy of each record is instantly available at the terminal and the following conditions are met:
a. The copy of each record is an exact duplicate image of the original paper record with certifying signatures.
b. The department is notified in writing that each terminal using this alternative is in compliance with this subdivision.
2. For facilities that utilize a terminal automation system to prevent gasoline cargo tanks that do not have valid cargo tank vapor tightness documentation from loading (for example, via a card lock-out system), a copy of the documentation is made available (for example, via facsimile) for inspection by department representatives during the course of a site visit, or within a mutually agreeable time frame and the following conditions are met:
a. The copy of each record is an exact duplicate image of the original paper record with certifying signatures.
b. The department is notified in writing that each terminal using this alternative is in compliance with this subdivision.
(f) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall keep records of all replacements or additions of components performed on an existing vapor processing system for at least 3 years.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.