NR 328.35 NoteNote: A permit is required under s. 30.19, Stats., and ch. NR 341 if land disturbance or excavation exceeds 10,000 square feet on the bank of the navigable waterway. Bank shaping activities necessary to protect stream and river shorelines from erosion on lands used entirely for agriculture are exempt from this subchapter. NR 328.35(3)(g)(g) Erosion control measures shall meet or exceed the technical standards for erosion control approved by the department under subch. V of ch. NR 151. Any area where topsoil is exposed during construction shall be immediately sodded, seeded and mulched, covered with erosion mat or riprapped to stabilize disturbed areas and prevent soils from being eroded and washed into the waterway. NR 328.35(3)(h)(h) Unless part of a permanent stormwater management system, all temporary erosion and sediment control practices shall be removed upon final site stabilization. Areas disturbed during construction or installation shall be restored. NR 328.35(3)(i)(i) Vegetation, such as seeding, plant plugs, and dormant plantings shall be plant species native to the area of Wisconsin where the project is located. Non-invasive cool season species such as Virginia wild rye, Timothy, alfalfa, alsike clover, orchard grass, Smooth brome grass and red top, may be incorporated into native seed mixes for the purpose of rapid stabilization of critical sites adjacent to agricultural fields. NR 328.35(3)(j)(j) All equipment used for the project shall be designed and properly sized to minimize the amount of sediment that can escape into the water. NR 328.35(3)(k)(k) The stabilization method shall follow the natural contour of the shoreline. No waterward extension of the property is permitted other than what is reasonably necessary to conduct the project and protect the existing bank. Except as provided in sub. (4) (d), no soil or similar fill material may be placed in a wetland or below the ordinary high water mark of any navigable waterway. NR 328.35(3)(L)(L) Erosion control structures shall begin and end at a stabilized or controlled point. NR 328.35(3)(m)(m) Except as required for appropriate toe installation of the erosion control structure, dredging is not permitted under this section. NR 328.35(3)(n)(n) The erosion control structure design and placement may not result in a net decrease in the density or size-structure of tree-falls or logs in the water or on the bed and banks of the stream. NR 328.35(3)(o)(o) Except for the Driftless Area and Prairie Pothole Region, all trees greater than 4″ DBH (diameter breast high) removed as part of the erosion control project within 35 feet of the ordinary high water mark shall be incorporated into the waterward portion of the erosion control design. NR 328.35 NoteNote: Driftless Area and Prairie Pothole Region can be found in s. NR 328.38, Figure 1. NR 328.35(3)(p)(p) To stop the spread of invasive species and viruses from one navigable waterway to another navigable waterway, all equipment or portions of equipment used for constructing, operating, or maintaining the project, including tracked vehicles, barges, boats, silt or turbidity curtains, hoses, sheet piles, and pumps, shall be decontaminated for invasive species and viruses before and after use or prior to use within another navigable waterway. Decontamination activities shall be performed by taking all actions specified in either subd. 1. to 3. or 8. Decontamination shall include either subd. 4., 5., 6., 7., or 8. for any equipment, or portions of equipment, that is used in non-frozen navigable waters when the air temperature is above 19 degrees Fahrenheit at the time the decontamination procedures take place. NR 328.35(3)(p)1.1. Inspect all equipment used for constructing, operating, or maintaining the project and remove all plants and animals, and other mud, debris, and similar materials. NR 328.35 NoteNote: This does not apply to water in closed engine cooling systems or water tanks, or containers of potable drinking water or other beverages meant for human consumption. If a tanker truck discharges water collected from navigable waters in upland areas, the tank does not require disinfection.
NR 328.35(3)(p)3.3. Dispose of plants and animals in the trash. An operator may not transfer plants or animals or water from one navigable waterway to another. NR 328.35(3)(p)4.4. Wash equipment at a temperature of not less than 212 degrees Fahrenheit water (steam clean). NR 328.35(3)(p)5.5. Wash equipment with soap and water or high pressure water of not less than 2000 pounds per square inch. NR 328.35 NoteNote: Additional drying techniques including drying through natural or mechanical means or changes in drying duration may be submitted to the department for review and approval.
NR 328.35(3)(p)7.7. Disinfect equipment with 200 parts per million (0.5 ounces per gallon) chlorine for not less than 10 minute contact time. Every effort should be made to keep the disinfection solution and rinse water out of surface waters. NR 328.35 NoteNote: Chlorine refers to either household bleach solution (5.25% chlorine) or granular chlorine (70% calcium hypochlorite).
NR 328.35(3)(p)8.8. Follow the most recent department approved disinfection protocols or department approved best management practices for infested waters. The department shall maintain on its website and make available at its offices a list of the most recent disinfection protocols or department approved best management practices for invasive species and viruses. NR 328.35 NoteNote: See the department’s website at: under the topic “Waterway and Wetlands.” Recommendations for additional disinfection or decontamination protocols or department approved best management practices may be submitted to the department for review and approval to be added to this list. NR 328.35(4)(4) Biostabilization. Biostabilization on the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream may be authorized under this general permit if it meets the requirements of sub. (3) and all of the following requirements: NR 328.35(4)(a)(a) The project site is not located on a federal or state, under ss. 30.26 and 30.27, Stats., designated wild or scenic river. NR 328.35(4)(b)(b) The project site is located in the Driftless Area and Prairie Pothole Region, or Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains and Chiwaukee Prairie Region, or is located in an urban watershed as identified in s. NR 328.38, or is within village or city limits. NR 328.35 NoteNote: Driftless Area and Prairie Pothole Region, and Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains and Chiwaukee Prairie Region can be found in s. NR 328.38, Figure 1. NR 328.35 NoteNote: Village or city boundaries are identified according to Tiger 2000 Census.
NR 328.35(4)(c)(c) Structural treatment practices shall be sloped to 1.5 horizontal to one foot vertical or flatter. Bank treatments without structural toe protection and only revegetation shall be sloped to 2 foot horizontal to one foot vertical or flatter. Structural treatments may not include inert materials and are limited to biological materials. NR 328.35(4)(d)(d) The placement of soil below the ordinary high water mark is allowed only for the establishment of biological materials. NR 328.35(5)(5) Integrated bank treatment. Integrated bank treatment on the bed or bank of a navigable river or stream may be authorized under this general permit if it meets the requirements of sub. (3) and all of the following requirements and limitations: NR 328.35(5)(a)(a) The project site is located in the Driftless Area and Prairie Pothole Region, or Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains and Chiwaukee Prairie Region, or is located in an urban watershed as identified in s. NR 328.38, or is within village or city limits. NR 328.35 NoteNote: Driftless Area and Prairie Pothole Region, and Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains and Chiwaukee Prairie Region can be found in s. NR 328.38, Figure 1. NR 328.35 NoteNote: Village or city boundaries are identified according to Tiger 2000 Census.
NR 328.35(5)(b)(b) For projects located within village or city boundaries in urban watersheds identified in s. NR 328.38 (1); The project site must equal or exceed a Bank Erosion Potential Index (BEPI) of 20 as determined by the method in s. NR 328.38 (2), or the bank edge recession must equal or exceed 0.5 feet per year as described by the method in s. NR 328.38 (3). For all other project locations; the project site must equal or exceed a Bank Erosion Potential Index (BEPI) of 20 as determined by the method in s. NR 328.38 (2). NR 328.35 NoteNote: NR 328.38 (3) requires that the time between separate measurements shall equal or exceed 3 months during the open-water season.
NR 328.35 NoteNote: The applicant will satisfy the “equal to or greater than 0.5 feet per year” requirement by demonstrating that the bank edge recession is equal to or greater than 1.5 inches per 3 months during the open-water season.
NR 328.35(5)(c)(c) The total project length may not exceed 500 linear feet of stream bank per ¼ mile of stream reach. NR 328.35(5)(d)(d) The project site is not located on federal or state (under ss. 30.26 and 30.27, Stats.), designated wild or scenic river. NR 328.35(5)(e)(e) Stone associated with toe protection shall be clean field stone or quarry stone appropriately sized according to the USDA, NRCS Wisconsin Supplement to the Engineering Field Handbook Chapter 16 - Streambank and Shoreline Protection. NR 328.35(5)(f)(f) Toe protection materials may not be placed above the ordinary high water mark elevation plus one vertical foot in the Wisconsin Till Plains and Chiwaukee Prairie Region. Toe protection materials may not be placed above the ordinary high water mark elevation plus 2 vertical feet in the Driftless Area and Prairie Pothole Region, or is located in an urban watershed as identified in s. NR 328.38. NR 328.35(5)(g)(g) Structural stabilization practices shall be sloped to 1.5 horizontal to one foot vertical or flatter. Banks treated only with vegetation shall be sloped to 2 feet horizontal to one foot vertical or flatter. NR 328.35(5)(h)(h) Associated stream habitat structures shall practice standards found in NRCS Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG), Standard 395, Stream Habitat Improvement and Management. NR 328.35(5)(i)(i) All stone above the ordinary high water mark shall be top dressed with a minimum of 6 inches of top soil. NR 328.35(6)(6) Replacement of seawall or riprap bank erosion control structure with integrated bank treatment. Replacement of riprap or a seawall placed prior to August 1, 2007, with integrated bank treatment on the bed or bank of a river or stream may be authorized under a general permit if it meets all of the requirements of subs. (3) and (5) (d) to (j), and with additional limitations as follows: NR 328.35(6)(a)(a) The applicant can document using historical information and photographs that the seawall or riprap structure was placed prior to August 1, 2007. NR 328.35(6)(b)(b) The integrated bank treatment may not exceed the lesser of the length of the existing structure or 300 linear feet of streambank. NR 328.35(7)(7) Replacement of seawall or riprap bank erosion control structure with biostabilization. Replacement of riprap or a seawall placed prior to August 1, 2007, with biostabilization on the bed or bank of a river or stream may be authorized under a general permit if it meets all of the requirements of subs. (3) and (4) (c) to (e), and with additional limitations as follows: NR 328.35(7)(a)(a) The applicant shall provide historic photographs demonstrating that the seawall or riprap structure was placed prior to August 1, 2007. NR 328.35(7)(b)(b) The biostabilization treatment may not exceed the lesser of the length of the existing structure or 300 linear feet of streambank NR 328.35(8)(8) Repair of riprap bank erosion control structure. Repair of riprap placed prior to August 1, 2007, may be authorized under a general permit if it meets all of the requirements of subs. (3) (a) to (k) and (5) (e) to (f), and with additional limitations as follows: NR 328.35(8)(a)(a) The repair site is located within village or city boundaries. NR 328.35(8)(b)(b) Redistribution or placement of stone is limited to the horizontal footprint of the existing structure and may not exceed the elevations identified in sub. (5) (f), NR 328.35(8)(c)(c) Stabilization work at elevations above those identified in sub. (5) (f) shall be limited to biostabilization practices and revegetation. NR 328.35(8)(d)(d) The repair may not exceed the lesser of the length of the existing structure or 300 linear feet of streambank. NR 328.35(9)(a)(a) Activities which do not meet the applicable standards in sub. (3), (4), (5), or (6) are otherwise ineligible for a general permit and shall require an individual permit. NR 328.35(9)(b)(b) The department has authority under s. 30.206 (3r), Stats., to require an individual permit in lieu of a general permit. NR 328.35 HistoryHistory: CR 06-126: cr. Register July 2007 No. 619, eff. 8-1-07; CR 09-123: cr. (3) (p) Register July 2010 No. 655, eff. 8-1-10; correction in (2) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register May 2013 No. 689; corrections in (4) (e), (5) (j) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 6., Stats., Register February 2014 No. 698; CR 22-013: am. (1) Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 7-1-23. NR 328.36(1)(b)(b) If the department determines that a proposal submitted under this section has the potential to impact an endangered or threatened species in accordance with s. 29.604, Stats., the application shall be deemed incomplete. The department may not consider the application complete or issue an individual permit until the applicant submits documentation to demonstrate one of the following: NR 328.36(1)(b)1.1. The project avoids impacts to the endangered or threatened species in accordance with s. 29.604, Stats. NR 328.36(1)(c)(c) If the applicant modifies the project plans to meet the requirements of par. (b), the modified plans shall be submitted before the department may consider the application complete or issue an individual permit. NR 328.36(2)(2) Analysis of individual permits. The department shall consider factual data from applicants regarding all of the following factors in evaluating individual permit applications: NR 328.36 NoteNote: The department’s analysis of individual permits is not constrained to the general permit standards identified in s. NR 328.35. NR 328.36(2)(a)(a) The cumulative and individual impact on public rights and interests including fish and wildlife habitat, physical, chemical and biological effects on the adjacent waterway and natural scenic beauty including: interference with navigation and its incidents, such as swimming, boating, fishing and hunting; impacts on natural scenic beauty; and impacts on special concern, threatened or endangered species. NR 328.36 NoteNote: Less developed reaches of rivers and streams will experience greater impacts on natural scenic beauty from the structure and its activity than other more developed reaches.
NR 328.36(2)(b)(b) Impacts on bank and in-stream habitat including: reduced density of woody cover in shallow water; reduced density, coverage and diversity of nearshore vegetation, such as terrestrial, emergent, floating-leafed and submerged zones; designated sensitive areas, spawning or nursery habitat; change in substrate that reduces its suitability for habitat. NR 328.36(2)(d)(d) The erosion potential of the site based on site-specific conditions, including ice. NR 328.36(2)(e)(e) The effect of the project on the adjoining upland, its ability to prevent erosion and sedimentation into the waterway, and the relative contribution of bank erosion to any excess nutrient and sediment load to the stream. NR 328.36 NoteNote: Assessments of bank erosion contribution to excess sediment load should consider whether the land is adjacent to a surface water identified as impaired by the department and listed pursuant to 33 USC 1313 and 40 CFR 130.7, if the impairment relates to excessive delivery of nutrients or sediments. Assessments may also consider whether the project is located within a watershed draining to surface water identified as impaired by the department, and if the impairment relates to excessive delivery of nutrients or sediments. NR 328.36 NoteNote: Assessments of bank erosion contribution to excess sediment load should consider whether the land is adjacent to surface water identified as outstanding or exceptional resource water under s. 281.15, Stats. Assessments may also consider whether the project is located in watersheds draining to outstanding or exceptional resource waters designated under s. 281.15, Stats. NR 328.36(2)(f)(f) Whether project designs or specific conditions can avoid or reduce impacts of the structure. Designs shall have high likelihood of success, and duration equal to the life-span of upland structures to be protected, if any. NR 328.36(2)(g)(g) Whether streambank protection measures allowed without permits or with a general permit would provide adequate erosion control. NR 328.36 NoteNote: Assessments landward of the erosion control site typically include: land use and management, waterway access and use, vegetation management, runoff and stormwater management.
NR 328.36(2)(h)(h) The degree to which the erosion control project rehabilitates or protects native plant community classes endemic to the site. NR 328.36 NoteNote: The following habitat classification guides can be used as benchmarks in this assessment:
NR 328.36 NoteKotar, J. and T.L. Burger (1996) A guide to forest communities and habitat types of central and southern Wisconsin. Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin.
NR 328.36 NoteKotar, J., J. A. Kovach and T.L. Burger (2002) A guide to forest communities and habitat types of northern Wisconsin., 2nd Edition. Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin.
NR 328.36 HistoryHistory: CR 06-126: cr. Register July 2007 No. 619, eff. 8-1-07CR 22-013: am. (1) (a) Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 7-1-23.