Chapter NR 193
Subchapter I — General Provisions
NR 193.01 Purpose and authority. NR 193.04 Accountability. NR 193.05 DNR cost-share percentages and maximum grant award amounts. NR 193.06 Eligible and ineligible costs. NR 193.08 Cost containment. NR 193.12 Grant awards and grant agreements. NR 193.13 Conditions for grant agreements. NR 193.14 Maintenance and disposition of assets. NR 193.15 Required deed restrictions. NR 193.16 Professional service agreements. NR 193.17 Project quality assurance requirements. NR 193.18 Grant payments. NR 193.19 Grantee reporting. Subchapter II — Education and Planning
NR 193.31 Surface water education. NR 193.32 Surface water planning. NR 193.33 Conditions for management plan development grants. Subchapter III — County Lake Grants
NR 193.41 Eligible grantees. NR 193.42 Eligible projects. Subchapter IV — Surface Water Management
NR 193.51 Surface water management grants. NR 193.52 General requirements. NR 193.53 Eligibility for a management plan implementation project. NR 193.54 Ineligible activities. Subchapter V — Aquatic Invasive Species Control
NR 193.62 Eligible grantees. NR 193.63 Eligible projects. NR 193.64 Ineligible activities. NR 193.65 General conditions. Subchapter VI — Lake Monitoring and Protection Network
NR 193.72 Eligible network cooperators. NR 193.73 Establishing the network. NR 193.74 Network services. NR 193.75 Network participants. NR 193.76 Network activities. Subchapter VII — Land Acquisition
NR 193.83 Eligible and ineligible projects. NR 193.84 Grantee acquisition match. NR 193.85 General grant conditions when land is acquired under this subchapter. NR 193.86 Additional conditions for conservation easements.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 100-199; Environmental Protection – General