NR 182.109(2)(a)2.b.b. The property boundaries, the proposed waste facility boundary, and the proposed limits of filling. NR 182.109(2)(a)2.c.c. A north arrow, mining waste facility survey grid, a formula for converting grid locations to the state plane coordinate system, and the locations of all existing and proposed survey monuments. NR 182.109(2)(a)2.e.e. The locations of all soil borings, all existing and abandoned groundwater monitoring wells, all public and private water supply wells, and the general locations of all known septic system drain fields within 1,000 feet of the mining waste facility or within 500 feet of any monitoring well. NR 182.109(2)(a)2.f.f. Any utility lines, underground pipelines and electrical lines, access control, and other constructed topographic and drainage features. NR 182.109(2)(a)3.3. Plan sheets that depict the sub-base grades, all sub-base appurtenances, such as lysimeters or drain pipes, and the base grades. NR 182.109(2)(a)4.4. Separate plan sheets that depict the overall mining waste facility area and the limits of liner construction and filling. The plan sheets shall depict the layout and slope of the liner system and leachate collection system including pipes, sumps, riser pipes on interior sideslopes, manholes, trenches, berms, lift stations, permanent storm water control structures, pipe cleanouts, and other pertinent structures. Invert elevations shall be provided at any changes in grade for all leachate and groundwater collection and transfer systems. NR 182.109(2)(a)5.5. A series of phasing plan sheets that show facility development through time. The location of peripheral features such as support buildings, access roads, drainage ditches, sedimentation basins, any other storm water management features, and screening berms shall be indicated on this plan. At a minimum, the engineering plan shall provide a separate plan sheet for initial construction and for each subsequent phase of development or new area where substantial construction is to be performed. These subsequent phasing plan sheets shall present the final filling surfaces in the previous phases of development; the limits of clearing, grubbing, and topsoil removal; the base grades of the new phase of filling; the anticipated surface contours of soil stockpiles at the time depicted on the plan sheet; and storm water management features. Each plan shall include a list of construction items and quantities necessary to prepare the phase of development indicated on the plan. NR 182.109(2)(a)6.6. Plan sheets that depict the features to be constructed for storm water management at the time of initial construction, during phased development, and after closure of the mining waste facility. Plan sheets shall include the locations of sediment basins, drainage ditches, auxiliary sediment traps, and the anticipated extent of cleared ground and stockpiles during each major phase of facility development. Plan sheets shall include a list of anticipated actions and materials needed for sediment and erosion control. NR 182.109(2)(a)7.7. A final waste grades plan sheet that indicates waste final grades. The engineering plan shall include a final topography plan sheet to indicate the condition of the entire facility following closure including storm water drainage features and the location of all other penetrations of the final cover, if applicable. NR 182.109(2)(a)8.8. A facility monitoring plan that shows the location of the design management zone as determined under s. NR 182.107 and all devices for the monitoring of leachate quality and quantity, unsaturated zone water quality and flow rate, groundwater quality, storm water quality, and surface settlement. NR 182.109(2)(a)9.9. A long-term care plan sheet that shows the topography of site at the completion of closure. This plan sheet shall include a table identifying those items anticipated to be performed during the period of long-term care for the site including the proposed schedule for monitoring and maintenance of the facility. The applicant may include the information in this subdivision in the final site topography plan sheet if clarity is not compromised, or reference may be made to the appropriate section of the operations manual and design report. NR 182.109(2)(a)10.10. Detailed plan review sheets that show a minimum of 2 cross-sections in each direction drawn perpendicular and parallel to the facility baseline through the major dimensions of the facility. The applicant shall illustrate the location of the cross-sections using a reduced scale plan view on each cross-section. Each combined engineering and geologic cross-section shall show all of the following: NR 182.109(2)(a)10.c.c. Soil borings and monitoring wells that the depicted cross-section passes through or that are adjacent to the cross-section. NR 182.109(2)(a)10.d.d. Soil and bedrock types. For clarity, a number or symbol shall be used to label major soil units instead of extensive shading. NR 182.109(2)(a)10.i.i. Access roads and ramps on the perimeter of the disposal area and within the active fill area. NR 182.109(2)(a)10.k.k. Important construction features of the liner, final cover, lysimeters, leachate collection trenches and sumps, liner penetrations, sideslope risers, and drainage systems for storm water. NR 182.109(2)(a)11.11. Drawings showing details and typical cross-sections for all of the following: NR 182.109(2)(a)11.e.e. Leachate collection system components, including pipe bedding, manholes, transfer lines, force mains, and storage tanks. NR 182.109(2)(b)(b) An operations manual and design report consisting of all of the following information: NR 182.109(2)(b)1.1. A table of contents that outlines, by section title and page number, the discussion required in this section. NR 182.109(2)(b)3.3. A discussion of the considerations and rationale behind design of the major engineering features of the facility. As appropriate for the specific facility design, the discussion shall include base grade configuration and relationship to subsurface conditions, liner design, phases of facility development and closure, traffic routing, storm water management, erosion, and sediment control measures, final cover systems, and monitoring systems. Specific attention shall be given to sidewall penetrations, sideslope riser and sump area volumes and construction, and piping located outside of the limits of filling. In addressing each of the above design items, the report shall indicate how the anticipated waste types and characteristics influenced the chosen design. NR 182.109(2)(b)4.a.a. Initial site preparations and construction methods relating to clearing and grubbing, topsoil stripping, and other excavations. NR 182.109(2)(b)5.5. A certification plan for initial site preparations that specifies a schedule of field measurements, photographs to be taken, sampling and testing procedures to be utilized to verify that the in-field conditions encountered were the same as those defined in the feasibility report and that documents that the site was constructed according to the engineering plans and specifications. NR 182.109(2)(b)6.6. A description of storm water management at the time of initial construction, during phased development, and after closure of the mining waste facility that includes all of the following: NR 182.109(2)(b)6.b.b. A detailed description of temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures to be used to accomplish the concepts in s. NR 182.106 (3). NR 182.109(2)(b)6.c.c. The specifications for the design of sediment basins, culverts, drainage ditches, auxiliary sediment traps, and the anticipated extent of cleared ground and stockpiles during each major phase of facility development. NR 182.109(2)(b)6.e.e. The tentative schedules for the following activities: cleaning sediment basins and ditches; seeding and stabilization of stockpiles and drainage channels; and topsoil placement, seeding, and stabilization of disturbed areas and areas affected by erosion. NR 182.109(2)(b)7.7. A summary of soil testing protocols and soil specification related to facility construction that includes all of the following: NR 182.109(2)(b)7.a.a. The proposed testing schedule to document the placement of all general soil fill and backfill, base liner, final cover layers and all venting or drainage layers used in any phase of development or closure. The report shall contain an explicit statement and description of testing methods. NR 182.109(2)(b)7.b.b. The proposed gradations of soil materials and the proposed size of the perforations used in leachate collection system piping and the drainage layer in the final cover system. The report shall include an analysis of the pipe and soil materials to demonstrate whether the gradation of sand and gravel and the pipe opening sizes are stable and self-filtering. The report shall describe the use of filter layers or other mechanisms used to maintain the porosity in the leachate collection blanket, collection trenches and sumps. NR 182.109(2)(b)8.8. A proposed program to monitor the volume and quality of groundwater, surface water, unsaturated zone, and leachate. The proposed monitoring program shall include a table listing frequencies of sampling, parameters to be analyzed, and a schedule for the anticipated installation or abandonment of sampling points. The table shall indicate existing and proposed sampling points and devices and the anticipated periods during which the points and devices will be monitored before mining waste facility development, during each major phase of facility development, and during the period of long-term care. NR 182.109(2)(b)8m.8m. A list of all groundwater elevation data collected from all groundwater sampling points subsequent to preparation of the feasibility report. NR 182.109(2)(b)9.9. A description of typical daily operations including all of the following: NR 182.109(2)(b)9.a.a. Discussion of the timetable for the construction of each phase of liner or final cover. NR 182.109(2)(b)9.c.c. Typical waste handling techniques and methods for handling unusual waste types. NR 182.109(2)(b)10.10. A description of the mining waste facility operations and the development of subsequent phases. A description required under this subdivision shall define the critical stage of waste disposal for each phase as it relates to the start of construction of subsequent phases. The purpose of this planning is to ensure that the scheduling of future construction takes into account the length of the construction season, limitations imposed by weather and season, and the capacity remaining in existing phases such that an orderly transition is maintained. The report shall describe the anticipated construction in each phase for storm water management, monitoring, abandonment of fill areas, and the installation and maintenance of leachate control structures. NR 182.109(2)(b)11.11. A description of facility operations, actions taken when phases of the facility reach final waste grades, and closure of phases at final waste grades. The report shall include a discussion of the anticipated sequence of the required events for closure of the facility and a discussion of those actions necessary to prepare the facility for long-term care and final use. NR 182.109(2)(b)12.12. A proposed long-term care schedule that describes the procedures to be utilized for the inspection and maintenance of cover vegetation, storm water control structures, refuse or ground surface settlement or siltation, erosion damage, leachate control features, leachate and groundwater monitoring, and other long-term care needs. The report shall include a final use plan for the facility and shall be consistent with the reclamation plan submitted under ch. NR 131 or 132. NR 182.109(2)(b)13.13. The specifications for construction, operation, and closure of the facility. These specifications shall include detailed instructions to the operator and any contractors for all aspects of construction and operation. References to specifications on the plan sheets shall be described. The specifications under this subdivision may include information such as geosynthetic material installation instructions, tank manufacturer installation instructions and pump performance criteria, materials, and construction methods for sideslope risers, sidewall penetrations, sump areas, and all piping located outside the limits of filling. NR 182.109(2)(b)14.14. All design calculations and an explanation of those calculations that will facilitate department review, including a discussion of all calculations, such as base liner and final covering soils materials needs related to available borrow soil volumes, stockpile sizing estimates, required interface shear strength, and shear strength of the soil materials where the interfaces evaluated include the upper and lower interfaces for all geosynthetics such as geomembranes, geotextiles, and geosynthetic clay liners, design of the storm water management system, infiltration and leachate collection, and leakage volumes. All calculations shall be summarized with the detailed equations presented in the appendix of the report. References to the appropriate plan sheets from which variables are obtained for these calculations shall be included in these summaries. NR 182.109(2)(b)15.15. A slope stability analysis of any mining waste facility dams and embankments taking into consideration all of the following: NR 182.109(2)(b)15.a.a. Geology of the mining waste facility including type and homogeneity of the foundation.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 100-199; Environmental Protection – General
administrativecode/NR 182.109(2)(a)11.e.
administrativecode/NR 182.109(2)(a)11.e.