NR 162.003(45)(d)(d) Is not part of a publicly owned wastewater treatment works that provides secondary or more stringent treatment. NR 162.003(46)(46) “Municipal WPDES storm water discharge permit” means any permit issued to a municipality by the department under s. 283.33 (3), Stats., for the purpose of controlling storm water discharges from an MS4. NR 162.003 NoteNote: Under s. 281.59 (1) (c), Stats., “municipality” means any city, town, village, county, county utility district, town sanitary district, public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, metropolitan sewerage district, joint local water authority created under s. 66.0823, Stats., or federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state. NR 162.003(48)(48) “New or changed WPDES permit limits” means an effluent limitation in a municipality’s most recent WPDES permit that is a completely new limit previously not included in the WPDES permit or is a change to a previous limit with which the municipality was already complying. NR 162.003 NoteNote: Under s. 281.65 (2) (b), Stats., “nonpoint source” means a land management activity that contributes to runoff, seepage, or percolation which adversely affects or threatens the quality of waters of this state and which is not a point source under s. 283.01 (12), Stats. NR 162.003(50)(50) “Operations” means labor, materials, and chemicals used regularly, and work activities performed on a recurring basis throughout the year that are intended to meet routine, daily functional needs. Work activities may include any of the following: NR 162.003(50)(a)(a) Operational maintenance activities related to continuing normal performance of the functions for which a treatment works or BMP asset or item of equipment is intended, including activities to keep building systems such as HVAC, lighting, and electrical utilities working properly. NR 162.003(50)(b)(b) Custodial maintenance activities, such as housekeeping duties, rodent and pest control, and lawn mowing, associated with general day-to-day care and cleaning necessary to maintain constructed assets. NR 162.003(50)(c)(c) Trash removal activities to dispose of hazardous and non-hazardous waste and debris and to recycle products such as paper, cans, and bottles. NR 162.003(50)(d)(d) Snow and ice removal and activities to treat surfaces to eliminate unsafe weather-related conditions. NR 162.003(50)(e)(e) Office activities related to billing, collections, customer communications, personnel, and other types of work activities that support the administration of the treatment works or BMP. NR 162.003(50)(f)(f) Routine walk-through and other surveillance activities associated with identifying operational anomalies and ensuring all treatment works or BMP components are working as intended. NR 162.003(51)(51) “Parallel cost percentage” means, for a scored project, the proportion of costs eligible for below–market rate financing, as delineated in s. NR 162.04 (1), relative to the total costs eligible for CWFP financing. NR 162.003 NoteNote: The calculation of the parallel cost percentage is described in s. NR 162.04 (1) (c). NR 162.003(52)(52) “Performance standards” means nonagricultural performance standards established by the department in ch. NR 151, under s. 281.16 (2), Stats. NR 162.003(53)(53) “Place” means a concentration of population either legally bounded as an incorporated place, such as a city or village, or identified as a census designated place by the U.S. bureau of the census. NR 162.003(54)(54) “Plans and specifications” means project drawings and specification manuals for all construction work to be included in the financial assistance for the scored project. NR 162.003(55)(55) “Population” means the most recent year’s final population estimate published by the DOA demographic services center for the city, town, or village that submitted priority evaluation and ranking information as required by the department. For a municipality other than a city, town, or village, “population” means the most recent population count or estimate done for the municipality and provided to the department by the municipality for purposes such as completing a sanitary survey or an estimate determined by multiplying the number of households served by the sanitary sewer system by the average household size in the area, as determined by the department. NR 162.003(56)(56) “Priority score” means the numerical value determined by the department that is assigned to each project in accordance with s. NR 162.50. NR 162.003(57)(57) “Professional services” means non-construction work provided under contract for the project, including engineering, archaeological, legal, financial, or technical services provided by a higher education institution or a formally certified member of a professional body, such as a trade association or organized profession. NR 162.003(58)(58) “Project” means a set of activities intended to result, or that has resulted, in completed construction of wastewater related or storm water related facilities or practices. NR 162.003(60)(60) “Project completion date” means the earliest date on which all of the following apply: NR 162.003(60)(b)(b) The department or its agents have certified that the scored project was constructed according to department-approved plans and specifications. NR 162.003(60)(c)(c) The department or its agents have certified that the facilities are operating according to design. NR 162.003(60)(e)(e) The department has notified the recipient that the scored project is complete. NR 162.003(61)(61) “Proportional share” means the costs of the operation and maintenance of the treatment works or BMP shared equitably and proportionately among the users through a user charge system. NR 162.003(62)(62) “Receiving municipality” means a municipality that owns a treatment works and accepts discharges from one or more other municipalities into its treatment works for treatment and disposal. NR 162.003(63)(63) “Recipient” means any municipality or group of municipalities that has been awarded or has received financial assistance under ss. 281.58 and 281.59, Stats. NR 162.003(64)(64) “Replacement” means obtaining and installing equipment, accessories, or appurtenances that are necessary during the useful life of the treatment works or BMP project funded through the CWFP to maintain or improve the capacity and performance levels for which the treatment works or BMP was designed and constructed. NR 162.003(65)(65) “Residential user” means a structure or part of a structure, including a mobile home or individual apartment unit, that is used primarily as a home, residence, or sleeping place by one or more persons maintaining a common household and that uses a publicly owned treatment works. “Residential user” does not include an institutional, commercial, industrial, or governmental facility. NR 162.003 NoteNote: In s. NR 151.002 (40), “runoff” means storm water or precipitation, including rain, snow, ice melt, or similar water that moves on the land surface via sheet or channelized flow. NR 162.003(67)(67) “Scored project” means a project for which the department reviewed the scope provided by the applicant and assigned a priority score based on the scope determined by the department to be eligible for financial assistance under a single CWFP project number. NR 162.003 NoteNote: Under s. 281.58 (1) (cv), Stats., “septage” means the scum, liquid, sludge, or other waste in a septic tank, soil absorption field, holding tank, grease interceptor, privy, or other component of a private onsite wastewater treatment system. NR 162.003(69)(69) “Sewage collection system” has the meaning given under s. NR 110.03 (28), and includes individual systems, such as septic tanks, holding tanks, mound systems, and cluster systems, if the individual systems meet the criteria established under s. NR 162.03 (2). NR 162.003 NoteNote: Under s. NR 110.03 (28), “sewage collection system” means the common sanitary sewers, interceptor sewers, and appurtenant equipment, such as lift stations, within a sewerage system which are primarily installed to receive wastewaters directly from facilities which convey wastewater from individual structures or from private property, and which include service connection “Y” fittings designed for connection with those facilities. The facilities which convey wastewater from individual structures, such as building sewers and private interceptor sewers, from private property to the public sanitary sewer, or its equivalent, are specifically excluded from the definition of “sewage collection system”; except that pumping units and pressurized lines for individual structures or groups of structures are included as part of a “sewage collection system” when such units are cost effective and are owned and maintained by the sewerage system owner. NR 162.003(70)(70) “Sewer” means a sewage collection system or an MS4, a portion of a sewage collection system or MS4, or other pipes that carry water to a treatment facility. NR 162.003(71)(71) “Sewer service area” means that area served by a wastewater treatment works, or an area for which an agreement has been reached for future wastewater service, or an area for which capacity is provided to allow disposal of septic tank or holding tank wastes. NR 162.003 NoteNote: Under s. NR 216.002 (33), “storm water” means runoff from precipitation, including rain, snow, ice melt, or similar water that moves on the land surface via sheet or channelized flow. NR 162.003(73)(73) “Subscribing municipality” means a municipality that discharges or plans to discharge all or part of its wastewater or storm water to another municipality for treatment and disposal. NR 162.003(74)(74) “Subsidy” means the amount provided by the environmental improvement fund to a recipient of CWFP financial assistance under ss. 281.58 and 281.59, Stats., for any of the following purposes: NR 162.003(74)(a)(a) To reduce the interest rate of CWFP loans from market interest rate to a lower subsidized rate. NR 162.003(74)(b)(b) To reduce the interest payments on eligible loans or portions of loans made by the BCPL. NR 162.003(75)(75) “Substantial completion” means the date on which construction of the scored project is sufficiently complete in accordance with the contract documents so that the owner can occupy or utilize the scored project for its intended use. NR 162.003 NoteNote: Under s. 283.01 (18), Stats., “treatment work” means any devices and systems used in the storage, treatment, recycling, and reclamation of municipal sewage or industrial waste of a liquid nature or necessary to recycle or reuse water at the most economical cost over the estimated life of the work, including intercepting sewers, outfall sewers, sewage collection systems, cooling towers and ponds, pumping, power and other equipment, and their appurtenances; extensions, improvements, remodeling, additions, and alterations thereof; elements essential to provide a reliable recycled supply such as standby treatment units and clear well facilities; and any works, including site acquisition of the land that will be an integral part of the treatment process or is used for ultimate disposal of residues resulting from such treatment. Additionally, “treatment work” means any other method or system for preventing, abating, reducing, storing, treating, separating, or disposing of municipal waste, including storm water runoff, or industrial waste, including waste in combined storm water and sanitary sewer systems. This definition of “treatment work” includes storm water BMPs for municipalities that are required to obtain a municipal WPDES storm water discharge permit under ch. 283, Stats., and other department-approved projects to reduce wastewater and storm water pollutants entering our waterways. This definition does not apply to nonpoint source projects funded under the department’s pilot projects program created under s. 281.58 (6) (b) 9. and (7) (b) 7., Stats. NR 162.003(78)(78) “Treatment facility” means a structure or group of structures constructed and used for purposes of treating wastewater, including municipal biosolids, to reduce pollutants entering waters of the state. NR 162.003(79)(79) “Unsewered municipality” means a municipality in which some or all of the residential areas lack a sewage collection system. NR 162.003(80)(a)(a) The period during which a treatment works operates, if the treatment work was constructed partially or wholly with U.S. environmental protection agency title II construction grants. NR 162.003(80)(b)(b) The term of the financial assistance agreement for the project, if the treatment work was originally constructed partially or wholly with CWFP financing or financing other than that identified in par. (a). NR 162.003(81)(81) “User charge” means a charge levied on users of a treatment work or BMP for the user’s proportional share of the cost of operation, maintenance, and replacement of the treatment work or BMP. NR 162.003 NoteNote: User charge system requirements for storm water utility districts may include a requirement for a system of charges.
NR 162.003(83)(83) “Wastewater” means a waste stream conveyed to a treatment works via a sewage collection system, including a combined sewer conveying both sanitary wastewater and storm water, or the sewage sludge or other byproducts of wastewater treatment trucked or discharged to another treatment facility, such as a biosolids facility, for additional treatment. NR 162.003(84)(84) “Women business enterprise” or “WBE” means a DBE that is owned or controlled on a daily basis by a woman or women. NR 162.003(85)(85) “WPDES permit” means a Wisconsin pollution discharge elimination system permit issued under ch. 283, Stats. NR 162.003 HistoryHistory: CR 22-045: cr. Register October 2023 No. 814, eff. 11-1-23. NR 162.01NR 162.01 Types of financial assistance available. The department and DOA may, subject to applicable requirements of ss. 281.58 and 281.59, Stats., and ch. Adm 35, provide to an eligible applicant for a scored project any of the following types of financial assistance unless the project reaches substantial completion more than 3 years prior to the date the applicant submits a complete application for financial assistance under s. NR 162.05 (4) or the applicant already has long-term affordable debt outstanding for a project that is already complete or has reached substantial completion prior to the application submittal date: NR 162.01(1)(1) Subject to the limits established in s. NR 162.04 (3), the purchase or refinance of a municipality’s interim debt. NR 162.01(2)(2) The guarantee of, or purchase of insurance for, municipal obligations for construction of a treatment works or BMP if the guaranteed or purchased insurance would improve credit market access or reduce interest costs on the municipal obligations. NR 162.01(5)(5) Using funds received as federal capitalization grants, any other type of assistance that is consistent with the federal program for state water pollution control revolving funds under 33 USC 1381 to 1387 or any other federal law providing funding for or otherwise relating to that program. NR 162.01 NoteNote: The language under sub. (5) and under s. 281.58 (6) (b) 9., Stats., allows the department to provide principal forgiveness as part of a financial assistance agreement in accordance with 33 USC 1383 (i) (1), which states, “In any case in which a State provides assistance to an eligible recipient under subsection (d), the State may provide additional subsidization, including forgiveness of principal.” NR 162.01 HistoryHistory: CR 22-045: cr. Register October 2023 No. 814, eff. 11-1-23. NR 162.02NR 162.02 Annual funding policy, project priority list, and funding list. NR 162.02(1)(1) Funding policy and project priority list. The department may produce an annual CWFP funding policy in conjunction with the fiscal year’s priority list established under s. NR 162.52. The funding policy may be in the form of the intended use plan and may describe methods for making funding determinations and other policies related to the fiscal year. When the department publishes a funding policy for a given year, it shall provide an opportunity for public comment regarding the funding policy. NR 162.02(2)(2) Funding list. The department shall prepare a funding list of all CWFP-eligible applicants, including applications submitted under subchs. II to IV, when the amount available under s. 20.866 (2) (tc) or 281.59 (3e) (d) or (4) (f), Stats., is insufficient in accordance with s. 281.58 (9m) (f), Stats., and, for municipalities wishing to compete for principal forgiveness funds, when the department has principal forgiveness funds available to distribute in a year during which s. 281.58 (9m) (f), Stats., does not apply. NR 162.02 HistoryHistory: CR 22-045: cr. Register October 2023 No. 814, eff. 11-1-23. NR 162.03(1)(1) Traditional wastewater treatment plant and collection system projects. A municipality may receive financial assistance under this chapter for a publicly-owned wastewater treatment works scored project, including a treatment plant or sewage collection system project, that meets any of the following criteria: NR 162.03(1)(a)(a) The project is necessary to prevent a municipality from significantly exceeding a wastewater effluent limitation contained in a permit issued under ch. 283, Stats. All of the following types of projects are included under this paragraph: NR 162.03(1)(a)1.1. Projects for which construction will completely take place inside the fence or on site of a wastewater treatment plant, such as projects to build or modify headworks, clarifiers, aeration basins, stabilization ponds, sludge processing equipment, sludge storage facilities, or on-site administrative buildings, and projects to build or modify facilities for the receiving, storage, or treatment of septage. The department may determine that a lift station pumping all of the wastewater flow directly to the wastewater treatment plant with no other influent pump at the plant site is part of a project that takes place inside the fence. The department may also determine, based on the layout and function of the treatment work, that other facilities, such as a septage receiving station that conveys the septage directly into the wastewater treatment plant, are considered part of the work inside the fence. NR 162.03(1)(a)2.2. Projects for which construction takes place outside of the fence of the wastewater treatment plant that are necessary to maintain or improve the integrity and performance of wastewater treatment works facilities serving the municipality, including sanitary sewer replacement or rehabilitation, sanitary sewer lining, publicly-owned lateral lining, lift station upgrades, and construction of new interceptors, lift stations, pretreatment facilities, septage receiving stations, and other treatment works facilities outside of the fence of the wastewater treatment plant. NR 162.03(1)(b)(b) The project is necessary to achieve compliance with an enforceable wastewater requirement changed or established after May 17, 1988, if the municipality is in substantial compliance with its permit issued under ch. 283, Stats. NR 162.03(1)(c)(c) The project is necessary to correct violations of an effluent limitation contained in a permit issued under ch. 283, Stats. NR 162.03(1)(d)(d) The project is necessary to eliminate actual or imminent pollution of groundwater or surface water or a threat to human health in unsewered areas within a municipality. All of the following types of projects are included under this paragraph: NR 162.03(1)(d)1.1. Projects for construction of a new wastewater treatment plant or upgrade of an existing plant to accept and treat wastewater from a previously unsewered area, such as projects to build or add capacity to clarifiers, aeration basins, stabilization ponds, or sludge facilities.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 100-199; Environmental Protection – General
administrativecode/NR 162.003(60)(e)
administrativecode/NR 162.003(60)(e)