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(6)   PERMIT CONDITIONS. Permits issued under this section may include conditions established by [administering authority] in addition to the requirements set forth in sub. (5), when needed to assure compliance with the performance standards in S. 07* or S. 08*.
(7)   PERMIT DURATION. Permits issued under this section shall be valid for a period of 180 days, or the length of the building permit or other construction authorizations, whichever is longer, from the date of issuance. The [administering authority] may grant one or more extensions not to exceed 180 days cumulatively. The [administering authority] may require additional BMPs as a condition of an extension if they are necessary to meet the requirements of this ordinance.
(8)   MAINTENANCE. The responsible party throughout the duration of the construction activities shall maintain all BMPs necessary to meet the requirements of this ordinance until the site has undergone final stabilization.
(1)   EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN STATEMENT. For each construction site identified under S. 04 (1)(c), an erosion and sediment control plan statement shall be prepared. This statement shall be submitted to the [administering authority]. The erosion and sediment control plan statement shall briefly describe the site, the development schedule, and the BMPs that will be used to meet the requirements of the ordinance. A site map shall also accompany the erosion and sediment control plan statement.
(a)   An erosion and sediment control plan shall be prepared and submitted to the [administering authority].
(b)   The erosion and sediment control plan shall be designed to meet the performance standards in S. 07*, S. 08*, and other requirements of this ordinance.
(c)   The erosion and sediment control plan shall address pollution caused by soil erosion and sedimentation during construction and up to final stabilization of the site. The erosion and sediment control plan shall include, at a minimum, all of the following items:
1.   Names and addresses of the owner or developer of the site, and of any consulting firm retained by the applicant, together with the name of the applicant's principal contact at such firm. The application shall also include start and end dates for construction.
2.   Description of the construction site and the nature of the land disturbing construction activity, including representation of the limits of land disturbance on a United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute series topographic map.
3.   Description of the intended sequence of major land disturbing construction activities for major portions of the construction site, including stripping and clearing; rough grading; construction of utilities, infrastructure, and buildings; and final grading and landscaping. Sequencing shall identify the expected date on which clearing will begin, the estimated duration of exposure of cleared areas, areas of clearing, installation of temporary erosion and sediment control measures, and establishment of permanent vegetation.
4.   Estimates of the total area of the construction site and the total area of the construction site that is expected to be disturbed by land disturbing construction activities.
5.   Calculations to show the compliance with the performance standard in S. 08 (3)(b)1.
6.   Existing data describing the surface soil as well as subsoils.
7.   Depth to groundwater, as indicated by Natural Resources Conservation Service soil information when available.
8.   Name of the immediate named receiving water from the United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute series topographic maps.
(d)   The erosion and sediment control plan shall include a site map. The site map shall include all of the following items and shall be at a scale not greater than 100 feet per inch and at a contour interval not to exceed five feet:
1.   Existing topography, vegetative cover, natural and engineered drainage systems, roads, and surface waters. Lakes, streams, wetlands, channels, ditches, and other watercourses on and immediately adjacent to the site shall be shown. Any identified 100-year flood plains, flood fringes, and floodways shall also be shown.
2.   Boundaries of the construction site.
3.   Drainage patterns and approximate slopes anticipated after major grading activities.
4.   Areas of soil disturbance.
5.   Location of major structural and non-structural controls identified in the erosion and sediment control plan.
6.   Location of areas where stabilization BMPs will be employed.
7.   Areas that will be vegetated following land disturbing construction activities.
8.   Areas and locations of wetland on the construction site, and locations where storm water is discharged to a surface water or wetland within one-quarter mile downstream of the construction site.
9.   Areas used for infiltration of post-construction storm water runoff.
10.   An alphanumeric or equivalent grid overlying the entire construction site map.
(e)   Each erosion and sediment control plan shall include a description of appropriate control BMPs that will be installed and maintained at the construction site to prevent pollutants from reaching waters of the state. The erosion and sediment control plan shall clearly describe the appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs for each major land disturbing construction activity and the timing during the period of land disturbing construction activity that the erosion and sediment control BMPs will be implemented. The description of erosion and sediment control BMPs shall include, when appropriate, all of the following minimum requirements:
1.   Description of interim and permanent stabilization practices, including a BMP implementation schedule. The erosion and sediment control plan shall ensure that existing vegetation is preserved when attainable and that disturbed portions of the site are stabilized.
2.   Description of structural practices to divert flow away from exposed soils, store flows, or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from the site. Unless otherwise specifically approved in writing by the [administering authority], structural measures shall be installed on upland soils.
3.   Management of overland flow at all areas of the construction site, unless otherwise controlled by outfall controls.
4.   Trapping of sediment in channelized flow.
5.   Staging land disturbing construction activities to limit exposed soil areas subject to erosion.
6.   Protection of downslope drainage inlets where they occur.
7.   Minimization of tracking at all vehicle and equipment entry and exit locations of the construction site.
8.   Clean up of off-site sediment deposits.
9.   Proper disposal of building and waste material.
10.   Stabilization of drainage ways.
11.   Installation of permanent stabilization practices as soon as possible after final grading.
12.   Minimization of dust to the maximum extent practicable.
(f)   The erosion and sediment control plan shall require that velocity dissipation devices be placed at discharge locations and along the length of any outfall channel as necessary to provide a non-erosive flow from the structure to a water course so that the natural physical and biological characteristics and functions are maintained and protected.
Note to Users: The erosion and sediment plan requirements of this subsection will meet the erosion control plan requirements of s. NR 216.46, Wis. Adm. Code, when prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and the design criteria, standards, and specifications published by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under subch. V of ch. NR 151, Wis. Adm. Code.
(3)   EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN AMENDMENTS. The applicant shall amend the erosion and sediment control plan if any of the following occurs:
(a)   There is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the site that has the reasonable potential for the discharge of pollutants to waters of the state and that has not otherwise been addressed in the erosion and sediment control plan.
(b)   The actions required by the erosion and sediment control plan fail to reduce the impacts of pollutants carried by construction site runoff.
(c)   The [administering authority] notifies the applicant of changes needed in the erosion and sediment control plan.
The fees referred to in other sections of this ordinance shall be established by the [administering authority] and may from time to time be modified by resolution. A schedule of the fees established by the [administering authority] shall be available for review in [location].
If land disturbing construction activities are occurring without a permit required by this ordinance, the [administering authority] may enter the land pursuant to the provisions of ss. 66.0119, Wis. Stats.
(1)   The [administering authority] may post a stop work order if any of the following occurs:
(a)   Land disturbing construction activity regulated under this ordinance is occurring without a permit.
(b)   The erosion and sediment control plan is not being implemented in good faith.
(c)   The conditions of the permit are not being met.
Note to Users: The [administering authority] should inspect any construction site that holds a permit under this chapter at least once a month between March 1 and October 31, and at least 2 times between November 1 and February 28 to ensure compliance with the approved erosion and sediment control plan.
(2)   If the responsible party does not cease activity as required in a stop work order posted under this section or fails to comply with the erosion and sediment control plan or permit conditions, the [administering authority] may revoke the permit.
(3)   If the responsible party, when no permit has been issued or the permit has been revoked, does not cease the activity after being notified by the [administering authority], or if a responsible party violates a stop work order posted under sub. (1), the [administering authority] may request the [district attorney, city attorney, town attorney, village attorney or county corporation counsel] to obtain a cease and desist order in any court with jurisdiction.
(4)   The [administering authority, board of appeals, or board of adjustment] may retract the stop work order issued under sub. (1) or the permit revocation under sub. (2).
(5)   After posting a stop work order under sub. (1), the [administering authority] may issue a notice of intent to the responsible party of its intent to perform work necessary to comply with this ordinance. The [administering authority] may go on the land and commence the work after issuing the notice of intent. The costs of the work performed under this subsection by the [administering authority], plus interest at the rate authorized by [administrative authority] shall be billed to the responsible party. In the event a responsible party fails to pay the amount due, the clerk shall enter the amount due on the tax rolls and collect as a special assessment against the property pursuant to subch. VII of ch. 66, Wis. Stats.
(6)   Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than [amount] nor more than [amount] and the costs of prosecution for each violation. Each day a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
(7)   Compliance with the provisions of this ordinance may also be enforced by injunction in any court with jurisdiction. It shall not be necessary to prosecute for forfeiture or a cease and desist order before resorting to injunctional proceedings.
Note to Users: Injunctional orders are authorized pursuant to s. 59.69 (11), 61.35, or 62.23 (8), Wis. Stats., for counties, villages and towns with village powers, and cities respectively.
S. 14*   APPEALS.
(1)   BOARD OF [APPEALS or ADJUSTMENT]. The board of [appeals or adjustment] created pursuant to section [number] of the [county's, town's, city's or village's] ordinance pursuant to s. [59.694, 60.65, 61.354 (4) (b) or 62.23 (7) (e)], Wis. Stats.:
(a)   Shall hear and decide appeals when it is alleged that there is error in any order, decision or determination made by the [administering authority] in administering this ordinance except for cease and desist orders obtained under S. 13* (3);
(b)   May authorize, upon appeal, variances from the provisions of this ordinance that are not contrary to the public interest and when owing to special conditions a literal enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship; and
(c)   Shall use the rules, procedures, duties, and powers authorized by statute in hearing and deciding appeals and authorizing variances.
(2)   WHO MAY APPEAL. Appeals to the board of [appeals or adjustment] may be taken by any aggrieved person or by any office, department, board, or bureau of the [name of municipality] affected by any decision of the [administering authority].
If a court of competent jurisdiction judges any section, clause, provision, or portion of this ordinance unconstitutional or invalid, the remainder of the ordinance shall remain in force and not be affected by such judgment.
This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its adoption and publication. The above and foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the [governing body] of the [name of municipality] on the [number] day of [month], [year].
Approved: ________________
Attested: __________________
Published on [day, month, and year].
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.