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(d) $500,000 or more but less than $1,000,000, 2 points;
(e) $250,000 or more but less than $500,000, 1 point;
(f) Less than $250,000, 0 points.
(3)Potential for future development of floodplain or shoreland areas in the project area:
(a) High — evidenced by submission of a plat or plats, or application for 10 or more building permits in the preceding 2 years, or proposal for commercial development, 8 points;
(b) Moderate — evidenced by fewer than 10 applications for building permits in the preceding 2 years, 4 points;
(c) Low — No applications for building permits in the preceding 2 years, 0 points.
(4)Availability of mapping data from other sources: Where the cost of the project can be reduced by utilizing existing data (e.g., aerial photography or ground control surveys acquired through a previous mapping project), additional points shall be as follows:
(a) More than 30% reduction in total project cost, 5 points;
(b) 10% to 30% reduction in total project cost, 3 points;
(c) Less than 10% reduction in total project cost, 0 points.
(5)Adequacy of available maps:
(a) 10 foot or greater contour interval, 4 points;
(b) 3 foot through 9 foot contour interval, 2 points;
(c) 2 foot or less contour interval, 0 points.
(6)Joint application by 2 or more municipalities: A single application submitted jointly by 2 or more municipalities which promotes the mapping of a continuous reach of a river or contiguous shoreland area, 2 points per municipality.
(7)If 2 or more applicants receive the same total points under this section, those applicants shall be ranked on the priority list in the order in which their applications were submitted to the department.
History: Cr. Register, May, 1980, No. 293, eff. 6-1-80; am. Register, April, 1983, No. 328, eff. 5-1-83.
NR 129.09Grant application.
(a) Applications shall be submitted to the department by February 1 to be considered for a mapping grant in the current fiscal year.
(b) A separate grant application must be submitted to the department for each proposed floodplain or shoreland mapping project.
(c) For floodplain mapping, where detailed floodplain studies are not available or in progress for all or part of a given watercourse within the project area, a separate application must be submitted for that portion of the municipality where no detailed engineering studies exist. Each application shall be ranked separately.
(d) The department shall review for completeness each application received and shall advise the applicant of any deficiencies, omissions or errors in the application in a letter acknowledging receipt of the application.
(2)Contents of application. An application for a grant under this chapter shall be made on forms furnished by the department and shall include the following:
(a) Certified copies of the following resolutions of the governing body of the municipality:
1. Resolutions to be submitted by all municipalities, including each municipality applying for a grant in a joint application:
a. A resolution designating an authorized representative, and authorizing such representative to apply for a grant under s. 87.31, Stats., and this chapter, on behalf of the municipality.
b. A resolution stating that the municipality will adopt the maps developed as a result of the grant project as official zoning maps, and any necessary ordinance or map amendment, within 6 months after approval of the maps by the department.
c. A resolution stating that the municipality agrees to pay a share of the eligible costs which is equal to the state share.
2. Additional resolutions to be submitted by only those municipalities which will be responsible for either doing the mapping work or for contracting with a mapping consultant for photogrammetric or related services:
a. A resolution stating that the municipality assumes responsibility for the solicitation and selection of a mapping consultant, and the administration of any contracts or subcontracts with the mapping consultant and any subcontractors.
b. A resolution stating that all eligible services will be performed under the direct supervision of a person who holds a certificate of registration from the state of Wisconsin as a registered land surveyor or professional engineer.
c. A resolution stating that the municipality will insure that all maps developed as a result of the grant project will meet, or exceed, the specifications set forth in s. NR 129.13.
(b) A map showing the proposed project area;
(c) Identification of all the municipalities involved in the proposed mapping project;
(d) The schedule for completion of specific tasks;
(e) An itemized description of the estimated costs for the project;
(f) Proposed contracts or subcontracts, including the mapping consultant’s fee schedule unless the eligible project costs have been allocated on a unit cost basis under s. NR 129.06 (3) (a); and
(g) Other information needed to determine eligible project area or priority ranking, as requested by the department.
Note: Application forms may be obtained, at no charge, from the Bureau of Water Grants, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, Wisconsin 53707 or from any District Office of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
History: Cr. Register, May, 1980, No. 293, eff. 6-1-80; am. Register, April, 1983, No. 328, eff. 5-1-83.
NR 129.10Limitations on award. Before awarding grant assistance for any mapping project, the department shall determine that:
(1)All applicable requirements of s. NR 129.09 have been met;
(2)Costs under proposed contracts or subcontracts are fair and reasonable; and
(3)The work under the proposed contracts or subcontracts has not been started prior to the grant offer.
History: Cr. Register, May, 1980, No. 293, eff. 6-1-80; am. Register, April, 1983, No. 328, eff. 5-1-83.
NR 129.11State share. The state share shall not exceed 50% of the total eligible project costs.
History: Cr. Register, May, 1980, No. 293, eff. 6-1-80.
NR 129.12Mapping project period.
(1)Completed maps shall be submitted to the department, in accordance with s. NR 129.14, within one year after the date of acceptance of the grant offer unless the department extends that period. If such an extension is warranted by the circumstances and is requested by the grantee prior to the end of the initial one-year project period, the department may extend the project period for up to 3 additional years.
(2)If the grantee fails to comply with sub. (1), the grantee may not receive any state funds under this chapter. A new grant application for the uncompleted portion of the mapping project would then be required for ranking in the next priority list.
History: Cr. Register, May, 1980, No. 293, eff. 6-1-80; renum. from NR 129.13 and am., Register, April, 1983, No. 328, eff. 5-1-83.
NR 129.13Specifications.
(a) Contracts between the grantee and the mapping consultant, and between the mapping consultant and subcontractors, if any, shall conform to the minimum mapping specifications set forth in this section, unless par. (b) is applicable.
Note: Within the 7 southeastern Wisconsin counties of Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha, the department encourages applicants to conduct mapping projects in accordance with specifications for large scale mapping which have been prepared by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC). These specifications may be obtained by writing to the:
  Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
  916 N. East Avenue
  P.O. Box 769
  Waukesha, WI 53187 - 1607
(b) If the department determines that compliance with the specifications of this section would be impractical in specific cases, it may approve alternative specifications which, in its opinion, represent a reasonable approach to achieving the desired end product.
(c) The maps, aerial photographs and negatives, and all other data developed as part of the mapping project shall be considered public records and shall be made available for public inspection.
(2)Ground control.
(a) Records. It shall be the grantee’s responsibility to make known to the mapping consultant all existing monumentation and to furnish the consultant with existing local unpublished survey data of the required order of accuracy or better.
(b) Control report. The consultant shall prepare and furnish to the grantee a bound control report providing all data pertaining to the project survey control. The report shall contain:
1. A narrative, outlining survey methods used and applicable survey instrumentation and computational and adjustment procedures utilized;
2. The closure and adjustment computations and original field note books for horizontal and vertical control;
3. Sketches, descriptions, elevations and state plane coordinates of all existing and newly established recoverable control; and
4. A scale control diagram summarizing the existing project survey control utilized for origin and closure purposes, along with the relationship to newly established recoverable horizontal and vertical control.
(c) Vertical control. The consultant shall perform necessary field surveys to maintain full model vertical ground control with all elevations referred to national geodetic vertical datum of 1929. Third-order accuracy is required and shall conform to national geodetic survey specifications. There shall be enough ground-surveyed bench marks such that no point within the flood plain or shoreland area will be greater than 3000 feet from a described and recoverable bench mark. No analytical aerotriangulation for vertical mapping control shall be accepted unless it is otherwise impractical to gain physical or legal access.
(d) Horizontal control. The consultant shall perform horizontal control surveys to obtain third-order, class I accuracy and shall conform to national geodetic survey specifications. The horizontal control survey shall be based on the state plane coordinate system and shall originate and end on the basic control for which closures are known and available, or shall be run to make a closed and checked circuit. Analytical aerotriangulation for horizontal mapping control is acceptable.
(e) Specifications for vertical and horizontal control have been prepared and published by the U.S. department of commerce in the following publications:
1. “Classifications, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys” reprinted January 1979; NTIS accession no. PB265442.
2. “Specifications to Support Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys” reprinted January 1979; NTIS accession no. PB261037.
Note: These publications may be obtained from either the:
  National Geodetic Information Center (single copies)
  C185, NOS
  Rockville, MD 20852

    or the:

  U.S. Department of Commerce (multiple copies)
  National Technical Information Service
  Springville, VA 22161
Note: Both publications are available for inspection at the offices of the department, the secretary of the state, and the legislative reference bureau.
(3)Aerial photography.
(a) Camera. Photography shall be exposed with a 6-inch focal length lens to produce negatives 9¿9 inches in size. The camera used and its designated companion film magazine must have been certified by the U.S. geological survey or the manufacturer within 3 years prior to the date of the grant application.
(b) Scale. Photography shall be obtained from a flight height chosen by the mapping consultant so that the specified contour interval accuracy is assured. However, flight height greater than 4800 feet above mean floodplain elevation is unacceptable for use with an optical-mechanical stereoplotter, and flight height greater than 3000 feet above mean floodplain elevation is unacceptable with a projection type stereoplotter. Negatives which have a departure from the intended scale of photography exceeding 5% may be rejected.
(c) Overlap. Overlap shall be sufficient to provide full stereoscopic coverage of the complete area to be mapped. The endlap shall average 60%, with side lap not less than 20% or more than 55%.
(d) Tilt. Tilt of any negative by more than 3°, an average tilt of more than one degree for the entire project, or tilt between any 2 successive negatives exceeding 4° may be cause for rejection.
(e) Crab. Crab in excess of 3° may be cause for rejection of the flight line of negatives or portions thereof in which such crab occurs.
(f) Quality. Photography shall be clear and sharp in detail and of average uniform density. It shall also be free of clouds, cloud shadows, light streaks, static marks or other blemishes which would interfere with its intended use. All photography shall be taken when the area to be mapped is free of snow, with the water confined to the main low water channel, before foliation, and at such time as to insure a minimum solar angle of 30°.
(g) Contact prints. Contact prints from the vertical negatives shall be printed on double weight, semi-matte paper of suitable contrast.
(h) Photo index. Photo indices shall be prepared by directly photographing on safety base film, at a convenient scale, the assembly of contact prints from all indexed and evaluated prints and shall be reproduced on dimensionally stable polyester base material. The photo index map shall carry a suitable title, scale, and north point.
(4)Map accuracy.
(a) Contours.
1. Ninety percent of the elevations determined from the solid-line contours of the topographic maps shall have an accuracy with respect to true elevation of 1/2 contour interval or better, and no such elevations shall be in error by more than one contour interval.
2. In each particular area where the intermediate contours have been omitted due to the steepness of the ground slopes, and only the index contours are delineated on the maps, the accuracy stipulations apply to the contour interval of the index contours.
3. In densely wooded areas where heavy brush or tree cover fully obscures the ground and the contours are shown as dashed lines, the contours shall be plotted as accurately as possible from the stereoscopic model, while making full use of spot elevations obtained during ground control surveys and all spot elevations measured photogrammetrically in places where the ground is visible.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.