NR 10.15(3m)(3m)Crossbow season.An open season for hunting deer with a crossbow in areas designated by posted notice shall be established pursuant to s. NR 10.01 (3) (ep).
NR 10.15(4)(a)(a)Game birds and rabbits. The open season for hunting upland game birds and rabbits shall begin as established by s. NR 10.01 (2) and (3), and continue through the end of the pheasant season each year pursuant to s. NR 10.01 (2) (c), and shall be subject to all other rules covering hunting set forth in this chapter.
NR 10.15(4)(b)(b)Season closure. With the written approval of the department, such season may be closed at any time upon request by the U.S. fish and wildlife service.
NR 10.15(5)(a)(a)Furbearers. With the written approval of the department, an open season may be declared for trapping fur bearing animals.
NR 10.15(5)(b)(b)Permits. If permits are required, they shall be issued by the U.S. fish and wildlife service.
NR 10.15(5)(c)(c)Trap limits. The legal number of traps allowed for each trapper shall be prescribed by the U.S. fish and wildlife service.
NR 10.15(5)(d)(d)Other restrictions. All other rules covering trapping are set forth in this chapter.
NR 10.15(6)(6)Waterfowl season.No person may hunt waterfowl within 75 yards of the south boundary of the Horicon national wildlife refuge during the open season for hunting waterfowl. For purposes of this section, the placement of decoys or shooting at waterfowl which are located within the 75-yard zone immediately outside of the refuge are allowed as long as the hunter does not discharge a firearm, crossbow, or bow and arrow from within that area when shooting at waterfowl. Legally killed or crippled waterfowl may be retrieved by dog or hand within the closed area.
NR 10.16NR 10.16Necedah national wildlife refuge, Juneau county.Except as provided in subs. (1), (2), (3), and (4), it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, kill, hunt, trap or pursue any species of wild animal or bird at any time, or have in possession or under control any firearm unless the same is unloaded and enclosed within a carrying case, crossbow unless it is unloaded and enclosed within a case, or any bow and arrow unless the same is unstrung or enclosed in a carrying case, upon that area known as the Necedah national wildlife refuge, Juneau county, Wisconsin. Nothing in this section shall prohibit, prevent or interfere with the U.S. fish and wildlife service, its deputies, agents or employees in the destruction of unprotected wild animals as listed in s. NR 10.04. The loaded uncased firearm restriction of this paragraph does not apply to a handgun possessed by a person who is authorized by law to possess a concealed handgun in Wisconsin.
NR 10.16(1)(1)Trapping.Within the discretion of the U.S. fish and wildlife service, an open season for the taking of fur-bearing animals may be declared within the Necedah national wildlife refuge upon written approval of the department, which shall designate the species to be taken and establish opening and closing dates. Trapping on the Necedah national wildlife refuge shall be conducted under written permit from the U.S. fish and wildlife service. Such permit shall be subject to all the rules and regulations governing trapping set forth in this chapter.
NR 10.16(2)(2)Archery season.An open season for hunting deer, and unprotected wild animals as listed in s. NR 10.04, with bow and arrow shall be established on the Necedah national wildlife refuge and said season shall be concurrent with the statewide season for bow and arrow established in s. NR 10.01 (3) (em). Such open season shall be effective only in those areas on the Necedah national wildlife refuge designated by posted notices of the U.S. fish and wildlife service. No special permits shall be required, but hunting licenses and deer harvest authorizations as required by statutes and this chapter are necessary.
NR 10.16(2m)(2m)Crossbow season.An open season for hunting deer, and unprotected wild animals as listed in s. NR 10.04, with a crossbow shall be established on the Necedah national wildlife refuge and said season shall be concurrent with the state-wide crossbow deer season established s. NR 10.01 (3) (ep). Such open season shall be effective only in those areas on the Necedah national wildlife refuge designated by posted notices of the U.S. fish and wildlife service. No special permits shall be required, but hunting licenses and deer harvest authorizations as required by statutes and this chapter are necessary.
NR 10.16(3)(3)Firearm season.An open season for hunting deer, and unprotected wild animals as listed in s. NR 10.04, with firearms shall be established on the Necedah national wildlife refuge and such season shall fall within the season established for the remainder of Juneau county in s. NR 10.01 (3) (e). Such open season shall be effective only on those areas on the Necedah national wildlife refuge designated by posted notice of the U.S. fish and wildlife service. No special permits shall be required, but hunting licenses and deer harvest authorizations as required by statutes under s. NR 10.01 (3) (e) shall apply.
NR 10.16(4)(4)Turkey season.An open season for hunting wild turkeys as listed in s. NR 10.01 (2) (f) is established on the Necedah national wildlife refuge, and such season shall be concurrent with the open season for hunting turkeys as described in s. NR 10.01 (2) (f). Such open season shall be effective only in those areas on the Necedah national wildlife refuge designated by posted notices of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Hunting on the Necedah national wildlife refuge shall be restricted to only those persons holding a valid principal or guest turkey hunting harvest authorization issued by the department.
NR 10.22NR 10.22Sandhill wildlife demonstration area, Wood county.
NR 10.22(1)(1)Prohibited methods.It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, kill, hunt, trap or pursue any species of wild animal or bird at any time, or have in possession or under control any firearm unless the same is unloaded and enclosed within a carrying case, crossbow unless the same is unloaded and enclosed within a carrying case, or any bow and arrow unless the same is unstrung or enclosed in a carrying case upon that area known as the Sandhill wildlife demonstration area in Wood county, Wisconsin, except as provided in this section. The loaded uncased firearm restriction of this paragraph does not apply to a handgun possessed by a person who is authorized by law to possess a concealed handgun in Wisconsin.
NR 10.22(2)(a)(a)Purpose. The primary purpose of the Sandhill outdoor skills center is to teach wildlife-related outdoor skills. Wildlife-related outdoor skills are those relating to fishing, hunting, viewing, tracking, trapping, photography, management, study, and conservation of wildlife.
NR 10.22(2)(b)(b)Demonstration area use. The department may limit use of the Sandhill wildlife demonstration area to persons participating in outdoor skills training programs.
NR 10.22(2)(c)(c)Training authorization. Subject to state law and federal regulations, the department may modify or waive hunting, trapping, and property use rules respecting participants in a Sandhill outdoor skills training program. The modification or waiver shall be writing delivered to each participant upon a finding that it is necessary to achieve the objectives of the training program and consistent with the purpose in par. (a).
NR 10.22(2)(d)(d)Program participation limits. The department may limit the number of participants and establish application deadlines and prerequisites for programs at the Sandhill outdoor skills center. The department shall publish any applicable participation limits and program prerequisites as a part of any training program application forms or program guides developed by the department.
NR 10.22(2)(e)(e)Application procedures. Applications to participate in any Sandhill outdoor skills center program shall be on forms supplied by the department. No person may submit more than one application per program. All applications shall be mailed or delivered to: Sandhill Outdoor Skills Center, Box 156, Babcock, WI 54413.
NR 10.22(2)(f)(f)Participant selection. If the number of qualified applicants exceeds the program participation limit, the department may select program participants using either a first-come, first-served or random selection process.
NR 10.22(2)(g)(g)Fees. The department may charge program participants fees equivalent to the costs of providing the program training. All fees shall be paid in advance of program participation.
NR 10.22(3)(a)(a)Permit restrictions. No person may hunt on the demonstration area without first obtaining a permit issued by the department. Permits shall be issued without charge.
NR 10.22(3)(a)1.1.‘Effective dates.’ Permits are valid only for the date of issue and shall be returned to the established check-out station immediately upon termination of hunting.
NR 10.22(3)(a)2.2.‘Compartment limits.’ All hunting is restricted to the type of game and compartment designated on the permit.
NR 10.22(3)(a)3.3.‘Quotas.’ Daily hunting permits shall be limited by the department based upon environmental conditions and annual research objectives.
NR 10.22(3)(a)4.4.‘Exhibition required.’ All harvested game shall be exhibited at the established check-out station as described on the permit.
NR 10.22(3)(a)5.5.‘Limitations.’ Permits issued to an individual are not transferrable and may not be altered or defaced.
NR 10.22(3)(a)6.6.‘Reports.’ Permit holders may be required to provide hunt information on department forms at the established check-out station.
NR 10.22(3)(b)(b)Permit application procedures. Any person possessing a valid Wisconsin hunting license may apply for a hunting permit.
NR 10.22(3)(b)1.1.‘Forms.’ Application shall be made on department forms.
NR 10.22(3)(b)2.2.‘Issuance period.’ Daily permits may be issued by the department at established check-in stations on a first-come, first-served basis or by random selection of mailed applications. Mailed applications are subject to the following restrictions:
NR 10.22(3)(b)2.a.a. No person may submit more than one application. Submission of more than one application shall disqualify the application permit eligibility.
NR 10.22(3)(b)2.b.b. Group applications up to and including 4 hunters will be honored provided each applicant completes the application form and all forms are submitted in one envelope marked “group application” on the outside.
NR 10.22(3)(b)3.3.‘Self-completed permits.’ Applications for hunting any game species except deer shall be completed by the applicant in person the day of the hunt. The self-completed permit portion of the application shall be retained by the applicant until the hunt is completed.
NR 10.22(3)(b)4.4.‘University of Wisconsin research.’ Permits may be issued to the university of Wisconsin for research purposes under a cooperative agreement with the department.
NR 10.22(3)(b)5.5.‘Waiting procedure.’ Hunters waiting to apply for permits shall form a single line. Each vehicle in line may contain no more than 5 applicants and shall be occupied at all times by all persons applying for permits that day.
NR 10.22(3)(c)(c)Season and bag limits. The hunting season and bag limits for all game species are established in s. NR 10.01 and may continue no longer than the Sunday immediately prior to the deer season established in subd. 2. with the following exceptions:
NR 10.22(3)(c)1.1.‘Rabbits and hares.’ Snowshoe hare and cottontail rabbit hunting shall open on the Saturday nearest September 15.
NR 10.22(3)(c)2.2.‘Deer.’ Deer hunting shall be established at the discretion of the department and continue until the annual harvest objective is obtained. The sex and type of legal deer shall be established by permit.
NR 10.22(3)(c)3.3.‘Extended seasons.’ The seasons for any game species may be resumed at the discretion of the department and continue through December 31.
NR 10.22(3)(d)(d)Shooting hours. The shooting hours for all species shall be the hours established in s. NR 10.06.
NR 10.22(3)(e)(e)Information. Information on the availability of hunting and trapping permits, permit application procedures, species which may be taken and other applicable conditions of taking on the demonstration area for each calendar year, except for extended seasons, shall be made available by the department at the demonstration area, district and Madison offices no later than August 1 of that year. Information relating to extended seasons shall be made available in the same manner prior to the extended season opening.
NR 10.22(3)(f)(f)Deer hunting rule compliance.Except as provided otherwise in this section or in a permit issued under this section, the permittee shall comply with all hunting, tagging, transportation and registration rules specified under ch. NR 10 and ch. 29, Stats. Permittees who fail to comply with these rules shall be subject to the penalty applicable to the appropriate ch. NR 10 or ch. 29, Stats., violation.
NR 10.22(3)(g)(g)Additional restrictions.The department may list additional restrictions on a permit and the permittee shall comply with all additional restrictions.
NR 10.22(3)(h)(h)Exemptions.The department may exempt a person by permit from any of the requirements of ch. NR 10 or ch. 29, Stats.
NR 10.22(4)(b)4.4. The deadline date for receipt of applications.
NR 10.22(4)(b)5.5. Such additional restrictions as are necessary to preserve, protect and utilize the furbearing resources on this area.
NR 10.22(4)(c)(c)Permit selection procedure. If applications for permits exceed the number of permits available, random selection shall be used to determine successful applicants.
NR 10.24(2)(a)(a)General prohibition. No person may take, catch, kill, hunt, trap or pursue any species of wild animal at any time, or have in possession or under control any firearm unless it is unloaded and enclosed within a carrying case, crossbow unless it is unloaded and enclosed within a carrying case, or any bow unless it is unstrung or enclosed within a carrying case in the hunting zone except as provided in this section. The loaded uncased firearm restriction of this paragraph does not apply to a handgun possessed by a person who is authorized by law to possess a concealed handgun in Wisconsin.
NR 10.24(2)(c)(c)Other hunting methods. Methods of hunting shall comply with those established in this chapter.
NR 10.24(3)(a)(a)General prohibition. No person may hunt or trap within the hunting zone without first obtaining a permit issued by the department.
NR 10.24(3)(b)(b)Limitations. Permits and associated carcass tags and harvest authorizations are not transferable or replaceable and are valid only for the date and area specified on the permit or harvest authorization.
NR 10.24(3)(c)(c)Permit issuance.Daily hunting permits shall be issued as follows:
NR 10.24(3)(c)1.1. During the first 2 days of the pheasant season, the number of daily hunting permits issued to individuals may not exceed 300.
NR 10.24(3)(c)2.2. Beginning with the 3rd day of the pheasant season, the number of daily hunting permits issued to individuals may not exceed 300 until 11:30 a.m. After 11:30 a.m., additional hunting permits may be issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
NR 10.24(3)(c)3.3. During the pheasant season, a maximum of 250 permits may be reserved for pheasant hunting.
NR 10.24(3)(d)(d)Waterfowl. Until the pheasant season opens, no more than 16 waterfowl permits may be issued each day for the area north of state highway 142.
NR 10.24(3)(e)(e)Trapping. The number of seasonal trapping permits may not exceed 10.
NR 10.24(3)(f)(f)Legal game. Permits are only valid for hunting or trapping the species specified on the permit.
NR 10.24(4)(a)(a)Application period. Hunting and trapping permit reservations may be obtained by applying on department forms between August 1 and August 31 each year.
NR 10.24(4)(b)(b)Application limit. No one may submit more than one application for a single date.
NR 10.24(4)(c)(c)Random selection. If the number of applications exceeds the number of permits available, a random drawing shall select successful applicants.
NR 10.24(4)(d)(d)Application after deadline. Applications received after August 31 shall be approved on a first-come, first-served basis if permits are available. Applications may be made in person, by mail or by telephone a minimum of 2 days prior to the desired hunting date.
NR 10.24(4)(e)(e)Reservation limit. No person may receive more than 5 waterfowl and 5 pheasant hunting reservations per season.
NR 10.24(4)(f)(f)Check-in deadline. Any person who obtains a hunting permit reservation and arrives at the department’s check-in station after the opening of shooting hours shall forfeit such reservation. Any person with a waterfowl hunting permit reservation shall report at the department’s check-in station no later than one-half hour before the opening of shooting hours or forfeit the reservation. Any person may obtain a daily permit on a first-come, first-served basis provided a permit is available.
NR 10.24(4)(g)(g)Other standards. All hunting permits are reservable and nontransferable.
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Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.