NR 10.001(1)(1)“Accompanied by”, for the purposes of s. 29.304, Stats., and s. NR 10.01, means within sight and voice contact, without the aid of any mechanical or electronic amplifying device other than a hearing aid.
NR 10.001(1d)(1d)For the purpose of s. 29.184 (3) (a) and (br), Stats., “activity” includes but is not limited to the use of electronic communications, telemetry devices, checking bear baits, supplying or handling dogs to track or trail bear, possession of dog handling equipment, possession of baiting equipment, dragging roads, checking for bear tracks, transporting hounds, equipment and other persons engaged in locating bear.
NR 10.001(1h)(1h)“Adult bear” means a bear measuring 42 inches or greater measured in a straight line from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail.
NR 10.001(1k)(1k)“Afield” means an area where hunting can legally occur, such as fields, forests or similar areas.
NR 10.001 NoteNote: 50 CFR 20.11 (c) (3) defines “aggregate daily bag limit” as the maximum number of migratory game birds permitted to be taken by one person in any one day during the open season when such person hunts in more than one specified geographic area and/or for more than one species for which a combined daily bag limit is prescribed. The aggregate daily bag limit is equal to, but shall not exceed, the largest daily bag limit prescribed for any one species or for any one specified geographic area in which taking occurs.
NR 10.001(1r)(1r)“Animal part or animal byproduct” means honey, bones, fish, meat, solid animal fat, animal carcass or parts of animal carcasses, but does not include liquid scents.
NR 10.001 NoteNote: Milk is not considered to be a part of an animal carcass or an animal byproduct for the purposes of this chapter.
NR 10.001(1t)(1t)“Antlerless deer” means any deer without antlers or with both antlers less than 3 inches in length.
NR 10.001(2)(2)“Antlerless elk” means any elk that is not a bull elk.
NR 10.001(2m)(2m)“Assisting”, for the purpose of bear hunting, means helping a bear harvest permittee hunt a bear by handling dogs, tracking, trailing or locating the bear, or otherwise aiding while with the permittee or baiting.
NR 10.001(2s)(2s)“Bait”, for the purposes of this chapter, means any material placed or used to attract wild animals, including liquid scent and feed that is used for hunting purposes under s. 29.336 (4), Stats., but does not include plain drinking water or decoys.
NR 10.001(3)(3)“Bear eco-tourism” means the business of observing bear for compensation, but does not involve hunting.
NR 10.001(3h)(3h)“Bearded turkey” means a turkey with a bristle-like appendage protruding from the upper part of the breast.
NR 10.001(3u)(3u)“Body gripping trap” means a trap that is designed to allow the animal’s head, neck or torso to enter the trap opening and be held by compression of the jaws around the head, neck or torso when the trap is sprung and which is not a cage trap, enclosed trigger trap, snare, cable restraint or steel jawed trap.
NR 10.001(3x)(3x)“Bonus deer hunting permit” for purposes of s. 29.181, Stats., and this chapter, means any additional harvest authorizations purchased and any antlerless permits issued under s. NR 10.104 (8) (a) and (b).
NR 10.001(5)(5)“Buck deer” means any deer with an antler not less than 3 inches in length.
NR 10.001(5c)(5c)“Bull elk”means any elk with an antler of not less than 6 inches in length.
NR 10.001(5g)(5g)“Cable restraint” means a noose used for restraining furbearing animals in a non-water set.
NR 10.001(5j)(5j)“Cage or box trap” means a trap that is not used as a water set or in conjunction with a steel jawed trap, an enclosed trigger trap or body gripping trap, and that is designed to allow an animal to enter the trap enclosure, be captured and remain alive inside the cage or box type enclosure until it can be released unharmed or reduced to possession by the operator of the trap.
NR 10.001(5m)(5m)“Canada goose management zones and subzones” means those established in s. NR 10.31.
NR 10.001(5p)(5p)“Capable of submersing” means a set designed to allow the trapped animal to travel to water of sufficient depth to cause irreversible complete submersion.
NR 10.001 NoteNote: Section 29.193 (2), Stats., defines a “Class B permit” as a permit issued to an applicant who has a temporary disability which restricts mobility or ambulation due to illness, injury or operative procedures and who either has a leg, hip or back, or any part thereof, casted by a licensed physician due to a fracture or has leg, hip or back surgery.
NR 10.001(5t)(5t)“Class C permit” means a permit issued to a visually disabled person. In this subsection, “visually disabled person” means a person who is blind, as a defined in s. 47.01 (1), Stats.
NR 10.001(5v)(5v)“Colony trap” means an enclosure device designed to allow the capture of one or more fur-bearing animals in a single setting as a submersion set. Entrance to the device is gained by one or more one-way entrances with overall dimensions of the trap not to exceed 6.5 inches in width, 6.5 inches in height and 36.5 inches in length.
NR 10.001(6b)(6b)“Culvert” means a pipe, tube or conduit no greater than 4 feet in width or diameter that allows the passage of water under a public or private roadway or driveway.
NR 10.001(6h)(6h)“CWD” means chronic wasting disease.
NR 10.001(6p)(6p)“CWD affected area” means a zone established in s. NR 10.41 for the control and management of chronic wasting disease and is considered the chronic wasting disease control zone for purposes of ss. 29.063 (5) and 29.336, Stats.
NR 10.001(7)(7)“Daily bag limit” means the maximum number of a game species which may be reduced to a person’s possession in one day.
NR 10.001(7e)(7e)“Decoy” means the replica of an animal used to attract wild animals for the purpose of hunting, but does not include any food materials that can be consumed by any wild animal. For the purposes of this chapter, a decoy is not considered bait.
NR 10.001(8)(8)“Department” means the department of natural resources.
NR 10.001(9)(9)For the purposes of s. 29.314 (3) (b) 3. and (5) (b) 1., Stats., “educational purposes” means observing or studying bear in conjunction with a college or university or in conjunction with bear eco-tourism.
NR 10.001 NoteNote: Subsection (9) does not remove the requirement of ss. 29.089 and 167.31, Stats., to enclose bows or crossbows in carrying cases. The rule does not apply to bows or crossbows only because the natural resources board recognizes that certain designed bow cases may allow portions of the bow, for instance the handle, to be exposed and yet still render the bow inoperable.
NR 10.001(9c)(9c)“Enclosed trigger trap” means any trap with a push or pull-activated trigger, inside an enclosure, and recessed 1 1/4 inches or more, from an opening that is no greater than 1 3/4 inches in diameter.
NR 10.001(9g)(9g)For the purposes of ss. 29.091, 29.089 (2), 29.621 (4) and 167.31, Stats., “enclosed within a carrying case” for firearms means completely contained in a gun case expressly made for that purpose which is fully enclosed by being zipped, snapped, buckled, tied, or otherwise fastened, with no portion of the firearm exposed.
NR 10.001(9n)(9n)“Established range” means an existing facility that has target shooting with firearms as its major purpose.
NR 10.001(9r)(9r)“Explosive tips” means any arrow that expels compressed gases upon contact with an object or otherwise utilizes an explosive reaction. Compressed gasses can be caused by, but not limited to, the chemical reaction of explosive material or through compressed gas contained within or on the arrow shaft or tip.
NR 10.001(10)(10)“Feed”means any material that may attract or be consumed by wild animals that is placed for any non-hunting purpose including recreational and supplemental feeding under ss. 29.335 and 29.336, Stats., but does not include plain drinking water or decoys.
NR 10.001(10c)(10c)“Feeding site” means any location or area in which bait or feed is placed or deposited or that contains bait or feed material used to attract wild animals for recreational and supplemental feeding or for hunting purposes.
NR 10.001(10g)(10g)“Firearm season” means an open season for hunting with any of the following firearms loaded with a single slug or ball: rifle, muzzle-loader, shotgun or handgun for deer or bear hunting.
NR 10.001(10s)(10s)“Green skin” means a skin that has not been removed from the carcass of a dead animal and a skin which has been removed but has not been fleshed, stretched and dried or tanned.
NR 10.001(11)(11) “Harvest authorization” means an approval that authorizes the hunter to harvest one animal of the type identified, subject to any zone, unit, time period, and other restrictions conditioned upon the authorization, and includes a bonus deer hunting permit. Each harvest authorization is identified by a unique harvest authorization number.
NR 10.001(12)(12)“Hunt over” meanshunting within 100 yards of any feeding site in an area wherea person knows or reasonably should know that one or more feeding sites exists.
NR 10.001(12m)(12m)“Jawed trap” means a trap designed to catch an animal by the foot, but does not include enclosed trigger traps, cable restraints, or body gripping traps.
NR 10.001(13)(13)“Liquid” means a substance, neither solid or gaseous, that flows freely and takes the shape of its container at a temperature of 70°F.
NR 10.001(14)(14)“Liquid scent” means any nonsolid material except honey.
NR 10.001(15)(15)“Migratory game birds” means any bird which is migratory and on which an open season has been prescribed in this chapter and belonging to one of the following families:
/code/admin_code/nr/001/10trueadministrativecode/code/admin_code/nr/001/10/_60Department of Natural Resources (NR)Chs. NR 1-99; Fish, Game and Enforcement, Forestry and Recreationsectiontrue
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.