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Ins 3.39(14t)(i)2. 2. An assessment of functional capacity.
Ins 3.39(14t)(i)3. 3. An attending physician's statement.
Ins 3.39(14t)(i)4. 4. Copies of medical records.
Ins 3.39(14t)(j) (j) Notwithstanding par. (a), an issuer may file and use only one individual Medicare select policy form and one group Medicare select certificate form. These policy or certificate forms shall not be aggregated with non-Medicare select forms in calculating premium rates, loss ratios and premium refunds.
Ins 3.39(14t)(k) (k) If an issuer nonrenews an insured who has a nonguaranteed renewable Medicare supplement policy or certificate with the issuer, the issuer shall at the time any notice of nonrenewal is sent to the insured, offer a currently available individual replacement Medicare supplement policy or certificate and those currently available riders resulting in coverage substantially similar to coverage provided by the replaced policy or certificate without underwriting. This replacement shall comply with sub. (27).
Ins 3.39(14t)(L) (L) For policies or certificates issued to persons newly eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020, issuers shall combine the Wisconsin experience of all policy or certificate forms of the same type, as defined at sub. (3) (zar), for the purpose of calculating the loss ratio under sub. (16) (d), and rates. The rates for all policies or certificates of the same type shall be adjusted by the same percentage. If the Wisconsin experience is not credible, then national experience can be considered.
Ins 3.39(14t)(m) (m) If Medicare determines the eligibility of a covered service, then the issuer shall use Medicare's determination in processing claims.
Ins 3.39(15) (15) Filing requirements for advertising. Prior to use in this state, every issuer shall file with the commissioner a copy of any advertisement used in connection with the sale of Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policies issued with an effective date after December 31, 1989. If the advertisement does not reference a particular issuer or Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy, each agent utilizing the advertisement shall file the advertisement with the commissioner in the manner compliant with the commissioner's instructions. The advertisements shall comply with all applicable laws and rules of this state, including s. Ins 3.27 (9).
Ins 3.39(16) (16) Loss ratio requirements and rates for existing policies.
Ins 3.39(16)(a)(a) Every issuer providing Medicare supplement or Medicare select coverage on a group or individual basis on policies or certificates in this state shall file annually its rates, rating schedule and supporting documentation including ratios of incurred losses or incurred health care expenses where coverage is provided by a health maintenance organization on a service rather than reimbursement basis to earned premiums by policy duration for approval by the commissioner in accordance with the filing requirements and procedures prescribed by the commissioner. All filings of rates and rating schedules shall demonstrate that expected claims in relation to premiums comply with the requirements of par. (d) when combined with actual experience to date. Filings of rate revisions shall also demonstrate that the anticipated loss ratio over the entire future period for which the revised rates are computed to provide coverage can be expected to meet the appropriate loss ratio standards.
Ins 3.39(16)(b) (b) The supporting documentation shall also demonstrate in accordance with the actuarial standards of practice using reasonable assumptions that the appropriate loss ratio standards can be expected to be met over the entire period for which rates are computed. Such demonstration shall exclude active life reserves. An expected 3rd year loss ratio which is greater than or equal to the applicable percentage shall be demonstrated for policies or certificates in force less than 3 years.
Ins 3.39(16)(c) (c) As soon as practicable, but prior to the effective date of enhancements in Medicare benefits, every issuer providing Medicare supplement or Medicare select policies or certificates in this state shall file with the commissioner in accordance with the applicable filing procedures of this state appropriate premium adjustments necessary to produce loss ratios as originally anticipated for the current premium for the applicable policies or certificates. Supporting documents as necessary to justify the adjustment shall accompany the filing.
Ins 3.39(16)(c)1. 1. Every issuer shall make such premium adjustments as are necessary to produce an expected loss ratio under such policy or certificate as will conform with minimum loss ratio standards for Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policies and which are expected to result in a loss ratio at least as great as that originally anticipated in the rates used to produce current premiums by the issuer for such Medicare supplement or Medicare cost insurance policies or certificates. No premium adjustment which would modify the loss ratio experience under the policy other than the adjustments described herein should be made with respect to a policy at any time other than upon its renewal date or anniversary date.
Ins 3.39(16)(c)2. 2. If an issuer fails to make premium adjustments acceptable to the commissioner, the commissioner may order premium adjustments, refunds or premium credits deemed necessary to achieve the loss ratio required by this subsection.
Ins 3.39(16)(c)3. 3. An issuer shall file any appropriate riders, endorsements or policy forms needed to accomplish the Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy or certificate modifications necessary to eliminate benefit duplications with Medicare. Such riders, endorsements or policy forms shall provide a clear description of the Medicare supplement or Medicare cost benefits provided by the policy or certificate.
Ins 3.39(16)(d) (d) For purposes of subs. (4) (e), (4m) (e), (4t) (e), (14) (L), (14m) (L), (14t) (L) and this subsection, the loss ratio standards shall be:
Ins 3.39(16)(d)1. 1. At least 65% in the case of individual policies;
Ins 3.39(16)(d)2. 2. At least 75% in the case of group policies, and
Ins 3.39(16)(d)3. 3. For existing policies subject to this subsection, the loss ratio shall be calculated on the basis of incurred claims experience or incurred health care expenses where coverage is provided by a health maintenance organization on a service rather than reimbursement basis and earned premiums for such period and in accordance with accepted actuarial principles and practices. Incurred health care expenses when coverage is provided by a health maintenance organization may not include any of the following:
Ins 3.39(16)(d)3.a. a. Home office and overhead costs.
Ins 3.39(16)(d)3.b. b. Advertising costs.
Ins 3.39(16)(d)3.c. c. Commissions and other acquisition costs.
Ins 3.39(16)(d)3.e. e. Capital costs.
Ins 3.39(16)(d)3.f. f. Administrative costs.
Ins 3.39(16)(d)3.g. g. Claims processing costs.
Ins 3.39(16)(e) (e) An issuer may not use or change any premium rates for an individual or group Medicare supplement policy or certificate unless the rates, rating schedule, and supporting documentation have been filed with and not disapproved by the commissioner in accordance with the filing requirements and procedures prescribed by the commissioner and in accordance with subs. (4) (g), (4m) (f), and (4t) (f) as applicable.
Ins 3.39(17) (17) New or Innovative Benefits. An issuer may offer policies or certificates with new or innovative benefits, in addition to the standardized benefits provided in a policy or certificate that otherwise complies with the applicable standards and is filed and approved by the commissioner. The new or innovative benefits may include only benefits that are appropriate to Medicare supplement insurance, are new or innovative, are not otherwise available and are cost-effective. New or innovative benefits may not include an outpatient prescription drug benefit. New or innovative benefits may not be used to change or reduce benefits, including a change of any cost-sharing provision. Approval of new or innovative benefits must not adversely impact the goal of Medicare supplement simplification.
Ins 3.39(18) (18) Electronic enrollment.
Ins 3.39(18)(a)(a) Any requirement that a signature of an insured be obtained by an agent or issuer offering any Medicare supplement or replacement plans shall be satisfied if all of the following are met:
Ins 3.39(18)(a)1. 1. The consent of the insured is obtained by telephonic or electronic enrollment by the issuer or group policyholder or certificateholder. A verification of the enrollment information shall be provided in writing to the applicant with the delivery of the policy or certificate.
Ins 3.39(18)(a)2. 2. The telephonic or electronic enrollment provides necessary and reasonable safeguards to ensure the accuracy, retention and prompt retrieval of records as required pursuant to ch. 137, subch. II, Stats.
Ins 3.39(18)(a)3. 3. The telephonic or electronic enrollment provides necessary and reasonable safeguards to ensure that the confidentiality of personal financial and health information as defined in s. 610.70, Stats., and ch. Ins 25 is maintained.
Ins 3.39(18)(b) (b) The issuer shall make available, upon request of the commissioner, records that demonstrate the issuer's ability to confirm enrollment and coverage.
Ins 3.39(21) (21) Commission limitations.
Ins 3.39(21)(a)(a) An issuer may provide and an agent or other representative may accept commission or other compensation for the sale of a Medicare supplement policy or certificate, or Medicare select policy or certificate only if the first year commission or other first year compensation is no more than 200% of the commission or other compensation paid for selling or servicing the policy or certificate in the 2nd year.
Ins 3.39(21)(b) (b) The commission or other compensation provided in subsequent renewal years shall be the same as that provided in the 2nd year or period and shall be provided for at least 5 renewal years.
Ins 3.39(21)(c) (c) If an existing policy or certificate is replaced, no entity may provide compensation to its producers and no agent or producer may receive compensation greater than the renewal compensation payable by the replacing issuer on the policy or certificate.
Ins 3.39(21)(d) (d) For purposes of this section, “compensation" includes pecuniary or nonpecuniary remuneration of any kind relating to the sale or renewal of the policy or certificate including but not limited to bonuses, gifts, prizes, awards, finder's fees, and policy fees.
Ins 3.39(21)(e) (e) No issuer may provide an agent or other representative commission or compensation for the sale of a Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy or certificate to an individual who is under age 66 which is either calculated on a different basis or is less than the average of the commissions paid for the sale of a Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy or certificate to an individual who is age 65 to age 69.
Ins 3.39(21)(f) (f) No issuer may provide an agent or other representative commission or compensation for the sale of any other Medicare supplement policy or certificate, or Medicare select policy or certificate to an individual who is eligible for guaranteed issue under sub. (34), calculated on a different basis of the commissions paid for the sale of a Medicare supplement policy or certificate, or Medicare select policy or certificate to an individual who is eligible for open enrollment under sub. (3r).
Ins 3.39(22) (22) Required disclosure provisions.
Ins 3.39(22)(a) (a) Medicare supplement and Medicare cost policies and certificates shall include a renewal or continuation provision. The language or specifications of such provision must be consistent with the type of contract issued. Such provision shall be appropriately captioned and shall appear on the first page of the policy and shall include any reservation by the issuer of the right to change premiums and any automatic renewal premium increases based on the policyholder's age.
Ins 3.39(22)(b) (b) Except for riders or endorsements by which the issuer effectuates a request made in writing by the insured, exercises a specifically reserved right under a Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy, or is required to reduce or eliminate benefits to avoid duplication of Medicare benefits; all riders or endorsements added to a Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy after date of issue or at reinstatement or renewal which reduce or eliminate benefits or coverage in the policy shall require a signed acceptance by the insured. After the date of policy or certificate issue, any rider or endorsement which increases benefits or coverage with a concomitant increase in premium during the policy term shall be agreed to in writing signed by the insured, unless the benefits are required by the minimum standards for Medicare supplement or Medicare cost insurance policies, or if the increased benefits or coverage is required by law. Where a separate additional premium is charged for benefits provided in connection with riders or endorsements, such premium charge shall be set forth in the policy.
Ins 3.39(22)(d) (d) If a Medicare supplement policy or certificate or Medicare select policy or certificate contains any limitations with respect to preexisting conditions, such limitations may appear on the first page or as a separate paragraph of the policy and be labeled as “Preexisting Condition Limitations.”
Ins 3.39(22)(e) (e) Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policies and certificates shall have a notice prominently printed on the first page of the policy and certificate or attached thereto stating in substance that the policyholder or certificateholder shall have the right to return the policy or certificate within 30 days of its delivery and to have the premium refunded if, after examination of the policy or certificate, the insured person is not satisfied for any reason.
Ins 3.39(22)(f) (f) As soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days prior to the annual effective date of any Medicare benefit changes, an issuer shall notify its policyholders and certificateholders of modifications it has made to Medicare supplement, Medicare select, or Medicare cost policies or certificates in the format similar to Appendix 4, Appendix 4m, or Appendix 4t. The notice shall satisfy all of the following:
Ins 3.39(22)(f)1. 1. Include a description of revisions to the Medicare program and a description of each modification made to the coverage provided under the Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy; and
Ins 3.39(22)(f)2. 2. Inform each policyholder or certificateholder as to when any premium adjustment is to be made due to changes in Medicare.
Ins 3.39(22)(g) (g) The notice of benefit modifications and any premium adjustments shall be in outline form and in clear and simple terms so as to facilitate comprehension.
Ins 3.39(22)(h) (h) Such notices shall not contain or be accompanied by any solicitation.
Ins 3.39(22)(i) (i) Issuers shall comply with any notice requirements of the MMA.
Ins 3.39(23) (23) Requirements for application forms and replacement coverage.
Ins 3.39(23)(a)(a) Application forms for a Medicare supplement policy or certificate, a Medicare select policy or certificate, and a Medicare cost policy shall comply with all relevant statutes and rules. The application form, or a supplementary form signed by the applicant and agent, shall include the following statements and questions:
Ins 3.39(23)(a)1. 1. You do not need more than one Medicare supplement, Medicare cost or Medicare select policy.
Ins 3.39(23)(a)2. 2. If you purchase this policy, you may want to evaluate your existing health coverage and decide if you need multiple coverages.
Ins 3.39(23)(a)3. 3. You may be eligible for benefits under Medicaid and may not need a Medicare supplement, Medicare cost or Medicare select policy.
Ins 3.39(23)(a)4. 4. If after purchasing this policy, you become eligible for Medicaid, the benefits and premiums under your Medicare supplement, Medicare cost or Medicare select policy can be suspended, if requested, during your entitlement to benefits under Medicaid for 24 months. You must request this suspension within 90 days of becoming eligible for Medicaid. If you are no longer entitled to Medicaid, your suspended Medicare supplement, Medicare cost or Medicare select policy, or, if that is no longer available, a substantially equivalent policy, will be reinstituted if requested within 90 days of losing Medicaid eligibility. If the Medicare supplement, Medicare cost or Medicare select policy provided coverage for outpatient prescription drugs and you enrolled in Medicare Part D while your policy was suspended, the reinstituted policy will not have outpatient prescription drug coverage, but will otherwise be substantially equivalent to your coverage before the date of suspension.
Ins 3.39(23)(a)5. 5. If you are eligible for and have enrolled in a Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy by reason of disability and you later become covered by an employer or union-based group health plan, the benefits and premiums under your Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy can be suspended, if requested, while you are covered under the employer or union-based group health plan. If you suspend your Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy under these circumstances, and later lose your employer or union-based group health plan, your suspended Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy or, if that is no longer available, a substantially equivalent policy will be reinstituted if requested within 90 days of losing your employer or union-based group health plan. If the Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy provided coverage for outpatient prescription drugs and you enrolled in Medicare Part D while your policy was suspended, the reinstituted policy will not have outpatient prescription drug coverage, but will otherwise be substantially equivalent to your coverage before the date of suspension.
Ins 3.39(23)(a)6. 6. Counseling services may be available in your state or provide advice concerning your purchase of Medicare supplement or Medicare cost insurance and concerning medical assistance through the state Medicaid program, including benefits as a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and a Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB). See the booklet “Wisconsin Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare" which you received at the time you were solicited to purchase this policy.
If you lost or are losing other health insurance coverage and received a notice from your prior insurer saying you were eligible for guaranteed issue of a Medicare supplement insurance policy, or that you had certain rights to buy such a policy, you may be guaranteed acceptance in one or more of our Medicare supplement plans. Please include a copy of the notice from your prior insurer with your application. PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS.
[Please mark Yes or No below with an “X"]
To the best of your knowledge,
1. a. Did you turn age 65 in the last 6 months?
Yes ______ No _______
b. Did you enroll in Medicare Part B in the last 6 months?
Yes ______ No _______
c. If yes, what is the effective date?
2. Are you covered for medical assistance through the state Medicaid program?
Yes ______ No _______
[NOTE TO APPLICANT: If you are participating in a “Spend-Down Program" and have not met your “Share of Cost," please answer NO to this question.]
If yes,
a. Will Medicaid pay your premiums for this Medicare supplement policy?
Yes _____ No _______
b. Do you receive any benefits from Medicaid OTHER THAN payments toward your Medicare Part B premium?
Yes ______ No ______
3. a. If you had coverage from any Medicare plan other than original Medicare within the past 63 days (for example, a Medicare Advantage plan, or a Medicare health maintenance organization or preferred provider organization), fill in your start and end dates below. If you are still covered under this plan, leave “END" blank.
START ___/___/___ END ___/___/___
b. If you are still covered under the Medicare plan, do you intend to replace your current coverage with this new Medicare supplement policy?
Yes _____ No ______
c. Was this your first time in this type of Medicare plan?
Yes _____ No ____
d. Did you drop a Medicare supplement policy to enroll in the Medicare plan?
Yes _____ No _____
4. a. Do you have another Medicare supplement policy in force?
Yes _____ No _____
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.