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Ins 3.25(13)(c)4.d. d. Effective January 1, 1996, and thereafter, the single premium uniformly decreasing single life credit life insurance prima facie rate is the quotient of the following formula rounded to 2 decimal places: - See PDF for diagram PDF
where Claim Costs are calculated by dividing total credit life insurance incurred claims by total credit life insurance prima facie earned premiums and multiplying the result by the current prima facie rate, rounded to 3 decimal places, and the other factors in the formula remain fixed until changed as outlined in par. (bm).
Ins 3.25(13)(c)5. 5. The credit accident and sickness insurance adjustment factor is determined using the same procedure specified in subd. 4., except that:
Ins 3.25(13)(c)5.a. a. Data for the specifically described categories of credit accident and sickness insurance are summed separately for prima facie earned premium and for incurred claims;
Ins 3.25(13)(c)5.b. b. A composite credit accident and sickness insurance basic loss ratio is computed as the average of the basic loss ratio for each category of coverage weighted by the corresponding proportionate amount of prima facie earned premium for that category of coverage; and
Ins 3.25(13)(c)5.c. c. If the quotient of the credit accident and sickness loss ratio at prima facie rates divided by the composite credit accident and sickness basic loss ratio is greater than .95 and less than 1.05, the credit accident and sickness adjustment factor shall be 1.00.
Ins 3.25(13)(c)6. 6. Prior to January 1, 1996, for single premium uniformly decreasing single life credit life insurance coverage, the new prima facie premium rate per $100 of initial indebtedness per year equals the prima facie premium rate then in effect multiplied by the credit life insurance adjustment factor, rounded to the nearest cent. Effective January 1, 1996, this rate will be the rate calculated under subd. 4. d. This new prima facie premium rate is then multiplied by the following factors to derive the new prima facie premium rate for the indicated plan:
Ins 3.25(13)(c)6.a. a. 1.85 for the single premium rate per $100 per year for level coverage on a single life, rounded to the nearest cent; or
Ins 3.25(13)(c)6.b. b. 1.54 for the monthly premium rate per $1,000 outstanding balance coverage, rounded to the nearest one-tenth cent.
Ins 3.25(13)(c)7. 7. For credit accident and sickness coverage, the new prima facie premium rate per $100 initial coverage for each category of coverage and for each duration equals the then currently effective prima facie premium rate per $100 for the same category of coverage and duration multiplied by the credit accident and sickness insurance adjustment factor, rounded to the nearest cent.
Ins 3.25(13)(d) (d) The initial basic loss ratio for credit life insurance shall be .50. The basic loss ratio for credit accident and sickness insurance shall vary by plan as follows:
Ins 3.25(13)(d)1. 1. 14 days retroactive waiting period—.60
Ins 3.25(13)(d)2. 2. 14 days nonretroactive elimination period—.59
Ins 3.25(13)(d)3. 3. 30 days retroactive waiting period—.57
Ins 3.25(13)(d)4. 4. 30 days nonretroactive elimination period—.52
Ins 3.25(13)(e) (e) If a form provides for plans or benefits that differ from those described in subs. (14) and (15), the insurer shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commissioner that the premium rate or schedule of premium rates applicable to the form will or may reasonably be expected to achieve the applicable basic loss ratio or such other loss ratio as may be determined by the commissioner to be consistent with s. 424.209, Stats., or that the rate or rates are actuarially consistent with the prima facie premium rates.
Ins 3.25(14) (14) Prima facie credit life insurance premium rates.
Ins 3.25(14)(a) (a) If premiums are payable monthly on the outstanding insured balance basis for term insurance on a single insured debtor, the initial prima facie premium rate shall be $0.616 per month per $1,000 of outstanding insured indebtedness.
Ins 3.25(14)(b) (b) If premiums are payable on a single premium basis for straight-line decreasing term insurance on a single insured debtor, the initial prima facie premium rate shall be $0.40 per annum per $100 of initial insured indebtedness.
Ins 3.25(14)(c) (c) If premiums are payable on a single premium basis for level term insurance on a single insured debtor, the initial prima facie premium rate shall be $0.74 per annum per $100 of initial insured indebtedness.
Ins 3.25(14)(d) (d) The prima facie premium rate for credit life insurance providing coverage on 2 lives with respect to a single indebtedness shall be 150% of the corresponding single life prima facie premium rate until December 31, 1990, and shall be 167% of the corresponding single life prima facie premium rate on and after January 1, 1991.
Ins 3.25(14)(e) (e) The prima facie rates shall apply to all policies providing credit life insurance which are offered to all debtors.
Ins 3.25(14)(e)1. 1. For initial amounts of credit life insurance in excess of $15,000, if evidence of individual insurability is not required, the policy shall contain no exclusion for pre-existing conditions except for those conditions which manifested themselves to the insured debtor by requiring medical advice, diagnosis, consultation or treatment, or would have caused a reasonably prudent person to have sought medical advice, diagnosis, consultation or treatment, within 6 months preceding the effective date of coverage and which causes loss within 6 months following the effective date of coverage. Under open-end credit plans, the effective date of coverage applies separately with respect to each purchase or loan to which the coverage relates.
Ins 3.25(14)(e)2. 2. Whether or not evidence of insurability is required the policy shall contain:
Ins 3.25(14)(e)2.a. a. No suicide exclusions other than suicide within one year of the effective date of coverage. Under open-end credit plans, the effective date of coverage applies separately with respect to each purchase or loan to which the coverage relates;
Ins 3.25(14)(e)2.b. b. Either no age restrictions, or age restrictions making ineligible for coverage debtors not less than age 65 or over at the time the indebtedness is incurred, or debtors who will have attained at least age 66 on the maturity date of the indebtedness. Insurance written in connection with an open-end credit plan may exclude from the classes eligible for insurance, classes of debtors determined by age, and may provide for the cessation of the insurance or a reduction in the amount of insurance upon attainment of not less than age 65.
Ins 3.25(14)(e)2.c. c. At the option of the insurer and in lieu of a pre-existing condition exclusion, for monthly outstanding balance premium coverage on open-end credit transactions, a provision limiting the amount of insurance payable on death due to natural causes to the balance of the loan as it existed 6 months prior to the date of death if there have been one or more increases in the outstanding insured balance of the loan during such 6 months period and if evidence of individual insurability is not required at the time of the increase in the amount of insurance.
Ins 3.25(14)(e)3. 3. Credit life insurance provided on debts where the initial amount of credit life insurance would be $15,000, or less, shall be provided on a guaranteed issue basis, provided that the debtor is not ineligible for coverage due to age. The insurer may also use the preexisting conditions and suicide exclusions appearing in subds. 1. and 2. a., respectively.
Ins 3.25(14)(f) (f) Evidence of insurability may be based either on questions relating to specific health history or based on an objective test such as active full-time work.
Ins 3.25(15) (15) Prima facie credit accident and sickness premium rates.
Ins 3.25(15)(a)(a) The initial credit accident and sickness prima facie premium rates for the insured portion of an indebtedness repayable in equal monthly installments, where the insured portion of the indebtedness decreases uniformly by the amount of the monthly installment paid, shall be as set forth in subds. 1. and 2.
Ins 3.25(15)(a)1. 1. As set forth in Appendix A, if premiums are payable on a single premium basis for the duration of the coverage; or
Ins 3.25(15)(a)2. 2. If premiums are paid on the basis of a premium rate per month per $1,000 of outstanding insured indebtedness, these premiums shall be computed according to a formula approved by the commissioner as producing a rate or rates actuarially consistent with the single premium prima facie premium rates.
Ins 3.25(15)(b) (b) The prima facie rates shall apply to policies providing credit accident and sickness insurance which are issued with or without evidence of insurability, and which are offered to all debtors.
Ins 3.25(15)(b)1. 1. If evidence of individual insurability is not required there shall be no exclusion for pre-existing conditions, except for those conditions which manifested themselves to the insured debtor by requiring medical advice, diagnosis, consultation or treatment, or would have caused a reasonably prudent person to have sought medical advice, diagnosis, consultation or treatment, within 6 months preceding the effective date of coverage and which causes loss within 6 months following the effective date of coverage. Under open-end credit plans, the effective date of coverage applies separately with respect to each purchase or loan to which the coverage relates;
Ins 3.25(15)(b)2. 2. Whether or not evidence of insurability is required the policy shall contain:
Ins 3.25(15)(b)2.a. a. No provision which excludes or restricts liability in the event of disability caused in a certain specified manner except that the policies may contain provisions excluding or restricting coverage in the event of normal pregnancy, intentionally self-inflicted injuries, flight in nonscheduled aircraft, war, military service or foreign travel or residence.
Ins 3.25(15)(b)2.b. b. Either no age restrictions, or age restrictions making ineligible for coverage debtors not less than age 65 or over at the time the indebtedness is incurred, or debtors who will have attained at least age 66 on the maturity date of the indebtedness. Insurance written in connection with an open-end credit plan may exclude from the classes eligible for insurance classes of debtors determined by age, and may provide for the cessation of the insurance or a reduction in the amount of insurance upon attainment of not less than age 65.
Ins 3.25(15)(b)2.c. c. A provision which defines disability as the inability to perform any occupation for which the debtor is reasonably fitted by education, training or experience after the period of disability has lasted for 12 consecutive months. During the first 12 consecutive months of disability, the definition must relate the disability to the occupation of the debtor at the time the disability occurred.
Ins 3.25(15)(c) (c) No individual or group policy of credit accident and sickness insurance shall be delivered or issued for delivery if the benefits are payable after a waiting period of less than 14 days regardless of whether the payment of benefits is retroactive to the first day of disability.
Ins 3.25(16) (16) Use of rates higher than prima facie rates.
Ins 3.25(16)(a) (a) An insurer may file for approval and use rates that are higher than the prima facie rates if it can be reasonably expected that the use of these higher rates will result in a ratio of claims incurred to premiums earned that is not less than the applicable basic loss ratio.
Ins 3.25(16)(b) (b) These higher rates may be:
Ins 3.25(16)(b)1. 1. Applied uniformly to all applicable credit insurance of the insurer; or
Ins 3.25(16)(b)2. 2. Applied according to a case-rating procedure on file with and approved by the commissioner.
Ins 3.25(16)(c) (c) An insurer electing to file a case rating procedure may either file its own plan for approval by the commissioner or may use the standard case rating procedure specified in sub. (17).
Ins 3.25(17) (17) Standard case rating procedure.
Ins 3.25(17)(a) (a) An insurer, by written notice to the commissioner of its election to do so, may file and use rates determined by the standard case rating procedure. If elected, the procedure shall be used by the insurer to rate all of its credit insurance in this state.
Ins 3.25(17)(b) (b) The case rate shall be the prima facie premium rate if the life years exposure is less than the minimum life years exposure shown below: - See PDF for table PDF
Ins 3.25(17)(c) (c) If the life years exposure is not less than the minimum life years exposure, the case rate for a plan of benefits shall be calculated as the product of the deviation factor determined in par. (d) and the prima facie premium rate in effect at the end of the experience period. The case rates shall be rounded to the nearest cent per $1000 indebtedness for single premiums payable on the basis of monthly outstanding balances.
Ins 3.25(17)(d) (d) Deviation factor determination. The deviation factor shall be determined using the following worksheet: - See PDF for table PDF
All calculations below shall be taken to five decimal places: - See PDF for table PDF
Ins 3.25(17)(e) (e) The period of time for which a case rate may be used by an insurer may not exceed the length of the experience period on which the rate is based. However, the period may not be less than one year nor more than 3 years.
Ins 3.25(18) (18) Change of insurers.
Ins 3.25(18)(a)(a) If a creditor changes insurers, the case rate applicable to that creditor's coverage may be used by the replacing insurer under the same terms and conditions that apply to the replaced insurer;
Ins 3.25(18)(b) (b) If the case rate is higher than the prima facie premium rate on the date of change, the replacing insurer shall furnish notice of the change of insurers to the commissioner within 30 days following the date of change. The notice shall include the identity of the creditor and of the replaced insurer, the approved case rate applicable to the creditor's coverage and the rate to be charged by the replacing insurer, and shall request that the commissioner inform the replacing insurer of the termination date of the case rate applicable to the creditor's coverage. In no event shall the replacing insurer charge a rate higher than that approved for use by the replaced insurer for the remainder of the case rate period or, if sooner, until a new case rate for that creditor's coverage is approved by the commissioner.
Ins 3.25(19) (19) Filing of experience information. Every insurer having credit life insurance or credit accident and sickness insurance in force in this state shall report Wisconsin experience data annually on the annual statement Credit Insurance Experience Exhibit form (available at no charge from the Commissioner.) The experience data for each calendar year shall be submitted as specified in the instructions to the annual statement and according to the requirements of sub. (20).
Ins 3.25(20) (20) Financial statement minimum reserves.
Ins 3.25(20)(a) (a) Each insurer shall show, as a liability in any financial statement or report required under s. 601.42, Stats., except for the report required to be filed under sub. (19), its policy or unearned premium reserve in an amount not less than as computed in pars. (b) through (e). If a credit insurance policy provides any combination of life insurance benefits, disability benefits and accident and sickness insurance benefits, a reserve must be established separately for the life insurance benefits, for the disability benefits and for the accident and sickness insurance benefits.
Ins 3.25(20)(b) (b) The minimum mortality and interest standards for active life reserves for individual credit life insurance policies shall be not less than 100% of the commissioners 1958 standard ordinary mortality table at 412% annual interest.
Ins 3.25(20)(c) (c) The minimum mortality and interest standards for active life reserves for group credit life insurance policies shall be not less than 100% of the commissioners 1960 standard group mortality table at 412% annual interest.
Ins 3.25(20)(d) (d) The minimum morbidity and interest standards for active life reserves for credit accident and sickness insurance policies and for disability benefits in credit life insurance policies shall be not less than the greater of 130% of the commissioners 1964 disability table at 412% annual interest, or the unearned premium reserve.
Ins 3.25(20)(e) (e) With the approval of the commissioner, a company may, for valuation purposes, use any appropriate mortality or morbidity table, in lieu of those specified in pars. (b), (c) and (d), that is based on credible credit life or disability experience and either explicitly or implicitly has adequate margins for the present value of all future unaccrued liabilities.
Ins 3.25(20)(f) (f) Unearned premium reserves shall be computed as follows:
Ins 3.25(20)(f)1. 1. Unearned premiums shall be reported consistently as of the beginning and the end of each year, and shall be based on the premium that would be charged for the remaining amount and term of coverage using the premium rate or schedule of premium rates in effect at the time the coverage became effective. The following calculation bases shall be deemed to comply with this requirement in lieu of a precise calculation:
Ins 3.25(20)(f)1.a. a. For single premium uniformly decreasing credit life insurance coverage, the “sum of the digits" method, commonly known as the “Rule of 78;"
Ins 3.25(20)(f)1.b. b. For single premium credit accident and sickness coverage with substantially equal monthly benefits and with conterminous coverage and benefit periods, the arithmetic mean of the unearned premium calculated according to the “sum of the digits" method and the pro rata unearned premium calculated as the original premium multiplied by the ratio of the remaining coverage term to the original coverage term;
Ins 3.25(20)(f)1.c. c. For premiums payable on a monthly outstanding balance basis, single premium level life coverage or any other coverage where the benefit amount remains constant throughout the remaining coverage period, the pro rata unearned premium calculated as the original premium multiplied by the ratio of the remaining coverage term to the original coverage term;
Ins 3.25(20)(f)1.d. d. For decreasing credit life insurance coverage provided for the full term of the indebtedness where the benefit is equal to the actual or scheduled net amount necessary to liquidate the indebtedness, the unearned premium calculated as the original premiums multiplied by the ratio of the scheduled remaining dollar-months of coverage to the scheduled initial dollar-months of coverage. Dollar-months of coverage may be approximated using an assumed interest rate that is reasonably representative of the interest rates applicable to all indebtedness with respect to which coverage is provided on this basis;
Ins 3.25(20)(f)1.e. e. For credit life insurance coverage providing a combination of level and decreasing benefits, or providing a truncated coverage period or providing full-term coverage of an indebtedness that requires a balloon payment, an appropriate combination of methods described in this paragraph; or
Ins 3.25(20)(f)1.f. f. Any other reasonable approximation method approved by the commissioner.
Ins 3.25(20)(f)1.g. g. In this paragraph, a “dollar-month of coverage" means one dollar of coverage for one month.
Ins 3.25(20)(f)2. 2. Unearned premium for partial months may be calculated on an exact daily basis, on a basis assuming that the valuation date occurs in the middle of each installment period or using the method commonly known as the “15 day 16 day rule" in which the value at the beginning of the month is used if less than 16 days have elapsed in the current month and the value at the end of the month is used if more than 15 days have elapsed in the current month. For the purpose of the “15 day-16 day rule," the current month shall be deemed to begin on the day following the most recent payment due date of the indebtedness and end on the next succeeding payment due date. The valuation date shall be counted as a full day.
Ins 3.25(20)(f)3. 3. Claim reserves and liabilities shall be reported on a consistent basis from year to year. Any change in the basis of calculation shall be disclosed, together with a recalculation of all items as of the end of the preceding calendar year according to the revised basis.
Ins 3.25(22) (22) Penalty. Violations of this section shall subject the violator to ss. 601.64 and 601.65, Stats.
Ins 3.25 History History: Cr. Register, August, 1972, No. 200, eff. 9-1-72; cr. (2) (c), (6) (h) and (8) (h); am. (4) (b), (5), (8) (f), (12), (13) (a), (14) (e), and r. (17) (a), Register, February, 1973, No. 206, eff. 3-1-73; am. (4), (5), (6) (a) 6., (6) (h), (8) (f), (12) (g) 2., (13) (c) 3., (14) (c) and (d) and cr. (6) (i) and (13) (c) 5., Register, April, 1975, No. 232, eff. 5-1-75; am. (13) (b), Register, June, 1975, No. 234, eff. 7-1-75; emerg. am. (1) and (2), eff. 6-22-76; am. (1) and (2), Register, September, 1976, No. 249, eff. 10-1-76; am. (4) and (11) (d), cr. (12) (h) and (13) (d), Register, March, 1977, No. 255, eff. 4-1-77; am. (1), (2) and (14) (c), Register, March, 1979, No. 279, eff. 4-1-79; am. (12) (b) to (e), Register, September, 1981, No. 309, eff. 10-1-81; r. (19) under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 16., Stats., Register, December, 1984, No. 348; reprinted to correct printing errors in (13) (b), (14) (c) and (f), Register, June, 1986, No. 366; r. and recr. Register, November, 1987, No. 383, eff. 1-1-88; am. (8) (c) and (17) (d), Register, November, 1988, No. 395, eff. 12-1-88; r. and recr. (9) (g), am. (13) (b) and (c) (intro.), (14) (d), (19) (intro.), (20) (a) and Appendix B, r. (20) (d), renum. (20) (e) to (g) to be (20) (d) to (f) and am. (20) (e) and (f), Register, November, 1989, No. 407, eff. 12-1-89, except (9) (g) eff. 4-1-90; emerg. cr. (13) (bm), (c) 4. d., (e) 3., am. (13) (c) (intro.), 1., 4. c., 6. (intro.), (d) (intro.), (14) (e) 1., 2. b., (15) (b) 2. b., (17) (d) and (19) (intro.), r. (19) (a) and (b), (21), Appendix B, r. and recr. (20) (f), eff. 1-1-96; cr. (13) (bm), (c) 4. d., (e) 3., am. (13) (c) (intro.), 1., 4. c., 6. (intro.), (d) (intro.), (14) (e) 1., 2. b., (15) (b) 2. b., (17) (d) and (19) (intro.), r. (19) (a) and (b), (21), Appendix B, r. and recr. (20) (f), Register, March, 1996, No. 483, eff. 4-1-96. - See PDF for table PDF
Ins 3.26 Ins 3.26 Unfair trade practices in credit life insurance and credit accident and sickness insurance.
Ins 3.26(1)(1)Purpose. The purpose of this rule is to assist in the maintenance of a fair and equitable credit life insurance and credit accident and sickness insurance market. This rule interprets, including but not limited to, the following ss. 601.04, 601.01 (1), (2), (3), (7) and (8), 601.41 (1), (2) and (3), Stats., and ch. 628, Stats.
Ins 3.26(2) (2) Scope. This rule shall apply to the transaction of credit life insurance as defined in s. Ins 6.75 (1) (a) 1. and s. 632.44 (3), Stats., and the transaction of credit accident and sickness insurance as defined in s. Ins 6.75 (1) (c) 1. or (2) (c) 1.
Ins 3.26(3) (3) Unfair trade practices defined. The following acts, whether done directly or indirectly, in consideration of or in connection with a policy issued or proposed to be issued are defined to be prohibited unfair trade practices in the transaction of insurance described in sub. (2):
Ins 3.26(3)(a) (a) The offer or grant by an insurer of any special favor or advantage, or any valuable consideration or inducement not set out in the insurance contract. The payment of agents' commissions, reported annually in Schedule 24S, shall not be a violation of this paragraph but the acts cited in pars. (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) may not in any way be construed as agents' commissions.
Ins 3.26(3)(b) (b) The offer to deposit or the deposit with a bank or other financial institution, money or securities of the insurer or of any affiliate of the insurer with the design or intent that the deposit offset or take the place of a deposit of money or securities which otherwise would be required of the creditor by such bank or financial institution as a compensating balance or offsetting deposit for a loan or other advancement.
Ins 3.26(3)(c) (c) The deposit with a bank or other financial institution of money or securities without interest or at a lessor rate of interest than is currently being paid other depositors on similar deposits with such bank or other financial institution. This shall not be construed to prohibit the maintenance by an insurer of such demand deposits as are reasonably necessary for use in the ordinary course of business of the insurer.
Ins 3.26(3)(d) (d) The offer to sell or the sale of any capital stock or other security or certificate of indebtedness of the insurer or affiliated person.
Ins 3.26(3)(e) (e) The offer to pay or the payment of any part of the premium for any insurance on the life, health or property of any creditor or any employee or other person affiliated with the creditor.
Ins 3.26(3)(f) (f) The extension to the creditor of credit for the remittance of premium beyond the grace period of a group policy or for more than 45 days from the effective date of an individual policy.
Ins 3.26(4) (4) Penalty. Violations of this rule shall subject the insurer or agent to s. 601.64, Stats.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.