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DOC 373.68(10)(a) (a) Discipline imposed under this subsection is limited to the discipline authorized in sub. (3), modified as follows:
DOC 373.68(10)(a)1. 1. Room confinement for not more than 10 hours.
DOC 373.68(10)(a)2. 2. Loss of a specific privilege for not more than 2 weeks or the loss of 2 occurrences of a special event.
DOC 373.68(10)(a)3. 3. Loss of an off grounds activity for no longer than 30 days.
DOC 373.68(10)(b) (b) Before a youth is disciplined under this subsection, the supervisor shall do all of the following:
DOC 373.68(10)(b)1. 1. Obtain a statement of facts with a recommendation from staff.
DOC 373.68(10)(b)2. 2. Inform the youth of the nature of the alleged infraction and the range of discipline.
DOC 373.68(10)(b)3. 3. Request that the youth relate the facts concerning the matter at issue.
DOC 373.68(10)(c) (c) A disposition under this section shall be imposed consecutive to other dispositions under this section and may be imposed consecutive to a disposition under s. DOC 373.80.
DOC 373.68(10)(d) (d) The supervisor may impose discipline under this subsection, may dismiss the charge, or may write a conduct report if the conduct rule violation is a major conduct rule violation.
DOC 373.68(10)(e) (e) Within a reasonable time following a disposition under this subsection, staff shall talk to the youth and offer counseling about the incident that occurred.
DOC 373.68(10)(f) (f) A youth may appeal the supervisor's decision under this section consistent with s. DOC 373.81.
DOC 373.68(11) (11)Any contraband related to the incident shall be disposed of in accordance with s. DOC 376.17.
DOC 373.68 History History: Cr. Register, June, 2000, No. 534, eff. 7-1-00.
DOC 373.69 DOC 373.69 Conduct reports.
DOC 373.69(1)(1)Staff who observe or discover a conduct rule violation shall investigate the matter to determine if a conduct rule violation occurred. If staff conclude that a major conduct rule violation has occurred, a conduct report shall be written. If more than one staff knows of the same violation, the superintendent shall designate the staff who shall write the conduct report.
DOC 373.69(2) (2)A conduct report may only be written for a major conduct rule violation.
DOC 373.69(3) (3)The conduct report shall describe the facts in detail, including information obtained from other staff. The report shall list all conduct rules that were allegedly violated, even if they overlap. All physical evidence and witnesses shall be mentioned in the report.
DOC 373.69(4) (4)There shall be at least one conduct report or record for each act that is alleged to be a major conduct rule violation under this chapter.
DOC 373.69 History History: Cr. Register, June, 2000, No. 534, eff. 7-1-00.
DOC 373.70 DOC 373.70 Review of conduct reports by the superintendent.
DOC 373.70(1)(1)The superintendent shall promptly review all conduct reports for technical adequacy and the appropriateness of the charges.
DOC 373.70(2) (2)The superintendent:
DOC 373.70(2)(a) (a) Shall dismiss a conduct report if the superintendent believes that it should not have been written.
DOC 373.70(2)(b) (b) Shall eliminate any conduct rule violation cited in the conduct report if the statement of facts does not establish that a violation was committed.
DOC 373.70(2)(c) (c) May add any conduct rule violation to the conduct report if the statement of facts establishes that a violation was committed.
DOC 373.70(2)(d) (d) Shall destroy the conduct report if no conduct rule violation was committed.
DOC 373.70(2)(e) (e) May refer a conduct report for further investigation.
DOC 373.70(3) (3)Following a review, the superintendent shall determine whether a conduct report shall be approved.
DOC 373.70 History History: Cr. Register, June, 2000, No. 534, eff. 7-1-00.
DOC 373.71 DOC 373.71 Notice of alleged major conduct rule violation. When a youth is alleged to have committed a major conduct rule violation and the superintendent has reviewed and approved the conduct report pursuant to s. DOC 373.70, the following procedure shall be followed:
DOC 373.71(1) (1)The superintendent shall give a copy of the approved conduct report to the youth within 7 days of placement in prehearing security.
DOC 373.71(2) (2)The superintendent shall inform the youth orally and in writing of the conduct rule which the youth is alleged to have violated.
DOC 373.71(3) (3)The superintendent shall inform the youth orally and in writing of the potential penalties which may be imposed.
DOC 373.71(4) (4)The superintendent shall also inform the youth orally and in writing of all of the following:
DOC 373.71(4)(a) (a) That the youth has a right to a disciplinary hearing at which the youth may present oral, written, documentary and physical evidence, and evidence from voluntary eye witnesses.
DOC 373.71(4)(b) (b) That the youth has a right to the assistance of a staff advocate, the right to ask questions of the witnesses, that repetitive, disrespectful and irrelevant questions may be forbidden and that the youth may appeal the finding and disposition of the hearing officer to the superintendent.
DOC 373.71(4)(c) (c) That the youth may waive the right to a disciplinary hearing and to the other rights specified in this subsection and that a waiver is not an admission of guilt.
DOC 373.71(5) (5)The youth may elect to waive the right to a disciplinary hearing at anytime. The waiver shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the superintendent. The superintendent may not accept a written waiver by a youth if the superintendent believes that the youth lacks the mental capacity to waive the disciplinary hearing.
DOC 373.71 History History: Cr. Register, June, 2000, No. 534, eff. 7-1-00.
DOC 373.72 DOC 373.72 Procedure when the right to a disciplinary hearing is waived. When a youth is alleged to have committed a major conduct rule violation, the superintendent has reviewed and approved the conduct report under s. DOC 373.70 and the youth has waived the right to a disciplinary hearing under s. DOC 373.71 (5), the following procedure shall be followed:
DOC 373.72(1) (1)The youth shall appear before a hearing officer not less than 24 hours nor more than 7 days after the date the approved conduct report is given to the youth.
DOC 373.72(1)(a) (a) The youth may request more time for preparation or a waiver of time limits. Unless there are good reasons for not granting more time or a waiver of time limits, a reasonable amount of additional time or a waiver of time limits shall be granted.
DOC 373.72(1)(b) (b) Time limits may be exceeded due to the absence or unavailability of the youth.
DOC 373.72(2)(a)(a) The hearing officer shall review the conduct report and discuss it with the youth.
DOC 373.72(2)(b) (b) The youth shall be provided with an opportunity to respond to the report and present the youth's version of the facts relating to the alleged violation.
DOC 373.72(2)(c) (c) The hearing officer may question the youth.
DOC 373.72(2)(d) (d) The youth has no right to a staff advocate, to confront witnesses or to have witnesses testify on the youth's behalf. Staff who wrote the conduct report need not be present.
DOC 373.72(3) (3)The hearing officer shall decide the guilt or innocence of the youth on each charge, decide the discipline and announce these decisions to the youth. Penalties may be imposed under s. DOC 373.80.
DOC 373.72(4) (4)A finding of guilt shall be based on a preponderance of the evidence.
DOC 373.72(5) (5)The hearing officer shall document the findings for each charge, the reasons for the findings, the disposition and the reasons for the disposition. The hearing officer shall submit the documentation to the superintendent.
DOC 373.72(6) (6)A person directly involved in preparing the conduct report may not conduct a disciplinary hearing on that conduct report.
DOC 373.72(7) (7)Any contraband related to the incident shall be disposed of in accordance with s. DOC 376.17.
DOC 373.72 History History: Cr. Register, June, 2000, No. 534, eff. 7-1-00.
DOC 373.73 DOC 373.73 Procedure for disciplinary hearings.
DOC 373.73(1)(1)The disciplinary hearing for a youth alleged to have committed a major conduct rule violation shall be held in accordance with this chapter.
DOC 373.73(1)(a) (a) At the disciplinary hearing, the conduct report shall be read aloud and all witnesses for or against the accused, including the accused and the staff who wrote the conduct report, shall have a chance to speak.
DOC 373.73(1)(b) (b) The hearing officer shall permit the youth or the youth's advocate to question each of the witnesses. The hearing officer may permit or require the youth or the youth's advocate to submit questions to the hearing officer to be asked of a witness. The hearing officer may forbid repetitive, disrespectful or irrelevant questions.
DOC 373.73(1)(c) (c) The hearing officer may require that physical evidence, if any exists, be offered.
DOC 373.73(2) (2)After the disciplinary hearing, the hearing officer shall deliberate, considering only the evidence which was presented. The institution has the burden of establishing guilt by a preponderance of the evidence. The hearing officer shall inform the accused and the youth's advocate, if any, of the decision. The accused shall receive a written copy of the decision, the finding on each charge, the reasons and the disposition.
DOC 373.73(3) (3)The disciplinary hearing shall be held no sooner than one day and no later than 14 days after service of an approved conduct report alleging the violation. This period may be enlarged or diminished if the superintendent approves and the youth agrees.
DOC 373.73(4) (4)A youth may waive in writing the time limits set by this section.
DOC 373.73(5) (5)Any contraband related to the incident shall be disposed of in accordance with s. DOC 376.17.
DOC 373.73 History History: Cr. Register, June, 2000, No. 534, eff. 7-1-00.
DOC 373.74 DOC 373.74 Disciplinary hearing: advocates.
DOC 373.74(1)(1)A superintendent shall designate staff to serve as advocates for youth at disciplinary hearings. Preference shall be given to staff who volunteer. Staff may be selected by an accused youth, subject to staff's consent and availability. Staff involved in the incident or in writing the report used in the disciplinary hearing process may not act as the youth's advocate.
DOC 373.74(2) (2)Before the disciplinary hearing, the advocate shall help the youth understand the charges and help in the preparation and presentation of any defense, including gathering evidence and witness testimony and preparing the youth's own statement. The advocate may speak on behalf of the youth at the disciplinary hearing or may help the youth state a defense. After the disciplinary hearing, the advocate shall discuss the case with the youth, ensure that the youth understands what happened at the disciplinary hearing and answer any questions.
DOC 373.74 History History: Cr. Register, June, 2000, No. 534, eff. 7-1-00.
DOC 373.75 DOC 373.75 Disciplinary hearing: location. The disciplinary hearing shall take place at the institution where the alleged conduct occurred or at the institution to which the youth has been transferred.
DOC 373.75 History History: Cr. Register, June, 2000, No. 534, eff. 7-1-00.
DOC 373.76 DOC 373.76 Disciplinary hearing: witnesses and notice.
DOC 373.76(1)(1)A youth may request that witnesses be called. The youth shall make the request to the youth's advocate who shall deliver it to the hearing officer. Except for good cause, a youth may present no more than 2 witnesses. If a youth has chosen not to have an advocate, the request shall be sent to the superintendent. Except for good cause, a request shall be made within 2 days after the youth is served notice as provided in s. DOC 373.71.
DOC 373.76(2) (2)After a request for witnesses has been received, the hearing officer shall review the request and determine witness availability as provided in sub. (3).
DOC 373.76(3) (3)A witness requested by the accused shall attend the disciplinary hearing unless one or more of the following apply:
DOC 373.76(3)(a) (a) There is a significant risk of bodily or psychological harm to the witness if he or she testifies as determined by the hearing officer.
DOC 373.76(3)(b) (b) The witness is a youth who does not want to testify.
DOC 373.76(3)(c) (c) The witness is not a youth or staff.
DOC 373.76(3)(d) (d) The witness is a youth who is unavailable due to hospitalization, illness, transfer, release or is otherwise unable to attend, or staff who is unavailable due to injury, illness, vacation or because he or she is no longer employed at that location, or is on extended leave.
DOC 373.76(3)(e) (e) The testimony is irrelevant to the question of guilt or innocence of the youth or to the disposition.
DOC 373.76(3)(f) (f) The testimony merely duplicates other evidence and would unduly prolong the hearing.
DOC 373.76(3)(g) (g) The witness is a member of the staff who is on a shift other than the shift on which the hearing is held.
DOC 373.76(4) (4)If a witness, approved to testify at the disciplinary hearing, is unavailable to testify for one of the reasons under sub. (3), the hearing officer may accept a signed, written statement, a transcript of a statement, an oral statement by telephone, a tape recorded statement or may require the advocate or other staff person to interview the witness and report the interview in writing.
DOC 373.76(5) (5)If the hearing officer determines under sub. (3) (a) that a witness is unavailable and the hearing officer considers a signed, written statement from that witness, the identity of the witness may not be revealed to the accused. The statement shall be disclosed to the accused only if it can be edited so that it will not disclose the identity of the witness.
DOC 373.76(6) (6)After determining which witnesses will be called for the accused, the hearing officer shall schedule a time for a hearing when all of the following persons can be present:
DOC 373.76(6)(a) (a) The hearing officer.
DOC 373.76(6)(b) (b) The youth's advocate, if any.
DOC 373.76(6)(c) (c) The witnesses.
DOC 373.76(6)(d) (d) The accused.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.