Curium-238 100
Curium-240 0.1
Curium-241 1
Curium-242 0.01
Curium-243 0.001
Curium-244 0.001
Curium-245 0.001
Curium-246 0.001
Curium-247 0.001
Curium-248 0.001
Curium-249 1,000
Berkelium-245 100
Berkelium-246 100
Berkelium-247 0.001
Berkelium-249 0.1
Berkelium-250 10
Californium-244 100
Californium-246 1
Californium-248 0.01
Californium-249 0.001
Californium-250 0.001
Californium-251 0.001
Californium-252 0.001
Californium-253 0.1
Californium-254 0.001
Einsteinium-250 100
Einsteinium-251 100
Einsteinium-253 0.1
Einsteinium-254m 1
Einsteinium-254 0.01
Fermium-252 1
Fermium-253 1
Fermium-254 10
Fermium-255 1
Fermium-257 0.01
Mendelevium-257 10
Mendelevium-258 0.01
Any alpha-emitting radionuclide not listed above or mixtures
of alpha emitters of unknown composition 0.001
Any radionuclide other than alpha-emitting radionuclides not listed
above, or mixtures of beta emitters of unknown composition 0.01
Note: For purposes of s. DHS 157.29 (2) (e), (5) (a) and s. DHS 157.32 (1) (a) where there is involved a combination of radionuclides in known amounts, the limit for the combination shall be derived as follows: determine, for each radionuclide in the combination, the ratio between the quantity present in the combination and the limit otherwise established for the specific radionuclide when not in combination. The sum of such ratios for all radionuclides in the combination may not exceed “1” — that is, unity. Note: The quantities listed above were derived by taking 1/10th of the most restrictive ALI listed in Table I, Columns 1 and 2, of Appendix E, rounding to the nearest factor of 10 and constraining the values listed between 37 Bq and 37 MBq (0.001 and 1,000 microcuries). Values of 3.7 MBq (100 microcuries have been assigned for radionuclides having a radioactive half-life in excess of E+9 years, except rhenium, 37 MBq (1,000 microcuries, to take into account their low specific activity.