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DHS 132.65(6)(b)6. 6. `External use of medications.' Poisons and medications for external use only shall be kept in a locked cabinet and separate from other medications, except that time-released transdermal drug delivery systems, including nitroglycerin ointments, may be kept with internal medications.
DHS 132.65(6)(b)7. 7. `Accessibility to drugs.' Medications shall be accessible only to the registered nurse or designee. In facilities where no registered nurse is required, the medications shall be accessible only to the administrator or designee. The key shall be in the possession of the person who is on duty and assigned to administer the medications.
DHS 132.65(6)(b)8. 8. `Labeling medications.' Prescription medications shall be labeled with the expiration date and as required by s. 450.11 (4), Stats. Non-prescription medications shall be labeled with the name of the medication, directions for use, the expiration date and the name of the resident taking the medication.
DHS 132.65(6)(c) (c) Destruction of medications.
DHS 132.65(6)(c)1.1. `Time limit.' Unless otherwise ordered by a physician, a resident's medication not returned to the pharmacy for credit shall be destroyed within 72 hours of a physician's order discontinuing its use, the resident's discharge, the resident's death or passage of its expiration date. No resident's medication may be held in the facility for more than 30 days unless an order is written every 30 days to hold the medication.
DHS 132.65(6)(c)2. 2. `Procedure.' Records shall be kept of all medication returned for credit. Any medication not returned for credit shall be destroyed in the facility and a record of the destruction shall be witnessed, signed and dated by 2 or more personnel licensed or registered in the health field.
DHS 132.65(6)(d) (d) Control of medications.
DHS 132.65(6)(d)1.1. `Receipt of medications.' The administrator or a physician, nurse, pharmacist, or the designee of any of these may be an agent of the resident for the receipt of medications.
DHS 132.65(6)(d)2. 2. `Signatures.' When the medication is received by the facility, the person completing the control record shall sign the record indicating the amount received.
DHS 132.65(6)(d)3. 3. `Discontinuance of schedule II drugs.' The use of schedule II drugs shall be discontinued after 72 hours unless the original order specifies a greater period of time not to exceed 60 days.
DHS 132.65(6)(e) (e) Proof-of-use record.
DHS 132.65(6)(e)1.1. For schedule II drugs, a proof-of-use record shall be maintained which lists, on separate proof-of-use sheets for each type and strength of schedule II drug, the date and time administered, resident's name, physician's name, dose, signature of the person administering dose, and balance.
DHS 132.65(6)(e)2. 2. Proof-of-use records shall be audited daily by the registered nurse or designee, except that in facilities in which a registered nurse is not required, the administrator or designee shall perform the audit of proof-of-use records daily.
DHS 132.65(6)(f) (f) Resident control and use of medications. Medications which, if ingested or brought into contact with the nasal or eye mucosa, would produce toxic or irritant effects shall be stored and used only in accordance with the health, safety, and welfare of all residents.
DHS 132.65(7) (7) Additional requirements for unit dose systems.
DHS 132.65(7)(a) (a) Scope. When a unit dose drug delivery system is used, the requirements of this subsection shall apply in addition to those of sub. (6).
DHS 132.65(7)(b) (b) General procedures.
DHS 132.65(7)(b)1.1. The individual medication shall be labeled with the drug name, strength, expiration date, and lot or control number.
DHS 132.65(7)(b)2. 2. A resident's medication tray or drawer shall be labeled with the resident's name and room number.
DHS 132.65(7)(b)3. 3. Each medication shall be dispensed separately in single unit dose packaging exactly as ordered by the physician, and in a manner to ensure the stability of the medication.
DHS 132.65(7)(b)4. 4. An individual resident's supply of drugs shall be placed in a separate, individually labeled container and transferred to the nursing station and placed in a locked cabinet or cart. This supply shall not exceed 4 days for any one resident.
DHS 132.65(7)(b)5. 5. If not delivered from the pharmacy to the facility by the pharmacist, the pharmacist's agent shall transport unit dose drugs in locked containers.
DHS 132.65(7)(b)6. 6. The individual medication shall remain in the identifiable unit dose package until directly administered to the resident. Transferring between containers is prohibited.
DHS 132.65(7)(b)7. 7. Unit dose carts or cassettes shall be kept in a locked area when not in use.
DHS 132.65 History History: Cr. Register, July, 1982, No. 319, eff. 8-1-82; r. and recr. (3) (b), am. (6) (a), (b) 6. and (c), Register, January, 1987, No. 373, eff. 2-1-87; am. (3) (b) 2., (6) (b) 8. and (c) 1. and 3., Register, February, 1989, No. 398, eff. 3-1-89; correction in (1) (c) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, August, 2000, No. 536; correction made to (6) (d) 1. under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2003 No. 576; CR 04-053: am. (2) and (5) (d), r. (3) (a), renum. and am. (3) (b) 1. and 2., r. (6) (c) 3. Register October 2004 No. 586, eff. 11-1-04; CR 06-053: r. (3) and (6) (a) and (f) 1. and 2., renum. (6) (f) 2. to be (6) (f), Register August 2007 No. 620, eff. 9-1-07.
DHS 132.67 DHS 132.67Dental services.
DHS 132.67(1)(1)Advisory dentist. The facility shall retain an advisory dentist to participate in the staff development program for nursing and other appropriate personnel and to recommend oral hygiene policies and practices for the care of residents.
DHS 132.67(3) (3) Dental examination of residents. Every resident shall have a dental examination by a licensed dentist within 6 months after admission unless a dental examination has been performed within 6 months before admission. Subsequent dental health care shall be provided or arranged for the resident as needed.
DHS 132.67 Note Note: For record requirements, see s. DHS 132.45; for dentists' orders, see s. DHS 132.60 (5); for staff development programs about dental practices, see s. DHS 132.44 (2).
DHS 132.67 History History: Cr. Register, July, 1982, No. 319, eff. 8-1-82; am. (3), Register, January, 1987, No. 373, eff. 2-1-87; CR 06-053: r. (2) and (4), Register August 2007 No. 620, eff. 9-1-07.
DHS 132.68 DHS 132.68Social services.
DHS 132.68(1)(1)Provision of services. Each facility shall provide for social services in conformance with this section.
DHS 132.68(2) (2) Staff. Social worker. Each facility shall employ or retain a person full-time or part-time to coordinate the social services, to review the social needs of residents, and to make referrals.
DHS 132.68(3) (3) Admission history. The facility shall prepare a social history of each resident.
DHS 132.68(4) (4) Care planning. A social services component of the plan of care, including potential for discharge, if appropriate, shall be developed and included in the plan of care required by s. DHS 132.60 (8) (a).
DHS 132.68(5) (5) Services. Social services staff shall provide the following:
DHS 132.68(5)(a) (a) Referrals. If necessary, referrals for guardianship proceedings, or to appropriate agencies in cases of financial, psychiatric, rehabilitative or social problems which the facility cannot serve;
DHS 132.68(5)(b) (b) Adjustment assistance. Assistance with adjustment to the facility, and continuing assistance to and communication with the resident, guardian, family, or other responsible persons;
DHS 132.68(5)(c) (c) Discharge planning. Assistance to other facility staff and the resident in discharge planning at the time of admission and prior to removal under this chapter; and
DHS 132.68(5)(d) (d) Training. Participation in inservice training for direct care staff on the emotional and social problems and needs of the aged and ill and on methods for fulfilling these needs.
DHS 132.68 Note Note: For record requirements, see s. DHS 132.45 (5) (d).
DHS 132.68 History History: Cr. Register, July, 1982, No. 319, eff. 8-1-82; am. (3) (a), (4) (a) and (5) (a), Register, January, 1987, No. 373, eff. 2-1-87; CR 04-053: r. and recr. (3) and (4) Register October 2004 No. 586, eff. 11-1-04; CR 06-053: r. (2) (b) and (4) (b), renum. (2) (a) to be (2), renum. (4) (a) to be (4) and am., Register August 2007 No. 620, eff. 9-1-07.
DHS 132.69 DHS 132.69Activities. Each facility shall have an activity program designed to meet the needs and interests of each resident.
DHS 132.69 History History: Cr. Register, July, 1982, No. 319, eff. 8-1-82; am. (2) (a), r. and recr. (2) (c), r. (2) (d) and (f), renum. (2) (e) to be (2) (d), Register, January, 1987, No. 373, eff. 2-1-87; CR 04-053: r. (2) (a) 1. a. Register October 2004 No. 586, eff. 11-1-04; CR 06-053: r. and recr. (1) to be DHS 132.69, r. (2), Register August 2007 No. 620. eff. 9-1-07.
DHS 132.695 DHS 132.695Special requirements for facilities serving persons who are developmentally disabled.
DHS 132.695(1)(1)Scope. The requirements in this section apply to all facilities that serve persons who are developmentally disabled.
DHS 132.695(2) (2) Definitions. In this section:
DHS 132.695(2)(a) (a) “Active treatment" means an ongoing, organized effort to help each resident attain or maintain his or her developmental capacity through the resident's regular participation, in accordance with an individualized plan, in a program of activities designed to enable the resident to attain or maintain the optimal physical, intellectual, social and vocational levels of functioning of which he or she is capable.
DHS 132.695(2)(b) (b) “Interdisciplinary team" means the persons employed by a facility or under contract to a facility who are responsible for planning the program and delivering the services relevant to a developmentally disabled resident's care needs.
DHS 132.695(2)(c) (c) “IPP" or “individual program plan" means a written statement of the services which are to be provided to a resident based on an interdisciplinary assessment of the individual's developmental needs, expressed in behavioral terms, the primary purpose of which is to provide a framework for the integration of all the programs, services and activities received by the resident and to serve as a comprehensive written record of the resident's developmental progress.
DHS 132.695(2)(d) (d) “QIDP" or “qualified intellectual disabilities professional" means a person who has specialized training in intellectual disabilities or at least one year of experience in treating or working with individuals with intellectual disabilities and is one of the following:
DHS 132.695(2)(d)1. 1. A psychologist licensed under ch. 455, Stats.;
DHS 132.695(2)(d)2. 2. A physician;
DHS 132.695(2)(d)3. 3. A social worker with a graduate degree from a school of social work accredited or approved by the council on social work education or with a bachelor's degree in social work from a college or university accredited or approved by the council on social work education.
DHS 132.695(2)(d)4. 4. A physical or occupational therapist who meets the requirements of s. DHS 105.27 or 105.28;
DHS 132.695(2)(d)5. 5. A speech pathologist or audiologist who meets the requirements of s. DHS 105.30 or 105.31;
DHS 132.695(2)(d)6. 6. A registered nurse;
DHS 132.695(2)(d)7. 7. A therapeutic recreation specialist who is a graduate of an accredited program or who has a bachelor's degree in a specialty area such as art, dance, music, physical education or recreation therapy; or
DHS 132.695(2)(d)8. 8. A human services professional who has a bachelor's degree in a human services field other than a field under subds. 1. to 7., such as rehabilitation counseling, special education or sociology.
DHS 132.695(3) (3) Active treatment programming. All residents who are developmentally disabled shall receive active treatment. Active treatment shall include the resident's regular participation, in accordance with the IPP, in professionally developed and supervised activities, experiences and therapies.
DHS 132.695(4) (4) Resident care planning.
DHS 132.695(4)(b)(b) Development and content of the individual program plan.
DHS 132.695(4)(b)1.1. Except in the case of a person admitted for short-term care, within 30 days following the date of admission, the interdisciplinary team, with the participation of the staff providing resident care, shall review the preadmission evaluation and physician's plan of care and shall develop an IPP based on the new resident's history and an assessment of the resident's needs by all relevant disciplines, including any physician's evaluations or orders.
DHS 132.695(4)(b)2. 2. The IPP shall include:
DHS 132.695(4)(b)2.a. a. Evaluation procedures for determining whether the methods or strategies are accomplishing the care objectives; and
DHS 132.695(4)(b)2.b. b. A written interpretation of the preadmission evaluation in terms of any specific supportive actions, if appropriate, to be undertaken by the resident's family or legal guardian and by appropriate community resources.
DHS 132.695(4)(c) (c) Reassessment of individual program plan.
DHS 132.695(4)(c)1.1. The care provided by staff from each of the disciplines involved in the resident's treatment shall be reviewed by the professional responsible for monitoring delivery of the specific service.
DHS 132.695(4)(c)2. 2. Individual care plans shall be reassessed and updated at least quarterly by the interdisciplinary team, with more frequent updates if an individual's needs warrant it, and at least every 30 days by the QIDP to review goals.
DHS 132.695(4)(c)3. 3. Reassessment results and other necessary information obtained through the specialists' assessments shall be disseminated to other resident care staff as part of the IPP process.
DHS 132.695(4)(c)4. 4. Documentation of the reassessment results, treatment objectives, plans and procedures, and continuing treatment progress reports shall be recorded in the resident's record.
DHS 132.695(4)(d) (d) Implementation. Progress notes shall reflect the treatment and services provided to meet the goals stated in the IPP.
DHS 132.695 Note Note: See ch. DHS 134 for rules governing residential care facilities that primarily serve developmentally disabled persons who require active treatment.
DHS 132.695 History History: Cr. Register, January, 1987, No. 373, eff. 2-1-87; am. (2) (a), (b), (3), (4) (a), (b), (c) 1., 2. intro. and a. and (d), renum. (2) (c) to (d) and am. (intro.) and 3., cr. (2) (c), Register, February, 1989, No. 398, eff. 3-1-89; correction in (2) (d) 4. made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, August, 2000, No. 536; CR 06-053: cons., renum. and am. (3) (a) (intro.) and 1. (intro.) to be (3), r. (3) (a) 1. a. and b., 2., and (b), (4) (a), (b) 2. a. to c. and (c) 1., 2. and 3., renum. (4) (b) 2. d. and e. and (c) 1. a. to d. to be (4) (b) 2. a. and b. and (c) 1. to 4., Register August 2007 No. 620, eff. 9-1-07; corrections in (2) (d) 4. and 5. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register January 2009 No. 637; 2019 Wis. Act 1: am. (2) (d) (intro.), (4) (c) 2. Register May 2019 No. 761, eff. 6-1-19.
DHS 132.70 DHS 132.70Special requirements when persons are admitted for short-term care.
DHS 132.70(1)(1)Scope. A facility may admit persons for short-term care. A facility that admits persons for short-term care may use the procedures included in this section rather than the procedures included in ss. DHS 132.52 and 132.60 (8). Short-term care is for either respite or recuperative purposes. The requirements in this section apply to all facilities that admit persons for short-term care when they admit, evaluate or provide care for these persons. Except as specified in this section, all requirements of this chapter, including s. DHS 132.51, apply to all facilities that admit persons for short-term care.
DHS 132.70(2) (2) Procedures for admission. Respite care. For a person admitted to a facility for respite care, the following admission and resident care planning procedures may be carried out in place of the requirements under ss. DHS 132.52 and 132.60 (8):
DHS 132.70(2)(a) (a) A registered nurse or physician shall complete a comprehensive resident assessment of the person prior to or on the day of admission. This comprehensive assessment shall include evaluation of the person's medical, nursing, dietary, rehabilitative, pharmaceutical, dental, social and activity needs. The consulting or staff pharmacist shall participate in the comprehensive assessment. As part of the comprehensive assessment, when the registered nurse or physician has identified a need for a special service, staff from the discipline that provides the service shall, on referral from the registered nurse or physician, complete a history and assessment of the person's prior health and care in that discipline. The comprehensive resident assessment shall include:
DHS 132.70(2)(a)1. 1. A summary of the major needs of the person and of the care to be provided;
DHS 132.70(2)(a)2. 2. The attending physician's plans for discharge.
DHS 132.70(2)(b) (b) The registered nurse, with verbal agreement of the attending physician, shall develop a written plan of care for the person being admitted prior to or at the time of admission. The plan of care shall be based on the comprehensive resident assessment under par. (a), the physician's orders, and any special assessments under par. (a).
DHS 132.70(2)(c) (c) The facility shall send a copy of the comprehensive resident assessment, the physician's orders and the plan of care under par. (b) to the person's attending physician. The attending physician shall sign the assessment and the plan of care within 48 hours after the person is admitted.
DHS 132.70(3) (3) Admission information.
DHS 132.70(3)(a)(a) This subsection takes the place of s. DHS 132.31 (1) (d) 1. for persons admitted for respite care or recuperative care.
DHS 132.70(3)(b) (b) No person may be admitted to a facility for respite care or recuperative care without signing or the person's guardian or designated representative signing an acknowledgement of having received a statement before or on the day of admission that indicates the expected length of stay, with a note that the responsibility for care of the resident reverts to the resident or other responsible party following expiration of the designated length of stay.
DHS 132.70(4) (4) Medications.
DHS 132.70(4)(c)(c) Respite care residents and recuperative care residents may bring medications into the facility as permitted by written policy of the facility.
DHS 132.70(7) (7) Records.
DHS 132.70(7)(a)(a) Contents. The medical record for each respite care resident and each recuperative care resident shall include, in place of the items required under s. DHS 132.45 (5):
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.