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Alert! This chapter may be affected by an emergency rule:
(b) Services that can be performed by restorative nursing, as under s. DHS 132.60 (1) (b) to (d);
(c) Crafts and other supplies used in occupational therapy services for inpatients in an institutional program. These are not billable by the therapist; and
(d) Activities such as end-of-the-day clean-up time, transportation time, consultations and required paper reports. These are considered components of the provider’s overhead costs and are not covered as separately reimbursable items.
Note: For more information on non-covered services, see s. DHS 107.03.
History: Cr. Register, February, 1986, No. 362, eff. 3-1-86; emerg. am. (2) (b), (d), (g), (3) (c) and (e) (intro.), eff. 7-1-88; am. (2) (b) (d), (g) (3) (c) and (e) (intro.), Register, December, 1988, No. 396, eff. 1-1-89; corrections in (1) (intro.) and (4) (b) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2008 No. 636.
DHS 107.18Speech and language pathology services.
(1)Covered services.
(a) General. Covered speech and language pathology services are those medically necessary diagnostic, screening, preventive or corrective speech and language pathology services prescribed by a physician and provided by a certified speech and language pathologist or under the direct, immediate on-premises supervision of a certified speech and language pathologist.
(b) Evaluation procedures. Evaluation or re-evaluation procedures shall be performed by certified speech and language pathologists. Tests and measurements that speech and language pathologists may perform include the following:
1. Expressive language:
a. Aphasia evaluation (examples of tests are Eisenson, PICA, Schuell);
b. Articulation evaluation (examples of tests are Arizona articulation, proficiency scale, Goldman-Fristoe test of articulation, Templin-Darley screening and diagnostic tests of articulation);
c. Cognitive assessment (examples are tests of classification, conservation, Piagetian concepts);
d. Language concept evaluation (examples are tests of temporal, spatial, and quantity concepts, environmental concepts, and the language of direction);
e. Morphological evaluation (examples are the Miller-Yoder test and the Michigan inventory);
f. Question evaluation — yes-no, is-are, where, who, why, how and when;
g. Stuttering evaluation;
h. Syntax evaluation;
i. Vocabulary evaluation;
j. Voice evaluation;
k. Zimmerman pre-school language scale; and
L. Illinois test of psycholinguistic abilities;
2. Receptive language:
a. ACLC or assessment of children’s language comprehension;
b. Aphasia evaluation (examples of tests are Eisenson, PICA, Schuell);
c. Auditory discrimination evaluation (examples are the Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock test of auditory discrimination and the Wepman test of auditory discrimination);
d. Auditory memory (an example is Spencer-MacGrady memory for sentences test);
e. Auditory processing evaluation;
f. Cognitive assessment (examples are tests of one-to-one correspondence, and seriation classification conservation);
g. Language concept evaluation (an example is the Boehm test of basic concepts);
h. Morphological evaluation (examples are Bellugi-Klima grammatical comprehension tests, Michigan inventory, Miller-Yoder test);
i. Question evaluation;
j. Syntax evaluation;
k. Visual discrimination evaluation;
L. Visual memory evaluation;
m. Visual sequencing evaluation;
n. Visual processing evaluation;
o. Vocabulary evaluation (an example is the Peabody picture vocabulary test);
p. Zimmerman pre-school language scale; and
q. Illinois test of psycholinguistic abilities;
3. Pre-school speech skills:
a. Diadochokinetic rate evaluation; and
b. Oral peripheral evaluation; and
4. Hearing-auditory training:
a. Auditory screening;
b. Informal hearing evaluation;
c. Lip-reading evaluation;
d. Auditory training evaluation;
e. Hearing-aid orientation evaluation; and
f. Non-verbal evaluation.
(c) Speech procedure treatments. The following speech procedure treatments shall be performed by a certified speech and language pathologist or under the direct, immediate, on-premises supervision of a certified speech and language pathologist:
1. Expressive language:
a. Articulation;
d. Language structure, including phonology, morphology, and syntax;
e. Language content, including range of abstraction in meanings and cognitive skills; and
f. Language functions, including verbal, non-verbal and written communication;
2. Receptive language:
a. Auditory processing — attention span, acuity or perception, recognition, discrimination, memory, sequencing and comprehension; and
b. Visual processing — attention span, acuity or perception, recognition, discrimination, memory, sequencing and comprehension;
3. Pre-speech skills:
a. Oral and peri-oral structure;
b. Vegetative function of the oral motor skills; and
c. Volitional oral motor skills; and
4. Hearing/auditory training:
a. Hearing screening and referral;
b. Auditory training;
c. Lip reading;
d. Hearing aid orientation; and
e. Non-verbal communication.
(2)Services requiring prior authorization.
(a) Definition. In this subsection, “spell of illness” means a condition characterized by a demonstrated loss of functional ability to perform daily living skills, caused by a new disease, injury or medical condition or by an increase in the severity of a pre-existing medical condition. For a condition to be classified as a new spell of illness, the recipient must display the potential to reachieve the skill level that he or she had previously.
(b) Requirement. Prior authorization is required under this subsection for speech and language pathology services provided to an MA recipient in excess of 35 treatment days per spell of illness, except that speech and language pathology services provided to an MA recipient who is a hospital inpatient or who is receiving speech therapy services provided by a home health agency are not subject to prior authorization under this subsection.
Note: Speech and language pathology services provided by a home health agency are subject to prior authorization under s. DHS 107.11 (3).
(c) Conditions justifying spell of illness designation. The following conditions may justify designation of a new spell of illness:
1. An acute onset of a new disease, injury or condition such as:
a. Neuromuscular dysfunction, including stroke-hemiparesis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and diabetic neuropathy;
b. Musculoskeletal dysfunction, including fracture, amputation, strains and sprains, and complications associated with surgical procedures; or
c. Problems and complications associated with physiologic dysfunction, including severe pain, vascular conditions, and cardio-pulmonary conditions;
2. An exacerbation of a pre-existing condition including but not limited to the following, which requires speech therapy intervention on an intensive basis:
a. Multiple sclerosis;
b. Rheumatoid arthritis; or
c. Parkinson’s disease; or
3. A regression in the recipient’s condition due to lack of speech therapy, as indicated by a decrease of functional ability, strength, mobility or motion.
(d) Onset and termination of spell of illness. The spell of illness begins with the first day of treatment or evaluation following the onset of the new disease, injury or medical condition or increased severity of a pre-existing medical condition and ends when the recipient improves so that treatment by a speech and language pathologist for the condition causing the spell of illness is no longer required, or after 35 treatment days, whichever comes first.
(e) Documentation. The speech and language pathologist shall document the spell of illness in the patient plan of care, including measurable evidence that the recipient has incurred a demonstrated functional loss of ability to perform daily living skills.
(f) Non-transferability of treatment days. Unused treatment days from one spell of illness shall not be carried over into a new spell of illness.
(g) Other coverage. Treatment days covered by medicare or other third-party insurance shall be included in computing the 35-day per spell of illness total.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.