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DFI-CU 72.02(2) (2) “Member business loan" shall not include any of the following:
DFI-CU 72.02(2)(a) (a) A business purpose loan fully secured by a lien on a 1 to 4 family dwelling that is the member's primary residence.
DFI-CU 72.02(2)(b) (b) A business purpose loan fully secured by shares or deposits in the credit union making the extension of credit or in other credit unions, or by deposits in other financial institutions.
DFI-CU 72.02(2)(c) (c) One or more business purpose loans to a member or an associated member that, in the aggregate, are less than $50,000. The entire amount of such a loan or loans that equals or exceeds this amount, or that causes the aggregate to exceed this amount is a business loan.
DFI-CU 72.02(2)(d) (d) A business purpose loan where a federal or state agency or any of their political subdivisions fully insures repayment, or fully guarantees repayment, or provides an advance commitment to purchase in full.
DFI-CU 72.02(2)(e) (e) A loan granted by a corporate credit union to another credit union.
DFI-CU 72.02 History History: CR 02-034: cr. Register August 2002 No. 560, eff. 9-1-02.
DFI-CU 72.03 DFI-CU 72.03Prohibited member business loans.
DFI-CU 72.03(1)(1) Officers. A credit union shall not grant a member business loan to any of its following:
DFI-CU 72.03(1)(a) (a) Chief executive officer.
DFI-CU 72.03 Note Example: President, Treasurer or Manager.
DFI-CU 72.03(1)(b) (b) Assistant chief executive officers.
DFI-CU 72.03 Note Example: Assistant President, Vice President, Assistant Treasurer or Assistant Manager.
DFI-CU 72.03(1)(c) (c) Chief financial officer.
DFI-CU 72.03 Note Example: Comptroller.
DFI-CU 72.03(1)(d) (d) Any associated member or immediate family member of anyone listed in this subsection.
DFI-CU 72.03(2) (2)Equity agreements or joint ventures. A credit union shall not grant a member business loan if any additional income received by the credit union or its senior management employees is tied to the profit or sale of the business or commercial endeavor for which the loan is made.
DFI-CU 72.03(3) (3)Directors. A credit union shall not grant a member business loan to one of its directors unless the board of directors approves granting the loan and the director is recused from the decision-making process.
DFI-CU 72.03 History History: CR 02-034: cr. Register August 2002 No. 560, eff. 9-1-02.
DFI-CU 72.04 DFI-CU 72.04Construction and development loans. Unless the director grants a waiver, a credit union that makes construction or development loans shall be subject to all of the following:
DFI-CU 72.04(1) (1) The aggregate of all construction and development loans shall not exceed 15% of the credit union's net worth. In determining the aggregate, the credit union may exclude any portion of a loan that is any of the following:
DFI-CU 72.04(1)(a) (a) Secured by shares or deposits in the credit union making the extension of credit or in other credit unions, or by deposits in other financial institutions.
DFI-CU 72.04(1)(b) (b) Insured or guaranteed by any agency or subdivision of the state or the federal government.
DFI-CU 72.04(1)(c) (c) Subject to an advance commitment to purchase by any agency of the federal government, the state, or any of their political subdivisions.
DFI-CU 72.04(2) (2) The borrower shall have a minimum of the following:
DFI-CU 72.04(2)(a) (a) 30% equity interest in the project being financed if the loan is for land development.
DFI-CU 72.04(2)(b) (b) 25% equity interest in the project being financed if the loan is for construction or for a combination of development and construction.
DFI-CU 72.04(3) (3) The funds shall be released only after on-site inspections, documented in writing, by qualified personnel and according to a preapproved draw schedule and any other conditions as set forth in the loan documentation.
DFI-CU 72.04(4) (4) The credit union shall not make construction or development loans unless it utilizes the services of an individual with at least 5 years direct experience in construction and development lending.
DFI-CU 72.04 History History: CR 02-034: cr. Register August 2002 No. 560, eff. 9-1-02.
DFI-CU 72.05 DFI-CU 72.05Implementation of a member business loan program.
DFI-CU 72.05(1)(1) The board of directors shall adopt a specific member business loan policy and review it at least annually.
DFI-CU 72.05(2) (2) In making member business loans, the credit union shall utilize the services of an individual with at least 2 years direct experience with the type of lending in which it will engage, except as provided s. DFI-CU 72.04 (4).
DFI-CU 72.05(3) (3) A credit union does not have to hire staff to meet the requirements of this section. However, credit unions shall ensure that expertise with the type of lending in which it will engage is available.
DFI-CU 72.05 Note Example: A credit union may meet the experience requirement through various approaches, such as the services of a credit union service organization, an employee of another credit union, an independent contractor or other third parties.
DFI-CU 72.05(4) (4) The actual decision to grant a loan shall reside solely with the credit union.
DFI-CU 72.05 History History: CR 02-034: cr. Register August 2002 No. 560, eff. 9-1-02.
DFI-CU 72.06 DFI-CU 72.06Member business loan policy requirements. A credit union's member business loan policy shall include all of the following:
DFI-CU 72.06(1) (1) The types of business loans the credit union will make.
DFI-CU 72.06(2) (2) The credit union's trade area.
DFI-CU 72.06(3) (3) The maximum amount of the credit union's assets, in relation to net worth, that it will invest in member business loans.
DFI-CU 72.06(4) (4) The maximum amount of the credit union's assets, in relation to net worth, that it will invest in a given type of business loan.
DFI-CU 72.06(5) (5) The maximum amount of the credit union's assets, in relation to net worth, that it will loan to a member or associated members, subject to s. DFI-CU 72.08.
DFI-CU 72.06(6) (6) The qualifications and experience of personnel involved in making and administering business loans.
DFI-CU 72.06(7) (7) A requirement for analysis and documentation of the ability of the borrower to repay the loan.
DFI-CU 72.06(8) (8) A requirement for the receipt and periodic updating of financial statements and other documentation, including tax returns.
DFI-CU 72.06(9) (9) A requirement for documentation sufficient to support each request to extend credit, or increase an existing loan or line of credit, except where the board of directors finds that the required documentation is not generally available for a particular type of loan and states the reasons for those findings in the credit union's written policies. The documentation shall include all of the following:
DFI-CU 72.06(9)(a) (a) Balance sheet.
DFI-CU 72.06(9)(b) (b) Cash flow analysis.
DFI-CU 72.06(9)(c) (c) Income statement.
DFI-CU 72.06(9)(d) (d) Tax data.
DFI-CU 72.06(9)(e) (e) Analysis of leveraging.
DFI-CU 72.06(9)(f) (f) Comparison with industry average or similar analysis.
DFI-CU 72.06(10) (10) Collateral requirements, including all of the following:
DFI-CU 72.06(10)(a) (a) Loan-to-value ratios.
DFI-CU 72.06(10)(b) (b) Determination of value.
DFI-CU 72.06(10)(c) (c) Determination of ownership.
DFI-CU 72.06(10)(d) (d) Steps to secure various types of collateral.
DFI-CU 72.06(10)(e) (e) A schedule as to how often the credit union will reevaluate the value and marketability of collateral.
DFI-CU 72.06(11) (11) The interest rates and maturities of the business loans.
DFI-CU 72.06(12) (12) General loan procedures, including all of the following:
DFI-CU 72.06(12)(a) (a) Loan monitoring.
DFI-CU 72.06(12)(b) (b) Servicing and follow-up.
DFI-CU 72.06(12)(c) (c) Collection.
DFI-CU 72.06(13) (13) Identification of those individuals prohibited from receiving member business loans.
DFI-CU 72.06(14) (14) Guidelines for purchase and sale of member business loans and loan participations, if the credit union intends to engage in these activities.
DFI-CU 72.06 Note Note: The Office of Credit Unions recognizes that all of the provisions of the policy may not apply to every loan.
DFI-CU 72.06 History History: CR 02-034: cr. Register August 2002 No. 560, eff. 9-1-02.
DFI-CU 72.07 DFI-CU 72.07Collateral and security requirements. Unless granted a waiver by the director, all of the following shall apply:
DFI-CU 72.07(1) (1) All member business loans shall be secured by collateral in accordance with this section, except for the following:
DFI-CU 72.07(1)(a) (a) A credit card line of credit granted to nonnatural persons that is limited to routine purposes normally made available under such lines of credit.
DFI-CU 72.07(1)(b) (b) A loan made by a credit union where the loan and the credit union meet all of the following:
DFI-CU 72.07(1)(b)1. 1. The amount of the loan or loans to any one individual does not exceed 1% of the credit union's net worth.
DFI-CU 72.07(1)(b)2. 2. The aggregate of the unsecured business loans under this paragraph does not exceed 10% of the credit union's net worth.
DFI-CU 72.07(1)(b)3. 3. The credit union has a net worth ratio of at least 7%.
DFI-CU 72.07(1)(b)4. 4. The credit union submits reports to the Office of Credit Unions with its NCUA call reports providing numbers and such other details as may be required by the director to demonstrate compliance with this paragraph.
DFI-CU 72.07(2) (2) For a member business loan secured by collateral on which the credit union will have a first lien, a credit union may grant the loan with an LTV ratio in excess of 80% only where the value in excess of 80% is as follows:
DFI-CU 72.07(2)(a) (a) Covered through acquisition of private mortgage or equivalent type insurance provided by an insurer acceptable to the credit union, and the LTV ratio does not exceed 95%; or
DFI-CU 72.07(2)(b) (b) Insured or guaranteed, or subject to advance commitment to purchase, by an agency of the federal government, state, or any of its political subdivisions, and the LTV ratio does not exceed 95%.
DFI-CU 72.07(3) (3) For a member business loan secured by collateral on which the credit union will have a second or lesser priority lien, the credit union shall not grant the loan with an LTV ratio in excess of 80%.
DFI-CU 72.07(4) (4) For a member business loan secured by the same collateral on which the credit union will have a first lien as well as other lesser priority liens, the credit union may grant the loan with an LTV ratio in excess of 80% only if sub. (2) (a) or (b) is satisfied. In no case shall the LTV ratio exceed 95%.
DFI-CU 72.07(5) (5) For a member business loan secured by the collateral on which the credit union will have lesser priority liens but no first lien, the credit union shall not grant the loan with an LTV ratio in excess of 80%.
DFI-CU 72.07 History History: CR 02-034: cr. Register August 2002 No. 560, eff. 9-1-02.
DFI-CU 72.08 DFI-CU 72.08Amount of loan. Unless the director grants a waiver for a higher amount, the aggregate amount of business loans to a member or associated members shall not exceed 15% of the credit union's net worth or $100,000.00, whichever is greater.
DFI-CU 72.08 History History: CR 02-034: cr. Register August 2002 No. 560, eff. 9-1-02.
DFI-CU 72.09 DFI-CU 72.09Calculating the aggregate 15% limit. To calculate the aggregate 15% limitation, the credit union shall do the following:
DFI-CU 72.09(1) (1) Calculate the numerator by adding together the amount of the member business loans to a member and associated members, if any. From this amount, the credit union shall subtract each of the following:
DFI-CU 72.09(1)(a) (a) Any portion secured by shares or deposits in the credit union making the extension of credit or in other credit unions, or deposits in other financial institutions.
DFI-CU 72.09(1)(b) (b) Any portion insured or guaranteed by any agency or subdivision of the state or federal government.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.