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Chapter ATCP 20
ATCP 20.01   Definitions.
ATCP 20.02   Seed evaluation and related terminology.
ATCP 20.04   Seed labeling; general.
ATCP 20.06   Seed germination; labeling, analysis and standards.
ATCP 20.08   Treated seed, inoculated seed, coated seed and combination products; labeling.
ATCP 20.10   Hybrid seed labeling.
ATCP 20.12   Flower seed in small containers; composition.
ATCP 20.14   Prohibited practices.
ATCP 20.16   Labeling variances.
ATCP 20.18   Seed labeler license.
Ch. ATCP 20 Note Note: Chapter Ag 20 was renumbered ch. ATCP 20 under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 1., Stats., Register, April, 1993, No. 448; Chapter ATCP 20 was repealed and recreated, Register June 2011 No. 666.
ATCP 20.01 ATCP 20.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
ATCP 20.01(1) (1)“Agricultural seed" means any kind or mixture of kinds of plant seed, other than tree or shrub seed, which is sold, offered for sale, or displayed or distributed for sale for sowing purposes. “Agricultural seed" includes crop seed, vegetable seed, lawn or turf seed, flower seed and native species seed.
ATCP 20.01(2) (2)“Area of origin" means the area from which seed was harvested for sale or distribution.
ATCP 20.01(3) (3)“Coated seed" means agricultural seed that is covered with any substance that changes the size, shape or weight of the seed.
ATCP 20.01(4) (4)“Combination seed and non-seed product" means a product, other than treated seed, inoculated seed or coated seed, that contains agricultural seed in combination with mulch, growth media, fertilizer or other materials that are directly or implicitly purported to enhance the germination, erosion resistance, ease of application or other performance characteristics of the agricultural seed.
ATCP 20.01(5) (5)“Container" means any package, packet, bag or other receptacle in which agricultural seed is sold, offered for sale, or displayed or distributed for sale.
ATCP 20.01(6) (6)“Department" means the Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
ATCP 20.01(7) (7)“Dormant seed" means viable agricultural seed, other than hard seed, which fails to germinate in a germination analysis conducted according to this chapter.
ATCP 20.01(8) (8)“Dormant seed percentage" means, for a particular kind or variety of agricultural seed, the percentage of seeds in a container or lot that are dormant seeds, as estimated by a germination analysis conducted according to this chapter.
ATCP 20.01(9) (9)“Flower seed" means seed of herbaceous plants grown for their blooms, ornamental foliage, or other ornamental parts and commonly known and sold under the name of flower seed in this state. “Flower seed" does not include native species seed that is labeled as native species seed.
ATCP 20.01(10) (10)“Germination" means the emergence and development from the seed embryo of those essential structures which, for the kind of seed, are indicative of the ability to produce a normal plant under favorable conditions.
ATCP 20.01(11) (11)“Germination percentage" means, for a particular kind or variety of agricultural seed, the percentage of seeds in a container or lot that germinate under favorable germination conditions, as estimated by a germination analysis under this chapter.
ATCP 20.01(12) (12)“Hard seed" means agricultural seed that would remain hard throughout a germination analysis conducted according to this chapter because the seed would not absorb water due to an impermeable seed coat.
ATCP 20.01(13) (13)“Hard seed percentage" means, for a particular kind or variety of agricultural seed, the percentage of seeds in a container or lot that are hard seeds, as estimated by a germination analysis conducted according to this chapter.
ATCP 20.01(14) (14)“Hybrid seed" means the first generation seed of a cross produced by controlling the pollination and by combining two or more inbred lines, one inbred or a single cross with an open pollinated variety or two varieties or species, except open-pollinated varieties of zea mays (corn). “Hybrid seed" does not include the second or subsequent generation of seed produced from a cross described in this subsection.
ATCP 20.01 Note Note: A hybrid version of a named seed variety is considered a separate seed variety.
ATCP 20.01(15) (15)“Indigenous" species means a species that is indigenous to the state of Wisconsin, as determined by the Wisconsin department of natural resources in Wisconsin department of natural resources technical bulletin number 192, Checklist of Vascular Plants of Wisconsin (2001).
ATCP 20.01 Note Note: Copies of the DNR technical bulletin number 192, Checklist of Vascular Plants of Wisconsin (2001), can be obtained at or by contacting the Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection (seed program) at P.O. Box 8911, Madison, WI 53708-8911, (608) 224-4500 or
ATCP 20.01(16) (16)“Inert matter" means all matter that is not intact seed. “Inert matter" includes broken seeds, sterile florets, chaff, fungus bodies and stones.
ATCP 20.01(17) (17)“Inoculated seed" means legume seed that has received an application of a bacteria culture that will effectively inoculate the legume to produce root nodulation, plant growth and nitrogen accumulation.
ATCP 20.01(18) (18)“Kind" means seed of a particular plant species or subspecies, or 2 or more related plant species or sub-species, which are singly or collectively known by one common name such as corn, oats, alfalfa or timothy. “Kind" includes an indigenous species or subspecies.
ATCP 20.01(19) (19)“Lawn or turf seed" means the seed of grasses, clovers or other agricultural seeds or seed mixtures that are commonly used or sold for seeding lawns, parks or turf areas in this state. “Lawn or turf seed" does not include native species seed that is labeled as native species seed.
ATCP 20.01(20) (20)“Lot" means a specific bulk quantity of agricultural seed, or a specific aggregation of agricultural seed containers, whose seed contents are uniform throughout.
ATCP 20.01(21) (21)“Lot code" means a number or mark that uniquely identifies a lot.
ATCP 20.01(22) (22)“Mixture" means agricultural seed consisting of more than one kind or variety, where each kind or declared variety represents more than 5 percent by weight of the whole mixture.
ATCP 20.01(23) (23)“Native species seed" means agricultural seed derived from indigenous herbaceous species.
ATCP 20.01(24) (24)“Noxious weed seeds" include prohibited noxious weed seeds and restricted noxious weed seeds.
ATCP 20.01(25) (25)“Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust or other legal entity.
ATCP 20.01(26) (26)“Pesticide" has the meaning given in s. 94.67 (25), Stats.
ATCP 20.01(27) (27)“Prohibited noxious weed seeds” means the seeds of weeds that are highly destructive and difficult to control by good cultural practices and use of herbicides. “Prohibited noxious weed seeds” includes: amaranthus palmeri (Palmer amaranth), amaranthus tuberculatus (waterhemp), convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed), euphorbia esula (leafy spurge), cirsium arvense (Canada thistle), panicum miliaceum (wild proso millet), eriochloa villosa (woolly cupgrass), pueraria montana var. lobate (kudzu), polygonum perfoliatum (mile-a-minute weed), centaurea picris (Russian knapweed), and centaurea maculos (spotted knapweed).
ATCP 20.01(28) (28)“Pure live seed percentage" means, for a particular kind or variety of native species seed, the sum of the following multiplied by the pure seed percentage:
ATCP 20.01(28)(a) (a) The germination percentage.
ATCP 20.01(28)(b) (b) The hard seed percentage or dormant seed percentage, as appropriate based on the applicable seed evaluation method in this chapter.
ATCP 20.01(29) (29)“Pure seed percentage" means, for a particular kind or variety of agricultural seed, the percentage by weight of the container or lot contents that is comprised of seed of that kind or variety exclusive of inert matter and other seeds.
ATCP 20.01(30) (30)“Restricted noxious weed seeds" means seeds of species that are objectionable, but that can be controlled by good cultural practices or use of herbicides. “Restricted noxious weed seeds" include raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish), plantago lanceolata (buckhorn), silene alba (white cockle), cuscuta spp.
ATCP 20.01(30)(dodder)(dodder) , berteroa incana (hoary alyssum), avena fatua (wild oat), sinapis arvensis (wild mustard), agropyron repens (quackgrass), sonchus arvensis (perennial sowthistle), ambrosia trifida (giant ragweed), and abutilon theophrasti (velvetleaf).
ATCP 20.01(31) (31)“Seed evaluation" means evaluation of agricultural seed to determine seed composition, purity, germination percentage, hard seed percentage, dormant seed percentage, weed seed content, inert matter content, or other characteristics for purposes of seed labeling, regulatory compliance or enforcement under this chapter. “Seed evaluation" includes seed sampling, inspection, analysis, testing and examination. “Seed evaluation" includes evaluation by seed labelers and by the department.
ATCP 20.01(32) (32)“Seed evaluation terminology" means the nomenclature used in seed evaluation and related seed labeling, and includes relevant connotations, conditions, limitations and tolerances related to the declaration of seed evaluation results on seed labels.
ATCP 20.01(33) (33)“Seed labeler" means a person who holds a valid license under s. ATCP 20.18, and who accepts legal responsibility for the labeling that accompanies a container or lot of agricultural seed that is sold, offered for sale, or displayed or distributed for sale in this state.
ATCP 20.01(34) (34)“Treated seed" means agricultural seed that is treated with a pesticide, or that is treated with another substance or process for which the seed advertising or labeling makes a performance claim.
ATCP 20.01(35) (35)“Type" as applied to flower seed means a group of different varieties of the same kind of flower seed, where the different varieties are so nearly similar that they cannot be clearly distinguished except under special conditions or analysis.
ATCP 20.01(36) (36)“Uniform" means consistent in composition and characteristics that are relevant to labeling requirements under this chapter, within tolerances prescribed by the relevant seed evaluation method under this chapter for each relevant characteristic.
ATCP 20.01(37) (37)“Variety" means a subdivision of a kind, where the subdivision is all of the following:
ATCP 20.01(37)(a) (a) Distinct in the sense that it can be differentiated from all other known varieties of the kind by one or more identifiable morphological, physiological or other characteristics.
ATCP 20.01(37)(b) (b) Uniform in the sense that variations in essential and distinctive characteristics, within the variety, are describable.
ATCP 20.01(37)(c) (c) Stable in the sense that the variety will remain unchanged in its essential and distinctive characteristics and in its uniformity when reproduced or reconstituted as required for different categories of varieties.
ATCP 20.01 Note Note: Under the federal seed law (7 USC 1551 et. seq.), plant breeders may assign names to new plant varieties that they create. Variety names once established may not be changed. Plant breeders are not required to register variety names, but must refrain from duplicating existing variety names (the United States department of agriculture offers a name searching service to determine whether a proposed name is already in use). A company or trade name may not be used as a substitute for an established variety name. Under the federal plant variety protection act (7 USC 2321 et seq.), a plant breeder may obtain a certificate of plant variety protection (similar to a patent) for a new plant variety that meets certain criteria.
ATCP 20.01(38) (38)“Vegetable seed" means agricultural seed that is commonly used to produce vegetables or herbs in home gardens, and is generally known and sold under the name of vegetable or herb seed in this state.
ATCP 20.01(39) (39)“Weed" means a plant that is generally recognized as objectionable within the intended crop or planting in this state.
ATCP 20.01(40) (40)“Wild type" means a native species that is not a named variety.
ATCP 20.01 History History: EmR1049: emerg. cr., eff. 1-1-11; CR 10-107: cr. Register June 2011 No. 666, eff. 7-1-11; correction in (28) (a), (b) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1., Stats., Register June 2011 No. 666; CR 18-020: am. (27) Register October 2019 No. 766, eff. 11-1-19.
ATCP 20.02 ATCP 20.02 Seed evaluation and related terminology.
ATCP 20.02(1)(1)Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, agricultural seed evaluation methods and seed evaluation terminology used in agricultural seed labeling shall be consistent with applicable Rules for Seed Testing (October 1, 2010 edition) published by AOSA, Inc.
ATCP 20.02 Note Note: AOSA, Inc. is also known as the Association of Official Seed Analysts. Copies of the Rules for Seed Testing (October 1, 2010 edition), published by AOSA, Inc., are on file with the department and the legislative reference bureau. Copies may be obtained by contacting AOSA, Inc. at
ATCP 20.02(2) (2)An agricultural seed sample collected by the department shall be accompanied by the label for that seed. At the request of the department, a seed labeler shall provide a copy of the agricultural seed label to accompany each seed sample collected by the department.
ATCP 20.02 History History: EmR1049: emerg. cr., eff. 1-1-11; CR 10-107: cr. Register June 2011 No. 666, eff. 7-1-11.
ATCP 20.04 ATCP 20.04 Seed labeling; general.
ATCP 20.04(1)(1)Label contents; general. Except as provided in subs. (3) to (5), every container or lot of agricultural seed that is sold, offered for sale, or exposed or distributed for sale in this state shall be labeled with all of the following:
ATCP 20.04(1)(a) (a) The name and address of the seed labeler.
ATCP 20.04(1)(b) (b) A net quantity declaration that complies with ss. 98.07 and 98.08, Stats. If the seed is sold in packaged form, the net quantity declaration shall comply with s. ATCP 90.08 (12).
ATCP 20.04 Note Note: The net quantity declaration under par. (b) is normally expressed as the total net weight of the labeled container or lot.
ATCP 20.04(1)(c) (c) A lot code identifying the labeled lot or, in the case of a labeled container, the source lot from which the container originates.
ATCP 20.04(1)(d) (d) The area of origin of the seed if the area of origin is known or if the seed is represented as native species seed. If the seed is a mixture of kinds or varieties from different areas of origin, the label shall identify the area of origin for each kind or variety declared under par. (e). The area of origin, if located in this state, may be identified by a geographic description or by a the name of a political subdivision such as a county. If the seed originates from another state or country, the label shall identify that state or country.
ATCP 20.04(1)(e) (e) All of the following information related to the composition of the agricultural seed:
ATCP 20.04(1)(e)1. 1. The name and pure seed percentage of each kind of agricultural seed that constitutes more than 5 percent by weight of the net contents of the container or lot. Kinds and corresponding pure seed percentages shall be listed in order of predominance based on pure seed percentage.
ATCP 20.04(1)(e)2. 2. The name and pure seed percentage of each variety of agricultural seed that is declared on the seed label. If the label declares any variety of a kind, it shall declare every variety of that kind that has a pure seed percentage of more than 5 percent. Varieties protected by a certificate of protection under the federal plant variety protection act shall be declared. Declared varieties and corresponding pure seed percentages shall be listed in order of predominance under the kinds to which they pertain. If a container or lot includes 2 or more undeclared varieties of any kind, each of which has an undisclosed pure seed percentage of more than 5 percent, the label shall identify the seed of that kind as a mixture, blend or assortment and shall include the conspicuous statement “Variety Not Stated."
ATCP 20.04(1)(f) (f) The combined total amount of all weed seeds in the container or lot, expressed as a percentage by weight of the total net contents of the container or lot. If any of the weed seeds are noxious weed seeds, the label shall also identify each component kind of noxious weed seed and its percentage by weight of the container or lot contents.
ATCP 20.04(1)(g) (g) The combined total amount, in the container or lot, of all agricultural seeds of kinds not declared under par. (e) 1. This amount shall be expressed as a percentage by weight of the total net contents of the container or lot. The label need not identify these seeds by kind, but may describe them collectively as “other crop seeds" to distinguish them from kinds declared under par. (e) 1.
ATCP 20.04(1)(h) (h) The combined total amount of all inert matter in the container or lot, expressed as a percentage by weight of the total net contents of the container or lot.
ATCP 20.04(1)(i) (i) The summation of the component percentages declared under pars. (e) 1., (f), (g), and (h), which shall yield a total of 100 percent.
ATCP 20.04(1)(j) (j) The germination information described in s. ATCP 20.06 (1), and the month and year in which the germination analysis used to determine that information was completed.
ATCP 20.04(1)(k) (k) Applicable information required under s. ATCP 20.08 if any of the seed is treated, inoculated or coated seed, or if the seed is part of a combination seed and non-seed product.
ATCP 20.04(1)(L) (L) Applicable information required under s. ATCP 20.10 if the label identifies any of the seed as hybrid seed.
ATCP 20.04(1)(m) (m) Other label information required by this chapter.
ATCP 20.04(2) (2) Form of labeling. The label information required under this section shall be attached to each container of agricultural seed, except that:
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.