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ATCP 10.30(2)(c) (c) Permit application. An application for a permit under par. (a) shall comply with s. ATCP 10.07 (2) and shall also include the following information if sub. (3) (a) applies:
ATCP 10.30(2)(c)1. 1. The identification number of the pseudorabies qualified negative herd or pseudorabies qualified negative grow-out herd from which the swine originate.
ATCP 10.30(2)(c)2. 2. The date of the last herd test that qualified the herd of origin as a pseudorabies qualified negative herd or pseudorabies qualified negative grow-out herd.
ATCP 10.30(2)(d) (d) Herd plan.
ATCP 10.30(2)(d)1.1. The department may issue an import permit under par. (a) for animals originating from a state designated as a pseudorabies stage I or II state by the federal bureau if the person receiving the import shipment has entered into a herd plan with the department.
ATCP 10.30(2)(d)2. 2. The department may issue an import permit under par. (a) for animals that do not meet the requirements under sub. (1) (a) 3. a. or b. The department shall quarantine the imported shipment of swine or the swine herd on the premises, or both until a herd plan under s. ATCP 10.291 (5) is approved by the department. The department may not issue an import permit for animals that do not meet the requirements under sub. (1) (a) 3. c.
ATCP 10.30(3) (3) Swine must originate from a pseudorabies qualified negative herd.
ATCP 10.30(3)(a)(a) Requirement. Except as provided in par. (b), no person may import swine into this state unless the swine originate from a pseudorabies qualified negative herd or, if the swine originate from an off-site facility, a pseudorabies qualified negative grow-out herd that qualifies on the basis of monthly testing.
ATCP 10.30(3)(b) (b) Exemptions. Paragraph (a) does not apply to any of the following:
ATCP 10.30(3)(b)1. 1. Swine imported directly to a slaughtering establishment for slaughter.
ATCP 10.30(3)(b)2. 2. Commercial swine imported directly to a federally approved livestock marketing facility under s. ATCP 10.07 (4).
ATCP 10.30(3)(b)3. 3. Commercial swine originating from a state designated as a pseudorabies stage IV or V state by the federal bureau.
ATCP 10.30(3)(b)4. 4. Commercial swine originating from a state designated as a pseudorabies stage III state by the federal bureau, if the swine are imported for feeding for slaughter.
ATCP 10.30(3)(b)5. 5. Breeder swine or show pigs that originate from a state designated as a pseudorabies stage III state by the federal bureau, if the swine or show pigs have tested negative for pseudorabies on a test conducted not more than 30 days before the swine enters this state.
ATCP 10.30(3)(b)6. 6. Micro pigs imported directly to a laboratory pursuant to an import permit under sub. (9).
ATCP 10.30(4) (4) Brucellosis test.
ATCP 10.30(4)(a)(a) Requirement. Except as provided in par. (b), no person may import swine into this state unless the swine test negative on a pre-import brucellosis test conducted not more than 30 days before the swine enter this state.
ATCP 10.30(4)(b) (b) Exemptions. Paragraph (a) does not apply to any of the following:
ATCP 10.30(4)(b)1. 1. Swine imported directly to a slaughtering establishment for slaughter.
ATCP 10.30(4)(b)2. 2. Commercial swine imported directly to a federally approved livestock marketing facility under s. ATCP 10.07 (4).
ATCP 10.30(4)(b)3. 3. Commercial swine originating from a state designated as a brucellosis stage III state by the federal bureau, unless testing is required under s. ATCP 10.07 (1) (b).
ATCP 10.30(4)(b)4. 4. Commercial swine originating from a validated brucellosis-free herd.
ATCP 10.30(4)(b)5. 5. Feeder swine.
ATCP 10.30(4)(b)6. 6. Micro pigs imported directly to a laboratory pursuant to an import permit under sub. (9).
ATCP 10.30(5) (5) Pseudorabies vaccinates; imports prohibited.
ATCP 10.30(5)(a) (a) Prohibition. Except as provided in par. (b), no person may import into this state any swine that have been vaccinated for pseudorabies.
ATCP 10.30(5)(b) (b) Exemptions. Paragraph (a) does not apply to any of the following:
ATCP 10.30(5)(b)1. 1. Swine imported directly to a slaughtering establishment for slaughter.
ATCP 10.30(5)(b)2. 2. Micro pigs imported directly to a laboratory pursuant to an import permit under sub. (9).
ATCP 10.30(6) (6) Imported swine; isolation and pseudorabies testing.
ATCP 10.30(6)(a)(a) Requirement. Except as provided in par. (b), a person receiving imported swine in this state shall do all of the following:
ATCP 10.30(6)(a)1. 1. Isolate the imported swine from all other swine on the premises until the imported swine test negative for pseudorabies.
ATCP 10.30(6)(a)2. 2. Have all the imported swine tested for pseudorabies not less than 30 days nor more than 45 days after the swine enter this state.
ATCP 10.30(6)(b) (b) Exemptions. Paragraph (a) does not apply to any of the following:
ATCP 10.30(6)(b)1. 1. Swine imported directly to a slaughtering establishment for slaughter.
ATCP 10.30(6)(b)2. 2. Commercial swine imported directly to a federally approved livestock marketing facility under s. ATCP 10.07 (4).
ATCP 10.30(6)(b)3. 3. Commercial swine originating from a state designated as a pseudorabies stage IV or V state by the federal bureau, unless testing is required under s. ATCP 10.07 (1) (b).
ATCP 10.30(6)(b)4. 4. An import shipment of commercial swine that includes no breeder swine or show pigs, if the person receiving that shipment tests a representative statistical sample of these swine for pseudorabies. The person shall test the statistical sample not less than 30 days nor more than 45 days after the swine enter this state. The person shall isolate all of the imported swine until the sample swine test negative for pseudorabies.
ATCP 10.30(6)(b)5. 5. Micro pigs imported directly to a laboratory pursuant to an import permit under sub. (9).
ATCP 10.30(7) (7) Slaughter swine imported from pseudorabies stage i or ii state. No person may import slaughter swine from a state designated as a pseudorabies stage I or II state by the federal bureau unless all the following apply:
ATCP 10.30(7)(a) (a) The swine are shipped in a sealed vehicle directly to a slaughter establishment.
ATCP 10.30(7)(b) (b) The swine are accompanied by a completed federal bureau form VS 1-27 and an import permit issued by the department under s. ATCP 10.07 (2).
ATCP 10.30 Note Note: Federal bureau form VS 1-27 must be completed by an accredited veterinarian, an authorized state animal health official, or the federal bureau.
ATCP 10.30(8) (8) Commercial swine imported from pseudorabies stage i or ii state.
ATCP 10.30(8)(a)(a) Separation from breeding stock. All of the following requirements apply to commercial swine imported for finish feeding prior to slaughter, from a state designated as a pseudorabies stage I or II state by the federal bureau, and to all swine commingled with those swine:
ATCP 10.30(8)(a)1. 1. The swine shall at all times be kept separate from breeding stock.
ATCP 10.30(8)(a)2. 2. The swine may not be removed from the premises where they are received for feeding in this state, except for direct shipment to slaughter.
ATCP 10.30(9) (9) Laboratory import permit. The department may issue an import permit under s. ATCP 10.07 (2) authorizing the import of micro pigs directly to a laboratory in this state, subject to all of the following conditions which shall be stated in the permit:
ATCP 10.30(9)(a) (a) The laboratory shall use the micro pigs for bona fide scientific research, studies or tests.
ATCP 10.30(9)(b) (b) The micro pigs shall be imported to the laboratory in a closed, biologically controlled environment that keeps the pigs biologically isolated from other swine.
ATCP 10.30(9)(c) (c) The micro pigs shall be confined in the laboratory so they are biologically isolated from other swine.
ATCP 10.30(9)(d) (d) The laboratory operator shall euthanize all of the micro pigs at the end of the study, test, or experiment, and shall dispose of all carcasses in a manner that prevents biological exposure to other swine.
ATCP 10.30(10) (10) Garbage-fed swine; import prohibited. Swine fed on raw commercial garbage may not be imported into this state for slaughter or any other purpose. Swine fed on cooked commercial garbage may not be imported into this state unless the department first issues an import permit under s. ATCP 10.07 (2) that identifies the imported swine as swine fed on cooked commercial garbage.
ATCP 10.30 History History: CR 06-009: cr. Register September 2006 No. 609, eff. 10-1-06; CR 11-048: am. (1) (b) 2., 3., 4., (2) (b) 2., 3., 4., (3) (b) 2., 3., 4., 6., (4) (b) 2., 3., 4., 6., (5) (b) 2., (6) (b) 2., 3., 4., 5., (8) (title) and (a) (intro.), (9) (intro.) Register July 2012 No. 679, eff. 8-1-12; CR 13-058: am. (1) (a) 3., cr. (1) (a) 3m. Register March 2014 No. 699, eff. 6-1-14; CR 15-092: am. (1) (b) 2., (2) (b) 2., (3) (b) 2., (4) (b) 2., (6) (b) 2. Register July 2016 No. 727, eff. 10-1-16; CR 17-011: r. and recr. (1) (a) 3., r. (1) (a) 3m., am. (1) (b) 2., (2) (b) 2., 3., cr. (2) (b) 5., renum. (2) (d) to (2) (d) 1. and am., cr. (2) (d) 2., Register January 2018 No. 745 eff. 2-1-18; CR 18-085: am. (1) (a) 3., (b) 3., (2) (b) 3. Register May 2020 No. 773, eff. 6-1-20; correction in (1) (a) 3 a. made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register May 2020 No. 773.
ATCP 10.31 ATCP 10.31Slaughter swine identification.
ATCP 10.31(1)(1)Identification required. Except as provided in sub. (3), a slaughtering establishment operator shall do all the following whenever that person receives a sow, boar, or stag for slaughter:
ATCP 10.31(1)(a) (a) If the animal meets either of the following criteria, identify the swine with an official swine back tag, a premises identification number ear tag or other approved slaughter identification, unless the swine already bears an official individual identification or slaughter identification:
ATCP 10.31(1)(a)1. 1. The animal does not pass the inspection process completed by state or federal inspectors.
ATCP 10.31(1)(a)2. 2. The animal is tested for disease.
ATCP 10.31(1)(b) (b) If the animal meets the criteria under par. (a) 1. or 2., make a record under sub. (2) for that swine.
ATCP 10.31(2) (2) Record.
ATCP 10.31(2)(a)(a) A record under sub. (1) (b) shall include all the following:
ATCP 10.31(2)(a)1. 1. The swine's official individual identification or slaughter identification number.
ATCP 10.31(2)(a)2. 2. The date on which the swine was received.
ATCP 10.31(2)(a)4. 4. The name and address of the person from whom the swine was received.
ATCP 10.31(2)(a)5. 5. The swine's class.
ATCP 10.31(2)(b) (b) The record under par. (a) shall be retained for at least 5 years, and shall be made available to the department for inspection and copying upon request.
ATCP 10.31(3) (3) Low-volume slaughter establishments; exemption. The department may, by written notice, exempt a slaughtering establishment from sub. (1) if all the following apply:
ATCP 10.31(3)(a) (a) The slaughtering establishment receives all of its swine directly from producers.
ATCP 10.31(3)(b) (b) The slaughtering establishment records the herd of origin of every swine slaughtered.
ATCP 10.31(3)(c) (c) The slaughtering establishment slaughters not more than 100 swine per day, and operates no more than 5 days per week.
ATCP 10.31 Note Note: Animal identification requirements for animal truckers, animal markets, and animal dealers are specified under ch. ATCP 12.
ATCP 10.31 History History: CR 06-009: cr. Register September 2006 No. 609, eff. 10-1-06; CR 15-092: am. (1) (intro.), (a), (2) (a) 1., 3., (b) Register July 2016 No. 727, eff. 10-1-16; CR 18-085: am. (1) (intro.), renum. (1) (a) to (1) (a) (intro.) and am., cr. (1) (a) 1., 2., am. (1) (b), r. (2) (a) 3. Register May 2020 No. 773, eff. 6-1-20.
ATCP 10.32 ATCP 10.32Moving commercial swine in Wisconsin.
ATCP 10.32(1)(1)Pseudorabies.
ATCP 10.32(1)(a)(a) Test required. Except as provided in par. (b), no person may move commercial swine within this state unless all of the following apply:
ATCP 10.32(1)(a)1. 1. The swine have tested negative on a pseudorabies test conducted not more than 30 days prior to the intrastate movement.
ATCP 10.32(1)(a)2. 2. A copy of the negative test report under par. (a) accompanies the swine. The operator of a swine growth performance test station shall keep copies of pseudorabies test reports for all swine moved into or out of the test station. The test station operator shall retain the copies for a period of 5 years, and make them available to the department for inspection and copying upon request.
ATCP 10.32(1)(b) (b) Exemptions. Paragraph (a) does not apply if any of the following apply:
ATCP 10.32(1)(b)1. 1. This state has a federal bureau designation as a pseudorabies stage IV or V state at the time the swine are moved.
ATCP 10.32(1)(b)2. 2. The swine are moved from a qualified pseudorabies negative herd or a qualified pseudorabies negative grow-out herd, where they originate.
ATCP 10.32(1)(b)3. 3. The swine are moved directly to a slaughtering establishment for slaughter.
ATCP 10.32(1)(b)4. 4. The swine are moved to the premises of an animal dealer or animal market operator who complies with the testing requirement under par. (a) before the swine are moved from those premises.
ATCP 10.32(1)(b)5. 5. The swine are moved only between premises owned or operated by the same person, who is at all times the owner of the swine.
ATCP 10.32(2) (2) Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and porcine epidemic diarrhea virus.
ATCP 10.32(2)(a) (a) Test required.
ATCP 10.32(2)(a)1.1. Except as provided in par. (b), no person may move commercial swine within this state unless the herd of origin has tested negative on a porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and porcine epidemic diarrhea virus test conducted not more than 90 days prior to the intrastate movement and documentation of the test reports are made available at the time of sale and to the department upon request. Testing under this paragraph shall comply with s. ATCP 10.291.
ATCP 10.32(2)(a)2. 2. If the swine's herd of origin does not meet the requirements under subd. 1., the department shall quarantine the herd of origin and follow the procedures under s. ATCP 10.291 (4) and (5) before any swine may be moved from the premises.
ATCP 10.32(2)(a)3. 3. If commercial exhibition swine originate from Wisconsin and return to Wisconsin after an exhibition in another state, the exhibitor must notify the department of the movement before returning to Wisconsin. The department shall quarantine the returning swine, herd of origin, or both and follow the procedures under s. ATCP 10.291 (4) and (5) before any swine may be moved from the premises. This subdivision does not apply if the out-of-state exhibition organizer requires all participating swine to test negative for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and porcine epidemic diarrhea virus within 90 days prior to the event.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.