March 7, 2025 - Introduced by Senators Spreitzer, Drake, Hesselbein, Larson, Pfaff, Ratcliff and Roys, cosponsored by Representatives Roe, Andraca, Arney, Bare, Brown, Clancy, DeSmidt, Emerson, Fitzgerald, J. Jacobson, Joers, Kirsch, Miresse, Moore Omokunde, Ortiz-Velez, Palmeri, Phelps, Sinicki, Subeck, Udell and Tenorio. Referred to Committee on Senate Organization.
1Relating to: designating the month of March as Endosalpingiosis Awareness
2Month. SJR12,1,43Whereas, Endosalpingiosis is a rare disease that primarily affects women 4between the ages of 20 to 49 years; and SJR12,1,65Whereas, Endosalpingiosis is characterized by the presence of tubal 6epithelium outside of the fallopian tube; and SJR12,1,87Whereas, the prevalence of Endosalpingiosis is difficult to establish, since it is 8diagnosed only through surgical biopsy; and SJR12,1,119Whereas, common symptoms of Endosalpingiosis include pelvic pain, 10infertility, menstrual irregularities, and dyspareunia, along with chronic back pain 11being reported as a common issue years before diagnosis; and SJR12,1,1412Whereas, some of the biggest issues that patients face are uncertainty about 13how the condition develops and a lack of doctors who specialize in Endosalpingiosis; 14and SJR12,2,4
1Whereas, there is currently no cure or known treatment for Endosalpingiosis, 2and there is little research being done to better understand the disease, so 3increasing awareness and educating the public is vital to supporting those 4impacted by Endosalpingiosis in our state; and SJR12,2,75Whereas, nonprofit groups such as Endosalpingiosis Foundation are working 6tirelessly to provide a much-needed support system for those who have been 7diagnosed and to continue to raise awareness and funding for research; and SJR12,2,108Whereas, Endosalpingiosis Awareness Month gives Wisconsin residents the 9opportunity to learn more about this condition and increase the resources and 10support available; now, therefore, be it SJR12,2,1211Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the month of 12March shall be designated as Endosalpingiosis Awareness Month.