SB45,1285,87(c) The ombudsperson shall, at the request of the governor at any time, report 8to the governor on any matter over which the ombudsperson has authority. SB45,1285,149(d) On or before December 31 of each year, the ombudsperson shall submit to 10the governor, the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the 11legislature under s. 13.172 (2), and the secretary of corrections a report of the 12ombudsperson’s findings and recommendations for improvements to policies and 13practices at state correctional institutions and the results of the ombudsperson’s 14investigations conducted under sub. (4). SB45,258415Section 2584. 302.05 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1285,1616302.05 (title) Wisconsin substance abuse earned release program. SB45,258517Section 2585. 302.05 (1) (am) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1286,218302.05 (1) (am) (intro.) The department of corrections and the department of 19health services may designate a section of a mental health institute as a 20correctional treatment facility for the treatment of substance abuse use disorder of 21inmates transferred from Wisconsin state prisons. This section shall be 22administered by the department of corrections and shall be known as the Wisconsin 23substance abuse program. The department of corrections and the department of
1health services shall ensure that the residents at the institution and the residents 2in the substance abuse use disorder program: SB45,25863Section 2586. 302.05 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1286,74302.05 (1) (b) The department of corrections and the department of health 5services shall, at any correctional facility the departments determine is 6appropriate, provide a substance abuse use disorder treatment program for inmates 7for the purposes of the program described in sub. (3). SB45,25878Section 2587. 302.05 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1286,119302.05 (1) (c) 1. In this paragraph, “vocational readiness training program” 10means an educational, vocational, treatment, or other evidence-based training 11program to reduce recidivism. SB45,1286,14122. The department shall, at any correctional facility the department 13determines is appropriate, provide vocational readiness training programs for the 14purposes of the program described in sub. (3). SB45,258815Section 2588. 302.05 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1286,1716302.05 (2) Transfer to a correctional treatment facility for the treatment of a 17substance abuse use disorder shall be considered a transfer under s. 302.18. SB45,258918Section 2589. 302.05 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1287,219302.05 (3) (a) 2. If the inmate is serving a bifurcated sentence imposed under 20s. 973.01, the sentencing court decided under par. (e) or s. 973.01 (3g) The 21department determines that the inmate is eligible to participate in the earned 22release program described in this subsection. In making its determination, the
1department shall consider a decision of the sentencing court under s. 302.05 (3) (e), 22023 stats., or s. 973.01 (3g), 2023 stats. SB45,25903Section 2590. 302.05 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1287,134302.05 (3) (b) Except as provided in par. (d), if the department determines 5that an eligible inmate serving a sentence other than one imposed under s. 973.01 6has successfully completed a substance use disorder treatment program described 7in sub. (1) (b), a vocational readiness training program described in sub. (1) (c), or 8the mother-young child care program under s. 301.049, the parole commission shall 9parole the inmate for that sentence under s. 304.06, regardless of the time the 10inmate has served. If the parole commission grants parole under this paragraph for 11the completion of a substance use disorder treatment program, it shall require the 12parolee to participate in an intensive supervision program for drug abusers as a 13condition of parole. SB45,259114Section 2591. 302.05 (3) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1287,2115302.05 (3) (c) 1. Except as provided in par. (d), if the department determines 16that an eligible inmate serving the term of confinement in prison portion of a 17bifurcated sentence imposed under s. 973.01 has successfully completed a 18substance use disorder treatment program described in sub. (1) (b), a vocational 19readiness training program described in sub. (1) (c), or the mother-young child care 20program under s. 301.049, the department shall inform the court that sentenced 21the inmate. SB45,259222Section 2592. 302.05 (3) (c) 2. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1288,523302.05 (3) (c) 2. (intro.) Upon being informed by the department under subd.
11. that an inmate whom the court sentenced under s. 973.01 has successfully 2completed a substance use disorder treatment program described in sub. (1) (b), a 3vocational readiness training program described in sub. (1) (c), or the mother-young 4child care program under s. 301.049, the court shall modify the inmate’s bifurcated 5sentence as follows: SB45,25936Section 2593. 302.05 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1288,97302.05 (3) (d) The department may place intensive sanctions program 8participants in a treatment program described in sub. (1) (b), but pars. (b) and (c) do 9not apply to those participants. SB45,259410Section 2594. 302.05 (3) (e) of the statutes is repealed. SB45,259511Section 2595. 302.11 (7) (am) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1288,1712302.11 (7) (am) The reviewing authority may return a parolee released under 13sub. (1) or (1g) (b) or s. 304.02 or 304.06 (1) to prison for a period up to the 14remainder of the sentence for a violation of the conditions of parole. The remainder 15of the sentence is the entire sentence, less time served in custody prior to parole and 16less any earned compliance credit under s. 973.156. The revocation order shall 17provide the parolee with credit in accordance with ss. 304.072 and 973.155. SB45,259618Section 2596. 302.113 (9) (ag) of the statutes is renumbered 302.113 (9) (ag) 19(intro.) and amended to read: SB45,1288,2020302.113 (9) (ag) (intro.) In this subsection “reviewing: SB45,1288,23211. “Reviewing authority” means the division of hearings and appeals in the 22department of administration, upon proper notice and hearing, or the department 23of corrections, if the person on extended supervision waives a hearing. SB45,2597
1Section 2597. 302.113 (9) (am) of the statutes is renumbered 302.113 (9) 2(am) 1. and amended to read: SB45,1289,83302.113 (9) (am) 1. If a person released to extended supervision under this 4section violates a condition of extended supervision, the reviewing authority may 5revoke the extended supervision of the person. If the extended supervision of the 6person is revoked, the reviewing authority shall order the person to be returned to 7prison for any specified period of time that does not exceed the time remaining on 8the bifurcated sentence. The time SB45,1289,139(ag) 2. “Time remaining on the bifurcated sentence is” means the total length 10of the bifurcated sentence, less time served by the person in confinement under the 11sentence before release to extended supervision under sub. (2), less any earned 12compliance credit under s. 973.156, and less all time served in confinement for 13previous revocations of extended supervision under the sentence. SB45,1289,1614(am) 2. The order returning a person to prison under this paragraph shall 15provide the person whose extended supervision was revoked with credit in 16accordance with ss. 304.072 and 973.155. SB45,259817Section 2598. 302.113 (9) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1290,218302.113 (9) (b) A person who is returned to prison after revocation of extended 19supervision shall be incarcerated for the entire period of time specified by the order 20under par. (am) 1. The period of time specified under par. (am) 1. may be extended 21in accordance with sub. (3). If a person is returned to prison under par. (am) 1. for 22a period of time that is less than the time remaining on the bifurcated sentence, the 23person shall be released to extended supervision after he or she has served the
1period of time specified by the order under par. (am) 1. and any periods of extension 2imposed in accordance with sub. (3). SB45,25993Section 2599. 302.113 (9) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1290,124302.113 (9) (c) A person who is subsequently released to extended supervision 5after service of the period of time specified by the order under par. (am) 1. is subject 6to all conditions and rules under sub. (7) and, if applicable, sub. (7m) until the 7expiration of the time remaining extended supervision portion of on the bifurcated 8sentence. The remaining extended supervision portion of the bifurcated sentence is 9the total length of the bifurcated sentence, less the time served by the person in 10confinement under the bifurcated sentence before release to extended supervision 11under sub. (2) and less all time served in confinement for previous revocations of 12extended supervision under the bifurcated sentence. SB45,260013Section 2600. 302.114 (9) (ag) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1290,1514302.114 (9) (ag) In this subsection “reviewing authority” has the meaning 15given in s. 302.113 (9) (ag) 1. SB45,260116Section 2601. 302.27 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1290,2317302.27 (1) The department may contract with a local unit of government, as 18defined in s. 16.957 (1) (k), for temporary housing or detention in county jails, 19county houses of correction, or tribal jails for persons placed on probation or 20sentenced to imprisonment in state prisons or to the intensive sanctions program. 21The rate under any such contract may not exceed $60 $80 per person per day. 22Nothing in this subsection limits the authority of the department to place persons 23in jails under s. 301.048 (3) (a) 1. SB45,260224Section 2602. 302.31 (7) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1291,6
1302.31 (7) The temporary placement of persons in the custody of the 2department, other than persons under 17 years of age minors, and persons who 3have attained the age of 17 years but have not attained adults under the age of 25 4years who are under the supervision of the department under s. 938.355 (4) and 5who have been taken into custody pending revocation of community supervision or 6aftercare supervision under s. 938.357 (5) (e). SB45,26037Section 2603. 302.43 of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1291,228302.43 Good time. Every inmate of a county jail is eligible to earn good time 9in the amount of one-fourth of his or her term for good behavior if sentenced to at 10least 4 days, but fractions of a day shall be ignored. An inmate shall be given credit 11for time served prior to sentencing under s. 973.155, including good time under s. 12973.155 (4). An inmate who violates any law or any regulation of the jail, or neglects 13or refuses to perform any duty lawfully required of him or her, may be deprived by 14the sheriff of good time under this section, except that the sheriff shall not deprive 15the inmate of more than 2 days good time for any one offense without the approval 16of the court. An inmate who files an action or special proceeding, including a 17petition for a common law writ of certiorari, to which s. 807.15 applies shall be 18deprived of the number of days of good time specified in the court order prepared 19under s. 807.15 (3). This section does not apply to a person who is confined in the 20county jail in connection with his or her participation in a substance abuse 21treatment program that meets the requirements of s. 165.95 (3), as determined by 22the department of justice under s. 165.95 (9) and (10). SB45,260423Section 2604. 304.072 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1292,424304.072 (4) The sentence of a revoked parolee or person on extended
1supervision resumes running on the day he or she is received at a correctional 2institution subject to sentence credit for the period of custody in a jail, correctional 3institution or any other detention facility pending revocation according to the terms 4of s. 973.155 and subject to earned compliance credit under s. 973.156. SB45,26055Section 2605. 321.37 of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1292,166321.37 No discrimination. No person, otherwise qualified, may be denied 7membership in the national guard or state defense force because of sex, color, race, 8creed, or sexual orientation, gender expression, as defined in s. 111.32 (7j), or 9gender identity, as defined in s. 111.32 (7k), and no member of the national guard or 10state defense force may be segregated within the national guard or state defense 11force on the basis of sex, color, race, creed, or sexual orientation, gender expression, 12as defined in s. 111.32 (7j), or gender identity, as defined in s. 111.32 (7k). Nothing 13in this section prohibits separate facilities for persons of different sexes with regard 14to dormitory accommodations, toilets, showers, saunas, and dressing rooms, except 15that no person may be denied equal access to facilities most consistent with the 16person’s gender identity. SB45,260617Section 2606. 321.40 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 321.40 (1) (ar). SB45,260718Section 2607. 321.40 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 321.40 (1) (am) 19and amended to read: SB45,1292,2120321.40 (1) (am) “Tuition Educational grant” means any tuition cost payment 21made by the department under sub. (3). SB45,260822Section 2608. 321.40 (2) (intro.), (e) and (f) of the statutes are amended to 23read: SB45,1293,2
1321.40 (2) Eligible guard member. (intro.) Eligibility for a tuition an 2educational grant under this section is limited to a guard member who is not: SB45,1293,43(e) Failing to achieve satisfactory academic progress in a qualifying school 4when the tuition educational grant is applied for. SB45,1293,65(f) Failing to be an actively drilling guard member when the tuition 6educational grant is applied for. SB45,26097Section 2609. 321.40 (3) (title), (a), (b) (intro.), (c) and (d) of the statutes are 8amended to read: SB45,1293,219321.40 (3) (title) Tuition Educational grants. (a) Any eligible guard 10member enrolled in a full-time or part-time course in a qualifying school may apply 11for a tuition an educational grant equal to 100 percent of the actual tuition charged 12by the school or 100 percent of the maximum resident undergraduate tuition 13charged by the University of Wisconsin-Madison for a comparable number of 14credits, whichever amount is less. In calculating the maximum resident 15undergraduate tuition charged by the University of Wisconsin-Madison for 16purposes of this paragraph, the department shall include in the calculation all 17additional tuition established or approved by the Board of Regents of the University 18of Wisconsin System under s. 36.27 (1) (a) for undergraduate students at the 19University of Wisconsin-Madison and for students enrolled in a particular 20undergraduate academic program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison if the 21eligible guard member is enrolled in the same or equivalent program. SB45,1293,2222(b) (intro.) Application for tuition educational grants shall: SB45,1294,623(c) Except as provided under par. (d), upon determination that the applicant is 24eligible to receive the payment, the department shall make payment of the tuition
1educational grant, on behalf of the applicant, to the qualifying school in which the 2applicant is enrolled in the amount determined under par. (a). Notwithstanding 3par. (b) 2., the department shall rely on a qualifying school’s certification in 4determining that an applicant is eligible under sub. (2) (e) to receive the payment 5and the department shall make the payment not later than 30 days after the 6department receives the certification. SB45,1294,87(d) Tuition Educational grants under this section shall be paid out of the 8appropriation under s. 20.465 (2) (a). SB45,26109Section 2610. 321.40 (3) (e) and (f) of the statutes are created to read: SB45,1294,1110321.40 (3) (e) In calculating the amount of tuition charged under par. (a), all of 11the following apply: SB45,1294,15121. For a University of Wisconsin System institution, tuition includes academic 13fees, as defined in s. 36.27 (3n) (a) 1g., for a resident student or nonresident tuition, 14as defined in s. 36.27 (3p) (a) 1m., for a nonresident student, as well as segregated 15fees under s. 36.27 (6). SB45,1294,17162. For a technical college, tuition includes program fees under s. 38.24 (1m) 17and incidental fees under s. 38.14 (9). SB45,1294,2118(f) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., an educational grant under this section 19shall be paid in full and no other award of financial aid to an eligible guard member 20who receives an educational grant under this section may be reduced because of the 21educational grant. SB45,1294,24222. This paragraph does not apply to the extent it would result in an overaward 23of financial assistance in violation of federal law or regulation or would violate the 24terms of a donation agreement for a privately funded grant or scholarship. SB45,2611
1Section 2611. 321.40 (4) (a) (intro.), 2., 3. and 4. and (b) of the statutes are 2amended to read: SB45,1295,53321.40 (4) (a) (intro.) The department shall require a guard member who has 4received a tuition an educational grant under this section to repay the amount of 5the tuition educational grant to the department if any of the following applies: SB45,1295,762. The guard member is not a member in good standing in the national guard 7at the end of the term for which the tuition educational grant is paid. SB45,1295,983. The guard member has failed to be an actively drilling guard member at the 9end of the term for which the tuition educational grant is paid. SB45,1295,11104. The guard member has failed to achieve satisfactory academic progress at 11the end of the term for which the tuition educational grant is paid. SB45,1295,1512(b) 1. A qualifying school that receives payment of a tuition an educational 13grant on behalf of a guard member under sub. (3) (c) shall notify the department if 14the guard member has failed to achieve satisfactory academic progress at the end of 15the term for which the tuition educational grant is paid. SB45,1295,23162. If a guard member is required to repay a tuition an educational grant for 17any of the reasons specified in par. (a), the department may require the qualifying 18school that received the tuition educational grant on behalf of the guard member to 19recover from the guard member the amount of the tuition educational grant and 20remit it to the department. A qualifying school may take any reasonable action to 21secure repayment of the amount of a tuition an educational grant under this 22subdivision, including placing a hold on course registration or on the awarding of a 23degree or certificate, undertaking collection efforts, or initiating legal action. SB45,261224Section 2612. 321.40 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1296,3
1321.40 (5) Limitations. (a) No guard member is eligible for a tuition an 2educational grant under this section for more than 120 credits of part-time study or 38 full semesters of full-time study or the equivalent thereof. SB45,1296,94(b) If the U.S. congress establishes an active draft after July 1, 1977, no new 5tuition educational grants may be authorized under this section. The department 6shall determine if an active draft has been established. Any termination of the 7tuition educational grant program under this paragraph shall allow persons 8receiving grants prior to the establishment of an active draft to receive full benefits 9subject to sub. (3) (d) and par. (a). SB45,1296,1110(c) No guard member may receive a tuition an educational grant under sub. 11(3) for any semester in which he or she received a payment under s. 45.20 (2). SB45,1296,1412(d) No guard member may receive a tuition an educational grant under this 13section unless he or she is a member in good standing in the national guard at the 14time of application for the tuition educational grant. SB45,261315Section 2613. 321.40 (6) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1296,1816321.40 (6) Coordination with qualifying schools. The department shall 17consult and coordinate with qualifying schools in establishing a process for 18distributing tuition educational grants that accomplishes all of the following: SB45,1296,2019(a) Maximizes administrative efficiency for qualifying schools in applying 20tuition educational grants to student accounts. SB45,1296,2321(b) Provides tuition educational grants to students in an expeditious manner 22that minimizes students’ need to incur debt while waiting for the grants to fund in 23their student accounts. SB45,261424Section 2614. 323.19 (3) and (4) of the statutes are repealed. SB45,2615
1Section 2615. 323.31 of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1297,212323.31 State disaster assistance. From the appropriations under s. 20.465 3(3) (b) and (s), the adjutant general shall make payments to retail electric 4cooperatives, as defined in s. 16.957 (1) (t), to local governmental units, as defined 5in s. 19.42 (7u), and to federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands in 6this state for the damages and costs incurred as the result of a disaster if federal 7disaster assistance is not available for that disaster because the governor’s request 8that the president declare the disaster a major disaster under 42 USC 5170 has 9been denied or because the disaster, as determined by the department of military 10affairs, does not meet the statewide or countywide per capita impact indicator 11under the public assistance program that is issued by the federal emergency 12management agency. To be eligible for a payment under this section, the retail 13electric cooperative, local governmental unit, or tribe or band shall pay 30 percent of 14the amount of the damages and costs resulting from the disaster. Costs eligible for 15payment under this section shall include the categories of work designated by the 16federal emergency management agency’s public assistance program as Category D, 17regarding water control facilities; Category E, regarding public buildings and 18contents; Category F, regarding public utilities; and Category G, regarding parks, 19recreation, and other facilities. The department of military affairs shall 20promulgate rules establishing the application process and the criteria for 21determining eligibility for payments under this section. SB45,261622Section 2616. 341.14 (1a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1298,1823341.14 (1a) If any resident of this state, who is registering or has registered 24an automobile, or a motor truck, dual purpose motor home or dual purpose farm
1truck which has a gross weight of not more than 8,000 pounds, a farm truck which 2has a gross weight of not more than 12,000 pounds or a motor home, submits a 3statement once every 4 years, as determined by the department, from a physician 4licensed to practice medicine in any state, from an advanced practice registered 5nurse licensed to practice nursing in any state, from a public health nurse certified 6or licensed to practice in any state, from a physician assistant licensed or certified 7to practice in any state, from a podiatrist licensed to practice in any state, from a 8chiropractor licensed to practice chiropractic in any state, from a physical therapist 9licensed to practice in any state, or from a Christian Science practitioner residing in 10this state and listed in the Christian Science journal certifying to the department 11that the resident is a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to 12walk, the department shall procure, issue and deliver to the disabled person plates 13of a special design in lieu of plates which ordinarily would be issued for the vehicle, 14and shall renew the plates. The plates shall be so designed as to readily apprise law 15enforcement officers of the fact that the vehicle is owned by a nonveteran disabled 16person and is entitled to the parking privileges specified in s. 346.50 (2a). No 17charge in addition to the registration fee shall be made for the issuance or renewal 18of such plates. SB45,261719Section 2617. 341.14 (1e) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: