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22Section 1569. 91.84 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
2391.84 (1) (b) The department may designate agricultural enterprise areas
24with a combined area of not more than 2,000,000 3,000,000 acres of land.

1Section 1570. 92.14 (16) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
292.14 (16) (title) Commercial nitrogen optimization pilot program.
3Section 1571. 92.14 (16) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
492.14 (16) (a) In addition to any grants provided under sub. (3), the
5department shall award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (qf) (qm)
6to agricultural producers and to University of Wisconsin System institutions as
7provided under this subsection.
8Section 1572. 92.14 (18) of the statutes is created to read:
992.14 (18) PFAS monitoring. As part of any statewide monitoring program,
10sampling program, or survey conducted by the department, any samples that are
11collected and tested shall also, at the departments discretion and where
12appropriate, be tested for the presence of any perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl
14Section 1573. 93.425 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1593.425 (3) Of the moneys appropriated under s. 20.115 (3) (b), the center for
16international agribusiness marketing shall ensure that $2,500,000 is expended for
17the objective specified in sub. (2) (a), $1,250,000 is expended for the objective
18specified in sub. (2) (b), and $1,250,000 is expended for the objective specified in
19sub. (2) (c). The center may not expend more than $1,000,000 under the program in
20any fiscal year.
21Section 1574. 93.525 of the statutes is created to read:
2293.525 Meat processing tuition and curriculum development grants.
23(1) From the appropriation under s. 20.115 (3) (f), the department shall provide
24grants to universities, colleges, and technical colleges located in this state that have

1programs in meat processing to reimburse tuition costs of students enrolled in a
2meat processing program and for curriculum development for the meat processing
4(2) Each tuition reimbursement made with a grant received under this
5section shall reimburse a student for not more than 80 percent of the first $9,375 of
6the tuition cost for enrolling in a meat processing program.
7Section 1575. 93.53 of the statutes is created to read:
893.53 Food waste reduction grants. (1) The department shall provide
9grants for food waste reduction pilot projects that have an objective of preventing
10food waste, redirecting surplus food to hunger relief organizations, and composting
11food waste. In awarding grants under this section, the department shall give
12preference to proposals that serve census tracts for which the median household
13income is below the statewide median household income and in which no grocery
14store is located.
15(2) The department shall promulgate rules for the administration of this
17Section 1576. 93.54 of the statutes is created to read:
1893.54 Dairy agriculture resilience investment now grant pilot
19program. (1) Program. The department shall create a dairy agriculture
20resilience investment now grant pilot program, under which the department shall
21provide grants to dairy producers with fewer than 1,000 head of milking cows to
22fund projects designed to improve the dairy producers operational efficiency and
24(2) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer this section.

1Section 1577. 93.60 of the statutes is created to read:
293.60 Transition to grass pilot program. (1) Definitions. In this
4(a) Managed grazing means a grazing system alternative to continuous
5grazing, in which pastured fields are subdivided into smaller paddocks, livestock
6density is controlled, and animals are rotated through paddocks at a frequency that
7maintains perennial grass-based vegetative cover, ensures regular access to fresh
8higher quality forage, and reduces soil compaction and erosion.
9(b) Marginal area means land that is excluded from cultivation due to
10economic infeasibility or physical restriction for growing conventional crops, and
11includes riparian areas, low areas prone to flooding, and steep lands not conducive
12to conventional cultivation.
13(2) Transition to grass pilot program. From the appropriation under s.
1420.115 (4) (t), the department shall create and administer a transition to grass pilot
15program that awards grants to farmers for managed grazing technical assistance
16and implementation support.
17(3) Grazing grants. (a) Subject to par. (b), the transition to grass pilot
18program shall award grants to farmers for any of the following purposes:
191. To assist a farmer with establishing perennial forages for rotational
20grazing of livestock raised in a grass-based managed grazing system.
212. To provide assistance to a farmer in establishing harvestable continuous
22cover in marginal areas that can produce supplemental feed for livestock that is
23raised in a grass-based managed grazing system.

13. To provide a farmer with incentive payments during the first 3 years of the
2farmers transition to grass-based managed grazing systems.
34. To assist a farmer with paying for grass-based managed grazing system
4infrastructure needs, including fencing, watering, and other livestock management
65. Technical assistance and support from a certified grazing specialist in
7developing grazing plans, including determining field layout, infrastructure setup,
8seed selection, and establishment of rotational grazing patterns.
9(b) Grants awarded under par. (a) shall be awarded only to a farmer
10implementing a new grass-based managed grazing system or a new managed
11grazing practice that improves the conservation and financial performance of
12existing grazing systems; grants may not be awarded to a farmer for the support of
13the farmers existing grazing practices.
14(c) The department may not award more than $40,000 in grants under par. (a)
15to any one grantee.
16(d) In the year following the departments decision to grant an award under
17par. (a), the department shall provide 75 percent of the award to the grantee, and in
18each of the 2nd and 3rd years following the departments decision to grant an award
19under par. (a), the department shall provide 12.5 percent of the award to the
21(4) Support for farmers. (a) The transition to grass pilot program shall
22provide the following for farmers and persons in agribusiness:
231. Assistance in navigating and analyzing the economics of grass-based

1managed grazing and providing grass-fed livestock research, market development
2initiatives, and other market opportunities.
32. Best practices for meeting consumer demand for grass-fed livestock
53. Assistance in fostering innovation in and expanding farm and agribusiness
6strategies in grass-based managed grazing systems and grass-fed livestock
8(b) The departments division of agricultural development shall support the
9states grass-fed livestock supply chain, including regional processors, aggregators,
10distributors, and markets.
11Section 1578. 93.61 of the statutes is created to read:
1293.61 Value-added agricultural practices. (1) Definition. In this
13section, value-added agricultural product means a farm product that satisfies any
14of the following:
15(a) The product has undergone a change in physical state.
16(b) The product is produced in a manner that enhances its value.
17(c) The product is physically segregated in a manner that enhances its value.
18(d) The product is a source of farm-based or ranch-based renewable energy.
19(e) The product is aggregated and marketed as a locally produced farm
21(2) Value-added agricultural products. The department may provide
22education and technical assistance related to promoting and implementing

1agricultural practices that produce value-added agricultural products, including by
2doing all of the following:
3(a) Assistance for organic farming practices. Providing education and
4technical assistance related to organic farming practices, including business and
5market development assistance; collaborating with organic producers, industry
6participants, and local organizations that coordinate organic farming; and
7stimulating interest and investment in organic production. The department may
8award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (ar) to organic producers,
9industry participants, and local organizations that coordinate organic farming. The
10department may award a grant to an organic producer, industry participant, or
11local organization under this paragraph for any of the following purposes:
121. Providing education and technical assistance related to implementing
13organic farming practices.
142. Helping to create organic farming plans.
153. Assisting farmers to transition to organic farming.
16(b) Grazing grants. Awarding grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115
17(4) (f) to appropriate entities to provide education and training to farmers about
18best practices related to grazing.
19(c) Promotion. Helping producers market value-added agricultural products.
20(3) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer this section.
21Section 1579. 93.62 of the statutes is created to read:
2293.62 Food security and Wisconsin products grant program. The
23department may award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (aq) to

1nonprofit food banks, nonprofit food pantries, and other nonprofit organizations
2that provide food assistance for the purpose of purchasing food products that are
3made or grown in this state.
4Section 1580. 93.63 of the statutes is created to read:
593.63 Farm to fork program. (1) Definition. In this section, farm to fork
6program means a program to connect entities that are not school districts and that
7have cafeterias to nearby farms to provide locally produced fresh fruits and
8vegetables, dairy products, and other nutritious, locally produced foods in meals
9and snacks; to help the public develop healthy eating habits; to provide nutritional
10and agricultural education; and to improve farmers incomes and direct access to
12(2) Grants. (a) The department may award grants from the appropriation
13under s. 20.115 (4) (at) to businesses, universities, hospitals, and other entities that
14are not school districts and that have cafeterias for the creation and expansion of
15farm to fork programs. The department shall give preference to proposals that are
16innovative or that provide models that other entities can adopt.
17(b) In awarding grants under this section, the department shall promote
18agricultural development and farm profitability by supporting the development and
19adoption of practices and agribusiness opportunities that involve the production of
20value-added agricultural products. For purposes of this paragraph, value-added
21agricultural product means a farm product that satisfies any of the following:
221. The product has undergone a change in physical state.
232. The product is produced in a manner that enhances its value.

13. The product is physically segregated in a manner that enhances its value.
24. The product is a source of farm-based or ranch-based renewable energy.
35. The product is aggregated and marketed as a locally produced farm
5(c) The department may award grants under this subsection for projects that
6do any of the following:
71. Create, expand, diversify, or promote production, processing, marketing,
8and distribution of food produced in this state for sale to entities in this state other
9than school districts.
102. Create, expand, or renovate facilities, including purchases of equipment for
11the facilities, that would ensure the use of food produced in this state in locations in
12this state other than schools.
133. Provide, expand, or promote training for food service personnel, farmers,
14and distributors.
154. Provide, expand, or promote nutritional and agricultural education.
16(d) The department shall consult with interested persons to establish grant
17priorities for each fiscal year.
18(3) Reports. At least annually, the department shall report to the legislature
19under s. 13.172 (2) and to the secretary on the needs and opportunities for farm to
20fork programs.
21(4) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer this section.
22Section 1581. 93.67 of the statutes is created to read:

193.67 Sandhill crane damage reimbursement program. (1) In this
3(a) Eligible applicant means a person that plants corn on land that is
4operated as part of a farm that produced at least $6,000 in gross farm revenues
5during the taxable year preceding the year in which the person applies for
6reimbursement under this section.
7(b) Farm means all land under common ownership that is primarily devoted
8to agricultural use.
9(c) Seed coating means a nonlethal treatment registered for use on corn seed
10to discourage sandhill cranes from consuming the seed.
11(2) (a) The department shall administer a program to provide
12reimbursements to eligible applicants for the purchase of seed coating that is
13applied as a seed treatment.
14(b) A reimbursement under this section shall cover not more than 50 percent
15of the actual cost of the purchase of seed coating that is applied as a seed treatment
16and may not exceed $6,250 per eligible applicant per planting season.
17(c) From March 1 to June 15 of each year, eligible applicants may apply to the
18department for reimbursement for seed coating purchased no earlier than
19November 1 of the prior year. Eligible applicants shall provide to the department
20proof of purchase and an application on a form provided by the department to be
21eligible to receive a reimbursement under this section.
22(d) From the appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (ac), the department shall
23prioritize reimbursement payments under par. (c) to all of the following:

11. Eligible applicants that received a federal depredation permit for sandhill
2crane in the previous year.
32. Eligible applicants that received reimbursement under this section in any
4of the prior 3 years or that can provide documentation of purchase of seed coating in
5any of the prior 3 years.
63. Eligible applicants planting corn on land vulnerable to sandhill crane
7depredation as determined by the department in consultation with the department
8of natural resources and applicable conservation organizations.
9(e) After reimbursing all eligible applicants under par. (d), from the
10appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (ac), the department shall make reimbursement
11payments to other eligible applicants that have experienced or are likely to
12experience seed or crop damage from sandhill cranes. The department shall make
13payments under this paragraph to eligible applicants in the order in which
14applications are received by the department.
15(f) The department shall make all reimbursement payments under pars. (d)
16and (e) no later than September 15 of the year in which applications are made
17under par. (c).
18(g) A farm is eligible to receive only one reimbursement payment per year
19under this section.
20(3) The department shall compile an annual report detailing the number of
21reimbursements requested, the total dollar amount requested as reimbursement,
22the number of reimbursements issued, and the total dollar amount disbursed as
23reimbursement under this section. The department shall submit the report to the

1appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner provided in s.
213.172 (3) no later than December 31 each year.
3(4) The department may promulgate rules to establish prioritization of
4payments under sub. (2) (d) and (e), including identifying applicable conservation
5organizations under sub. (2) (d) 3. and determining whether eligible applicants
6have experienced or are likely to experience seed or crop damage under sub. (2) (e).