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SB45,734,74(c) Limitations. 1. No amount of the salary or wages paid under par. (b) 1.
5may be the basis for a credit under this subsection unless the salary or wages are
6paid for services rendered after December 31, 2025, and directly incurred to
7produce the accredited production.
SB45,734,1382. The total amount of the credits that may be claimed by a claimant under
9par. (b) 1. shall not exceed an amount equal to the first $250,000 of salary or wages
10paid to each of the claimants employees, as described in par. (b) 1., in the taxable
11year, not including the salary or wages paid to the claimants 2 highest-paid
12employees, as described in par. (b) 1., in the taxable year, if the claimants budgeted
13production expenditures are $1,000,000 or more.
SB45,734,17143. No credit may be allowed under this subsection unless the claimant files an
15application with the department of tourism, at the time and in the manner
16prescribed by the office, and the office approves the application. The claimant shall
17submit a copy of the approved application with the claimants return.
SB45,735,2184. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-option corporations may
19not claim the credit under this subsection, but the eligibility for, and the amount of,
20the credit are based on their payment of amounts under par. (b). A partnership,
21limited liability company, or tax-option corporation shall compute the amount of
22credit that each of its partners, members, or shareholders may claim and shall
23provide that information to each of them. Partners, members of limited liability

1companies, and shareholders of tax-option corporations may claim the credit in
2proportion to their ownership interest.
SB45,735,63(d) Administration. 1. Section 71.28 (4) (e), (g), and (h), as it applies to the
4credit under s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credits under this subsection. Section 71.28
5(4) (f), as it applies to the credit under s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credits under par.
6(b) 1. and 3.
SB45,735,1172. If the allowable amount of the claim under par. (b) 2. exceeds the tax
8otherwise due under s. 71.43 or no tax is due under s. 71.43, the amount of the
9claim not used to offset the tax due shall be certified by the department of revenue
10to the department of administration for payment by check, share draft, or other
11draft drawn from the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (2) (bm).
SB45,735,20123. Any person, including a nonprofit entity described in section 501 (c) (3) of
13the Internal Revenue Code, may sell or otherwise transfer a credit under this
14subsection, in whole or in part, to another person who is subject to the taxes
15imposed under s. 71.02, 71.23, or 71.43, if the person notifies the department of the
16transfer, and submits with the notification a copy of the transfer documents, and
17the department certifies ownership of the credit. The transferee may first use the
18credit to offset tax of the transferor in the taxable year in which the transfer occurs
19and may use the credit only to offset tax in taxable years in which the credit is
20otherwise allowed to be claimed and carried forward by the original claimant.
SB45,138921Section 1389. 71.47 (5h) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,735,232271.47 (5h) Film production company investment credit. (a) Definitions.
23In this subsection:
11. Claimant means a person who files a claim under this subsection and
2who does business in this state as a film production company.
SB45,736,532. Film production company means an entity that creates films, videos,
4broadcast advertisement, or television productions, not including the productions
5described under sub. (5f) (a) 1. a. to h.
SB45,736,863. Physical work does not include preliminary activities such as planning,
7designing, securing financing, researching, developing specifications, or stabilizing
8property to prevent deterioration.
SB45,736,1394. Previously owned property means real property that the claimant or a
10related person owned during the 2 years prior to doing business in this state as a
11film production company and for which the claimant may not deduct a loss from the
12sale of the property to, or an exchange of the property with, the related person
13under section 267 of the Internal Revenue Code.
SB45,736,15145. Used exclusively means used to the exclusion of all other uses except for
15other use not exceeding 5 percent of total use.
SB45,736,2116(b) Filing claims. Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection, for
17taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025, a claimant may claim as a credit
18against the tax imposed under s. 71.43, up to the amount of the taxes, for the first 3
19taxable years that the claimant is doing business in this state as a film production
20company, an amount that is equal to 25 percent of the following that the claimant
21paid in the taxable year to establish a film production company in this state:
SB45,736,22221. The purchase price of depreciable, tangible personal property.
12. The amount expended to acquire, construct, rehabilitate, remodel, or repair
2real property.
SB45,737,63(c) Limitations. 1. A claimant may claim the credit under par. (b) 1., if the
4tangible personal property is purchased after December 31, 2025, and the personal
5property is used exclusively in the claimants business as a film production
SB45,737,1172. A claimant may claim the credit under par. (b) 2. for an amount expended to
8construct, rehabilitate, remodel, or repair real property, if the claimant began the
9physical work of construction, rehabilitation, remodeling, or repair, or any
10demolition or destruction in preparation for the physical work, after December 31,
112025, or if the completed project is placed in service after December 31, 2025.
SB45,737,15123. A claimant may claim the credit under par. (b) 2. for an amount expended to
13acquire real property, if the property is not previously owned property and if the
14claimant acquires the property after December 31, 2025, or if the completed project
15is placed in service after December 31, 2025.
SB45,737,19164. No claim may be allowed under this subsection unless the department of
17tourism certifies, in writing, that the credits claimed under this subsection are for
18expenses related to establishing a film production company in this state and the
19claimant submits a copy of the certification with the claimants return.
SB45,738,4205. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-option corporations may
21not claim the credit under this subsection, but the eligibility for, and the amount of,
22the credit are based on their payment of amounts under par. (b). A partnership,
23limited liability company, or tax-option corporation shall compute the amount of

1credit that each of its partners, members, or shareholders may claim and shall
2provide that information to each of them. Partners, members of limited liability
3companies, and shareholders of tax-option corporations may claim the credit in
4proportion to their ownership interests.
SB45,738,65(d) Administration. 1. Section 71.28 (4) (e) to (h), as it applies to the credit
6under s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credits under this subsection.
SB45,738,1572. Any person, including a nonprofit entity described in section 501 (c) (3) of
8the Internal Revenue Code, may sell or otherwise transfer a credit under this
9subsection, in whole or in part, to another person who is subject to the taxes
10imposed under s. 71.02, 71.23, or 71.43, if the person notifies the department of the
11transfer, and submits with the notification a copy of the transfer documents, and
12the department certifies ownership of the credit. The transferee may first use the
13credit to offset tax of the transferor in the taxable year in which the transfer occurs
14and may use the credit only to offset tax in taxable years in which the credit is
15otherwise allowed to be claimed and carried forward by the original claimant.
SB45,139016Section 1390. 71.47 (6) (a) 1m. of the statutes is repealed.
SB45,139117Section 1391. 71.47 (6) (a) 2m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,739,21871.47 (6) (a) 2m. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013, and
19before January 1, 2026, any person may claim as a credit against taxes otherwise
20due under s. 71.43, up to the amount of those taxes, an amount equal to 20 percent
21of the costs of qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of
22the Internal Revenue Code, for certified historic structures on property located in
23this state, if the cost of the persons qualified rehabilitation expenditures is at least

1$50,000 and the rehabilitated property is placed in service after December 31,
SB45,13923Section 1392. 71.47 (6) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,739,17471.47 (6) (a) 3. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013, and
5before January 1, 2026, any person may claim as a credit against taxes otherwise
6due under s. 71.43, up to the amount of those taxes, an amount equal to 20 percent
7of the costs of qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of
8the Internal Revenue Code, for qualified rehabilitated buildings, as defined in
9section 47 (c) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code, on property located in this state, if
10the cost of the persons qualified rehabilitation expenditures is at least $50,000 and
11the rehabilitated property is placed in service after December 31, 2013, and
12regardless of whether the rehabilitated property is used for multiple or revenue-
13providing purposes. No credit may be claimed under this subdivision for property
14listed as a contributing building in the state register of historic places or in the
15national register of historic places and no credit may be claimed under this
16subdivision for nonhistoric, nonresidential property converted into housing if the
17property has been previously used for housing.
SB45,139318Section 1393. 71.47 (6) (a) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,739,241971.47 (6) (a) 4. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025, any
20person may claim as a credit against taxes otherwise due under s. 71.43, up to the
21amount of those taxes, an amount equal to 20 percent of the costs of qualified
22rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue
23Code, for property located in this state, if the rehabilitated property is placed in
24service after December 31, 2025.
1Section 1394. 71.47 (6) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,740,6271.47 (6) (c) (intro.) No person may claim the credit under par. (a) 2m. or 4.
3unless the claimant includes with the claimants return a copy of the claimants
4certification under s. 238.17. For certification purposes under s. 238.17, the
5claimant shall provide to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation all of
6the following:
SB45,13957Section 1395. 71.47 (6) (cn) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,740,10871.47 (6) (cn) (intro.) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2014,
9and before January 1, 2026, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
10shall certify a person to claim a credit under par. (a) 3. if all of the following apply:
SB45,139611Section 1396. 71.47 (6) (f) of the statutes is renumbered 71.47 (6) (f) 1. and
12amended to read:
SB45,741,131371.47 (6) (f) 1. A partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option
14corporation may not claim the credit under this subsection par. (a) 2m. and 3. The
15partners of a partnership, members of a limited liability company, or shareholders
16in a tax-option corporation may claim the credit under this subsection par. (a) 2m.
17and 3. based on eligible costs incurred by the partnership, limited liability company,
18or tax-option corporation. The partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option
19corporation shall calculate the amount of the credit which may be claimed by each
20partner, member, or shareholder and shall provide that information to the partner,
21member, or shareholder. For shareholders of a tax-option corporation, the credit
22may be allocated in proportion to the ownership interest of each shareholder.
23Credits computed by a partnership or limited liability company may be claimed in
24proportion to the ownership interests of the partners or members or allocated to

1partners or members as provided in a written agreement among the partners or
2members that is entered into no later than the last day of the taxable year of the
3partnership or limited liability company, for which the credit is claimed. For a
4partnership or limited liability company that places property in service after June
529, 2008, and before January 1, 2009, the credit attributable to such property may
6be allocated, at the election of the partnership or limited liability company, to
7partners or members for a taxable year of the partnership or limited liability
8company that ends after June 29, 2008, and before January 1, 2010. Any partner or
9member who claims the credit as provided under this paragraph shall attach a copy
10of the agreement, if applicable, to the tax return on which the credit is claimed. A
11person claiming the credit as provided under this paragraph is solely responsible
12for any tax liability arising from a dispute with the department of revenue related
13to claiming the credit.
SB45,139714Section 1397. 71.47 (6) (f) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,741,181571.47 (6) (f) 2. a. A partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option
16corporation may make an election under s. 71.21 (6) (a) or 71.365 (4m) (a) to claim
17the credit under par. (a) 4. against the net income or franchise tax otherwise
18payable to this state on income of the same year.
SB45,741,2019b. A partnerships partners, limited liability companys members, and tax-
20option corporations shareholders may not claim the credit under par. (a) 4.
SB45,139821Section 1398. 71.47 (6) (g) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,742,22271.47 (6) (g) 1. If Except as provided in subd. 1m., if a person who claims the
23credit under this subsection elects to claim the credit based on claiming amounts for
24expenditures as the expenditures are paid, rather than when the rehabilitation

1work is completed, the person shall file an election form with the department, in the
2manner prescribed by the department.
SB45,13993Section 1399. 71.47 (6) (g) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,742,6471.47 (6) (g) 1m. No person may claim the credit under par. (a) 4. unless the
5person claims the credit for the taxable year in which the rehabilitation work is
SB45,14007Section 1400. 71.47 (6) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,742,19871.47 (6) (h) Any person, including a nonprofit entity described in section 501
9(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, may sell or otherwise transfer the credit under
10par. (a) 2m. or, 3., or 4., in whole or in part, to another person who is subject to the
11taxes imposed under s. 71.02, 71.23, or 71.43, if the person notifies the department
12of the transfer, and submits with the notification a copy of the transfer documents,
13and the department certifies ownership of the credit with each transfer. The
14transferor may file a claim for more than one taxable year on a form prescribed by
15the department to compute all years of the credit under par. (a) 2m. or, 3., or 4., at
16the time of the transfer request. The transferee may first use the credit to offset tax
17in the taxable year of the transferor in which the transfer occurs, and may use the
18credit only to offset tax in taxable years otherwise allowed to be claimed and carried
19forward by the original claimant.
SB45,140120Section 1401. 71.47 (8b) (a) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,743,62171.47 (8b) (a) 7. Qualified development means a qualified low-income
22housing project under section 42 (g) of the Internal Revenue Code that is financed
23with tax-exempt bonds, pursuant to section 42 (i) (2) described in section 42 (h) (4)
24(A) of the Internal Revenue Code, allocated the credit under section 42 of the

1Internal Revenue Code, and located in this state; except that the authority may
2waive, in the qualified allocation plan under section 42 (m) (1) (B) of the Internal
3Revenue Code, the requirements of tax-exempt bond financing and federal credit
4allocation to the extent the authority anticipates that sufficient volume cap under
5section 146 of the Internal Revenue Code will not be available to finance low-income
6housing projects in any year.
SB45,14027Section 1402. 71.47 (8m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,743,9871.47 (8m) Universal changing station credit. (a) Definitions. In this
SB45,743,11101. Claimant means a person who files a claim under this subsection and
11meets either of the following conditions during the preceding taxable year:
SB45,743,1212a. Had gross receipts that did not exceed $1,000,000.
SB45,743,1313b. Employed no more than 30 full-time employees.
SB45,743,15142. Full-time employee means an individual who is employed for at least 30
15hours per week for 20 or more calendar weeks during a taxable year.
SB45,743,16163. Universal changing station has the meaning given in s. 71.07 (8m) (a) 3.
SB45,743,2117(b) Filing claims. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2024,
18subject to the limitations provided in this subsection, a claimant may claim as a
19credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.43, up to the amount of those taxes, an
20amount equal to 50 percent of the amount the claimant paid during the taxable
21year to install a universal changing station.
SB45,744,422(c) Limitations. 1. No credit may be claimed under this subsection unless the
23universal changing station is installed in a single-occupant restroom that measures

1at least 8 feet by 10 feet, with adequate space for a wheelchair and a care provider to
2maneuver; that is equipped with a waste receptacle, a toilet, a lavatory, a soap
3dispenser, and a paper towel dispenser; and that complies with accessibility
4standards under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.
SB45,744,552. The credit claimed under this subsection may not exceed $5,125.
SB45,744,1263. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-option corporations may
7not claim the credit under this subsection, but the eligibility for, and the amount of,
8the credit are based on the amounts paid by the entity. A partnership, limited
9liability company, or tax-option corporation shall compute the amount of credit that
10each of its partners, members, or shareholders may claim and shall provide that
11information to each of them. Partners, members, and shareholders may claim the
12credit in proportion to their ownership interests.
SB45,744,1413(d) Administration. Section 71.28 (4) (e) to (h), as it applies to the credit under
14s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credit under this subsection.
SB45,140315Section 1403. 71.49 (1) (cu) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,744,161671.49 (1) (cu) Universal changing station credit under s. 71.47 (8m).
SB45,140417Section 1404. 71.49 (1) (epr) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,744,191871.49 (1) (epr) Film production company investment credit under s. 71.47
SB45,140520Section 1405. 71.49 (1) (eps) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,744,212171.49 (1) (eps) Film production services credit under s. 71.47 (5f) (b) 1. and 3.
SB45,140622Section 1406. 71.49 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,745,42371.49 (1) (f) The total of farmland preservation credit under subch. IX, jobs

1credit under s. 71.47 (3q), enterprise zone jobs credit under s. 71.47 (3w), business
2development credit under s. 71.47 (3y), research credit under s. 71.47 (4) (k) 1., film
3production services credit under s. 71.47 (5f) (b) 2., and estimated tax payments
4under s. 71.48.
SB45,14075Section 1407. Subchapter VIII (title) of chapter 71 [precedes 71.51] of the
6statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB45,745,77CHAPTER 71

SB45,140810Section 1408. 71.52 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,745,121171.52 (4) Household means a claimant and an individual related to the
12claimant as husband or wife his or her spouse.
SB45,140913Section 1409. 71.54 (1) (g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,745,161471.54 (1) (g) 2012 and thereafter to 2025. (intro.) The amount of any claim
15filed in 2012 and thereafter to 2025 and based on property taxes accrued or rent
16constituting property taxes accrued during the previous year is limited as follows:
SB45,141017Section 1410. 71.54 (1) (g) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,745,241871.54 (1) (g) 4. Except as provided in subds. 5. and 7., for For claims filed in
192018 and thereafter and based on property taxes accrued or rent constituting
20property taxes accrued during the previous year, no credit may be allowed under
21this paragraph if the claimant has no earned income in the taxable year to which
22the claim relates unless the claimant is disabled and provides the proof required
23under subd. 6. or the claimant or the claimants spouse is over the age of 61 at the
24close of the year to which the claim relates.
1Section 1411. 71.54 (1) (g) 5. of the statutes is repealed.
SB45,14122Section 1412. 71.54 (1) (g) 6. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,746,6371.54 (1) (g) 6. (intro.) With regard to a claimant who is disabled, the A
4claimant who is disabled shall provide with his or her return proof that his or her
5disability is in effect for the taxable year to which the claim relates. Proof of
6disability may be demonstrated by any of the following:
SB45,14137Section 1413. 71.54 (1) (g) 7. of the statutes is repealed.
SB45,14148Section 1414. 71.54 (1) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,746,11971.54 (1) (h) 2026 and thereafter. Subject to sub. (2m), the amount of any
10claim filed in 2026 and thereafter and based on property taxes accrued or rent
11constituting property taxes accrued during the previous year is limited as follows:
SB45,746,15121. If the household income was $19,000 or less in the year to which the claim
13relates, the claim is limited to 80 percent of the property taxes accrued or rent
14constituting property taxes accrued or both in that year on the claimants
SB45,746,20162. If the household income was more than $19,000 in the year to which the
17claim relates, the claim is limited to 80 percent of the amount by which the property
18taxes accrued or rent constituting property taxes accrued or both in that year on the
19claimants homestead exceeds 7.891 percent of the household income exceeding
SB45,746,21213. No credit may be allowed if the household income exceeds $37,500.
SB45,746,23224. Notwithstanding the time limitations described in par. (g) (intro.), the
23provisions of par. (g) 4. apply to claims filed under this paragraph.
1Section 1415. 71.54 (2) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,747,3271.54 (2) (b) 4. In calendar years 2011 or any subsequent calendar year to
32024, $1,460.