SB108,3,1413(b) A minor and a facilitator who create a safety plan under par. (a) shall sign 14the safety plan. SB108,3,1615(c) A safety plan created under par. (a) expires one year after the date the 16safety plan is signed. SB108,3,2017(3) Safety plan sharing; release of information. (a) A minor’s safety 18plan may be shared with a safety plan partner through the portal under sub. (5) 19only if the minor has signed a release of information stating that the minor agrees 20and understands all of the following: SB108,3,22211. The safety plan will be used only to ensure the safety and well-being of the 22minor by the safety plan partners. SB108,3,23232. The safety plan may be revoked at any time other than during a crisis. SB108,4,2
13. The safety plan will be shared in the portal under sub. (5) and may be 2accessed by all safety plan partners. SB108,4,434. Additional safety plan partners may join the network under sub. (4) (a) and 4the safety plan may be shared with those additional safety plan partners. SB108,4,655. During a crisis, the safety plan may be accessed by a different network 6formed under sub. (4) (a) that uses the portal under sub. (5). SB108,4,876. The release of information will be attached to the minor’s safety plan until 8the safety plan expires or is revoked. SB108,4,109(b) A facilitator shall ensure the minor understands the release of information 10under. par. (a). SB108,4,1211(c) A release of information under par. (a) shall identify all current safety plan 12partners at the time the release of information is signed by the minor. SB108,4,1413(d) A release of information signed by a minor under par. (a) shall be attached 14to the minor’s safety plan until the safety plan expires or is revoked. SB108,4,1715(e) A safety plan partner may access a safety plan only to ensure the safety 16and well-being of the minor during a crisis, to review or update a safety plan, or at 17the minor’s request. SB108,4,2018(f) A safety plan partner shall maintain confidentiality of a safety plan and 19may disclose a safety plan to a person who is not in the safety plan partner’s 20network under sub. (4) (a) only if the person is one of the following: SB108,4,22211. The minor’s parent, guardian, legal custodian, Indian custodian, as defined 22in s. 48.02 (8p), or legal representative. SB108,4,24232. During a crisis, another safety plan network formed under sub. (4) (a) that 24uses the portal under sub. (5). SB108,5,1
13. A bona fide researcher using de-identified information. SB108,5,52(4) Safety plan network. (a) Two or more persons, including any of the 3following, may form a network for the purpose of sharing safety plans of minors who 4are at risk of an encounter with law enforcement or other emergency service 5providers during a behavioral or developmental health challenge or crisis: SB108,5,661. A system of care, as defined in s. 46.56 (1) (or). SB108,5,772. A physical or mental health care provider. SB108,5,883. A county department of human services. SB108,5,994. A county department of social services. SB108,5,11116. A school district. SB108,5,12127. A law enforcement agency, as defined in s. 165.77 (1) (b). SB108,5,13138. A fire department, as defined in s. 66.0314 (1) (c). SB108,5,14149. An emergency medical services provider, as defined in s. 256.215 (1) (d). SB108,5,151510. A tribal agency. SB108,5,171611. The division of the department of children and families that is responsible 17for administering child welfare services in Milwaukee County. SB108,5,181812. A public safety answering point, as defined in s. 256.35 (1) (gm). SB108,5,211913. A center designated to respond to statewide or regional contacts with the 20universal telephone number for the national suicide prevention and mental health 21crisis hotline system maintained under 42 USC 290bb-36c. SB108,6,222(b) When a network is formed under par. (a), the safety plan partners shall 23enter into a formalized agreement that addresses the expectations for the safety
1plan partners, such as the safety plan partners’ obligations, training requirements, 2and roles in the network. SB108,6,83(5) Safety plan sharing portal. The department shall develop and 4maintain, or make payments to a nonprofit corporation that supports the state’s 5electronic health information exchange under ss. 153.80 to 153.82 to develop and 6maintain, a portal that is available throughout the state to facilitate sharing of 7safety plans among safety plan partners. The portal developed under this 8subsection shall include all of the following: SB108,6,109(a) The ability to fill out a safety plan online and download the safety plan for 10the purpose of obtaining a handwritten or electronic signature on the safety plan. SB108,6,1211(b) The standard safety plan template developed by the department under 12sub. (6). SB108,6,1413(c) Simplified views for law enforcement officers for quick access to safety plan 14information. SB108,6,1715(d) The capacity to support several thousand users in the system with role-16based access for roles such as facilitators, law enforcement officers, and 911 17dispatchers. SB108,6,1918(e) The potential for future integrations or single sign-on with other systems, 19including electronic health records systems and 911 dispatch systems. SB108,6,2120(f) Scalable storage capacity to support unlimited numbers of safety plans as 21discrete data and as printable documents. SB108,7,222(g) Cloud-hosted, technical infrastructure certified by the Underlying Health 23Information Trust Alliance, or its successor, and technical audit-logging
1capabilities that meet the requirements of the federal Health Insurance Portability 2and Accountability Act of 1996. SB108,7,53(h) Flexibility to allow a network formed under sub. (4) (a) to share a safety 4plan with another network formed under sub. (4) (a) or keep access to the safety 5plan restricted to within that network. SB108,7,86(i) Notifications to a minor and facilitator when the minor’s safety plan is 7about to expire, if a safety plan is accessed, and any other activity that occurs 8related to a safety plan. SB108,7,99(j) Safety plan audit data and use logging with reporting capabilities. SB108,7,1110(6) Standard safety plan template. The department shall develop a 11standard safety plan template to be used under this section. SB108,412Section 4. Nonstatutory provisions. SB108,7,1613(1) The authorized FTE positions for the department of health services are 14increased by 1.0 GPR position, to be funded from the appropriation under s. 20.435 15(5) (bx), for the purpose of developing and maintaining the portal under s. 46.537 16(5). SB108,517Section 5. Effective date. SB108,7,1918(1) This act takes effect on the day after publication, or on the 2nd day after 19publication of the 2025 biennial budget act, whichever is later.