Provision and funding of emergency medical services by towns
The bill authorizes a town to contract for or maintain emergency medical services for the town. The bill also authorizes a town to do any of the following for the purpose of funding these emergency medical services:
1. Appropriate money.
2. Charge property owners a fee for the cost of emergency medical services provided to their property according to a written schedule established by the town board.
3. Levy taxes on the entire town.
4. Levy taxes on property served by a particular source of emergency medical services, to support the source of emergency medical services.
Levy limits
Levy limits under current law
Generally, under current law, local levy increase limits are applied to the property tax levies that are imposed by a political subdivision in December of each year. Current law prohibits any political subdivision from increasing its levy by a percentage that exceeds its valuation factor. “Valuation factor” is defined as the greater of either 0 percent or, in general, the percentage change in the political subdivision’s equalized value due to new construction, less improvements removed.
Current law contains a number of exceptions to the local levy limits, such as amounts a county levies for a countywide emergency medical system, for a county children with disabilities education board, and for certain bridge and culvert construction and repair. In addition, a political subdivision may exceed the levy increase limit that is otherwise applicable if its governing body adopts a resolution to do so and if that resolution is approved by the electors in a referendum.
Levy limit reduction for service transfers
Under current law, if a political subdivision transfers to another governmental unit the responsibility to provide a service that it provided in the previous year, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable in the current year is decreased to reflect the cost that the political subdivision would have incurred to provide that service. The bill eliminates that provision.
Joint emergency services levy limit exception modification
Among the current law exceptions to local levy limits is an exception for the amount that a municipality levies to pay for charges assessed by a joint fire department or joint emergency medical services district organized by any combination of two or more municipalities. This exception applies only to the extent that the amount levied to pay for such charges would cause the municipality to exceed the otherwise applicable levy limit and only if the charges assessed by the joint fire department or joint emergency medical services district increase in the current year by an amount not greater than the rate of inflation over the preceding year, plus 2 percent, and if the municipality’s governing body adopts a resolution in favor of exceeding the otherwise applicable levy limit.
Under the bill, the exception is expanded to include joint fire services or joint emergency medical services provided by a combination of two or more municipalities through a joint district, joint ownership, joint purchase of services from a nonprofit corporation, or joint contracting with a public or private services provider. The exception is also expanded to cover all fees charged to a municipality by the joint fire services or joint emergency medical services.
Levy limit exclusion for cross-municipality transit routes
Under the bill, amounts levied by a political subdivision for costs related to new or enhanced transit services that cross adjacent county or municipal borders do not apply to the local levy limits if the political subdivisions between which the routes operate have entered into an agreement to provide for the services and if the agreement is approved in a referendum.
Levy limit exception for regional planning commission contributions
The bill creates a local levy increase limit exception for the amount a political subdivision levies to pay for the political subdivision’s share of the budget of a regional planning commission (RPC). An RPC’s budget is determined annually by the RPC. The RPC then charges all political subdivisions within its jurisdiction a proportional amount to fund the budget based on the equalized value of property in the political subdivision and the total amount of equalized value of property within the RPC’s jurisdiction.
Tax incremental financing
Tax incremental financing under current law
Under current law, cities and villages may use tax incremental financing (TIF) to encourage development in the city or village. In general, under TIF, a city or village pays for improvements in a tax incremental district (TID) and then collects tax moneys attributable to all taxing jurisdictions on the increased property value in the TID for a certain period of time to pay for the improvements. Ideally, after the period of time, the city or village will have been repaid for its initial investment, and the property tax base in the TID will have permanently increased in value.
In general and in brief, a city or village makes use of TIF using the following procedure:
1. The city or village designates an area as a TID and creates a project plan laying out the expenditures that the city or village will make within the TID.
2. DOR establishes the “base value” of the TID. This value is the equalized value of all taxable property within the TID at the time of its creation.
3. Each year thereafter, the “value increment” of the property within the TID is determined by subtracting the base value from the current value of property within the TID. The portion of taxes collected on any positive value increment is collected by the city or village for use solely for the project costs of the TID. The taxes collected by the city or village on positive value increments include taxes that would have been collected by other taxing jurisdictions, such as counties or school districts, were the TID not created.
4. Tax increments are collected until the city or village has recovered all of its project costs or until the TID reaches its statutory termination date.
Workforce housing initiatives
The bill authorizes workforce housing initiatives and makes changes that affect TIDs and state housing grants. The bill creates a definition for “workforce housing,” changes the definition of a “mixed-use development” TID, requires a TID’s project plan to contain alternative economic projections, and changes the method of imposing certain impact fees.
Under the bill, a political subdivision may put into effect a workforce housing initiative by taking one of several specified actions and posting on its website an explanation of the initiative. Workforce housing initiatives include the following: reducing permit processing times or impact fees for workforce housing; increasing zoning density for a workforce housing development; rehabilitating existing uninhabitable housing stock into habitable workforce housing; or implementing any other initiative to address workforce housing needs. Once an initiative takes effect, it remains in effect for five years. After June 30, 2026, if a political subdivision has in effect at least three initiatives at the same time, DOA must give priority to housing grant applications from, or related to a project in, the political subdivision.
The bill defines “workforce housing” to mean both of the following, subject to the five-year average median costs as determined by the U.S. Bureau of the Census:
1. Housing that costs a household no more than 30 percent of the household’s gross median income.
2. Housing that is comprised of residential units for initial occupancy by individuals whose household median income is no more than 120 percent of the county’s gross median income.
Under current law, a mixed-use development TID contains a combination of industrial, commercial, or residential uses, although newly platted residential areas may not exceed more than 35 percent of the real property within the TID. Under the bill, newly platted residential areas may not exceed either the 35 percent limit or 60 percent of the real property within the TID if the newly platted residential use that exceeds 35 percent is used solely for workforce housing.
The bill also requires a TID’s project plan to include alternative projections of the TID’s finances and feasibility under different economic situations, including a slower pace of development and lower rate of property value growth than expected in the TID.
Currently, a city or village may extend the life of a TID for up to one year for housing stock improvement if all of the following occurs:
1. The city or village pays off all of the TID’s project costs.
2. The city or village adopts a resolution stating that it intends to extend the life of the TID, the number of months it intends to do so, and how it intends to improve housing stock.
3. The city or village notifies DOR.
Current law requires the city or village to use 75 percent of the tax increments received during the period specified in the resolution to benefit affordable housing in the city or village and 25 percent to improve the city’s or village’s housing stock.
Under the bill, a city or village may extend the life of a TID to improve its housing stock or to increase the number of affordable and workforce housing improvements, with at least 50 percent of the funds supporting units for families with incomes of up to 60 percent of the county’s median income. Also under the bill, this extension may be for up to three years. However, for any extension of more than one year, the other taxing jurisdictions must approve of the extension.
Under current law, if a city, village, or town imposes an impact fee on a developer to pay for certain capital costs to accommodate land development, the city, village, or town may provide in the ordinance an exemption from, or a reduction in the amount of, impact fees on land development that provides low-cost housing. Under the bill, the impact fee exemption or reduction provisions also apply to workforce housing. Current law prevents the shifting of an exemption from or reduction in impact fees to any other development in the land development in which the low-cost housing is located. The bill applies this provision to workforce housing as well.
Reclassification of TID to mixed-use TID
When a TID is created, the city or village must designate the TID as one of several sorts of TID: blighted area, rehabilitation or conservation, industrial, or mixed-use. The application of certain rules vary depending on the classification of the TID. For example, blighted area TIDs have a longer potential lifespan than industrial or mixed-use TIDs.
Under the bill, a city or village may change the classification of a TID to a mixed-use TID after the creation of the TID. The TID would retain the lifespan and tax collection features of the original classification but would gain the features of a mixed-use TID. The principal difference between mixed-use TIDs and other TIDs is the ability within certain limits to spend tax increments on newly platted residential development.
TIF 12 percent rule exception
Under current law, when creating a new TID or amending a TID, a city or village must make a finding that the equalized value of taxable property of the new or amended TID plus the value increment of all existing TIDs in the city or village does not exceed 12 percent of the total equalized value of taxable property in the city or village. Under the bill, in lieu of making the 12 percent finding, a city or village may certify to DOR that 1) TIDs with sufficient value increments will close within one year after certification so that the city or village will no longer exceed the 12 percent limit and 2) the city or village will not take any actions that would extend the life of any TID under item 1.
Under the bill, a person who is at least 21 years old may legally possess marijuana. A person who is at least 18 may possess marijuana if the person has certain medical conditions. Under the bill, a person may produce, process, or sell marijuana if the person has a permit. The bill creates an excise tax for the privilege of producing, processing, distributing, or selling marijuana in this state. All of the revenue collected from the tax is deposited into the general fund. Under the bill, a person who may possess medical marijuana is not subject to sales or excise taxes on the purchase or use of the marijuana. The bill also regulates delta-8 THC and delta-10 THC as marijuana. The bill does not affect federal law, which generally prohibits persons from manufacturing, delivering, or possessing marijuana and applies to both intrastate and interstate violations.
Legalizing the possession of marijuana
Current law prohibits a person from manufacturing, distributing, or delivering marijuana; possessing marijuana with the intent to manufacture, distribute, or deliver it; possessing or attempting to possess marijuana; using drug paraphernalia; or possessing drug paraphernalia with the intent to produce, distribute, or use a controlled substance. The bill changes state law to allow a Wisconsin resident who is at least 21 to possess no more than two ounces of marijuana and to allow a nonresident of Wisconsin who is at least 21 to possess no more than one-quarter ounce of marijuana. The bill also allows a qualifying patient to possess marijuana for medical purposes. Under the bill, generally, a qualifying patient is an individual who has been diagnosed by a physician as having or undergoing a debilitating medical condition or treatment and who is at least 18 years old. The bill also eliminates the prohibition on possessing or using drug paraphernalia that relates to marijuana consumption.
Under the bill, a person who possesses more marijuana than the maximum amount the person is allowed is subject to a penalty, which varies depending on the amount of overage. A person who exceeds the amount by not more than one ounce is subject to a civil forfeiture not to exceed $1,000. A person who exceeds the maximum amount by more than one ounce is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or both. The person is guilty of a Class I felony if the person also takes action to hide the amount of marijuana they have and has in place a security system to alert them to the presence of law enforcement or a method to intimidate, or a system that could injure or kill, a person approaching the area containing the marijuana.
Regulating the production, processing, and selling marijuana
Under the bill, no person may sell, distribute, or transfer marijuana unless the person has a permit from DOR. A person that violates this prohibition is guilty of a Class I felony if the intended recipient is an adult and is guilty of a Class H felony if the intended recipient is a minor and the person is at least three years older than the minor.
The bill requires a person to obtain separate permits from DOR to produce, process, distribute, or sell marijuana, and requires marijuana producers and processors to obtain additional permits from DATCP. The requirements for obtaining these permits differ based on whether the permit is issued by DOR or DATCP but, in general, a person may not obtain such a permit if they are not a state resident, are under the age of 21, or have been convicted of certain crimes or committed certain offenses. In addition, a person may not operate under a DOR or DATCP permit within 500 feet of a school, playground, recreation facility, child care facility, public park, public transit facility, or library. A person that holds a permit from DOR must also comply with certain operational requirements.
Under the bill, a permit applicant with 20 or more employees may not receive a permit from DATCP or DOR unless the the applicant certifies that the applicant has entered into a labor peace agreement with a labor organization. The labor peace agreement must prohibit the labor organization and its members from engaging in any economic interference with persons doing business in this state, must prohibit the applicant from disrupting the efforts of the labor organization to communicate with and to organize and represent the applicant’s employees, and must provide the labor organization access to areas in which the employees work to discuss employment rights and the terms and conditions of employment. Current law prohibits the state and any local unit of government from requiring a labor peace agreement as a condition for any regulatory approval. The permit requirements under the bill are not subject to that prohibition.
The bill also requires DATCP and DOR to use a competitive scoring system to determine which applicants are eligible to receive permits. Each department must issue permits to the highest scoring applicants that it determines will best protect the environment; provide stable, family-supporting jobs to local residents; ensure worker and consumer safety; operate secure facilities; and uphold the laws of the jurisdictions in which they operate. Each department may deny a permit to an applicant with a low score.
The bill prohibits a DOR permittee from selling, distributing, or transferring marijuana to a person who is under the age of 21 (a minor) and from allowing a minor to be on premises for which a permit is issued. If a permittee violates one of those prohibitions, the permittee may be subject to a civil forfeiture of not more than $500 and the permit may be suspended for up to 30 days.
Under the bill, a minor who does any of the following is subject to a forfeiture of not less than $250 nor more than $500: procures or attempts to procure marijuana from a permittee; falsely represents their age to receive marijuana from a permittee; knowingly possesses marijuana; or knowingly enters any premises for which a permit has been issued without being accompanied by their parent, guardian, or spouse who is at least 21 years of age or at least 18 years of age if a qualifying patient.
Under the bill, an individual may cultivate as many as six marijuana plants. Only a person that has a permit from DATCP may produce or process more marijuana plants. A person without a permit who possesses more than six but not more than 12 marijuana plants that have reached the flowering stage is subject to a civil forfeiture not to exceed twice the permitting fee, which is $250 under the bill. If the person possesses more than 12 plants that have reached the flowering stage, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or both. The person is guilty of a Class I felony if the person also takes action to hide the number of plants they have and the person also has in place a security system to alert him or her to the presence of law enforcement or a method to intimidate, or a system that could injure or kill, a person approaching the area containing the plants.
The bill requires DOR to create and maintain a medical marijuana registry program whereby a person who is a qualifying patient may obtain a registry identification card and purchase marijuana from a retail establishment without having to pay the sales or excise taxes imposed on that sale. A “qualifying patient” is a person who is at least 18 and has been diagnosed by a physician as having a debilitating medical condition such as cancer, glaucoma, AIDS, or another specified condition or is undergoing a debilitating medical treatment.
Previous convictions relating to marijuana
The bill creates a process to review convictions for acts that have been decriminalized under the bill. If the person is currently serving a sentence or on probation for such a conviction, the person may petition a court to dismiss the conviction and expunge the record. If the person has completed a sentence or period of probation for such a conviction, the person may petition a court to expunge the record or, if applicable, redesignate it to a lower crime. Any conviction that is expunged under the bill is not considered a conviction for any purpose under state or federal law.
Registration for THC testing labs
The bill requires DATCP to register entities as tetrahydrocannabinols (THC)-testing laboratories. The laboratories must test marijuana for contaminants; research findings on the use of medical marijuana; and provide training on safe and efficient cultivation, harvesting, packaging, labeling, and distribution of marijuana, security and inventory accountability, and research on medical marijuana.
Discrimination based on marijuana use
Under the fair employment law, no employer or other person may engage in any act of employment discrimination against any individual on the basis of the individual’s use or nonuse of lawful products off the employer’s premises during nonworking hours, subject to certain exceptions, one of which is if the use impairs the individual’s ability to undertake adequately the job-related responsibilities of that individual’s employment. The bill specifically defines marijuana as a lawful product for purposes of the fair employment law, such that no person may engage in any act of employment discrimination against an individual because of the individual’s use of marijuana off the employer’s premises during nonworking hours, subject to those exceptions.
Under current law, an individual may be disqualified from receiving unemployment insurance benefits if they are terminated because of misconduct or substantial fault. The bill specifically provides that an employee’s use of marijuana off the employer’s premises during nonworking hours does not constitute misconduct or substantial fault unless termination for that use is permitted under one of the exceptions under the fair employment law.
Unless federal law requires otherwise, the bill prohibits a hospital, physician, organ procurement organization, or other person from determining the ultimate recipient of an anatomical gift on the sole basis of a positive test for the use of marijuana by a potential recipient.
Drug screening and testing
The bill exempts THC, including marijuana, from drug testing for certain public assistance programs. Currently, a participant in a community service job or transitional placement under the Wisconsin Works program (W2) or a recipient of the FoodShare program, also known as the food stamp program, who is convicted of possession, use, or distribution of a controlled substance must submit to a test for controlled substances as a condition of continued eligibility. DHS is currently required to request a waiver of federal Medicaid law to require drug screening and testing as a condition of eligibility for the childless adult demonstration project in the Medical Assistance program. Current law also requires DHS to promulgate rules to develop and implement a drug screening, testing, and treatment policy for able-bodied adults without dependents in the FoodShare employment and training program. The bill exempts THC from all of those drug-testing requirements and programs. In addition, because THC is not a controlled substance under state law under the bill, the requirement under current law that DCF promulgate rules to create a controlled substance abuse screening and testing requirement for applicants for the work experience program for noncustodial parents under W2 and the Transform Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs programs does not include THC.
Under current law, DWD must establish a program to test claimants who apply for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits for the presence of controlled substances, as defined under federal law. If a claimant tests positive for a controlled substance, the claimant may be denied UI benefits, subject to certain exceptions and limitations. The bill excludes THC for purposes of this testing requirement. As such, under the bill, an individual who tests positive for THC may not be denied UI benefits.
Tuition grant program for national guard members
The bill makes changes to DMA’s tuition grant program relating to the grant amount awarded to national guard members for higher education as well as the name of the grants.
Under current law, DMA awards tuition grants to eligible national guard members enrolled in qualifying schools, which include public and private institutions of higher education. The amount of the tuition grant payment is equal to 100 percent of the actual tuition charged by the guard member’s school or 100 percent of the maximum resident undergraduate tuition charged by the UW-Madison for a comparable number of credits, whichever amount is less.
The bill specifies that, in calculating the amount of tuition charged by a qualifying school, the amount includes tuition and segregated fees if the school is a UW System institution and includes program fees and incidental fees if the school is a technical college. The bill also renames grants awarded under the program as “educational grants” rather than “tuition grants.” The bill further specifies that, subject to exceptions, if an eligible guard member receives an educational grant, no other award of financial aid to the guard member may be reduced because of the educational grant.
Incumbent local exchange carrier grants
Under current law, DMA operates a grant program to reimburse incumbent local exchange carriers operating as originating service providers for costs associated with Next Generation 911. Currently, no moneys may be encumbered from the appropriation that funds the grant program after June 30, 2027. The bill removes the June 30, 2027, end date for encumbering funds under the grant program.
Costs eligible for disaster assistance payment grants
Under current law, DMA may make payments from state disaster assistance appropriation accounts to eligible local governmental units for costs that are a direct result of certain disasters, including eligible costs of debris removal; certain emergency protective measures for the protection of life, public health, and property; and certain damage to roads and bridges. The bill directs that the costs eligible for such payments include certain categories of work designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s public assistance program, including the program’s Category D, regarding water control facilities; Category E, regarding public buildings and contents; Category F, regarding public utilities; and Category G, regarding parks, recreation, and other facilities.
Under current law, DMA may also make payments from a state disaster assistance appropriation account to local governmental units for the damages and costs incurred as the result of a disaster if 1) the disaster is not eligible for other funding related to a presidentially declared “major disaster,” or 2) DMA determines the disaster does not meet a certain per capita impact indicator. Additionally, the local governmental unit receiving the payment must pay for 30 percent of the amount of damages and costs resulting from the disaster. The bill requires DMA to provide a $68,100 payment in fiscal year 2025–26 from the same state disaster assistance appropriation account to the Town of Westport, exempts the payment from the program’s eligibility requirement, and exempts the town from the 30 percent payment requirement.
Fish, game, and wildlife
Hunting, fishing, and trapping fees
Under current law, DNR issues hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses, permits, and other approvals and charges a fee to issue most approvals. The bill increases hunting, fishing, and trapping approval fees. The following table includes a sample of these fee increases (“NR” indicates nonresident):
Deer carcass disposal sites
The bill requires DNR to provide financial assistance to local governments, individuals, businesses, and nonprofit conservation organizations to purchase large metal containers for the disposal of deer carcasses.