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AB50,35,2321(b) A special election shall not be held under par. (a) 3. in any year in which
22the general election is held for that office, but, instead, the vacancy shall be filled at
23the partisan primary and general election.
1(c) A vacancy filled under par. (a) shall be for the residue of the unexpired
AB50,473Section 47. 9.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,36,2049.01 (4) Right to complete recount. Whenever a recount petition for part
5of the wards within a jurisdiction or district, or for part of the municipalities within
6a district where there are no wards, is filed under this section, the opposing
7candidate a candidate, other than the candidate filing that petition, who, upon
8completion of the partial recount, is an aggrieved party, as determined under s. 9.01
9(1) (a) 5., or any voter or other interested party including a municipality if on a
10referendum question, may similarly file a petition for recount in any or all of the
11remaining wards or municipalities in the jurisdiction or district. With respect to a
12petition for a partial recount on a referendum question, any voter or other
13interested party, including a municipality, may similarly file a petition for recount
14in any or all of the remaining wards or municipalities in the jurisdiction or district.
15The Any petition under this subsection shall be filed not later than 5 p.m. 2 days
16after the board of canvassers completes the first recount. The proper board of
17canvassers shall reconvene at 9 a.m. on the next business day following the filing of
18the petition and proceed to recount the ballots in all wards or municipalities
19specified and to otherwise review the allegations of fact contained in the petition.
20Any errors shall be corrected.
AB50,4821Section 48. 13.09 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,37,22213.09 (7) If a member of the committee objects to a proposed action or item
23during a period of passive review required by law for the purpose of reviewing the

1proposed action or item, the name of each objecting member, as well as the reason
2for each objection, shall be recorded and made publicly available.
AB50,493Section 49. 13.124 of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,504Section 50. 13.127 of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,515Section 51. 13.365 of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,526Section 52. 13.48 (20v) of the statutes is renumbered 16.095, and 16.095 (1),
7(2), (3), (4) and (5), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB50,37,12816.095 (1) The building commission department shall establish and operate a
9grant program under this subsection section to assist nonstate organizations and
10cities, villages, towns, counties, and tribal governments to carry out construction
11projects having a statewide public purpose, as determined by the building
12commission or as specified in subs. (6) to (14).
AB50,37,1813(2) From the appropriation under s. 20.867 (3) (x) 20.505 (1) (aw), the building
14commission department may award a grant to any nonstate organization for a
15construction project that satisfies par. (a) having a statewide public purpose, as
16determined by the building commission under sub. (1) or as specified in sub. (7) (a),
17(8) (a), (9) (a), (10) (a), (11) (a), or (14) (a), if the grant is approved by the building
AB50,37,2319(3) Before approving each grant under sub. (2) or (6), the building commission
20shall determine that the nonstate organization or city, village, town, county, or
21tribal government carrying out the project has secured additional funding for the
22project from nonstate revenue sources in an amount that is equal to at least half of
23the total cost of the project.
AB50,38,624(4) If the building commission department awards a grant under par. (b) sub.

1(2), and if, for any reason, the space that is constructed or otherwise improved with
2funds from the grant is not used for one or more public purposes determined by the
3building commission under par. (a) sub. (1), or for the grants described in subs. (6)
4to (14), the public purposes specified in those subsections, the state shall retain an
5ownership interest in the constructed or otherwise improved space equal to the
6amount of the states grant.
AB50,38,127(5) The building commission department is prohibited from awarding a grant
8under par. (b) sub. (2) or (6) unless the department of administration has reviewed
9and approved plans for the construction project associated with the grant.
10Notwithstanding ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of administration is
11prohibited from supervising any services or work or letting any contract for the
12project. Section 16.87 does not apply to the project.
AB50,5313Section 53. 13.48 (26m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,38,191413.48 (26m) Lead service line replacement. The legislature finds and
15determines that the prevalence of lead service lines in connections to public water
16systems poses a public health hazard and that processes for reducing lead entering
17drinking water from such pipes requires additional treatment of wastewater. It is
18therefore in the public interest, and it is the public policy of this state, to assist
19private users of public water systems in replacing lead service lines.
AB50,5420Section 54. 13.56 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,39,52113.56 (2) Participation in certain proceedings. The cochairpersons of the
22joint committee for review of administrative rules or their designated agents shall
23accept service made under ss. 227.40 (5) and 806.04 (11). If the committee
24determines that the legislature should be represented in the proceeding, it shall

1request the joint committee on legislative organization to intervene in designate the
2legislatures representative for the proceeding as provided under s. 806.04 (11). The
3costs of participation in the proceeding shall be paid equally from the
4appropriations under s. 20.765 (1) (a) and (b), except that such costs incurred by the
5department of justice shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.455 (1) (d).
AB50,556Section 55. 13.75 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,39,8713.75 (2) All fees collected under this section shall be deposited in the general
AB50,569Section 56. 13.90 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,39,201013.90 (2) The cochairpersons of the joint committee on legislative
11organization or their designated agent shall accept service made under ss. s. 806.04
12(11) and 893.825 (2). If the committee, the senate organization committee, or the
13assembly organization committee determines that the legislature should intervene
14be represented in the proceeding as provided under s. 803.09 (2m), the assembly
15shall represent the assembly, the senate shall represent the senate, and the joint
16committee on legislative organization shall represent the legislature, that
17committee shall designate the legislatures representative for the proceeding. The
18costs of participation in the proceeding shall be paid equally from the
19appropriations under s. 20.765 (1) (a) and (b), except that such costs incurred by the
20department of justice shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.455 (1) (d).
AB50,5721Section 57. 13.94 (1) (zm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,40,22213.94 (1) (zm) Biennially, beginning in 2027, prepare a performance

1evaluation audit of the program to accredit productions for purposes of ss. 71.07 (5f)
2and (5h), 71.28 (5f) and (5h), and 71.47 (5f) and (5h) by the department of tourism.
AB50,583Section 58. 14.38 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,40,20414.38 (9) Furnish certified copies; fees. Make a copy of any law,
5resolution, deed, bond, record, document or paper deposited or kept in his or her
6office, upon request therefor, attach thereto his or her certificate, with the greater
7or lesser seal affixed, and collect therefor 50 cents per page and $5 for such
8certificate; if a copy is not to be certified and if the reproduction is performed by the
9office of the secretary of state, then collect a fee to cover the actual and necessary
10cost of reproduction and actual and necessary cost of transcription required to
11produce the copy or $2, whichever is greater; also to record any document
12authorized or required by law to be recorded in his or her office, and to charge
13therefor a fee of $1 per page. The fee for certified copies and for certificates as to
14results of searches of the records and files of his or her office, when a printed form
15is used, shall be $5, but when a an apostille or other specially prepared form is
16required the fee shall be $10. Telegraphic reports as to results of record searches
17shall be $5 plus the cost of the telegram. The secretary of state shall charge and
18collect for preparing any record or certificate under this subsection in an
19expeditious manner, an expedited service fee of $25 in addition to the fee otherwise
20required under this subsection.
AB50,5921Section 59. 14.38 (12) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,40,242214.38 (12) Affix great seal; authentications. Perform authentication
23services as the exclusive provider of such services and affix the great seal to such
24authentications in the manner necessary to perform such services.
1Section 60. 14.38 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,41,4214.38 (13) Affix great seal or lesser seal; apostilles. Perform apostille
3services and affix the great seal or a lesser seal to such apostilles in the manner
4necessary to perform such services.
AB50,615Section 61. 14.46 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,41,11614.46 Deputy secretary of state. The secretary of state may appoint a
7deputy secretary of state who may perform and execute any duty or power of the
8secretary of state, except duties and powers the secretary of state performs as a
9member of the board of commissioners of public lands. The deputy secretary of
10state shall take and file the official oath and shall file an official bond in the sum
11and with the conditions as the secretary of state prescribes.
AB50,6212Section 62. 15.01 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,42,31315.01 (6) Division, bureau, section, and unit means the subunits of a
14department or an independent agency, whether specifically created by law or
15created by the head of the department or the independent agency for the more
16economic and efficient administration and operation of the programs assigned to
17the department or independent agency. The office of credit unions in the
18department of financial institutions, the office of the inspector general in the
19department of children and families, the office of the inspector general in the
20department of health services, and the office of the public intervenor in the office of
21the commissioner of insurance, the office of childrens mental health in the
22department of health services, and the office of violence prevention in the
23department of administration have the meaning of division under this subsection.
24The office of the long-term care ombudsman under the board on aging and long-

1term care and the office of educational accountability and the office of literacy in
2the department of public instruction have the meaning of bureau under this
AB50,634Section 63. 15.02 (3) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,42,13515.02 (3) (c) 1. The principal subunit of the department is the division.
6Each division shall be headed by an administrator. The office of credit unions in
7the department of financial institutions and, the office of childrens mental health
8in the department of health services, and the office of violence prevention in the
9department of administration have the meaning of division and the director of
10credit unions in the department of financial institutions and, the director of the
11office of childrens mental health in the department of health services, and the
12director of the office of violence prevention in the department of administration
13have the meaning of administrator under this subdivision.
AB50,6414Section 64. 15.03 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,43,61515.03 Attachment for limited purposes. Any division, office, commission,
16council or board attached under this section to a department or independent agency
17or a specified division thereof shall be a distinct unit of that department,
18independent agency or specified division. Any division, office, commission, council
19or board so attached shall exercise its powers, duties and functions prescribed by
20law, including rule making, licensing and regulation, and operational planning
21within the area of program responsibility of the division, office, commission, council
22or board, independently of the head of the department or independent agency, but
23budgeting, program coordination and related management functions shall be
24performed under the direction and supervision of the head of the department or

1independent agency, except that with respect to the office of the commissioner of
2railroads, all personnel and biennial budget requests by the office of the
3commissioner of railroads shall be provided to the department of transportation as
4required under s. 189.02 (7) and shall be processed and properly forwarded by the
5public service commission department of transportation without change except as
6requested and concurred in by the office of the commissioner of railroads.
AB50,657Section 65. 15.07 (3) (bm) 7. of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,43,9815.07 (3) (bm) 7. The prescription drug affordability review board shall meet
9at least 4 times each year.
AB50,6610Section 66. 15.105 (35) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,43,131115.105 (35) Office of violence prevention. There is created an office of
12violence prevention, attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03.
13The director of the office shall be appointed by the secretary of administration.
AB50,6714Section 67. 15.145 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,43,161515.145 (title) Same; attached boards, commissions, and councils, and
AB50,6817Section 68. 15.145 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,43,231815.145 (7) Office of the ombudsperson for corrections. There is created
19an office of the ombudsperson for corrections, attached to the department of
20corrections under s. 15.03. The office shall be under the direction and supervision
21of an ombudsperson who shall be nominated by the governor, with the advice and
22consent of three-fourths of members elected to the senate appointed, and may be
23removed only by the governor for just cause.
AB50,6924Section 69. 15.165 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
115.165 (title) Same; attached boards and offices.
AB50,702Section 70. 15.165 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,44,7315.165 (5) Office of internal audit. There is created an office of internal
4audit that is attached to the department of employee trust funds under s. 15.03.
5The office shall be under the direction and supervision of an internal auditor who
6shall be appointed by the employee trust funds board in the classified service. The
7internal auditor shall report directly to the employee trust funds board.
AB50,718Section 71. 15.465 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,44,9915.465 (title) Same; attached board and office.
AB50,7210Section 72. 15.615 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,44,161115.615 Same; attached office. (1) Office of election transparency and
12compliance. There is created an office of election transparency and compliance,
13which is attached to the elections commission under s. 15.03. The office shall be
14under the direction and supervision of a director who shall be a policy initiatives
15advisor appointed in the classified service by the administrator or interim
16administrator of the elections commission.
AB50,7317Section 73. 15.67 of the statutes is renumbered 15.105 (36), and 15.105 (36)
18(title), (a) (intro.) and (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB50,45,21915.105 (36) (title) Higher educational aids board; creation. (a) (intro.)
20There is created a higher educational aids board consisting, attached to the
21department of administration under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the state
22superintendent of public instruction and the following members appointed for 3-

1year terms, except that the members specified under pars. (a) 5. subds. 1. e. and 6.
2f. and (b) 3. 2. c. shall be appointed for 2-year terms:
AB50,45,63(b) If a student member under sub. (1) par. (a) loses the status upon which the
4appointment was based, he or she shall cease to be a member of the higher
5educational aids board upon appointment to the higher educational aids board of a
6qualified successor.
AB50,747Section 74. 15.675 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,758Section 75. 15.675 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 15.105 (37), and 15.105
9(37) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB50,45,131015.105 (37) Distance learning authorization board. (intro.) There is
11created a distance learning authorization board, for higher education, that is
12attached to the higher educational aids board department of administration under
13s. 15.03 and that consists of all of the following members:
AB50,7614Section 76. 15.732 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,45,171515.732 Same; attached office. (1) Office of the public intervenor.
16There is created an office of the public intervenor which is attached to the office of
17the commissioner of insurance.
AB50,7718Section 77. 15.735 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,45,211915.735 Same; attached board. (1) There is created a prescription drug
20affordability review board attached to the office of the commissioner of insurance
21under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the following members:
AB50,45,2222(a) The commissioner of insurance or his or her designee.
AB50,46,323(b) Two members appointed for 4-year terms who represent the

1pharmaceutical drug industry, including pharmaceutical drug manufacturers and
2wholesalers. At least one of the members appointed under this paragraph shall be
3a licensed pharmacist.
AB50,46,54(c) Two members appointed for 4-year terms who represent the health
5insurance industry, including insurers and pharmacy benefit managers.
AB50,46,96(d) Two members appointed for 4-year terms who represent the health care
7industry, including hospitals, physicians, pharmacies, and pharmacists. At least
8one of the members appointed under this paragraph shall be a licensed
AB50,46,1110(e) Two members appointed for 4-year terms who represent the interests of
11the public.
AB50,46,1412(2) A member appointed under sub. (1), except for a member appointed under
13sub. (1) (b), may not be an employee of, a board member of, or a consultant to a drug
14manufacturer or trade association for drug manufacturers.
AB50,46,1915(3) Any conflict of interest, including any financial or personal association,
16that has the potential to bias or has the appearance of biasing an individuals
17decision in matters related to the board or the conduct of the boards activities shall
18be considered and disclosed when appointing that individual to the board under
19sub. (1).
AB50,7820Section 78. 15.79 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,47,62115.79 (1) There is created a public service commission consisting of one
22chairperson and 2 commissioners. The chairperson and any commissioner may not
23have a financial interest in a railroad, water carrier, or public utility. If the

1chairperson or a commissioner voluntarily becomes so interested, the chairpersons
2or commissioners office shall become vacant. If the chairperson or commissioner
3involuntarily becomes so interested, the chairpersons or commissioners office
4shall become vacant unless the chairperson or commissioner divests himself or
5herself of the interest within a reasonable time. The chairperson and each
6commissioner shall hold office until a successor is appointed and qualified.
AB50,797Section 79. 15.795 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,808Section 80. 15.795 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 15.465 (3) and amended
9to read:
AB50,47,181015.465 (3) Office of the commissioner of railroads. There is created an
11office of the commissioner of railroads which is attached to the public service
12commission department of transportation under s. 15.03, provided that s. 85.02 (1)
13does not apply to the office of the commissioner of railroads. The commissioner of
14railroads shall have expertise in railroad issues and may not have a financial
15interest in a railroad, as defined in s. 195.02 (1), or a water carrier, as defined in s.
16195.02 (5). The commissioner may not serve on or under any committee of a
17political party. The commissioner shall hold office until a successor is appointed
18and qualified.
AB50,8119Section 81. 16.004 (26) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,47,222016.004 (26) Tribal relations. The secretary shall appoint a director of
21Native American affairs to manage relations between the state and American
22Indian tribes or bands in this state.
AB50,8223Section 82. 16.02 of the statutes is created to read:
116.02 Office of violence prevention. (1) Purpose. The office of violence
2prevention shall coordinate and expand violence prevention activities in this state.
AB50,48,33(2) Duties. The office of violence prevention shall do all of the following:
AB50,48,44(a) Establish a violence prevention focus across state government.
AB50,48,85(b) Collaborate with other state agencies that are interested or active in the
6reduction of interpersonal violence, including child abuse, elder abuse, violence
7against youth, domestic violence, gun violence, intimate partner violence, suicide,
8sexual assault, and gender-based violence.
AB50,48,119(c) Support the development and implementation of comprehensive,
10community-based violence prevention initiatives within local units of government
11across the state, including collaborating with law enforcement agencies.
AB50,48,1312(d) Develop sources of funding beyond state revenues to maintain the office
13and expand its activities.
AB50,48,1514(e) Create a directory of existing violence prevention services and activities in
15each county.
AB50,48,2016(f) Support and provide technical assistance to local organizations that
17provide violence prevention services, including in seeking out and applying for
18grant funding in support of their initiatives and provide technical assistance and
19support to the organizations to maximize the organizations likelihood of success
20with their applications.
AB50,48,2121(g) Develop public education campaigns to promote safer communities.