AB50,1512,55Property classification agreement AB50,1512,66(Pursuant to Section 766.588, Wisconsin Statutes) AB50,1512,107This agreement is entered into by .... and .... (husband and wife who are 8married) (who intend to marry) (strike one). The parties hereby classify all of the 9property owned by them when this agreement becomes effective, and property 10acquired during the term of this agreement, as marital property. AB50,1512,1411One spouse may terminate this agreement at any time by giving signed notice 12of termination to the other spouse. Notice of termination by a spouse is given upon 13personal delivery or when sent by certified mail to the other spouse’s last-known 14address. The agreement terminates 30 days after such notice is given. AB50,1512,1915The parties (have) (have not) (strike one) completed Schedule “A”, “Financial 16Disclosure”, attached to this agreement. If Schedule “A” has not been completed, 17the duration of this agreement is 3 years after both parties have signed the 18agreement. If Schedule “A” has been completed, the duration of this agreement is 19not limited to 3 years after it is signed. AB50,1513,520IF THE DURATION OF THIS AGREEMENT IS NOT TO BE LIMITED TO 3 21YEARS, MAKE SURE SCHEDULE “A”, “FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE”, IS 22COMPLETED AND THAT YOU HAVE REVIEWED THE SCHEDULE BEFORE 23SIGNING THE AGREEMENT. IF YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE HAVE
1PREVIOUSLY ENTERED INTO A STATUTORY TERMINABLE MARITAL 2PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION AGREEMENT WITH EACH OTHER WHICH 3WAS EFFECTIVE DURING YOUR PRESENT MARRIAGE AND YOU AND 4YOUR SPOUSE DID NOT COMPLETE SCHEDULE “A”, YOU MAY NOT 5EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE SCHEDULE “A”. AB50,1513,66Signature of One Spouse: .... AB50,1513,88Print Name Here: .... AB50,1513,99Residence Address: .... AB50,1513,1010(Make Sure Your Signature is Authenticated or Acknowledged Below.) AB50,1513,1111Authentication AB50,1513,1212Signature .... authenticated this .... day of ...., .... (year) AB50,1513,1414TITLE: MEMBER STATE BAR OF WISCONSIN AB50,1513,1515(If not, .... authorized by s. 706.06, Wis. Stats.) AB50,1513,1616Acknowledgment AB50,1513,1717STATE OF WISCONSIN ) AB50,1513,1919.... County ) AB50,1513,2220Personally came before me this .... day of ...., .... (year) the above named .... to 21me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and 22acknowledge the same. AB50,1514,1
1Notary Public ...., .... County, Wisconsin. AB50,1514,22My Commission is permanent. AB50,1514,33(If not, state expiration date: ...., .... (year)) AB50,1514,44(Signatures may be authenticated or AB50,1514,55acknowledged. Both are not necessary.) AB50,1514,66*Names of persons signing in any capacity should be AB50,1514,77typed or printed below their signatures. AB50,1514,88Signature of Other Spouse: .... AB50,1514,1010Print Name Here: .... AB50,1514,1111Residence Address: .... AB50,1514,1212(Make Sure Your Signature is Authenticated or Acknowledged Below.) AB50,1514,1313Authentication AB50,1514,1414Signature .... authenticated this .... day of ...., .... (year) AB50,1514,1616TITLE: MEMBER STATE BAR OF WISCONSIN AB50,1514,1717(If not, .... authorized by s. 706.06, Wis. Stats.) AB50,1514,1818Acknowledgment AB50,1514,1919STATE OF WISCONSIN ) AB50,1514,2121.... County ) AB50,1515,222Personally came before me this .... day of ...., .... (year) the above named .... to
1me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and 2acknowledge the same. AB50,1515,44Notary Public ...., .... County, Wisconsin. AB50,1515,55My Commission is permanent. AB50,1515,66(If not, state expiration date: ...., .... (year)) AB50,1515,77(Signatures may be authenticated or AB50,1515,88acknowledged. Both are not necessary.) AB50,1515,99*Names of persons signing in any capacity should be AB50,1515,1010typed or printed below their signatures. AB50,1515,1111Termination of statutory terminable AB50,1515,1212marital property classification agreement AB50,1515,1313I UNDERSTAND THAT: AB50,1515,16141. THIS TERMINATION TAKES EFFECT 30 DAYS AFTER MY SPOUSE IS 15NOTIFIED OF THE TERMINATION, AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 766.588 16(4) OF THE WISCONSIN STATUTES. AB50,1515,21172. THIS TERMINATION IS PROSPECTIVE; IT DOES NOT AFFECT THE 18CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY ACQUIRED BEFORE THE TERMINATION 19BECOMES EFFECTIVE. PROPERTY ACQUIRED AFTER THE TERMINATION 20BECOMES EFFECTIVE IS CLASSIFIED AS PROVIDED UNDER THE 21MARITAL PROPERTY LAW. AB50,1516,2223. IN GENERAL, THIS TERMINATION IS NOT BINDING ON
1CREDITORS UNLESS THEY ARE PROVIDED A COPY OF THE TERMINATION 2BEFORE CREDIT IS EXTENDED. AB50,1516,53The undersigned terminates the statutory terminable marital property 4classification agreement entered into by me and my spouse on .... (date last spouse 5signed the agreement) under section 766.588 of the Wisconsin Statutes. AB50,1516,66Signature: .... AB50,1516,88Print Name Here: .... AB50,1516,99Residence Address: .... AB50,1516,1010Schedule “A” AB50,1516,1111Financial Disclosure AB50,1516,1512The following general categories of assets and liabilities are not all inclusive 13and if other assets or liabilities exist they should be listed. Assets should be listed 14according to which spouse has title (including assets owned by a spouse or the 15spouses with one or more third parties) and at their approximate market value. AB50,1516,1616Husband Wife Spouse (Name) Spouse (Name) Both Names AB50,1516,1818A. Real estate (gross value) AB50,1516,1919B. Stocks, bonds and mutual funds AB50,1516,2120C. Accounts at and certificates or other 21instruments issued by financial institutions AB50,1516,2322D. Mortgages, land contracts, promissory notes 23and cash AB50,1517,1
1E. Partnership interests AB50,1517,22EL. Limited liability company interests. AB50,1517,33F. Trust interests AB50,1517,44G. Livestock, farm products, crops AB50,1517,55H. Automobiles and other vehicles AB50,1517,66I. Jewelry and personal effects AB50,1517,77J. Household furnishings AB50,1517,88K. Life insurance and annuities: AB50,1517,991. Face value AB50,1517,10102. Cash surrender value AB50,1517,1111L. Retirement benefits (include value): AB50,1517,12121. Pension plans AB50,1517,13132. Profit sharing plans AB50,1517,14143. HR-10 KEOGH plans AB50,1517,16165. Deferred compensation plans AB50,1517,1717M. Other assets not listed elsewhere