AB50,1478,10936. Tobacco counseling and cessation interventions for individuals who are 5 10years of age or older. AB50,1478,121137. Vision and hearing screening and assessment for minors including 12newborns. AB50,1478,141338. Sexually transmitted infection and human immunodeficiency virus 14counseling for sexually active minors. AB50,1478,171539. Risk assessment for sexually transmitted infection for minors who are 10 16years of age or older and screening for sexually transmitted infection for minors 17who are 16 years of age or older. AB50,1478,191840. Alcohol misuse screening and counseling for minors 11 years of age or 19older. AB50,1478,212041. Autism screening for minors who have attained the age of 18 months but 21have not attained the age of 25 months. AB50,1478,222242. Developmental screening and surveillance for minors including newborns. AB50,1478,232343. Psychosocial and behavioral assessment for minors including newborns. AB50,1479,2
144. Alcohol misuse screening and counseling for pregnant adults and a risk 2assessment for all adults. AB50,1479,4345. Fall prevention and counseling and preventive medication for fall 4prevention for community-dwelling adults 65 years of age or older. AB50,1479,5546. Screening and counseling for intimate partner violence for adult women. AB50,1479,8647. Well-woman visits for women who have attained the age of 18 years but 7have not attained the age of 65 years and well-woman visits for recommended 8preventive services, preconception care, and prenatal care. AB50,1479,10948. Counseling on, consultations with a trained provider on, and equipment 10rental for breastfeeding for pregnant and lactating women. AB50,1479,111149. Folic acid supplement for adult women with reproductive capacity. AB50,1479,121250. Iron deficiency anemia screening for pregnant and lactating women. AB50,1479,141351. Preeclampsia preventive medicine for pregnant adult women at high risk 14for preeclampsia. AB50,1479,161552. Low-dose aspirin after 12 weeks of gestation for pregnant women at high 16risk for miscarriage, preeclampsia, or clotting disorders. AB50,1479,171753. Screenings for hepatitis B and bacteriuria for pregnant women. AB50,1479,201854. Screening for gonorrhea for pregnant and sexually active females 24 years 19of age or younger and females older than 24 years of age who are at risk for 20infection. AB50,1479,232155. Screening for chlamydia for pregnant and sexually active females 24 years 22of age and younger and females older than 24 years of age who are at risk for 23infection. AB50,1480,2
156. Screening for syphilis for pregnant women and adults who are at high risk 2for infection. AB50,1480,5357. Human immunodeficiency virus screening for adults who have attained 4the age of 15 years but have not attained the age of 66 years and individuals at high 5risk of infection who are younger than 15 years of age or older than 65 years of age. AB50,1480,6658. All contraceptives and services in accordance with sub. (17). AB50,1480,8759. Any services not already specified under this paragraph having an A or B 8rating in current recommendations from the U.S. preventive services task force. AB50,1480,11960. Any preventive services not already specified under this paragraph that 10are recommended by the federal health resources and services administration’s 11Bright Futures project. AB50,1480,141261. Any immunizations, not already specified under sub. (14), that are 13recommended and determined to be for routine use by the federal advisory 14committee on immunization practices. AB50,1480,1815(c) Subject to par. (d), no disability insurance policy, except any disability 16insurance policy that is described in s. 632.745 (11) (b) 1. to 12., and no self-insured 17health plan may subject the coverage of any of the preventive services under par. (b) 18to any deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance under the policy or plan. AB50,1480,2219(d) 1. If an office visit and a preventive service specified under par. (b) are 20billed separately by the health care provider, the disability insurance policy or self-21insured health plan may apply deductibles to and impose copayments or 22coinsurance on the office visit but not on the preventive service. AB50,1481,2232. If the primary reason for an office visit is not to obtain a preventive service
1specified under par. (b), the disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan 2may apply deductibles to and impose copayments or coinsurance on the office visit. AB50,1481,1233. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, if a preventive service 4specified under par. (b) is provided by a health care provider that is outside the 5disability insurance policy’s or self-insured health plan’s network of providers, the 6policy or plan may apply deductibles to and impose copayments or coinsurance on 7the office visit and the preventive service. If a preventive service specified under 8par. (b) is provided by a health care provider that is outside the disability insurance 9policy’s or self-insured health plan’s network of providers because there is no 10available health care provider in the policy’s or plan’s network of providers that 11provides the preventive service, the policy or plan may not apply deductibles to or 12impose copayments or coinsurance on the preventive service. AB50,1481,17134. If more than one well-woman visit described under par. (b) 47. is necessary 14to provide all necessary preventive services as determined by a qualified health 15care provider and in accordance with applicable recommendations for preventive 16services, the disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan may not apply a 17deductible to or impose a copayment or coinsurance on any such well-woman visit. AB50,296118Section 2961. 632.895 (14) (a) 1. i. and j. of the statutes are amended to read: AB50,1481,1919632.895 (14) (a) 1. i. Hepatitis A and B. AB50,1481,2020j. Varicella and herpes zoster. AB50,296221Section 2962. 632.895 (14) (a) 1. k. to o. of the statutes are created to read: AB50,1481,2222632.895 (14) (a) 1. k. Human papillomavirus. AB50,1481,2323L. Meningococcal meningitis. AB50,1482,1
1m. Pneumococcal pneumonia. AB50,1482,22n. Influenza. AB50,1482,33o. Rotavirus. AB50,29634Section 2963. 632.895 (14) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1482,105632.895 (14) (b) Except as provided in par. (d), every disability insurance 6policy, and every self-insured health plan of the state or a county, city, town, village, 7or school district, that provides coverage for a dependent of the insured shall 8provide coverage of appropriate and necessary immunizations, from birth to the age 9of 6 years, for an insured or plan participant, including a dependent who is a child 10of the insured or plan participant. AB50,296411Section 2964. 632.895 (14) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1482,1612632.895 (14) (c) The coverage required under par. (b) may not be subject to any 13deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance under the policy or plan. This paragraph 14applies to a defined network plan, as defined in s. 609.01 (1b), only with respect to 15appropriate and necessary immunizations provided by providers participating, as 16defined in s. 609.01 (3m), in the plan. AB50,296517Section 2965. 632.895 (14) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1482,2018632.895 (14) (d) 3. A health care plan offered by a limited service health 19organization, as defined in s. 609.01 (3), or by a preferred provider plan, as defined 20in s. 609.01 (4), that is not a defined network plan, as defined in s. 609.01 (1b). AB50,296621Section 2966. 632.895 (14m) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1482,2322632.895 (14m) Essential health benefits. (a) In this subsection, “self-23insured health plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.85 (1) (c). AB50,1483,4
1(b) On a date specified by the commissioner, by rule, every disability 2insurance policy, except as provided in par. (g), and every self-insured health plan 3shall provide coverage for essential health benefits as determined by the 4commissioner, by rule, subject to par. (c). AB50,1483,65(c) In determining the essential health benefits for which coverage is required 6under par. (b), the commissioner shall do all of the following: AB50,1483,871. Include benefits, items, and services in, at least, all of the following 8categories: AB50,1483,99a. Ambulatory patient services. AB50,1483,1010b. Emergency services. AB50,1483,1111c. Hospitalization. AB50,1483,1212d. Maternity and newborn care. AB50,1483,1413e. Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral 14health treatment. AB50,1483,1515f. Prescription drugs. AB50,1483,1616g. Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices. AB50,1483,1717h. Laboratory services. AB50,1483,1818i. Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management. AB50,1483,1919j. Pediatric services, including oral and vision care. AB50,1484,2202. Conduct a survey of employer-sponsored coverage to determine benefits 21typically covered by employers and ensure that the scope of essential health 22benefits for which coverage is required under this subsection is equal to the scope of
1benefits covered under a typical disability insurance policy offered by an employer 2to its employees. AB50,1484,533. Ensure that essential health benefits reflect a balance among the 4categories described in subd. 1. such that benefits are not unduly weighted toward 5one category. AB50,1484,764. Ensure that essential health benefit coverage is provided with no or limited 7cost-sharing requirements. AB50,1484,1185. Require that disability insurance policies and self-insured health plans do 9not make coverage decisions, determine reimbursement rates, establish incentive 10programs, or design benefits in ways that discriminate against individuals because 11of their age, disability, or expected length of life. AB50,1484,14126. Establish essential health benefits in a way that takes into account the 13health care needs of diverse segments of the population, including women, children, 14persons with disabilities, and other groups. AB50,1484,18157. Ensure that essential health benefits established under this subsection are 16not subject to a coverage denial based on an insured’s or plan participant’s age, 17expected length of life, present or predicted disability, degree of dependency on 18medical care, or quality of life. AB50,1485,2198. Require that disability insurance policies and self-insured health plans 20cover emergency department services that are essential health benefits without 21imposing any requirement to obtain prior authorization for those services and 22without limiting coverage for services provided by an emergency services provider 23that is not in the provider network of a policy or plan in a way that is more
1restrictive than requirements or limitations that apply to emergency services 2provided by a provider that is in the provider network of the policy or plan. AB50,1485,739. Require a disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan to apply to 4emergency department services that are essential health benefits provided by an 5emergency department provider that is not in the provider network of the policy or 6plan the same copayment amount or coinsurance rate that applies if those services 7are provided by a provider that is in the provider network of the policy or plan. AB50,1485,98(d) The commissioner shall periodically update, by rule, the essential health 9benefits under this subsection to address any gaps in access to coverage. AB50,1485,1410(e) If an essential health benefit is also subject to mandated coverage 11elsewhere under this section and the coverage requirements are not identical, the 12disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan shall provide coverage under 13whichever subsection provides the insured or plan participant with more 14comprehensive coverage of the medical condition, item, or service. AB50,1485,1815(f) Nothing in this subsection or rules promulgated under this subsection 16prohibits a disability insurance policy or a self-insured health plan from providing 17benefits in excess of the essential health benefit coverage required under this 18subsection. AB50,1485,2019(g) This subsection does not apply to any disability insurance policy that is 20described in s. 632.745 (11) (b) 1. to 12. AB50,296721Section 2967. 632.895 (15m) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1485,2222632.895 (15m) Coverage of infertility services. (a) In this subsection: AB50,1486,5231. “Diagnosis of and treatment for infertility” means any recommended
1procedure or medication to treat infertility at the direction of a physician that is 2consistent with established, published, or approved medical practices or 3professional guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and 4Gynecologists, or its successor organization, or the American Society for 5Reproductive Medicine, or its successor organization. AB50,1486,762. “Infertility” means a disease, condition, or status characterized by any of 7the following: AB50,1486,128a. The failure to establish a pregnancy or carry a pregnancy to a live birth 9after regular, unprotected sexual intercourse for, if the woman is under the age of 1035, no longer than 12 months or, if the woman is 35 years of age or older, no longer 11than 6 months, including any time during those 12 months or 6 months that the 12woman has a pregnancy that results in a miscarriage. AB50,1486,1413b. An individual’s inability to reproduce either as a single individual or with a 14partner without medical intervention. AB50,1486,1615c. A physician’s findings based on a patient’s medical, sexual, and 16reproductive history, age, physical findings, or diagnostic testing. AB50,1486,18173. “Self-insured health plan” means a self-insured health plan of the state or 18a county, city, village, town, or school district. AB50,1487,2194. “Standard fertility preservation service” means a procedure that is 20consistent with established medical practices or professional guidelines published 21by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, or its successor organization, or 22the American Society of Clinical Oncology, or its successor organization, for a 23person who has a medical condition or is expected to undergo medication therapy,
1surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or other medical treatment that is recognized by 2medical professionals to cause a risk of impairment to fertility. AB50,1487,103(b) Subject to pars. (c) to (e), every disability insurance policy and self-insured 4health plan that provides coverage for medical or hospital expenses shall cover 5diagnosis of and treatment for infertility and standard fertility preservation 6services. Coverage required under this paragraph includes at least 4 completed 7oocyte retrievals with unlimited embryo transfers, in accordance with the 8guidelines of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, or its successor 9organization, and single embryo transfer when recommended and medically 10appropriate. AB50,1487,1211(c) 1. A disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan may not do any 12of the following: AB50,1487,1513a. Impose any exclusion, limitation, or other restriction on coverage required 14under par. (b) based on a covered individual’s participation in fertility services 15provided by or to a 3rd party. AB50,1487,1916b. Impose any exclusion, limitation, or other restriction on coverage of 17medications that are required to be covered under par. (b) that are different from 18those imposed on any other prescription medications covered under the policy or 19plan. AB50,1488,320c. Impose any exclusion, limitation, cost-sharing requirement, benefit 21maximum, waiting period, or other restriction on coverage that is required under 22par. (b) of diagnosis of and treatment for infertility and standard fertility 23preservation services that is different from an exclusion, limitation, cost-sharing
1requirement, benefit maximum, waiting period, or other restriction imposed on 2benefits for services that are covered by the policy or plan and that are not related to 3infertility. AB50,1488,742. A disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan shall provide 5coverage required under par. (b) to any covered individual under the policy or plan, 6including any covered spouse or nonspouse dependent, to the same extent as other 7pregnancy-related benefits covered under the policy or plan. AB50,1488,138(d) The commissioner, after consulting with the department of health services 9on appropriate treatment for infertility, shall promulgate any rules necessary to 10implement this subsection. Before the promulgation of rules, disability insurance 11policies and self-insured health plans are considered to comply with the coverage 12requirements of par. (b) if the coverage conforms to the standards of the American 13Society for Reproductive Medicine.