AB50,255522Section 2555. 283.31 (8) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1261,723283.31 (8) The holder of a permit under this section for a concentrated animal
1feeding operation shall annually pay to the department a fee of $345 $545, which 2shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (9) (ag). The 3department shall annually submit a report to the joint committee on finance and, 4under s. 13.172 (3), to the standing committees of the legislature with jurisdiction 5over agricultural and environmental matters describing the use of the moneys 6credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (9) (ag) under this subsection 7and the use of the moneys appropriated under s. 20.370 (9) (ap). AB50,25568Section 2556. 283.33 (8m) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1261,139283.33 (8m) Rules for storm water pond safety. The department shall 10promulgate rules under sub. (8) establishing that any pond located in an area with 11a population density of not less than 1,000 people per square mile that is 12constructed as part of an activity for which a permit is required under sub. (1) or s. 13283.31 must include one or more of the following features for safety: AB50,1261,1414(a) A shallow ledge around the periphery of the pond. AB50,1261,1615(b) Vegetation that is not less than 24 inches high between the pond and any 16easy point of access. AB50,1261,1717(c) Any other alternative safety feature authorized by the department by rule. AB50,255718Section 2557. 283.35 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1261,2319283.35 (1) Authorization. Instead of issuing a separate permit to an 20individual point source, the department may issue a general permit applicable to a 21designated area of the state authorizing discharges from specified categories or 22classes of point sources located within that area. The department shall charge a 23processing fee of $425 for each permit issued under this subsection. AB50,255824Section 2558. 283.35 (1m) of the statutes is repealed. AB50,2559
1Section 2559. 285.69 (2) (a) 12. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1262,52285.69 (2) (a) 12. That the fee billed in 2013 and each year thereafter to 2024 3equals $35.71 per ton of emissions specified under subd. 8. and that the fee billed in 42025 and each year thereafter equals $63.69 per ton of emissions specified under 5subd. 8. AB50,25606Section 2560. 289.33 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1262,247289.33 (3) (d) “Local approval” includes any requirement for a permit, license, 8authorization, approval, variance or exception or any restriction, condition of 9approval or other restriction, regulation, requirement or prohibition imposed by a 10charter ordinance, general ordinance, zoning ordinance, resolution or regulation by 11a town, city, village, county or special purpose district, including without limitation 12because of enumeration any ordinance, resolution or regulation adopted under s. 1391.73, 2007 stats., s. 59.03 (2), 59.11 (5), 59.42 (1), 59.48, 59.51 (1) and (2), 59.52 (2), 14(5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (11), (12), (13), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), 15(25), (26) and (27), 59.53 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (7), (8), (9), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), 16(19), (20) and (23), 59.535 (2), (3) and (4), 59.54 (1), (2), (3), (4), (4m), (5), (6), (7), (8), 17(10), (11), (12), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25) (a), and (26), 59.55 18(3), (4), (5) and (6), 59.56 (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (9), (10), (11), (12), (12m), (13) and 19(16), 59.57 (1), 59.58 (1) and (5), 59.62, 59.69, 59.692, 59.693, 59.696, 59.697, 2059.698, 59.70 (1), (2), (3), (5), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (21), (22) and (23), 59.79 (1), (2), 21(3), (5), (7), (8), and (10), 59.792 (2) and (3), 59.80, 59.82, 60.10, 60.22, 60.23, 60.54, 2260.77, 61.34, 61.35, 61.351, 61.353, 61.354, 62.11, 62.23, 62.231, 62.233, 62.234, 2366.0101, 66.0415, 87.30, 196.58, 200.11 (8), 236.45, 281.43 or 349.16, subch. VIII of 24ch. 60, or subch. III of ch. 91. AB50,2561
1Section 2561. 292.11 (8m) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1263,52292.11 (8m) Site-specific standards. If no standard exists for a hazardous 3substance, the person responsible under sub. (3) shall propose site-specific 4environmental standards for department approval for the actions required under 5this chapter and rules promulgated under this chapter. AB50,25626Section 2562. 292.11 (9) (g) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1263,107292.11 (9) (g) 1. In this paragraph, “PFAS” means a perfluoroalkyl or 8polyfluoroalkyl substances for which there is a state or federal standard, a public 9health recommendation from the department of health services under s. 160.07, or 10a health advisory issued by the federal environmental protection agency. AB50,1263,13112. Except as provided in subd. 3, a person who possesses or controls property 12where a PFAS discharge occurred is exempt from subs. (3), (4), and (7) (b) and (c) for 13the PFAS discharge if all of the following apply: AB50,1263,1414a. The property is exclusively used for agricultural use or residential use. AB50,1263,1615b. The discharge was caused by land application of sludge permitted under ch. 16283. AB50,1263,2117c. The person who possesses or controls the property where the PFAS 18discharge occurred agrees to allow the department, any authorized representatives 19of the department, any party that possessed or controlled the PFAS or caused the 20discharge of the PFAS, and any consultant or contractor of such a party to enter the 21property to take action to respond to the discharge. AB50,1264,222d. The person who possesses or controls the property where the PFAS 23discharge occurred does not interfere with any action taken in response to the
1discharge and does not take any action that worsens or contributes to the PFAS 2discharge. AB50,1264,83e. The person who possesses or controls the property where the PFAS 4discharge occurred follows any other condition that the department determines is 5reasonable and necessary to ensure that the department or other person described 6in subd. 2. c. is able to adequately respond to the discharge, including taking action 7necessary to protect human health, safety, or welfare or the environment, taking 8into consideration the current or intended use of the property. AB50,1264,129f. The person who possesses or controls the property where the PFAS 10discharge occurred allows the department to limit public access to the property if 11the department determines such limitation of access is necessary to prevent an 12imminent threat to human health, safety, or welfare or to the environment. AB50,1264,14133. a. The exemption under subd. 2. does not apply to any substances other 14than PFAS. AB50,1264,1715b. The exemption under subd. 2. does not apply if the person that possesses or 16controls the property where the PFAS discharge occurred takes action that worsens 17or contributes to the PFAS discharge. AB50,1265,4184. A person who is exempt from subs. (3), (4), and (7) (b) and (c) pursuant to 19subd. 2. shall provide written disclosure to any prospective purchaser of the 20property, either through sale or land contract, before entering into a contract and to 21prospective tenants of the property, including agricultural and residential tenants 22before entering into a lease agreement. Written disclosure shall be provided to any 23current tenants as soon as reasonably practicable and upon any reissuance or 24renewal of a lease. Written disclosure shall include, at a minimum, a description of
1the type of contamination, the location and description of any action taken to 2control or treat the contamination, PFAS sample dates and results, and a 3description of compliance with reporting required under sub. (2). A copy of the 4disclosure shall be provided to the department upon request. AB50,1265,855. The exemption under subd. 2 may not be transferred to a subsequent owner 6of the property on which the PFAS discharge occurred. Each person that possesses 7or controls the property where the PFAS discharge occurred must establish 8eligibility for the exemption under subd. 2. AB50,1265,1796. A person may submit to the department information supporting that the 10person satisfies the requirements of subd. 2. The department shall issue a written 11determination that a person who possesses or controls property where the PFAS 12discharge occurred is exempt from subs. (3), (4), and (7) (b) and (c) if the person 13satisfies the requirements in subd. 2. The department may request additional 14information before issuing a determination. The department may revoke its 15determination if it determines that any of the requirements of subd. 2 cease to be 16met. The department may, in accordance with rules that it promulgates, assess and 17collect fees to offset the costs of issuing determinations under this subdivision. AB50,1265,18187. The exemption under subd. 2. does not apply after December 31, 2035. AB50,256319Section 2563. 292.11 (14) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1265,2420292.11 (14) Determination of responsible party. Applications for 21compensation or grants under the well compensation program under s. 281.75, the 22county well testing grant program under s. 281.54, or any state financial assistance 23program funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, P.L. 117-2, may 24not be used by the department to determine responsibility under sub. (3). AB50,2564
1Section 2564. 292.31 (1) (d) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1266,102292.31 (1) (d) Access to information. (intro.) Upon the request of any officer, 3employee, or authorized representative of the department, any person who 4generated, transported, treated, stored, or disposed of solid or hazardous waste 5which that may have been disposed of at a site or facility under investigation by the 6department and any person who generated solid or hazardous waste at a site or 7facility under investigation by the department that was transported to, treated at, 8stored at, or disposed of at another site, facility, or location shall provide the officer, 9employee, or authorized representative access to any records or documents in that 10person’s custody, possession, or control which relate to: AB50,256511Section 2565. 292.31 (1) (d) 1m. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1266,1412292.31 (1) (d) 1m. The type and quantity of waste generated at the site or 13facility that was transported to, treated at, stored at, or disposed of at another site, 14facility, or location, and the dates and locations of these activities. AB50,256615Section 2566. 292.66 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1266,1616292.66 Revitalize Wisconsin program. (1) Definitions. In this section: AB50,1266,1917(a) “Brownfield” means a property that is abandoned, idle, or underused, the 18expansion or redevelopment of which is adversely affected by actual or perceived 19discharge or environmental pollution. AB50,1266,2020(b) “Discharge” has the meaning given in s. 292.01 (3). AB50,1266,2121(c) “Innocent landowner” means any of the following: AB50,1267,4221. A property owner that acquired the property prior to November 1, 2006, has 23continuously owned the property since the date of acquisition, and can
1demonstrate, through documentation, that the discharge or environmental 2pollution on the property was caused by another person and that the property 3owner did not know and had no reason to know of the discharge or environmental 4pollution when the owner acquired the property. AB50,1267,1152. A property owner that acquired the property on or after November 1, 2006, 6has continuously owned the property since the date of acquisition, and can 7demonstrate, through documentation, that the property owner conducted all 8appropriate inquiries in compliance with 40 CFR part 312 prior to acquisition, that 9the discharge or environmental pollution on the property was caused by another 10person, and that the property owner did not know and had no reason to know of the 11discharge or environmental pollution when the owner acquired the property. AB50,1267,1512(d) “Interim action” means a response action that is taken to contain or 13stabilize a discharge or environmental pollution at a site or facility, in order to 14minimize any threats to public health, safety, or welfare or to the environment, 15while other response actions are being taken or planned for the site or facility. AB50,1267,1616(e) “Local governmental unit” has the meaning given in s. 292.11 (9) (e) 1. AB50,1267,1717(f) “Private party” means any of the following: AB50,1267,18181. A bank, trust company, savings bank, or credit union. AB50,1267,19192. A developer, as defined in s. 66.0617 (1) (b). AB50,1267,23203. An organization or enterprise, other than a sole proprietorship, that is 21operated for profit or that is nonprofit and nongovernmental, including an 22association, business trust, corporation, joint venture, limited liability company, 23limited liability partnership, partnership, or syndicate. AB50,1268,1
14. An innocent landowner. AB50,1268,22(g) “Remedial action” has the meaning given in s. 292.12 (1) (d). AB50,1268,53(2) Powers and duties of the department. (a) The department shall 4administer a program to award aids from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (6) (et) 5to eligible entities under sub. (5). AB50,1268,96(b) The department may not award aid to an entity under this section if that 7entity caused the discharge or environmental pollution at the site or facility for 8which aid is awarded, except to eligible entities under sub. (5) for sites or facilities 9under sub. (4) (a). AB50,1268,1210(c) The department may award aid to eligible entities under sub. (5) in the 11form of grants or direct services or, for sites or facilities under sub. (4) (a), in the 12form of reimbursements. AB50,1268,1613(d) The department may require a match from an eligible entity under sub. 14(5), in the form of cash or in-kind services, for aid awarded under this section, 15except the department may not require a match from an eligible entity for a site or 16facility for which funds are designated under sub. (3) (a). AB50,1268,2217(3) Allocation of funds. (a) In any fiscal year, if there remain any sites or 18facilities under sub. (4) (a) for which a claim for reimbursement was submitted 19before the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], but for which the 20claim has not been paid, the department shall designate $1,000,000 of the funds 21appropriated under s. 20.370 (6) (et), or the total amount of such unpaid claims, 22whichever is less, to the payment of those claims. AB50,1269,523(b) In any fiscal year, if there remain any sites or facilities under sub. (4) (a)
1for which an application for eligibility was submitted before the effective date of this 2paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], but for which a claim has not been made to the 3department, the department shall designate $450,000 of the funds appropriated 4under s. 20.370 (6) (et) to the payment of claims for such sites or facilities, until all 5such sites or facilities have received a case closure letter under s. 292.12. AB50,1269,86(c) The department shall designate 15 percent of the funds appropriated 7under s. 20.370 (6) (et) to provide aid under this section in small or disadvantaged 8communities. AB50,1269,119(d) The department may not provide more than one award of aid under this 10section for a site or facility in a single fiscal year, except for sites or facilities under 11sub. (4) (a). AB50,1269,1312(4) Eligible sites and facilities. An eligible entity under sub. (5) may 13receive aid under this section for any of the following sites or facilities: AB50,1269,1714(a) Sites or facilities for which an application for eligibility was submitted 15under the dry cleaner environmental response program under s. 292.65 and that 16were deemed eligible for that program before the effective date of this paragraph .... 17[LRB inserts date]. AB50,1269,1818(b) Brownfields. AB50,1269,2119(c) Sites or facilities regulated under s. 292.11 that are owned by entities that 20are exempt from s. 292.11 (3), (4), and (7) (b) and (c) as provided under s. 292.11 (9) 21(e), 292.13, or 292.21. AB50,1269,2322(d) Sites or facilities regulated under s. 292.11 that are owned by private 23parties. AB50,1270,2
1(5) Eligible entities. The following entities are eligible for an award under 2this section. AB50,1270,43(a) Local governmental units that did not cause the discharge or 4environmental pollution. AB50,1270,65(b) Owners or operators of dry cleaning facilities that own or operate an 6eligible site or facility under sub. (4) (a). AB50,1270,97(c) A private party, other than a dry cleaning facility under par. (b), that did 8not cause the discharge or environmental pollution and can demonstrate that the 9private party’s property was fairly acquired through an arm’s-length transaction. AB50,1270,1310(6) Eligible activities; ineligible costs. (a) An entity that receives aid 11under this section shall comply with all state and federal laws and rules 12promulgated by the department, unless otherwise provided under this section or 13rules promulgated under this section. AB50,1270,1514(b) The department may award aid under this section to cover the costs of any 15of the following activities: AB50,1270,16161. Assessment and investigation of a discharge or environmental pollution. AB50,1270,18172. Interim actions and remedial actions to remove hazardous substances from 18contaminated media. AB50,1270,19193. Treatment and disposal of contaminated media. AB50,1270,20204. Vapor intrusion assessment and mitigation. AB50,1270,21215. Removal of abandoned containers, as defined in s. 292.41 (1). AB50,1270,23226. Asbestos abatement activities, as defined in s. 254.11 (2), conducted as part 23of redevelopment activities. AB50,1271,1
17. Environmental monitoring. AB50,1271,328. Restoration or replacement of a private potable water supply, if eligible for 3temporary emergency water supplies under rules promulgated by the department. AB50,1271,549. The removal of underground hazardous substance or petroleum product 5storage tanks. AB50,1271,6610. Preparation of documentation to apply for case closure under this chapter. AB50,1271,9711. Other activities identified by the department as reasonable and necessary 8for proper investigation, analysis of remedial action options, remedial action 9planning, and remedial action to meet the requirements of s. 292.11. AB50,1271,1110(c) The department may not award aid under this section to cover any of the 11following costs: AB50,1271,13121. The cost of activities conducted prior to the award of aid under this section, 13except for activities conducted at a site or facility under sub. (4) (a). AB50,1271,15142. The cost of activities that the department determines are not integral to the 15investigation and remediation of a discharge or environmental pollution. AB50,1271,16163. Legal fees. AB50,1271,17174. The cost of investigations or remedial action conducted outside this state. AB50,1271,18185. Costs for financing eligible activities under par. (b). AB50,1271,2219(7) Application for aid. An applicant for aid under this section shall submit 20an application on a form prescribed by the department and shall include any 21information the department finds necessary to evaluate the eligibility of the project 22and amount of aid to be awarded.