AB50,945,21162. Notwithstanding par. (ar) 1., and except as provided in par. (g), it is 17employment discrimination because of conviction record for an employer or 18licensing agency to engage in any act of employment discrimination specified in s. 19111.322 on the basis of a conviction the record of which has been expunged under s. 20973.015. This subdivision does not apply to the extent that its application conflicts 21with federal law. AB50,179522Section 1795. 111.335 (3) (g) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,946,423111.335 (3) (g) Notwithstanding s. 111.322, it is not employment
1discrimination because of conviction record for the law enforcement standards 2board to refuse to certify, recertify, or allow to participate in a preparatory training 3program or to decertify under s. 165.85 an individual who has a conviction the 4record of which has been expunged under s. 973.015. AB50,17965Section 1796. 111.335 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,946,106111.335 (4) (b) It is employment discrimination because of conviction record 7for a licensing agency to refuse to license any individual under sub. (3) (a) (ar) 1. or 8to bar or terminate an individual from licensing under sub. (3) (a) (ar) 1. because 9the individual was adjudicated delinquent under ch. 938 for an offense other than 10an exempt offense. AB50,179711Section 1797. 111.335 (4) (c) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,946,1512111.335 (4) (c) 1. (intro.) If a licensing agency refuses to license an individual 13under sub. (3) (a) (ar) 1. or bars or terminates an individual from licensing under 14sub. (3) (a) (ar) 1., the licensing agency shall, subject to subd. 2., do all of the 15following: AB50,179816Section 1798. 111.335 (4) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,946,2117111.335 (4) (e) A state licensing agency that may refuse to license individuals 18under sub. (3) (a) (ar) 1. or that may bar or terminate an individual from licensure 19under sub. (3) (a) (ar) 1. shall publish on the agency’s Internet site a document 20indicating the offenses or kinds of offenses that may result in such a refusal, bar, or 21termination. AB50,179922Section 1799. 111.335 (4) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,947,623111.335 (4) (f) 1. A state licensing agency that may refuse to license
1individuals under sub. (3) (a) (ar) 1. or that may bar or terminate individuals from 2licensing under sub. (3) (a) (ar) 1. shall allow an individual who does not possess a 3license to, without submitting a full application and without paying the fees 4applicable to applicants, apply to the agency for a determination of whether the 5individual would be disqualified from obtaining the license due to his or her 6conviction record. AB50,18007Section 1800. 111.35 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,947,108111.35 (2) (e) Conflicts with any federal or state statute, rule or regulation. 9This paragraph does not apply with respect to violations concerning marijuana or 10tetrahydrocannabinols under 21 USC 841 to 865. AB50,180111Section 1801. 111.36 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,947,1312111.36 (title) Sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender 13identity; exceptions and special cases. AB50,180214Section 1802. 111.36 (1) (br) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,948,315111.36 (1) (br) Engaging in harassment that consists of unwelcome verbal or 16physical conduct directed at another individual because of that individual’s gender, 17gender expression, or gender identity, other than the conduct described in par. (b), 18and that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive 19work environment or has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with that 20individual’s work performance. Under this paragraph, substantial interference 21with an employee’s work performance or creation of an intimidating, hostile, or 22offensive work environment is established when the conduct is such that a 23reasonable person under the same circumstances as the employee would consider
1the conduct sufficiently severe or pervasive to interfere substantially with the 2person’s work performance or to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work 3environment. AB50,18034Section 1803. 111.36 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,948,95111.36 (1) (c) Discriminating against any woman individual on the basis of 6pregnancy, childbirth, maternity parental leave, or related medical conditions by 7engaging in any of the actions prohibited under s. 111.322, including, but not 8limited to, actions concerning fringe benefit programs covering illnesses and 9disability. AB50,180410Section 1804. 111.36 (1) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,948,1711111.36 (1) (d) 1. For any employer, labor organization, licensing agency or 12employment agency or other person to refuse Refusing to hire, employ, admit or 13license, or to bar or terminate any individual; barring or terminating from 14employment, membership, or licensure any individual,; or to discriminate 15discriminating against an any individual in promotion, in compensation, or in the 16terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of the individual’s sexual 17orientation; or, gender expression, or gender identity. AB50,180518Section 1805. 111.36 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,949,219111.36 (1) (d) 2. For any employer, labor organization, licensing agency or 20employment agency or other person to discharge Discharging or otherwise 21discriminate discriminating against any person because he or she the person has 22opposed any discriminatory practices under this paragraph or because he or she the
1person has made a complaint, testified or assisted in any proceeding under this 2paragraph. AB50,18063Section 1806. 111.36 (4) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,949,84111.36 (4) Notwithstanding s. 111.322, it is not employment discrimination 5for an employer to require an employee to adhere to reasonable workplace 6appearance, grooming, and dress standards not precluded by other provisions of 7state or federal law, provided that an employer shall allow an employee to appear or 8dress consistently with the employee’s gender identity or gender expression. AB50,18079Section 1807. 111.39 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,949,2210111.39 (4) (d) The department shall serve a certified copy of the findings and 11order on the respondent, the order to have the same force as other orders of the 12department and be enforced as provided in s. 103.005. The department shall also 13serve a certified copy of the findings and order on the complainant, together with a 14notice advising the complainant about the right to seek, and the time for seeking, 15review by the commission under sub. (5); about the right to bring, and the time for 16bringing, an action for judicial review under s. 111.395; and about the right to 17bring, and the time for bringing, an action under s. 111.397 (1) (a). Any person 18aggrieved by noncompliance with the order may have the order enforced specifically 19by suit in equity. If the examiner finds that the respondent has not engaged in 20discrimination, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing as alleged in the 21complaint, the department shall serve a certified copy of the examiner’s findings on 22the complainant, together with an order dismissing the complaint. AB50,180823Section 1808. 111.39 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,950,12
1111.39 (5) (b) If no petition is filed the respondent or complainant does not file 2a petition under par. (a) within 21 days from the date that a copy of the findings and 3order of the examiner is mailed to the last-known address of the respondent served 4on that party, the findings and order shall be considered final for purposes of 5enforcement under sub. (4) (d). If a timely petition is filed, the commission, on 6review, may either affirm, reverse, or modify the findings or order in whole or in 7part, or set aside the findings and order and remand to the department for further 8proceedings. Such actions shall be based on a review of the evidence submitted. If 9the commission is satisfied that a respondent or complainant has been prejudiced 10because of exceptional delay in the receipt of a copy of any findings and order it, the 11commission may extend the time another 21 days for filing the petition with the 12department. AB50,180913Section 1809. 111.39 (5) (d) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,950,1914111.39 (5) (d) The commission shall serve a certified copy of the commission’s 15decision on the respondent. The commission shall also serve a certified copy of the 16commission’s decision on the complainant, together with a notice advising the 17complainant about the right to bring, and the time for bringing, an action for 18judicial review under s. 111.395 and about the right to bring, and the time for 19bringing, an action under s. 111.397 (1) (a). AB50,181020Section 1810. 111.397 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,951,921111.397 Civil action. (1) (a) Except as provided in this paragraph, the 22department or an individual alleged or found to have been discriminated against or 23subjected to unfair honesty testing or unfair genetic testing may bring an action in
1circuit court requesting the relief described in sub. (2) (a) against an employer, labor 2organization, or employment agency that is alleged or found to have engaged in that 3discrimination, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing. The department or 4an individual alleged or found to have been discriminated against or subjected to 5unfair honesty testing or unfair genetic testing may not bring an action under this 6paragraph against a local governmental unit, as defined in s. 19.42 (7u), or against 7an employer, labor organization, or employment agency that employs fewer than 15 8individuals for each working day in each of 20 or more calendar weeks in the 9current or preceding year. AB50,951,1310(b) If a petition for judicial review of the findings and order of the commission 11concerning the same violation as the violation giving rise to the action under par. 12(a) is filed, the circuit court shall consolidate the proceeding for judicial review and 13the action under par. (a). AB50,951,1714(c) An individual alleged or found to have been discriminated against or 15subjected to unfair honesty testing or unfair genetic testing is not required to file a 16complaint under s. 111.39 or seek review under s. 111.395 in order for the 17department or the individual to bring an action under par. (a). AB50,951,1918(d) An action under par. (a) shall be commenced within 300 days after the 19alleged discrimination, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing occurred. AB50,952,1220(2) (a) Subject to pars. (b) and (c), in an action under sub. (1) (a), if the circuit 21court finds that discrimination, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing has 22occurred, or if such a finding has been made by an examiner or the commission and 23not been further appealed, the circuit court may order any relief that an examiner
1would be empowered to order under s. 111.39 (4) (c) after a hearing on a complaint 2filed under s. 111.39. In addition, the circuit court shall order the defendant to pay 3to the individual discriminated against or subjected to unfair honesty testing or 4unfair genetic testing any other compensatory damages, and punitive damages 5under s. 895.043 that the circuit court or jury finds appropriate, plus reasonable 6costs and attorney fees incurred in the action. If any relief was ordered under s. 7111.39 or 111.395, the circuit court shall specify whether the relief ordered under 8this paragraph is in addition to or replaces the relief ordered under s. 111.39 or 9111.395. The sum of the amount of compensatory damages for future economic 10losses and for pain and suffering, emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of 11enjoyment of life, and other noneconomic losses and the amount of punitive 12damages that a circuit court may order may not exceed the following: AB50,952,15131. In the case of a defendant that employs 100 or fewer employees for each 14working day in each of 20 or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding year, 15$50,000. AB50,952,18162. In the case of a defendant that employs more than 100 but fewer than 201 17employees for each working day in each of 20 or more calendar weeks in the current 18or preceding year, $100,000. AB50,952,21193. In the case of a defendant that employs more than 200 but fewer than 501 20employees for each working day in each of 20 or more calendar weeks in the current 21or preceding year, $200,000. AB50,953,2224. In the case of a defendant that employs more than 500 employees for each
1working day in each of 20 or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding year, 2$300,000. AB50,953,53(b) If the circuit court orders a payment under par. (a) because of a violation of 4s. 111.321, 111.37, or 111.372 by an individual employed by an employer, the 5employer of that individual is liable for the payment. AB50,953,86(c) 1. In this paragraph, “consumer price index” means the average of the 7consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by 8the bureau of labor statistics of the federal department of labor. AB50,953,2192. Except as provided in this subdivision, beginning on July 1, 2024, and on 10each July 1 after that, the department shall adjust the amounts specified in par. (a) 111., 2., 3., and 4. by calculating the percentage difference between the consumer price 12index for the 12-month period ending on December 31 of the preceding year and the 13consumer price index for the 12-month period ending on December 31 of the year 14before the preceding year and adjusting those amounts by that percentage 15difference. The department shall publish the adjusted amounts calculated under 16this subdivision in the Wisconsin Administrative Register, and the adjusted 17amounts shall apply to actions commenced under sub. (1) (a) beginning on July 1 of 18the year of publication. This subdivision does not apply if the consumer price index 19for the 12-month period ending on December 31 of the preceding year did not 20increase over the consumer price index for the 12-month period ending on 21December 31 of the year before the preceding year. AB50,181122Section 1811. 111.70 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,954,1523111.70 (1) (a) “Collective bargaining” means the performance of the mutual
1obligation of a municipal employer, through its officers and agents, and the 2representative of its municipal employees in a collective bargaining unit, to meet 3and confer at reasonable times, in good faith, with the intention of reaching an 4agreement, or to resolve questions arising under such an agreement, with respect 5to wages, hours, and conditions of employment for public safety employees or, for 6transit employees and, or for municipal employees in a collective bargaining unit 7that contains a frontline worker; with respect to wages for general municipal 8employees, who are in a collective bargaining unit that does not contain a frontline 9worker; and with respect to a requirement of the municipal employer for a 10municipal employee to perform law enforcement and fire fighting services under s. 1160.553, 61.66, or 62.13 (2e), except as provided in sub. (4) (mb) and (mc) and s. 40.81 12(3) and except that a municipal employer shall not meet and confer with respect to 13any proposal to diminish or abridge the rights guaranteed to any public safety 14employees under ch. 164. Collective bargaining includes the reduction of any 15agreement reached to a written and signed document. AB50,181216Section 1812. 111.70 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,955,217111.70 (1) (f) “Fair-share agreement” means an agreement between a 18municipal employer and a labor organization that represents public safety 19employees or, transit employees, or a frontline worker under which all or any of the 20public safety employees or transit employees in the collective bargaining unit or all 21or any of the employees in a collective bargaining unit containing a frontline worker 22are required to pay their proportionate share of the cost of the collective bargaining
1process and contract administration measured by the amount of dues uniformly 2required of all members. AB50,18133Section 1813. 111.70 (1) (fd) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,955,54111.70 (1) (fd) “Frontline worker” means a municipal employee who is 5determined to be a frontline worker under sub. (4) (bm) 2. AB50,18146Section 1814. 111.70 (1) (fm) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,955,87111.70 (1) (fm) “General municipal employee” means a municipal employee 8who is not a public safety employee or, a transit employee, or a frontline worker. AB50,18159Section 1815. 111.70 (1) (n) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,955,1410111.70 (1) (n) “Referendum” means a proceeding conducted by the 11commission in which public safety employees or transit employees in a collective 12bargaining unit or municipal employees in a collective bargaining unit containing a 13frontline worker may cast a secret ballot on the question of authorizing a labor 14organization and the employer to continue a fair-share agreement. AB50,181615Section 1816. 111.70 (1) (p) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,955,1716111.70 (1) (p) “Transit employee” means a municipal employee who is 17determined to be a transit employee under sub. (4) (bm) 1. AB50,181718Section 1817. 111.70 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 111.70 (2) (a) and 19amended to read: AB50,957,620111.70 (2) (a) Municipal employees have the right of self-organization, and the 21right to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through 22representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in lawful, concerted activities 23for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.
1Municipal employees have the right to refrain from any and all such activities. A 2general municipal employee may not be covered by a fair-share agreement unless 3the general municipal employee is in a collective bargaining unit containing a 4frontline worker. Unless the general municipal employee is covered by a fair-share 5agreement, a general municipal employee has the right to refrain from paying dues 6while remaining a member of a collective bargaining unit. A public safety employee 7or, a transit employee, however, or a municipal employee in a collective bargaining 8unit containing a frontline worker may be covered by a fair-share agreement and be 9required to pay dues in the manner provided in a the fair-share agreement; a fair-10share agreement covering a public safety employee or a transit employee must 11contain a provision requiring the municipal employer to deduct the amount of dues 12as certified by the labor organization from the earnings of the employee affected by 13the fair-share agreement and to pay the amount deducted to the labor organization. 14A fair-share agreement covering a public safety employee or transit employee is 15subject to the right of the municipal employer or a labor organization to petition the 16commission to conduct a referendum. Such petition must be supported by proof 17that at least 30 percent of the employees in the collective bargaining unit desire that 18the fair-share agreement be terminated. Upon so finding, the commission shall 19conduct a referendum. If the continuation of the agreement is not supported by at 20least the majority of the eligible employees, it shall terminate. The commission 21shall declare any fair-share agreement suspended upon such conditions and for 22such time as the commission decides whenever it finds that the labor organization 23involved has refused on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, creed, or sex to
1receive as a member any public safety employee or transit eligible municipal 2employee of the municipal employer in the bargaining unit involved, and such 3agreement is subject to this duty of the commission. Any of the parties to such 4agreement or any public safety employee or transit municipal employee covered by 5the agreement may come before the commission, as provided in s. 111.07, and ask 6the performance of this duty. AB50,18187Section 1818. 111.70 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,957,158111.70 (2) (b) General municipal employees who are not in a collective 9bargaining unit containing a frontline worker have the right to have their 10municipal employer consult with them, through a representative of their own 11choosing, with no intention of reaching an agreement, with respect to wages, hours, 12and conditions of employment. The right may be exercised either when the 13municipal employer proposes or implements policy changes affecting wages, hours, 14or conditions of employment or, if no policy changes are proposed or implemented, at 15least quarterly. AB50,181916Section 1819. 111.70 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,957,2017111.70 (3) (a) 3. To encourage or discourage a membership in any labor 18organization by discrimination in regard to hiring, tenure, or other terms or 19conditions of employment; but the prohibition shall not apply to a fair-share 20agreement that covers public safety employees or transit employees. AB50,182021Section 1820. 111.70 (3) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,958,822111.70 (3) (a) 5. To violate any collective bargaining agreement previously 23agreed upon by the parties with respect to wages, hours, and conditions of
1employment affecting public safety employees or, transit employees, or municipal 2employees in a collective bargaining unit containing a frontline worker, including 3an agreement to arbitrate questions arising as to the meaning or application of the 4terms of a collective bargaining agreement or to accept the terms of such arbitration 5award, where previously the parties have agreed to accept such award as final and 6binding upon them or to violate any collective bargaining agreement affecting a 7collective bargaining unit containing only general municipal employees, that was 8previously agreed upon by the parties with respect to wages. AB50,18219Section 1821. 111.70 (3) (a) 6. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,958,1710111.70 (3) (a) 6. To deduct labor organization dues from the earnings of a 11public safety employee or, a transit employee, or a municipal employee who is in a 12collective bargaining unit containing a frontline worker unless the municipal 13employer has been presented with an individual order therefor, signed by the 14employee personally, and terminable by at least the end of any year of its life or 15earlier by the public safety employee or transit municipal employee giving at least 1630 days’ written notice of such termination to the municipal employer and to the 17representative organization, except when a fair-share agreement is in effect. AB50,182218Section 1822. 111.70 (3) (a) 9. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,958,2319111.70 (3) (a) 9. If the collective bargaining unit contains a public safety 20employee or, transit employee, or frontline worker, after a collective bargaining 21agreement expires and before another collective bargaining agreement takes effect, 22to fail to follow any fair-share agreement in the expired collective bargaining 23agreement. AB50,1823
1Section 1823. 111.70 (3g) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,959,52111.70 (3g) Wage deduction prohibition. A municipal employer may not 3deduct labor organization dues from the earnings of a general municipal employee, 4unless the general municipal employee is in a collective bargaining unit that 5contains a frontline worker, or from the earnings of a supervisor. AB50,18246Section 1824. 111.70 (4) (bm) (title) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,959,77111.70 (4) (bm) (title) Transit employee or frontline worker determination. AB50,18258Section 1825. 111.70 (4) (bm) of the statutes is renumbered 111.70 (4) (bm) 91. AB50,182610Section 1826. 111.70 (4) (bm) 2. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,959,1611111.70 (4) (bm) 2. The commission shall determine that a municipal employee 12is a frontline worker if the commission finds that the municipal employee has 13regular job duties that include interacting with members of the public or with large 14populations of people or that directly involve the maintenance of public works. The 15commission may not determine that a public safety employee or a transit employee 16is a frontline worker. AB50,182717Section 1827. 111.70 (4) (cg) (title), 1., 2., 3., 4. and 5. of the statutes are 18amended to read: AB50,960,819111.70 (4) (cg) (title) Methods for peaceful settlement of disputes; transit 20employees and municipal employees in a collective bargaining unit containing a 21frontline worker. 1. ‘Notice of commencement of contract negotiations.’ To advise 22the commission of the commencement of contract negotiations involving a collective 23bargaining unit containing transit employees or a collective bargaining unit
1containing a frontline worker, whenever either party requests the other to reopen 2negotiations under a binding collective bargaining agreement, or the parties 3otherwise commence negotiations if no collective bargaining agreement exists, the 4party requesting negotiations shall immediately notify the commission in writing. 5Upon failure of the requesting party to provide notice, the other party may provide 6notice to the commission. The notice shall specify the expiration date of the existing 7collective bargaining agreement, if any, and shall provide any additional 8information the commission may require on a form provided by the commission. AB50,960,1692. ‘Presentation of initial proposals; open meetings.’ The meetings between 10parties to a collective bargaining agreement or proposed collective bargaining 11agreement under this subchapter that involve a collective bargaining unit 12containing a transit employee or a frontline worker and that are held to present 13initial bargaining proposals, along with supporting rationale, are open to the 14public. Each party shall submit its initial bargaining proposals to the other party 15in writing. Failure to comply with this subdivision does not invalidate a collective 16bargaining agreement under this subchapter. AB50,960,22173. ‘Mediation.’ The commission or its designee shall function as mediator in 18labor disputes involving transit employees or municipal employees in a collective 19bargaining unit containing a frontline worker upon request of one or both of the 20parties, or upon initiation of the commission. The function of the mediator is to 21encourage voluntary settlement by the parties. No mediator has the power of 22compulsion. AB50,961,5234. ‘Grievance arbitration.’ Parties to a dispute pertaining to the meaning or
1application of the terms of a written collective bargaining agreement involving a 2collective bargaining unit containing a transit employee or a frontline worker may 3agree in writing to have the commission or any other appropriate agency serve as 4arbitrator or may designate any other competent, impartial, and disinterested 5person to serve as an arbitrator. AB50,961,1565. ‘Voluntary impasse resolution procedures.’ In addition to the other 7impasse resolution procedures provided in this paragraph, a municipal employer 8that employs a transit employee or a municipal employee in a collective bargaining 9unit containing a frontline worker and a labor organization may at any time, as a 10permissive subject of bargaining, agree in writing to a dispute settlement 11procedure, including binding interest arbitration, which is acceptable to the parties 12for resolving an impasse over terms of any collective bargaining agreement under 13this subchapter. The parties shall file a copy of the agreement with the 14commission. If the parties agree to any form of binding interest arbitration, the 15arbitrator shall give weight to the factors enumerated under subds. 7. and 7g. AB50,182816Section 1828. 111.70 (4) (cg) 6. a. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,962,917111.70 (4) (cg) 6. a. If, in any collective bargaining unit containing transit 18employees or a frontline worker, a dispute has not been settled after a reasonable 19period of negotiation and after mediation by the commission under subd. 3. and 20other settlement procedures, if any, established by the parties have been exhausted, 21and the parties are deadlocked with respect to any dispute between them over 22wages, hours, or conditions of employment to be included in a new collective 23bargaining agreement, either party, or the parties jointly, may petition the
1commission, in writing, to initiate compulsory, final, and binding arbitration, as 2provided in this paragraph. At the time the petition is filed, the petitioning party 3shall submit in writing to the other party and the commission its preliminary final 4offer containing its latest proposals on all issues in dispute. Within 14 calendar 5days after the date of that submission, the other party shall submit in writing its 6preliminary final offer on all disputed issues to the petitioning party and the 7commission. If a petition is filed jointly, both parties shall exchange their 8preliminary final offers in writing and submit copies to the commission when the 9petition is filed. AB50,182910Section 1829. 111.70 (4) (cg) 7r. d., e. and f. of the statutes are amended to 11read: AB50,962,1512111.70 (4) (cg) 7r. d. Comparison of wages, hours, and conditions of 13employment of the transit municipal employees involved in the arbitration 14proceedings with the wages, hours, and conditions of employment of other 15employees performing similar services. AB50,962,1916e. Comparison of the wages, hours, and conditions of employment of the 17transit municipal employees involved in the arbitration proceedings with the wages, 18hours, and conditions of employment of other employees generally in public 19employment in the same community and in comparable communities. AB50,962,2320f. Comparison of the wages, hours, and conditions of employment of the 21transit municipal employees involved in the arbitration proceedings with the wages, 22hours, and conditions of employment of other employees in private employment in 23the same community and in comparable communities. AB50,1830
1Section 1830. 111.70 (4) (cg) 7r. h. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,963,62111.70 (4) (cg) 7r. h. The overall compensation presently received by the 3transit municipal employees involved in the arbitration proceedings, including 4direct wage compensation, vacation, holidays, and excused time, insurance and 5pensions, medical and hospitalization benefits, the continuity and stability of 6employment, and all other benefits received.