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AB50,796,22221. Reduction of the aid by 25 percent, if not filed by June 30, 2026.
AB50,796,23232. Forfeiture of the aid, if not filed by July 15, 2026.
AB50,797,324(d) If a municipality does not electronically file the report required by the

1department of revenue under par. (a) by July 15, 2026, the department may use the
2best information available to calculate the aid to distribute under sub. (1) in 2027 to
3the applicable taxing jurisdictions.
AB50,797,94(3) Each taxing jurisdiction shall attribute to each tax incremental district
5within the taxing jurisdiction the districts proportionate share of the amount the
6taxing jurisdiction receives under sub. (1). The amount that would have been paid
7to a tax incremental district under this subsection shall be distributed to the
8municipality and applicable taxing jurisdictions in the year following the
9termination of the tax incremental district and in each year thereafter.
AB50,797,1310(4) The department of revenue shall certify the amount of the payment due
11each taxing jurisdiction under sub. (1) to the department of administration, and the
12department of administration shall make the payment on or before the first Monday
13in May.
AB50,152014Section 1520. 79.10 (7m) (a) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,797,191579.10 (7m) (a) 1. b. In the 2024-25 fiscal year, on the 4th Monday in July 2024,
16the department of administration shall distribute $940,000,000 related to the 2023
17property tax levies. In the 2024-25 fiscal year, on the first Monday in May 2025, the
18department of administration shall distribute $335,000,000, related to the 2024
19property tax levies.
AB50,798,520d. In the 2026-27 fiscal year, on the 4th Monday in July 2026, the department
21of administration shall distribute $940,000,000 related to the 2025 property tax
22levies. In the 2026-27 fiscal year, on the first Monday in May 2027, the department
23of administration shall distribute $584,700,000 related to the 2026 property tax
24levies. In each fiscal year thereafter, on the 4th Monday in July, the department of

1administration shall distribute $940,000,000 related to the property tax levies of
2the calendar year immediately preceding the distribution. In each fiscal year
3thereafter, on the first Monday in May, the department of administration shall
4distribute $335,000,000 $584,700,000 related to the property tax levies of the
5calendar year immediately preceding the distribution.
AB50,15216Section 1521. 79.10 (7m) (a) 1. c. of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,798,11779.10 (7m) (a) 1. c. In the 2025-26 fiscal year, on the 4th Monday in July 2025,
8the department of administration shall distribute $940,000,000 related to the 2024
9property tax levies. In the 2025-26 fiscal year, on the first Monday in May 2026, the
10department of administration shall distribute $460,300,000 related to the 2025
11property tax levies.
AB50,152212Section 1522. 79.14 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,798,221379.14 School levy tax credit. The appropriation under s. 20.835 (3) (b), for
14the payments under s. 79.10 (4), is $319,305,000 in 1994, 1995, and 1996;
15$469,305,000 beginning in 1997 and ending in 2006; $593,050,000 in 2007;
16$672,400,000 in 2008; $747,400,000 in 2009; $732,550,000 in 2010, 2011, and 2012;
17$747,400,000 in 2013, 2014, and 2015; $853,000,000 in 2016 and 2017; and
18$940,000,000 in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022; and in fiscal year 2023-24,
19$1,195,000,000. Beginning in In fiscal year 2024-25, the appropriation under s.
2020.835 (3) (b), for the payments under s. 79.10 (4), is $1,275,000,000; in fiscal year
212025-26, the appropriation is $1,400,300,000; and in fiscal year 2026-27, the
22appropriation is $1,524,700,000.
AB50,152323Section 1523. 84.01 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,799,132484.01 (13) Engineering services. The department may engage such

1engineering, consulting, surveying, or other specialized services as it deems
2advisable. Any engagement of services under this subsection is exempt from ss.
316.70 to 16.75, 16.755 to 16.82, and 16.85 to 16.89, but ss. 16.528, 16.752, and
416.754 apply to such engagement. Any engagement involving an expenditure of
5$3,000 $100,000 or more shall be by formal contract approved by the governor. The
6department shall conduct a uniform cost-benefit analysis, as defined in s. 16.70
7(3g), of each proposed engagement under this subsection that involves an estimated
8expenditure of more than $300,000 in accordance with standards prescribed by rule
9of the department and consider and document the results of the analysis before the
10determination of whether to undertake the proposed engagement. The department
11shall review periodically, and before any renewal, the continued appropriateness of
12contracting pursuant to each engagement under this subsection that involves an
13estimated expenditure of more than $300,000.
AB50,152414Section 1524. 84.013 (3) (be) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,799,191584.013 (3) (be) I 39/90/94 extending approximately 67 miles in Dane,
16Columbia, Sauk, and Juneau counties from USH 12/18 in Madison to USH 12/STH
1716 in Wisconsin Dells, including I 39 from I 90/94 to Levee Road near the city of
18Portage, and including all interchanges and work on adjacent roadways necessary
19for the completion of the project.
AB50,152520Section 1525. 84.06 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,800,162184.06 (2) (a) All such highway improvements shall be executed by contract
22based on bids unless the department finds that another method as provided in sub.
23(3) or (4) would be more feasible and advantageous. Bids shall be advertised for in
24the manner determined by the department. Except as provided in s. 84.075, the

1contract shall be awarded to the lowest competent and responsible bidder as
2determined by the department. If the bid of the lowest competent bidder is
3determined by the department to be in excess of the estimated reasonable value of
4the work or not in the public interest, all bids may be rejected. The department
5shall, so far as reasonable, follow uniform methods of advertising for bids and may
6prescribe and require uniform forms of bids and contracts. Except as provided in
7par. (b), the secretary shall enter into the contract on behalf of the state. Every such
8contract is exempted from ss. 16.70 to 16.75, 16.755 to 16.82, 16.87 and 16.89, but
9ss. 16.528, 16.752, and 16.754 apply to the contract. Any such contract involving an
10expenditure of $1,000 $250,000 or more shall not be valid until approved by the
11governor. The secretary may require the attorney general to examine any contract
12and any bond submitted in connection with the contract and report on its
13sufficiency of form and execution. The bond required by s. 779.14 (1m) is exempt
14from approval by the governor and shall be subject to approval by the secretary.
15This subsection also applies to contracts with private contractors based on bids for
16maintenance under s. 84.07.
AB50,152617Section 1526. 84.06 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,801,111884.06 (3) Contracts with county or municipality; direct labor;
19materials. If the department finds that it would be more feasible and
20advantageous to have the improvement performed by the county in which the
21proposed improvement is located and without bids, the department may, by
22arrangement with the county highway committee of the county, enter into a
23contract satisfactory to the department to have the work done by the county forces
24and equipment. In such contract the department may authorize the county to

1purchase, deliver, and store materials and may fix the rental rates of small tools
2and equipment. The contract shall be between the county and the state and shall
3not be based on bids, and may be entered into on behalf of the county by the county
4highway committee and on behalf of the state by the secretary. Such contract is
5exempted from s. 779.14 and from all provisions of chs. 16 and 230, except s. 16.754.
6If the total estimated indebtedness to be incurred exceeds $5,000 $100,000 the
7contract shall not be valid until approved by the governor. The provisions of this
8subsection relating to agreements between a county and the state shall also
9authorize and apply to such arrangements between a city, town, or a village and the
10state. In such cases, the governing body of the city, town, or village shall enter into
11the agreement on behalf of the municipality.
AB50,152712Section 1527. 84.06 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,802,71384.06 (4) Special contracts with railroads and utilities. If an
14improvement undertaken by the department will cross or affect the property or
15facilities of a railroad or public utility company, the department may, upon finding
16that it is feasible and advantageous to the state, arrange to perform portions of the
17improvement work affecting such facilities or property or perform work of altering,
18rearranging, or relocating such facilities by contract with the railroad or public
19utility. Such contract shall be between the railroad company or public utility and
20the state and need not be based on bids. The contract may be entered into on behalf
21of the state by the secretary. Every such contract is exempted from s. 779.14 and
22from all provisions of chs. 16 and 230, except ss. 16.528, 16.752, and 16.754. No
23such contract in which the total estimated debt to be incurred exceeds $5,000
24$100,000 shall be valid until approved by the governor. As used in this subsection,

1public utility means the same as in s. 196.01 (5), and includes a
2telecommunications carrier as defined in s. 196.01 (8m), and railroad means the
3same as in s. 195.02. Property as used in this subsection includes but is not
4limited to tracks, trestles, signals, grade crossings, rights-of-way, stations, pole
5lines, plants, substations, and other facilities. Nothing in this subsection shall be
6construed to relieve any railroad or public utility from any financial obligation,
7expense, duty, or responsibility otherwise provided by law relative to such property.
AB50,15288Section 1528. 84.07 (1b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,802,19984.07 (1b) Emergency repair and protection of state trunk highways.
10To accomplish prompt repair, protection or preservation of any state trunk highway
11which has been closed or is being jeopardized by extraordinary damage by flood,
12structure failure, slides, or other extraordinary condition of necessity and
13emergency, the department may, if it is deemed for the best interest of the state,
14proceed at once to repair or protect the highway with forces and services of private
15constructors and agencies, summarily engaged by the department and cause said
16work to be done by negotiated contract or agreement without calling for competitive
17bids, provided that any such contract or agreement involving an estimated
18expenditure in excess of $10,000 $100,000 shall be subject to approval of the
19governor before it becomes effective.
AB50,152920Section 1529. 84.11 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,803,142184.11 (4) Finding, determination, and order. After such hearing the
22department shall make such investigation as it considers necessary in order to
23make a decision in the matter. If the department finds that the construction is
24necessary it shall determine the location of the project and whether the project is

1eligible for construction under this section. The department shall also determine
2the character and kind of bridge most suitable for such location and estimate
3separately the cost of the bridge portion and the entire project. The department
4shall make its finding, determination, and order, in writing, and file a certified copy
5thereof with the clerk of each county, city, village, and town in which any portion of
6the bridge project will be located and also with the secretary of state and the
7secretary of administration. The determination of the location of the project made
8by the department and set forth in its finding, determination, and order shall be
9conclusive as to such location and shall constitute full authority for laying out new
10streets or highways or for any relocations of highways made necessary for the
11construction of the project and for acquirement of any lands necessary for such
12streets or highways, relocation or construction. The estimate of cost made by the
13department shall be conclusive insofar as cost may determine eligibility of
14construction under this section.
AB50,153015Section 1530. 84.12 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,804,131684.12 (4) Finding, determination, and order. If the department finds that
17the construction is necessary, and that provision has been made or will be made by
18the adjoining state or its subdivisions to bear its or their portions of the cost of the
19project, the department, in cooperation with the state highway department of the
20adjoining state, shall determine the location thereof, the character and kind of
21bridge and other construction most suitable at such location, estimate the cost of
22the project, and determine the respective portions of the estimated cost to be paid by
23each state and its subdivisions. In the case of projects eligible to construction under

1sub. (1) (a) the department shall further determine the respective portions of the
2cost to be paid by this state and by its subdivisions which are required to pay
3portions of the cost. The department, after such hearing, investigation, and
4negotiations, shall make its finding, determination, and order in writing and file a
5certified copy thereof with the clerk of each county, city, village, or town in this state
6in which any part of the bridge project will be located, with the secretary of state,
7and the secretary of administration and with the state highway department of the
8adjoining state. The determination of the location set forth in the finding,
9determination, and order of the department shall be conclusive as to such location
10and shall constitute full authority for laying out new streets or highways or for any
11relocations of the highways made necessary for the construction of the project and
12for acquiring lands necessary for such streets or highways, relocation or
AB50,153114Section 1531. 84.185 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,804,171584.185 (3) (a) 2. Five Fifteen thousand dollars for each job retained or created
16in this state resulting directly from the improvement or economic development
AB50,153218Section 1532. 84.41 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,804,231984.41 (3) Employment regulations. Employment regulations set forth in s.
20103.50 pertaining to wages and hours shall apply to all projects constructed under
21s. 84.40 in the same manner as such laws apply to projects on other state highways.
22Where applicable, the federal wages and hours law known as the Davis-Bacon act
23shall apply.
1Section 1533. 84.54 of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,15342Section 1534. 84.59 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,805,7384.59 (1) Transportation facilities under s. 84.01 (28) and, major highway
4projects as defined under s. 84.013 (1) (a) for the purposes under ss. 84.06 and
584.09, and state highway rehabilitation projects for the purposes specified in s.
620.395 (3) (cq) may be funded with the proceeds of revenue obligations issued
7subject to and in accordance with subch. II of ch. 18.
AB50,15358Section 1535. 84.59 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,806,10984.59 (6) The building commission may contract revenue obligations when it
10reasonably appears to the building commission that all obligations incurred under
11this section can be fully paid from moneys received or anticipated and pledged to be
12received on a timely basis. Except as provided in this subsection, the principal
13amount of revenue obligations issued under this section may not exceed
14$4,055,372,900 $4,644,920,600, excluding any obligations that have been defeased
15under a cash optimization program administered by the building commission, to be
16used for transportation facilities under s. 84.01 (28) and, major highway projects for
17the purposes under ss. 84.06 and 84.09. In addition to the foregoing limit on
18principal amount, the building commission may contract revenue obligations under
19this section up to $142,254,600, excluding any obligations that have been defeased
20under a cash optimization program administered by the building commission, to be
21used for transportation facilities under s. 84.01 (28) and major highway projects for
22the purposes under ss. 84.06 and 84.09. In addition to the foregoing limit on
23principal amount, the building commission may contract revenue obligations under
24this section up to $128,258,200, excluding any obligations that have been defeased

1under a cash optimization program administered by the building commission, to be
2used for transportation facilities under s. 84.01 (28) and major highway projects for
3the purposes under ss. 84.06 and 84.09, and state highway rehabilitation projects
4for the purposes specified in s. 20.395 (3) (cq). In addition to the foregoing limits on
5principal amount, the building commission may contract revenue obligations under
6this section as the building commission determines is desirable to refund
7outstanding revenue obligations contracted under this section, to make payments
8under agreements or ancillary arrangements entered into under s. 18.55 (6) with
9respect to revenue obligations issued under this section, and to pay expenses
10associated with revenue obligations contracted under this section.
AB50,153611Section 1536. 85.024 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,806,201285.024 Local traffic calming grants. The department shall develop and
13administer a local traffic calming grant program. From the appropriation under s.
1420.395 (2) (ja), the department shall award grants to counties, cities, villages, and
15towns for infrastructure projects that are eligible for funding under the federal
16transportation alternatives program and that are designed to reduce the speed of
17vehicular traffic. The department shall prescribe the form, nature, and extent of
18information that shall be contained in applications for grants under this section and
19shall establish criteria for evaluating applications and for awarding grants under
20this section.
AB50,153721Section 1537. 85.064 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,806,242285.064 (1) (b) Political subdivision means any city, village, town, county, or
23transit commission organized under s. 59.58 (2) or 66.1021 or recognized under s.
2466.0301, or transit authority created under s. 66.1039 within this state.
1Section 1538. 85.20 (4m) (a) 6. cm. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,807,11285.20 (4m) (a) 6. cm. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hd), the
3department shall pay $32,738,900 for calendar year 2022, $65,477,800 for calendar
4year 2023, and $66,787,400 for calendar year 2025, $69,458,900 for calendar year
52026, and $72,237,300 for calendar year 2027 and each calendar year thereafter, to
6the eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for
7an urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses of $80,000,000
8$100,000,000 or more. If the eligible applicant that receives aid under this subd. 6.
9cm. is served by more than one urban mass transit system, the eligible applicant
10may allocate the aid between the urban mass transit systems in any manner the
11eligible applicant considers desirable.
AB50,153912Section 1539. 85.20 (4m) (a) 6. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,807,221385.20 (4m) (a) 6. d. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (he), the
14department shall pay $8,602,700 for calendar year 2022, $17,205,400 for calendar
15year 2023, and $17,549,500 for calendar year 2025, $18,251,500 for calendar year
162026, $18,981,600 for calendar year 2027 and each calendar year thereafter, to the
17eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for an
18urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of
19$20,000,000 $30,000,000 but less than $80,000,000 $100,000,000. If the eligible
20applicant that receives aid under this subd. 6. d. is served by more than one urban
21mass transit system, the eligible applicant may allocate the aid between the urban
22mass transit systems in any manner the eligible applicant considers desirable.
AB50,154023Section 1540. 85.20 (4m) (a) 7. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,808,52485.20 (4m) (a) 7. a. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hb), beginning

1with aid payable for calendar year 2002 and for each calendar year thereafter, the
2uniform percentage for each eligible applicant served by an urban mass transit
3system operating within an urbanized area having a population as shown in the
42010 most recent federal decennial census of at least 50,000 or receiving federal
5mass transit aid for such area, and not specified in subd. 6.
AB50,15416Section 1541. 85.20 (4m) (a) 7. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,808,12785.20 (4m) (a) 7. b. For the purpose of making allocations under subd. 7. a.,
8the amounts for aids are $24,976,400 in calendar years 2020 to 2023 and
9$25,475,900 in calendar year 2025, $26,494,900 in calendar year 2026, and
10$27,554,700 in calendar year 2027 and each calendar year thereafter. These
11amounts, to the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the uniform
12percentage in the particular calendar year.
AB50,154213Section 1542. 85.20 (4m) (a) 8. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,808,191485.20 (4m) (a) 8. a. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hc), beginning
15with aid payable for calendar year 2002 and for each calendar year thereafter, the
16uniform percentage for each eligible applicant served by an urban mass transit
17system operating within an area having a population as shown in the 2010 most
18recent federal decennial census of less than 50,000 or receiving federal mass transit
19aid for such area.
AB50,154320Section 1543. 85.20 (4m) (a) 8. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,809,22185.20 (4m) (a) 8. b. For the purpose of making allocations under subd. 8. a.,
22the amounts for aids are $5,292,700 in calendar years 2020 to 2023 and $5,398,600
23in calendar year 2025, $9,800,600 in calendar year 2026, and $10,192,600 in
24calendar year 2027 and each calendar year thereafter. These amounts, to the

1extent practicable, shall be used to determine the uniform percentage in the
2particular calendar year.
AB50,15443Section 1544. 85.203 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,809,4485.203 Transit capital assistance grants. (1) In this section:
AB50,809,55(a) Eligible applicant has the meaning given in s. 85.20 (1) (b).
AB50,809,86(b) Public transit vehicle means any vehicle used for providing
7transportation service to the general public that is eligible for replacement under
8settlement guidelines, as defined in s. 16.047 (1) (b).
AB50,809,129(2) The department shall administer a transit capital assistance grant
10program. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (ba), the department shall
11award grants to eligible applicants for the replacement of public transit vehicles.
12The department shall establish criteria for awarding grants under this section.
AB50,154513Section 1545. 85.52 (3) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,809,191485.52 (3) (am) If the department finds that special circumstances exist, the
15department may award to an eligible applicant for a loan or other assistance under
16par. (a) totalling $100,000 or more a grant for the purpose of engaging a certified
17public accountant licensed or certified under ch. 442 to make any certifications or
18attestations required by the department as a condition of receiving a loan or other
19assistance under par. (a).
AB50,154620Section 1546. 85.61 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,810,82185.61 (1) The secretary of transportation and the administrator of the
22elections commission shall enter into an agreement to match personally
23identifiable information on the official registration list maintained by the
24commission under s. 6.36 (1) and the information specified in s. ss. 6.256 (2) and

16.34 (2m) with personally identifiable information in the operating record file
2database under ch. 343 and vehicle registration records under ch. 341 to the extent
3required to enable the secretary of transportation and the administrator of the
4elections commission to verify the accuracy of the information provided for the
5purpose of voter registration. Notwithstanding ss. 110.09 (2), 342.06 (1) (eg), and
6343.14 (2j), but subject to s. 343.14 (2p) (b), the agreement shall provide for the
7transfer of electronic information under s. 6.256 (2) to the commission on a
8continuous basis, no less often than weekly.
AB50,15479Section 1547. 86.195 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,810,161086.195 (5) (c) Conformity with discrimination laws. Each business identified
11as a motorist service on a specific information sign shall, as a condition of eligibility
12for erection, installation and maintenance of a sign under this section, give written
13assurance to the department that the business conforms with all applicable laws
14concerning the provisions of public accommodations without regard to race,
15religion, color, sex or, national origin, or status as a holder or nonholder of a license
16under s. 343.03 (3r).
AB50,154817Section 1548. 86.255 (2) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,810,201886.255 (2) (c) The purchase of any land, easements, or development rights in
19land executed in the name of the department for the completion of the I 39/90/94
20project under s. 84.013 (3) (be).
AB50,154921Section 1549. 86.30 (2) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,811,22286.30 (2) (a) 3. For each mile of road or street under the jurisdiction of a
23municipality as determined under s. 86.302, the mileage aid payment shall be
24$2,628 in calendar years 2020 and 2021, $2,681 in calendar year 2022, and $2,734

1in calendar year years 2023 and to 2025, $2,816 in calendar year 2026, and $2,901
2in calendar year 2027 and thereafter.
AB50,15503Section 1550. 86.30 (9) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,811,11486.30 (9) (b) For the purpose of calculating and distributing aids under sub.
5(2), the amounts for aids to counties are $127,140,200 in calendar year 2023. In
6calendar year 2024, the amounts for aids to counties are $129,683,000. In calendar
7year 2025 and thereafter, the amounts for aids to counties are $132,276,700 in
8calendar year 2025, $136,245,000 in calendar year 2026, and $140,332,400 in
9calendar year 2027 and thereafter. These amounts, to the extent practicable, shall
10be used to determine the statewide county average cost-sharing percentage in the
11particular calendar year.
AB50,155112Section 1551. 86.30 (9) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,811,201386.30 (9) (c) For the purpose of calculating and distributing aids under sub.
14(2), the amounts for aids to municipalities are $398,996,800 in calendar year 2023.
15In calendar year 2024, the amounts for aids to municipalities are $406,976,700. In
16calendar year 2025 and thereafter, the amounts for aids to municipalities are
17$415,116,200 in calendar year 2025, $427,569,700 in calendar year 2026, and
18$440,396,800 in calendar year 2027 and thereafter. These amounts, to the extent
19practicable, shall be used to determine the statewide municipal average cost-
20sharing percentage in the particular calendar year.
AB50,155221Section 1552. 86.31 (3g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,812,112286.31 (3g) County trunk highway improvements — discretionary
23grants. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall
24allocate $5,127,000 in fiscal years 2014-15 to 2016-17 and $5,393,400 in fiscal year

12017-2018 to fund county trunk highway improvements with eligible costs totaling
2more than $250,000. In fiscal year 2023-24 the department shall allocate
3$5,615,600 to fund county trunk highway improvements with such eligible costs. In
4fiscal year 2024-25 and each fiscal year thereafter, the department shall allocate
5$5,840,200 to fund county trunk highway improvements with such eligible costs. In
6fiscal year 2025-26, the department shall allocate $6,015,400 to fund county trunk
7highway improvements with such eligible costs. In fiscal year 2026-27 and each
8fiscal year thereafter, the department shall allocate $6,195,900 to fund county
9trunk highway improvements with such eligible costs. The funding of
10improvements under this subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for
11entitlements under sub. (3).
AB50,155312Section 1553. 86.31 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,813,21386.31 (3m) Town road improvements — discretionary grants. From the
14appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate $5,732,500 in
15fiscal years 2011-12 to 2016-17 and $5,923,600 in fiscal year 2017-18 to fund town
16road improvements with eligible costs totaling $100,000 or more. In fiscal year
172023-24, the department shall allocate $6,151,900 to fund town road improvements
18with such eligible costs. In fiscal year 2024-25 and each fiscal year thereafter, the
19department shall allocate $6,398,000 to fund town road improvements with such
20eligible costs. In fiscal year 2025-26, the department shall allocate $6,590,000 to
21fund town road improvements with such eligible costs. In fiscal year 2026-27 and
22each fiscal year thereafter, the department shall allocate $6,787,600 to fund town
23road improvements with such eligible costs. The funding of improvements under

1this subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub.
AB50,15543Section 1554. 86.31 (3o) (m) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 86.31 (3o) (m)
41m. a. and amended to read:
AB50,813,7586.31 (3o) (m) 1m. a. After June 23, 2026, the The department may not award
6a grant under this subsection from moneys appropriated in the 2023-25 fiscal
7biennium after June 23, 2026.
AB50,15558Section 1555. 86.31 (3o) (m) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 86.31 (3o) (m)
91m. b. and amended to read:
AB50,813,121086.31 (3o) (m) 1m. b. After June 23, 2028, the The department may not
11reimburse any costs incurred under this subsection after June 23, 2028, with
12moneys appropriated in the 2023-25 fiscal biennium.
AB50,155613Section 1556. 86.31 (3o) (m) 2m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,813,161486.31 (3o) (m) 2m. a. The department may not award a grant under this
15subsection from moneys appropriated in the 2025-27 fiscal biennium after 3 years
16after the effective date of this subd. 2m. a. .... [LRB inserts date].
AB50,813,1917b. The department may not reimburse any costs incurred under this
18subsection after 5 years after the effective date of this subd. 2m. b. .... [LRB inserts
19date] with moneys appropriated in the 2025-27 fiscal biennium.
AB50,155720Section 1557. 86.31 (3o) (n) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,813,232186.31 (3o) (n) Except as provided in pars. (k) and (m) 2., this subsection does
22not apply after June 23, 2028 5 years after the effective date of this paragraph ....
23[LRB inserts date].
AB50,155824Section 1558. 86.31 (3r) of the statutes is amended to read:
186.31 (3r) Municipal street improvements — discretionary grants.
2From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate
3$976,500 in fiscal years 2009-10 to 2016-17 and $3,850,400 in fiscal year 2017-18 to
4fund municipal street improvement projects having total estimated costs of
5$250,000 or more. In fiscal year 2023-24, the department shall allocate $4,006,600
6to fund municipal street improvement projects having such total estimated costs.
7In fiscal year 2024-25 and each fiscal year thereafter, the department shall allocate
8$4,166,900 to fund municipal street improvement projects having such total
9estimated costs. In fiscal year 2025-26, the department shall allocate $4,291,900 to
10fund municipal street improvement projects having such total estimated costs. In
11fiscal year 2026-27 and each fiscal year thereafter, the department shall allocate
12$4,420,700 to fund municipal street improvement projects having such total
13estimated costs. The funding of improvements under this subsection is in addition
14to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
AB50,155915Section 1559. 86.31 (3s) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,814,201686.31 (3s) (a) Funds provided under s. 20.395 (2) (fq) (fd) shall be distributed
17under this subsection as discretionary grants to reimburse political subdivisions for
18improvements. The department shall solicit and provide discretionary grants
19under this subsection until all funds appropriated under s. 20.395 (2) (fq) (fd) have
20been expended.