February 17, 2025 - Introduced by Representatives Sortwell, Behnke, Dittrich, Donovan, Franklin, Maxey, Murphy, Mursau, Nedweski, Novak, O'Connor, Piwowarczyk, Wichgers, Zimmerman and Subeck, cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard, Nass and Wimberger. Referred to Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety.
1An Act to renumber and amend 940.20 (3) (title) and 940.20 (3); to amend 248.685 (2) (bb), 48.685 (5) (bm) 4., 48.686 (1) (c) 9., 48.686 (1) (c) 12., 48.686 (2) 3(bb), 50.065 (2) (bb), 165.70 (1) (b), 165.84 (7) (ab) 2., 301.048 (2) (bm) 1. a., 4767.461 (4), 940.03, 941.29 (1g) (a), 941.291 (1) (b), 941.39 (title), 946.82 (4), 5949.03 (2), 968.26 (1b) (a) 2. a., 969.08 (10) (b), 973.049 (2) and 973.123 (1); to 6create 939.22 (21) (es), 940.202 (1) and (3) and 941.38 (1) (b) 5s. of the 7statutes; relating to: battery or threat to jurors and providing a penalty. Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the crime of battery is defined as intentionally causing another person bodily harm and is a Class A misdemeanor. Under current law, if the battery is a special circumstance battery—for example, the battery is committed against an individual because of the individual’s status as a law enforcement officer, witness in a trial, or juror—the penalty is increased to a Class H felony. Under this bill, a threat or battery against a juror or a threat or battery against a family member of a juror is a Class H felony.
Current law also allows a judge, upon sentencing a person for a crime, to prohibit the person from contacting a victim of or witness to the person’s crime during any part of the person’s sentence or probation. The bill allows a judge to prohibit a person who is convicted of a crime from contacting, for any part of the person’s sentence or probation, a juror who served at any proceeding related to the person’s crime.
Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime, the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a report.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
1Section 1. 48.685 (2) (bb) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,3,2248.685 (2) (bb) If information obtained under par. (am), (b), or (ba) indicates a 3charge of a serious crime, but does not completely and clearly indicate the final 4disposition of the charge, the department, county department, child welfare agency, 5or entity shall make every reasonable effort to contact the clerk of courts to 6determine the final disposition of the charge. If a background information form 7under sub. (6) (a) or (am) indicates a charge or a conviction of a serious crime, but 8information obtained under par. (am), (b), or (ba) does not indicate such a charge or 9conviction, the department, county department, child welfare agency, or entity 10shall make every reasonable effort to contact the clerk of courts to obtain a copy of 11the criminal complaint and the final disposition of the complaint. If information 12obtained under par. (am), (b), or (ba), a background information form under sub. (6) 13(a) or (am), or any other information indicates a conviction of a violation of s. 940.19 14(1), 940.195, 940.20, 940.202, 940.204, 941.30, 942.08, 947.01 (1), or 947.013 15obtained not more than 5 years before the date on which that information was 16obtained, the department, county department, child welfare agency, or entity shall
1make every reasonable effort to contact the clerk of courts to obtain a copy of the 2criminal complaint and judgment of conviction relating to that violation. AB26,23Section 2. 48.685 (5) (bm) 4. of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,3,9448.685 (5) (bm) 4. A violation of s. 940.19 (3), 1999 stats., or of s. 125.075 (1), 5125.085 (3) (a) 2., 125.105 (2) (b), 125.66 (3), 125.68 (12), 940.09, 940.19 (2), (4), (5), 6or (6), 940.20, 940.202, 940.203, 940.204, 940.205, 940.207, or 940.25, a violation of 7s. 346.63 (1), (2), (5), or (6) that is a felony under s. 346.65 (2) (am) 4. to 7., or (f), (2j) 8(d), or (3m), or an offense under ch. 961 that is a felony, if committed not more than 95 years before the date of the investigation under sub. (2) (am). AB26,310Section 3. 48.686 (1) (c) 9. of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,3,151148.686 (1) (c) 9. A violation of s. 125.075 (1), 125.085 (3) (a) 2., 125.105 (2) (b), 12125.66 (3), 125.68 (12), 940.09, 940.19 (2), (4), (5), or (6), 940.20, 940.202, 940.203, 13940.204, 940.205, 940.207, 940.25, or 943.231 (1), a violation of s. 346.63 (1), (2), (5), 14or (6) that is a felony under s. 346.65 (2) (am) 4., 5., 6., or 7. or (f), (2j) (d), or (3m), or 15an offense under ch. 961 that is a felony. AB26,416Section 4. 48.686 (1) (c) 12. of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,3,211748.686 (1) (c) 12. A violation of the laws of another state or United States 18jurisdiction that if committed in this state would constitute felony battery under s. 19940.19 (2), (4), (5), or (6), 940.20, 940.202, or 940.204, a felony offense of domestic 20abuse, as defined in s. 813.12 (1) (am), a sex offense or a violent crime under ch. 948, 21or a violation of s. 940.225 if the victim was a child. AB26,522Section 5. 48.686 (2) (bb) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,4,132348.686 (2) (bb) If information obtained under par. (am) indicates a charge of a 24serious crime, but does not completely and clearly indicate the final disposition of
1the charge, the department shall make every reasonable effort to contact the clerk 2of courts to determine the final disposition of the charge. If information submitted 3to the department under par. (ag) indicates a charge or a conviction of a serious 4crime, but information obtained under par. (am) does not indicate such a charge or 5conviction, the department shall make every reasonable effort to contact the clerk 6of courts to obtain a copy of the criminal complaint and the final disposition of the 7complaint. If information obtained under par. (am), information submitted under 8par. (ag), or any other information indicates a conviction of a violation of s. 940.19 9(1), 940.195, 940.20, 940.202, 940.204, 941.30, 942.08, 947.01 (1), or 947.013 10obtained not more than 5 years before the date on which that information was 11obtained, the department shall make every reasonable effort to contact the clerk of 12courts to obtain a copy of the criminal complaint and judgment of conviction 13relating to that violation. AB26,614Section 6. 50.065 (2) (bb) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,5,91550.065 (2) (bb) If information obtained under par. (am) or (b) indicates a 16charge of a serious crime, but does not completely and clearly indicate the final 17disposition of the charge, the department or entity shall make every reasonable 18effort to contact the clerk of courts to determine the final disposition of the charge. 19If a background information form under sub. (6) (a) or (am), or any disclosure made 20pursuant to a disclosure policy described under sub. (6) (am), indicates a charge or 21a conviction of a serious crime, but information obtained under par. (am) or (b) does 22not indicate such a charge or conviction, the department or entity shall make every 23reasonable effort to contact the clerk of courts to obtain a copy of the criminal
1complaint and the final disposition of the complaint. If information obtained under 2par. (am) or (b), a background information form under sub. (6) (a) or (am), any 3disclosure made pursuant to a disclosure policy described under sub. (6) (am), or 4any other information indicates a conviction of a violation of s. 940.19 (1), 940.195, 5940.20, 940.202, 940.204, 941.30, 942.08, 947.01 (1), or 947.013 obtained not more 6than 5 years before the date on which that information was obtained, the 7department or entity shall make every reasonable effort to contact the clerk of 8courts to obtain a copy of the criminal complaint and judgment of conviction 9relating to that violation. AB26,710Section 7. 165.70 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,5,1411165.70 (1) (b) Except as provided in sub. (1m), enforce chs. 945 and 961 and ss. 12940.20 (3), 940.201, 940.202, 941.25, 941.26, 943.01 (2) (c), 943.011, 943.27, 943.28, 13943.30, 944.30 (1m), 944.31, 944.32, 944.33, 944.34, 946.65, 947.02 (3) and (4), 14948.075, 948.08, and 948.081. AB26,815Section 8. 165.84 (7) (ab) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,5,1916165.84 (7) (ab) 2. A felony violation of s. 940.02, 940.03, 940.06, 940.07, 17940.08, 940.09 (1c), 940.10, 940.19 (2), (4), (5), or (6), 940.195 (2), (4), (5), or (6), 18940.20, 940.201 (2), 940.202, 940.203 (2), 940.204, 940.205 (2), 940.207 (2), 940.208, 19940.23, 941.30, or 948.03 (3) or (5) (a) 4. AB26,920Section 9. 301.048 (2) (bm) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,6,721301.048 (2) (bm) 1. a. A crime specified in s. 940.19 (3), 1999 stats., s. 940.195 22(3), 1999 stats., s. 943.23 (1m), 1999 stats., s. 943.23 (1r), 1999 stats., or s. 943.23 23(1g), 2021 stats., or s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06, 940.08, 940.09, 940.10,
1940.19 (4) or (5), 940.195 (4) or (5), 940.198 (2), 940.20, 940.201, 940.202, 940.203, 2940.204, 940.21, 940.225 (1) to (3), 940.23, 940.235, 940.285 (2) (a) 1. or 2., 940.29, 3940.295 (3) (b) 1g., 1m., 1r., 2., or 3., 940.31, 940.43 (1) to (3), 940.45 (1) to (3), 941.20 4(2) or (3), 941.26, 941.30, 941.327, 943.01 (2) (c), 943.011, 943.013, 943.02, 943.04, 5943.06, 943.10 (2), 943.231 (1), 943.30, 943.32, 946.43, 947.015, 948.02 (1) or (2), 6948.025, 948.03, 948.04, 948.05, 948.051, 948.06, 948.07, 948.08, 948.085, or 7948.30. AB26,108Section 10. 767.461 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,6,209767.461 (4) A term of incarceration, extended supervision, parole, or 10probation for a violation of s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06, 940.08, 940.09, 11940.10, 940.19, 940.195, 940.20, 940.201 (2), 940.202, 940.203 (2), 940.204, 940.225 12(1), (2), or (3), 940.23, 940.235, 940.24 (1), 940.30, 940.302 (2), 940.305, 940.31, 13940.32 (2), (2e), or (2m), 940.42, 940.43, 940.44, 940.45, 941.20, 941.29, 941.30, 14941.39, 943.011 (2), 947.012, 947.013, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, 948.04, 15948.05, 948.051, 948.055, 948.06, 948.07, 948.08, 948.085, 948.095, 948.30, 948.55, 16or 951.02 or any felony to which the penalty enhancer under s. 939.621 could be 17imposed, for a violation of a 72-hour no contact order under s. 968.075 (5), for a 18violation of a domestic abuse restraining order, child abuse restraining order, or 19harassment restraining order, or for a violation to which a penalty enhancer for the 20use of a dangerous weapon is applied. AB26,1121Section 11. 939.22 (21) (es) of the statutes is created to read: AB26,6,2322939.22 (21) (es) Battery or threat to a juror or the family member of a juror, as 23prohibited in s. 940.202. AB26,12
1Section 12. 940.03 of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,7,72940.03 Felony murder. Whoever causes the death of another human being 3while committing or attempting to commit a crime specified in s. 940.19, 940.195, 4940.20, 940.201, 940.202, 940.203, 940.204, 940.225 (1) or (2) (a), 940.30, 940.31, 5943.02, 943.10 (2), 943.231 (1), or 943.32 (2) may be imprisoned for not more than 15 6years in excess of the maximum term of imprisonment provided by law for that 7crime or attempt. AB26,138Section 13. 940.20 (3) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 940.202 (title) 9and amended to read: AB26,7,1010940.202 (title) Battery or threat to jurors. AB26,1411Section 14. 940.20 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 940.202 (2) and 12amended to read: AB26,7,1713940.202 (2) Whoever intentionally causes bodily harm or threatens to cause 14bodily harm to a person who he or she knows or has reason to know is or was a 15grand or petit juror, and by reason of any verdict or indictment assented to by the 16person, for a reason related to the person’s service as a juror, without the consent of 17the person injured harmed or threatened, is guilty of a Class H felony. AB26,1518Section 15. 940.202 (1) and (3) of the statutes are created to read: AB26,7,1919940.202 (1) In this section: AB26,7,2120(a) “Family member” means a spouse, child, stepchild, foster child, parent, 21sibling, or grandchild. AB26,8,222(b) “Juror” means a person who is or was a grand or petit juror or is a
1prospective grand or petit juror who has received a summons to appear for jury 2service. AB26,8,63(3) Whoever intentionally causes bodily harm or threatens to cause bodily 4harm to a person who he or she knows or has reason to know is a family member of 5a juror, for a reason related to the juror’s service as a juror, without the consent of 6the person harmed or threatened, is guilty of a Class H felony. AB26,167Section 16. 941.29 (1g) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,8,168941.29 (1g) (a) “Violent felony” means any felony under s. 943.23 (1m), 1999 9stats., s. 943.23 (1r), 1999 stats., or s. 943.23 (1g), 2021 stats., this section, or s. 10940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06, 940.08, 940.09, 940.10, 940.19, 940.195, 11940.198, 940.20, 940.201, 940.202, 940.203, 940.204, 940.21, 940.225, 940.23, 12940.235, 940.285 (2), 940.29, 940.295 (3), 940.30, 940.302, 940.305, 940.31, 940.43 13(1) to (3), 940.45 (1) to (3), 941.20, 941.26, 941.28, 941.2905, 941.292, 941.30, 14941.327 (2) (b) 3. or 4., 943.02, 943.04, 943.06, 943.10 (2), 943.231 (1), 943.32, 15943.87, 946.43, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, 948.04, 948.05, 948.051, 948.06, 16948.07, 948.08, 948.085, or 948.30. AB26,1717Section 17. 941.291 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,9,618941.291 (1) (b) “Violent felony” means any felony, or the solicitation, 19conspiracy, or attempt to commit any felony, under s. 943.23 (1m) or (1r), 1999 20stats., or s. 943.23 (1g), 2021 stats., or s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06, 21940.08, 940.09, 940.10, 940.19, 940.195, 940.198, 940.20, 940.201, 940.202, 22940.203, 940.204, 940.21, 940.225, 940.23, 940.285 (2), 940.29, 940.295 (3), 940.30, 23940.305, 940.31, 940.43 (1) to (3), 940.45 (1) to (3), 941.20, 941.26, 941.28, 941.29,
1941.30, 941.327, 943.01 (2) (c), 943.011, 943.013, 943.02, 943.04, 943.06, 943.10 (2), 2943.231 (1), 943.32, 943.81, 943.82, 943.83, 943.85, 943.86, 943.87, 943.88, 943.89, 3943.90, 946.43, 947.015, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, 948.04, 948.05, 948.06, 4948.07, 948.08, 948.085, or 948.30; or, if the victim is a financial institution, as 5defined in s. 943.80 (2), a felony, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit 6a felony under s. 943.84 (1) or (2). AB26,187Section 18. 941.38 (1) (b) 5s. of the statutes is created to read: AB26,9,98941.38 (1) (b) 5s. Battery or threat to a juror or the family member of a juror, 9as prohibited in s. 940.202. AB26,1910Section 19. 941.39 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,9,1111941.39 (title) Victim, witness, juror, or co-actor contact. AB26,2012Section 20. 946.82 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,9,2313946.82 (4) “Racketeering activity” means any activity specified in 18 USC 141961 (1) in effect as of April 27, 1982, or the attempt, conspiracy to commit, or 15commission of any of the felonies specified in: chs. 945 and 961, subch. V of ch. 551, 16and ss. 49.49, 134.05, 139.44 (1), (2m), and (8), 180.0129, 181.0129, 185.825, 201.09 17(2), 215.12, 221.0625, 221.0636, 221.0637, 221.1004, 553.41 (3) and (4), 553.52 (2), 18940.01, 940.19 (4) to (6), 940.20, 940.201, 940.202, 940.203, 940.21, 940.30, 940.302 19(2), 940.305, 940.31, 941.20 (2) and (3), 941.26, 941.28, 941.298, 941.31, 941.32, 20942.09, 943.01 (2), (2d), or (2g), 943.011, 943.012, 943.013, 943.02, 943.03, 943.04, 21943.05, 943.06, 943.10, 943.20 (3) (bf) to (e), 943.201, 943.203, 943.23 (2) and (3), 22943.231 (1), 943.24 (2), 943.27, 943.28, 943.30, 943.32, 943.34 (1) (bf), (bm), and (c), 23943.38, 943.39, 943.40, 943.41 (8) (b) and (c), 943.50 (4) (bf), (bm), and (c) and (4m),
1943.60, 943.70, 943.76, 943.81, 943.82, 943.825, 943.83, 943.84, 943.85, 943.86, 2943.87, 943.88, 943.89, 943.90, 944.21 (5) (c) and (e), 944.32, 944.34, 945.03 (1m), 3945.04 (1m), 945.05 (1), 945.08, 946.10, 946.11, 946.12, 946.13, 946.31, 946.32 (1), 4946.48, 946.49, 946.61, 946.64, 946.65, 946.72, 946.76, 946.79, 947.015, 948.05, 5948.051, 948.08, 948.12, 948.125, and 948.30. AB26,216Section 21. 949.03 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,10,147949.03 (2) The commission or the attempt to commit any crime specified in s. 8346.62 (4), 346.63 (2) or (6), 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06, 940.07, 940.08, 9940.09, 940.10, 940.19, 940.198, 940.20, 940.201, 940.202, 940.204, 940.21, 940.22 10(2), 940.225, 940.23, 940.235, 940.24, 940.25, 940.285, 940.29, 940.30, 940.302 (2), 11940.305, 940.31, 940.32, 941.327, 942.09, 943.02, 943.03, 943.04, 943.10, 943.20, 12943.231 (1), 943.32, 943.81, 943.86, 943.87, 948.02, 948.025, 948.03, 948.04, 948.05, 13948.051, 948.06, 948.07, 948.075, 948.08, 948.085, 948.09, 948.095, 948.20, 948.21 14(1), 948.30, or 948.51. AB26,2215Section 22. 968.26 (1b) (a) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read: AB26,10,2216968.26 (1b) (a) 2. a. Section 940.04, 940.11, 940.19 (2), (4), (5), or (6), 940.195 17(2), (4), (5), or (6), 940.198 (2) (b) or (c) or (3), 940.20, 940.201, 940.202, 940.203, 18940.204, 940.205, 940.207, 940.208, 940.22 (2), 940.225 (3), 940.29, 940.302 (2) (c), 19940.32, 941.32, 941.38 (2), 942.09 (2), 943.10, 943.205, 943.32 (1), 946.43, 946.44, 20946.47, 946.48, 948.02 (3), 948.03 (2) (b) or (c), (3), or (4), 948.04, 948.055, 948.095, 21948.10 (1) (a), 948.11, 948.13 (2) (a), 948.14, 948.20, 948.23 (1), (2), or (3) (c) 2. or 3., 22or 948.30 (1). AB26,2323Section 23. 969.08 (10) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: