March 11, 2025 - Introduced by Joint Legislative Council. Referred to Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention.
1An Act to amend 51.13 (1) (b), 51.13 (1) (c), 51.13 (3) (am), 51.13 (4) (a) (intro.), 251.13 (4) (a) 3., 51.13 (4) (d), 51.13 (4) (g) 1. b., 51.13 (6) (a) 2., 51.13 (7) (a), 351.13 (7) (b) 3., 51.13 (7) (b) 5., 51.13 (7) (c), 51.14 (3) (a), 51.14 (3) (f), 51.14 (3) 4(g), 51.14 (3) (h) (intro.), 51.14 (3) (j), 51.14 (4) (a), 51.14 (4) (g) (intro.) and 551.61 (6); to create 51.138 (1m) of the statutes; relating to: consent to mental
6health treatment by minors who are age 14 or older. Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill is explained in the Notes provided by the Joint Legislative Council in the bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
Joint Legislative Council prefatory note: This bill was prepared for the Joint Legislative Council Study Committee on Emergency Detention and Civil Commitment of Minors.
The bill revises requirements to obtain a minor’s consent for mental health services. Very briefly, the bill allows either a minor age 14 or older, or the minor’s parent or guardian, to consent to begin outpatient or inpatient mental health treatment for the minor. If a parent consented to treatment without the minor’s agreement, a petition must be filed for review of the appropriateness of the treatment.
Current Law
Under current law, if a minor is age 14 or older, both the minor’s and the parent’s mutual consent are required for outpatient or inpatient mental health treatment. Very generally, if a minor or parent refuses to provide consent for treatment, the other party may petition for review and approval to begin outpatient or inpatient treatment.
General Revision to Minor’s Consent for Mental Health Treatment
The bill revises the provisions that require both a minor age 14 or older and the minor’s parent or guardian to consent to outpatient or inpatient mental health treatment, to instead specify that either a minor age 14 or older, or a parent or guardian, may consent to outpatient or inpatient mental health treatment. The bill does not alter mental health treatment consent provisions that apply when a minor is under age 14.
Inpatient Procedures
The bill specifies that if a minor age 14 or older refused to join an application for admission to an inpatient treatment facility for treatment of mental illness or developmental disability, the treatment facility director must notify the local county corporation counsel that the minor has been admitted to the facility. The county corporation counsel is then required to file a petition for court review of the admission in the manner provided under current law. Likewise, the bill specifies that if a parent or guardian refused to join an application for admission to an inpatient treatment facility for treatment of mental illness or developmental disability, the parent or guardian may file a petition for review of the admission in the manner provided under current law.
Under current law, if the court finds that the therapy or treatment for mental illness or developmental disability in the inpatient facility to which the minor was admitted is not appropriate or is not the least restrictive therapy or treatment for the minor’s needs, the court may order that the minor be transferred to more appropriate therapy or treatment, if the transfer is first approved by both a minor age 14 or older and a parent or guardian. The bill allows the court to order a transfer to more appropriate therapy or treatment, if first approved by a minor age 14 or older, or the parent or guardian, rather than requiring approval of both the minor and the parent or guardian.
The bill makes similar revisions to allow either a minor’s or the parent’s or guardian’s consent in the procedures for short-term admissions, continued admission if admission occurred when the minor was under age 14, and discharge upon written request.
Outpatient Procedures
The bill specifies that if a minor age 14 or older provided consent for outpatient mental health treatment, despite a parent’s or guardian’s refusal to consent, the parent or guardian may petition for review of the appropriateness of the outpatient mental health treatment by the court mental health review officer in the manner provided under current law. Likewise, the bill specifies that if a parent or guardian provided consent for outpatient mental health treatment, despite the minor’s refusal to consent, the outpatient treatment facility director must notify the local county corporation counsel that the minor is receiving outpatient mental health treatment at the facility. The county corporation counsel is then required to file a petition for review of the appropriateness of the outpatient mental health treatment by the court mental health review officer in the manner provided under current law.
Additionally, under current law, outpatient mental health treatment may be provided to a minor in certain emergency situations without first obtaining a parent’s or guardian’s consent, if reasonable efforts have been made to obtain the parent’s or guardian’s consent before initiating treatment. The bill removes the requirement for a health care provider to make reasonable efforts to obtain a parent’s or guardian’s consent for outpatient mental health treatment for a minor age 14 or older in those emergency situations. Instead, under the bill, all outpatient mental health treatment, including emergency outpatient mental health treatment, is subject to the general outpatient procedures that apply when a minor is age 14 or older.
1Section 1. 51.13 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,2,9251.13 (1) (b) Minors 14 years of age or older; mental illness or developmental 3disability. The application for admission of a minor who is 14 years of age or older 4to an approved inpatient treatment facility for the primary purpose of treatment for 5mental illness or developmental disability shall be executed by the minor and, a 6parent who has legal custody of the minor, or the minor’s guardian, except as 7provided in par. (c). If the minor refuses to execute the application, a parent who 8has legal custody of the minor or the minor’s guardian may execute the application 9on the minor’s behalf, and the petition shall be filed as required under sub. (4). AB112,210Section 2. 51.13 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,3,21151.13 (1) (c) Lack of parent or guardian consent to treatment. If a minor who 12is under 14 years of age wishes to be admitted to an approved inpatient treatment 13facility or a minor who is 14 years of age or older wishes to be admitted to an 14approved inpatient facility for the primary purpose of treatment for alcoholism or 15drug abuse but a parent with legal custody or the guardian cannot be found, there 16is no parent with legal custody or guardian, or the parent with legal custody or 17guardian of a the minor 14 years of age or older refuses to execute the application, 18the minor or a person acting on the minor’s behalf may petition the court under sub.
1(4). The court may, at the minor’s request, temporarily approve the admission 2pending hearing on the petition, if such a hearing is required under sub. (4). AB112,33Section 3. 51.13 (3) (am) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,3,17451.13 (3) (am) Rights. Prior to admission if possible, or as soon thereafter as 5possible, the minor who is admitted under sub. (1) (a) or (b) and the minor’s parent 6or guardian, if available, shall be informed by the director of the facility or his or her 7designee, both orally and in writing, in easily understandable language, of the 8review procedure in sub. (4), including the standards to be applied by the court and 9the possible dispositions; the minor’s right to an independent evaluation, if ordered 10by the court; the minor’s right to be informed about how to contact the state 11protection and advocacy agency designated under s. 51.62 (2) (a); the right under 12sub. (4) (d) to a hearing upon request under sub. (4); the minor’s right to appointed 13counsel as provided in sub. (4) (d) if a hearing is held; for a minor other than a minor 14specified under par. (b), the right of the minor or parent or guardian to request the 15minor’s discharge as provided in or limited by sub. (7) (b); and the minor’s right to 16a hearing to determine continued appropriateness of the admission as provided in 17sub. (7) (c). AB112,418Section 4. 51.13 (4) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,4,231951.13 (4) (a) When petition filed. (intro.) Within 3 days after the admission of 20a minor under sub. (1) (b) (bm) or (c), or within 3 days after an application is 21executed for admission of the a minor under sub. (1) (bm) or (c), whichever occurs 22first, the treatment director of the facility or the center for the developmentally 23disabled to which the minor is admitted, or his or her designee, shall file a verified 24petition for review of the admission in the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction
1under chs. 48 and 938 in the county in which the facility is located, if the minor is 14 2years of age or older and refuses to join in the application; the minor wants 3treatment and the minor’s parent with legal custody or guardian refuses to join in 4the application; there is no parent with legal custody or guardian; or the parent 5with legal custody or guardian cannot be found. Within one day, exclusive of 6weekends and legal holidays, after an application is executed for admission of a 7minor under sub. (1) (b), if the minor refused to join in the application, the 8treatment director of the facility or the center for the developmentally disabled to 9which the minor is admitted, or their designee, shall notify the corporation counsel 10in the county in which the facility is located, and the corporation counsel shall, 11within 2 days, exclusive of weekends and legal holidays, after receiving the notice, 12file a verified petition for review of the admission in the court assigned to exercise 13jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 in the county in which the facility is located. 14Within 3 days after an application is executed for admission of a minor under sub. 15(1) (b), if the minor’s parent or guardian refused to join in the application, the 16minor’s parent or guardian may file a verified petition for review of the admission 17in the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 in the county in 18which the facility or the center for the developmentally disabled to which the minor 19is admitted is located. If the parent or guardian is not the petitioner, a copy of the 20petition and a notice of hearing shall be served on the parent or guardian at his or 21her last known address. A copy of the application for admission and of any relevant 22professional evaluations shall be attached to the petition. The petition shall contain 23all of the following: AB112,524Section 5. 51.13 (4) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,5,4
151.13 (4) (a) 3. The facts substantiating the petitioner’s belief in the minor’s 2need for psychiatric services, or services for developmental disability, alcoholism or 3drug abuse or the petitioner’s belief that the minor does not need psychiatric 4services or services for developmental disability. AB112,65Section 6. 51.13 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,6,10651.13 (4) (d) Criteria for approving admission. Within 5 days after the filing 7of the petition, the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 8shall determine, based on the allegations of the petition and accompanying 9documents, whether there is a prima facie showing that the minor is in need of 10psychiatric services, or services for developmental disability, alcoholism, or drug 11abuse, whether the treatment facility offers inpatient therapy or treatment that is 12appropriate to the minor’s needs; whether inpatient care in the treatment facility is 13the least restrictive therapy or treatment consistent with the needs of the minor; 14and, if the minor 14 years of age or older has been admitted to the treatment facility 15for the primary purpose of treatment for mental illness or developmental disability, 16whether the admission was made under an application executed by the minor and 17or the minor’s parent or guardian. If such a showing is made, the court shall permit 18admission. If the court is unable to make those determinations based on the 19petition and accompanying documents, the court may dismiss the petition as 20provided in par. (h); order additional information, including an independent 21evaluation, to be produced as necessary for the court to make those determinations 22within 7 days, exclusive of weekends and legal holidays, after admission or 23application for admission, whichever is sooner; or hold a hearing within 7 days, 24exclusive of weekends and legal holidays, after admission or application for
1admission, whichever is sooner. If the admission was made under an application 2executed by the minor’s parent or guardian despite the minor’s refusal, or if a 3hearing has been requested by the minor or by the minor’s counsel, parent, or 4guardian, the court shall order an independent evaluation of the minor and hold a 5hearing to review the admission, within 7 days, exclusive of weekends and legal 6holidays, after admission or application for admission, whichever is sooner, and 7shall appoint counsel to represent the minor if the minor is unrepresented. If the 8court considers it necessary, the court shall also appoint a guardian ad litem to 9represent the minor. The minor shall be informed about how to contact the state 10protection and advocacy agency designated under s. 51.62 (2) (a). AB112,711Section 7. 51.13 (4) (g) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,6,151251.13 (4) (g) 1. b. For a minor who is 14 years of age or older, the minor and, a 13parent who has legal custody of the minor, or the minor’s guardian, except that, if 14the minor refuses approval, a parent who has legal custody of the minor or the 15minor’s guardian may provide approval on the minor’s behalf. AB112,816Section 8. 51.13 (6) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,7,31751.13 (6) (a) 2. If the minor is 14 years of age or older and is being admitted for 18the primary purpose of diagnosis, evaluation, or services for mental illness or 19developmental disability, the application shall be executed by the minor’s parent or 20guardian and or the minor, except that, if the minor refuses to execute the 21application, the parent or the guardian may execute the application. Admission 22under this subdivision of a minor who refuses to execute the application is 23reviewable under sub. (4) (d). If a review is requested or required, the treatment 24director of the facility to which the minor is admitted or his or her designee or, in
1the case of a center for the developmentally disabled, the director of the center or 2his or her designee shall file a verified petition for review of the admission on behalf 3of the minor. AB112,94Section 9. 51.13 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,7,18551.13 (7) (a) Minor attains age 14 during admission. If a minor is admitted to 6an inpatient treatment facility while under 14 years of age, and if upon reaching age 714 is in need of further inpatient care and treatment primarily for mental illness or 8developmental disability, the director of the facility shall request the minor and or 9the minor’s parent or guardian to execute an application for admission. If the 10minor refuses, the minor’s parent or guardian may execute the application on the 11minor’s behalf. Such an application may be executed within 30 days prior to a 12minor’s 14th birthday. If the application is executed, a petition for review shall be 13filed in the manner prescribed in sub. (4), unless such a review has been held within 14the last 120 days. If the application is not executed by the time of the minor’s 14th 15birthday, the minor shall be discharged unless a petition or statement is filed for 16emergency detention, emergency commitment, involuntary commitment, or 17protective placement by the end of the next day in which the court transacts 18business. AB112,1019Section 10. 51.13 (7) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,8,52051.13 (7) (b) 3. For a minor 14 years of age or older who is admitted under sub. 21(1) (b) for the primary purpose of treatment for mental illness or developmental 22disability, the minor and or the minor’s parent or guardian may request discharge 23in writing. If the parent or guardian of the minor refuses to request discharge and 24if the director of the facility to which the minor is admitted or his or her designee
1avers, in writing, that the minor is in need of psychiatric services or services for 2developmental disability, that the facility’s therapy or treatment is appropriate to 3the minor’s needs, and that inpatient care in the treatment facility is the least 4restrictive therapy or treatment consistent with the needs of the minor, the minor 5may not be discharged under this paragraph. AB112,116Section 11. 51.13 (7) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,8,13751.13 (7) (b) 5. A minor specified in subd. 1., a minor specified in subd. 2. 8whose parent or guardian requests discharge in writing, and a minor specified in 9subd. 3. who requests and or whose parent or guardian requests discharge in 10writing shall be discharged within 48 hours after submission of the request, 11exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, unless a petition or statement 12is filed for emergency detention, emergency commitment, involuntary commitment, 13or protective placement. AB112,1214Section 12. 51.13 (7) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,9,81551.13 (7) (c) Request for hearing when not discharged. Any minor who is 16admitted under this section, other than a minor to which whom par. (b) 1. 2. 17applies, who is not discharged under par. (b), may submit a written request to the 18court for a hearing to determine the continued appropriateness of the admission. If 19the director or staff of the inpatient treatment facility to which a minor described in 20this paragraph is admitted observes conduct by the minor that demonstrates an 21unwillingness to remain at the facility, including a written expression of opinion or 22unauthorized absence, the director shall file a written request with the court to 23determine the continued appropriateness of the admission. A request that is made 24personally by a minor under this paragraph shall be signed by the minor but need
1not be written or composed by the minor. A request for a hearing under this 2paragraph that is received by staff or the director of the facility in which the minor 3is admitted shall be filed with the court by the director. The court shall order a 4hearing as provided in sub. (4) (d) upon request if no hearing concerning the minor’s 5admission has been held within 120 days before court receipt of the request. If a 6hearing is held, the court shall hold the hearing within 14 days after receipt of the 7request, unless the parties agree to a longer period. After the hearing, the court 8shall dispose of the matter in the manner provided in sub. (4) (h). AB112,139Section 13. 51.138 (1m) of the statutes is created to read: AB112,9,111051.138 (1m) Subsections (2) to (4) do not apply to a minor who is 14 years of 11age or older. Section 51.14 applies to a minor who is 14 years of age or older. AB112,1412Section 14. 51.14 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,9,241351.14 (3) (a) A parent or guardian of a minor 14 years of age or older or a 14person acting on behalf of the minor who provided the informed consent to 15outpatient mental health treatment required under s. 51.61 (6) despite the parent 16or guardian’s refusal to provide consent may petition the mental health review 17officer in the county in which the minor’s parent or guardian has residence for a 18review of a refusal or inability of the minor’s parent or guardian to provide the 19informed consent for outpatient mental health treatment required under s. 51.61 20(6) the appropriateness of the outpatient mental health treatment for the minor. 21For a minor on whose behalf consent for outpatient treatment was provided under s. 2251.61 (6) by the minor’s parent or guardian despite the minor’s refusal, the 23treatment director of the outpatient facility shall notify the corporation counsel in 24the county in which the facility is located and the corporation counsel shall file a
1petition for review of the informed consent on behalf of the minor. If consent of a 2parent or guardian of the minor is not obtained during the 30-day treatment period 3as described in s. 51.138 (3), the treatment director of the outpatient mental health 4treatment provider shall file a petition to initiate review of outpatient mental 5health treatment of a minor receiving treatment under s. 51.138 for review of the 6appropriateness of the outpatient mental health treatment for the minor. AB112,157Section 15. 51.14 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,10,11851.14 (3) (f) If prior to a hearing under par. (g) the minor or the minor’s 9parent or guardian requests and the mental health review officer determines that 10the best interests of the minor would be served, a petition may be filed for court 11review under sub. (4) without further review under this subsection. AB112,1612Section 16. 51.14 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,10,201351.14 (3) (g) Within 21 days after the filing of a petition under this subsection, 14the mental health review officer shall hold a hearing on the refusal or inability of 15the minor’s parent or guardian to provide informed consent for outpatient 16treatment or on the provision of informed consent by the parent or guardian despite 17the minor’s refusal or the provision of informed consent by the minor despite the 18parent or guardian’s refusal. The mental health review officer shall provide notice 19of the date, time, and place of the hearing to the minor and, if available, the minor’s 20parent or guardian at least 96 hours prior to the hearing. AB112,1721Section 17. 51.14 (3) (h) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,11,62251.14 (3) (h) (intro.) If following the hearing under par. (g) and after taking 23into consideration the recommendations, if any, of the county department under s. 2451.42 or 51.437 made under par. (e), the mental health review officer finds all of the
1following, he or she shall issue a written order that, notwithstanding the written, 2informed consent requirement of s. 51.61 (6), the written, informed consent of the 3minor’s parent or guardian, if the parent or guardian is refusing or unable to 4provide consent, is not required for outpatient mental health treatment for the 5minor or, if the parent or guardian provided informed consent despite the minor’s 6refusal, the outpatient mental health treatment for the minor is appropriate: AB112,187Section 18. 51.14 (3) (j) of the statutes is amended to read: AB112,11,10851.14 (3) (j) The mental health review officer shall notify the minor and the 9minor’s parent or guardian, if available, of the right to judicial review under sub. 10(4).