One-Hundred and Seventh Regular Session
Thursday, March 13, 2025
12:00 P.M.
Pursuant to Assembly Rule 55m, time limits and schedules
for floor debate established for each proposal are noted.
*Debate times are listed twice for companion bills.
1. Call of the Roll.
2. Introduction, first reading and reference of proposals.
3. Committee Reports and subsequent reference of proposals.
4. Messages from the senate, and other communications.
5. Consideration of conference committee reports and vetoes.
6. Consideration of senate action on proposals approved by the assembly.
7. Consideration of motions for reconsideration of passage or concurrence.
8. Third reading of assembly proposals.
9. Third reading of senate proposals.
10. Second reading and amendment of assembly proposals.
QUESTION: Shall the proposal be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Assembly Bill 13 (10 minutes)
Relating to: the suspension of a rule of the Elections Commission.
By joint committee for review of Administrative Rules.
Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules report received pursuant to s. 227.26(2)(g), Wisconsin Statutes.
Report without recommendation recommended by committee on Campaigns and Elections.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 14 (10 minutes)
Relating to: the suspension of a rule of the Elections Commission.
By joint committee for review of Administrative Rules.
Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules report received pursuant to s. 227.26(2)(g), Wisconsin Statutes.
Report without recommendation recommended by committee on Campaigns and Elections.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 15 (10 minutes)
Relating to: the suspension of a rule of the Elections Commission.
By joint committee for review of Administrative Rules.
Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules report received pursuant to s. 227.26(2)(g), Wisconsin Statutes.
Report without recommendation recommended by committee on Campaigns and Elections.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 16 (10 minutes)
Relating to: repealing an administrative rule of the Department of Natural Resources related to the possession of firearms.
By joint committee for review of Administrative Rules.
Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules report received pursuant to s. 227.26(2)(g), Wisconsin Statutes.
Report without recommendation recommended by committee on Environment.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 61 (25 minutes)
Relating to: injuring or killing a police or fire animal and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Nedweski, Dittrich, Piwowarczyk, Andraca, Armstrong, Behnke, Brill, Callahan, Donovan, Goeben, Gundrum, B. Jacobson, Kaufert, Kitchens, Kreibich, Maxey, Miresse, O'Connor, Penterman, Sinicki, Steffen, Tittl, and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard, Carpenter, L. Johnson, Marklein, and Nass.
Report passage recommended by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Ayes 15, Noes 0.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 66 (40 minutes)
Relating to: dismissing or amending certain criminal charges and deferred prosecution agreements for certain crimes.
By Representatives B. Jacobson, Behnke, Brill, Dittrich, Donovan, Duchow, Gundrum, Knodl, Kreibich, Krug, Moses, Murphy, Mursau, and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Hutton, Nass, and Tomczyk.
Report Assembly Amendment 1 adoption, Ayes 4, Noes 0, passage as amended recommended by committee on Judiciary, Ayes 3, Noes 1.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 74 (45 minutes)
Relating to: parental notification of alleged sexual misconduct by a school staff member. (FE)
By Representatives Franklin, Behnke, Brill, Dittrich, B. Jacobson, Knodl, Kreibich, Melotik, Murphy, Mursau, O'Connor, Steffen, Tittl, Wichgers, and Kaufert; cosponsored by Senators Tomczyk and Nass.
Report Assembly Amendment 1 adoption, Ayes 12, Noes 3, passage as amended recommended by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Ayes 13, Noes 2.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 75 (20 minutes)
Relating to: Department of Justice collection and reporting of certain criminal case data. (FE)
By Representatives Donovan, Knodl, Moses, Mursau, O'Connor, Penterman, Wichgers, and Rodriguez; cosponsored by Senators Hutton, Bradley, James, Nass, and Tomczyk.
Report passage recommended by committee on Judiciary, Ayes 3, Noes 1.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 78 (45 minutes)
Relating to: impoundment of vehicles used in certain reckless driving offenses. (FE)
By Representatives Donovan, Rodriguez, Allen, Dittrich, Duchow, Goodwin, Gundrum, Knodl, Maxey, Melotik, Murphy, Mursau, Novak, O'Connor, Ortiz-Velez, Penterman, Piwowarczyk, Steffen, Tittl, Tusler, and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard and Tomczyk.
Report passage recommended by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Ayes 15, Noes 0.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 85 (20 minutes)
Relating to: recommendation to revoke extended supervision, parole, or probation if a person is charged with a crime. (FE)
By Representatives B. Jacobson, Donovan, Duchow, Maxey, Murphy, Penterman, Wichgers, and Knodl; cosponsored by Senators Hutton, Bradley, Jacque, Nass, Tomczyk, James, and Wanggaard.
Report passage recommended by committee on Judiciary, Ayes 3, Noes 1.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 86 (40 minutes)
Relating to: imposing the penalty of life imprisonment for the crime of child trafficking and providing a penalty. (FE)
By Representatives Sortwell, Allen, Behnke, Goeben, Gundrum, Knodl, Kreibich, Murphy, Mursau, and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senator Jacque.
Report passage recommended by committee on Judiciary, Ayes 4, Noes 0.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 87 (30 minutes)
Relating to: restitution orders following a conviction for human trafficking and restoration of the right to vote to a person barred from voting as a result of a felony conviction. (FE)
By Representatives Sortwell, Brill, Dittrich, Duchow, Gundrum, Knodl, Murphy, Mursau, O'Connor, and Penterman; cosponsored by Senator Feyen.
Report passage recommended by committee on Judiciary, Ayes 3, Noes 1.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 89 (30 minutes)
Relating to: theft crimes and providing a penalty. (FE)
By Representatives Penterman, Allen, Behnke, Donovan, Franklin, Goeben, Gundrum, Gustafson, B. Jacobson, Knodl, Maxey, Melotik, Murphy, Piwowarczyk, Tusler, Wichgers, Wittke, Krug, Mursau, and Kaufert; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Hutton, Nass, and Tomczyk.
Report Assembly Amendment 1 adoption, Ayes 13, Noes 2, passage as amended recommended by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Ayes 14, Noes 1.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
Assembly Bill 91 (70 minutes)
Relating to: the requirement that first class cities and first class city school districts place school resource officers in schools. (FE)
By Representatives Donovan, Behnke, Brill, Dittrich, Gundrum, Kurtz, Maxey, Murphy, Novak, O'Connor, Tusler, Wittke, and Kaufert; cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard, Feyen, and Tomczyk.
Report Assembly Amendment 1 adoption, Ayes 13, Noes 2, passage as amended recommended by committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Ayes 10, Noes 5.
Referred to calendar of 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1).
11. Second reading and amendment of senate proposals.
12. Motions may be offered.
13. Consideration of resolutions.
QUESTION: Shall the resolution be adopted?
Assembly Resolution 5
Relating to: celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17, 2025.
By Representatives Murphy, Doyle, Dittrich, Callahan, O'Connor, McGuire, Armstrong, Bare, DeSmidt, Donovan, Fitzgerald, Gundrum, J. Jacobson, Joers, Johnson, Kitchens, Knodl, Kreibich, Melotik, Nedweski, Ortiz-Velez, Palmeri, Penterman, Piwowarczyk, Roe, Sheehan, Sinicki, Snyder, Subeck, Tenorio, Tittl, Udell, and Tusler.
Withdrawn from committee on Rules and placed on calendar 3-13-2025 pursuant to Assembly Rule 42 (3)(c).
14. Announcements.
15. Adjournment.