CR 25-022 - Relating to standards for inspection for local bridge program.
CR 25-021 - Relating to scheduling 2 synthetic benzimidazole-opioids.
CR 25-020 - Relating to protocol requirements.
CR 25-019 - Relating to temporary practice.
CR 25-018 - Relating to pre-student teaching requirements for supplementary license areas.
CR 25-017 - Relating to program coordinator licenses.
CR 25-016 - Relating to the definition of good standing under ch. PI 34.
CR 25-015 - Relating to income, franchise, excise, sales, and use taxes identified in the 2023 JCRAR Report, or affected by 2023 Wisconsin Acts 12 and 19.
CR 25-014 - Relating to water well driller, heat exchange driller, and pump installer licensing and registration; and drilling rig operator registration, and affecting small business.
CR 25-013 - Relating to updating, correcting and clarifying existing code requirements and adding requirements for new pump installations and water treatment and other specified code requirements and affecting small business.
CR 25-012 - Relating to advanced practice nurse prescribers.
CR 25-011 - Relating to veterans assistance grants.
CR 25-010 - Relating to service rules for electrical utilities.
CR 25-009 - Relating to the extension of kinship care and long-term kinship care payments to like-kin and the definition of out-of-home care in child welfare rules.
CR 25-008 - Relating to revisions to grants for National Teacher Certification and Master Educator Licensure.
CR 25-007 - Relating to the out-of-state pathway for educator licensure.
CR 25-006 - Relating to veterinarians.
CR 25-005 - Relating to the worker's compensation program.
CR 25-004 - Relating to prenatal care coordination services child care coordination services under the medical assistance program.
CR 25-003 - Relating to supervised practice.
CR 25-002 - Relating to physical examinations.
CR 25-001 - Relating to an alternative method for a municipality to establish proof of financial responsibility required for a solid waste disposal facility.
CR 24-099 - Relating to provisional licensure for international physicians.
CR 24-098 - Relating to definitions.
CR 24-097 - Relating to continuing education.
CR 24-096 - Relating to the regulation of hotels, motels, and tourist rooming houses.
CR 24-095 - Relating to fishing while in possession of a firearm.
CR 24-094 - Relating to dental therapists.
CR 24-093 - Relating to hearing aids.
CR 24-092 - Relating to compounding pharmaceuticals.
CR 24-091 - Relating to trawling regulation on Lake Michigan and affecting small business.
CR 24-090 - Relating to innovation grant programs pursuant to 2023 Wisconsin Act 12.
CR 24-089 - Relating to revising white-tailed deer management unit boundaries.
CR 24-088 - Relating to Mobile Establishments.
CR 24-087 - Relating to removing references to regional long-term care advisory committees for certifying care management organizations under the family care benefit following 2019 Wis. Act 9 and 2023 Wis. Act 259.
CR 24-086 - Relating to bulk milk collection, sampling, and transportation, and affecting small businesses.
CR 24-085 - Relating to scheduling 2-methyl AP-237.
CR 24-084 - Relating to scheduling ADB-BUTINACA, a-PiHP, and 3-MMC.
CR 24-083 - Relating to scheduling five synthetic cannabinoids.
CR 24-082 - Relating to the definition of “lead exposure” in ch. DHS 163 and “lead poisoning or exposure” in chs. DHS 181 and 182.
CR 24-081 - Relating to peer recovery service providers and reimbursement under the Medical Assistance program.
CR 24-080 - Relating to continuing education.
CR 24-079 - Relating to professional development for professional hydrologists.
CR 24-078 - Relating to professional development for professional geologists.
CR 24-077 - Relating to changes to rules governing assessment teams for tier IV master educator licenses.
CR 24-076 - Relating to eligibility for 5-year educational interpreter licenses.
CR 24-075 - Relating to changes to graduation requirements as a result of 2023 Wisconsin Act 60.
CR 24-074 - Relating to bilingual-bicultural supplemental licenses.
CR 24-073 - Relating to Lake Superior cisco and lake trout regulations and affecting small business.
CR 24-072 - Relating to county and district fairs.
CR 24-071 - Relating to examination requirements.
CR 24-070 - Relating to requirements for controlled substances.
CR 24-068 - Relating to interior designers.
CR 24-065 - Relating to secure detention for juveniles.
CR 24-064 - Relating to possession and control of a firearm while fishing.
CR 24-063 - Relating to landfills, solid waste management fees, financial responsibility and reporting requirements and affecting small businesses.
CR 24-062 - Relating to implementation of the audiology and speech-language pathology interstate compact.
CR 24-061 - Relating to the deer management assistance program.
CR 24-060 - Relating to mail delivered prescriptions.
CR 24-059 - Relating to scheduling nine fentanyl-related substances.
CR 24-058 - Relating to scheduling Zuranolone.
CR 24-057 - Relating to revisions to fees for reviewing air pollution control construction permit applications and exemption determination requests and affecting small business.
CR 24-056 - Relating to gas safety.
CR 24-055 - Relating to wildlife damage and abatement.
CR 24-054 - Relating to temporary licenses.
CR 24-053 - Relating to eliminating obsolete provisions, correcting cross-references, eliminating rules that are redundant with statutes, correcting errors, and modifying the structure of existing rules in nonsubstantive ways.
CR 24-052 - Relating to the mandatory use of uniform instructions for absentee voting.
CR 24-051 - Relating to placing structures in navigable waterways and affecting small business.
CR 24-050 - Relating to implementation of the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact.
CR 24-049 - Relating to the authorization of one or more additional fee structures and establishing maximum fees or charges that may be made thereunder by adjustment service companies, and modifying chapter DFI-Bkg 73 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code to incorporate certain requirements of the federal Telemarketing Sales Rule.
CR 24-048 - Relating to transferring Flualprazolam and scheduling four (4) synthetic benzodiazepine substances.
CR 24-047 - Relating to pharmacist certification and reimbursement for patient care services through Medical Assistance (MA).
CR 24-046 - Relating to nutritional counseling certification.
CR 24-045 - Relating to elk management.
CR 24-044 - Relating to direct supervision.
CR 24-043 - Relating to the certification and training of municipal clerks.
CR 24-042 - Relating to the state public defender and the state public defender board’s authority to review appeals to agency actions regarding private bar certification and bill payment.
CR 24-041 - Relating to handgun transfers.
CR 24-040 - Relating to youth conduct in type 1 secured correctional facilities.
CR 24-039 - Relating to Telemedicine and Telehealth.
CR 24-038 - Relating to a commercial loan income exemption.
CR 24-037 - Relating to technical corrections of state hazardous waste regulations and affecting small business.
CR 24-036 - Relating to modifying and expanding universal waste management regulations and affecting small business.
CR 24-035 - Relating to incorporating federal hazardous waste regulations promulgated since the previous authorization of the Wisconsin hazardous waste program, relating to updated test methods, and affecting small business.
CR 24-034 - Relating to storage of flammable, combustible, and hazardous liquids and affecting small businesses.
CR 24-033 - Relating to monitored prescription drug history reports.
CR 24-032 - Relating to the conduct, regulation, and accommodation of election observers.
CR 24-031 - Relating to delegated acts.
CR 24-030 - Relating to simplifying, reducing, modernizing, and making more efficient the reporting, recordkeeping, testing, inspection and determination of compliance requirements for sources of air contaminants and affecting small business.
CR 24-029 - Relating to telehealth.
CR 24-028 - Relating to sealing and stamping of documents.
CR 24-027 - Relating to cardiopulmonary resuscitation requirement.
CR 24-026 - Relating to revisions to rules governing the commencement of the school term prior to September 1 and affecting small businesses.
CR 24-025 - Relating to screening of newborns for congenital disorders.
CR 24-024 - Relating to excluding Fenfluramine.
CR 24-023 - Relating to scheduling Methiopropamine.
CR 24-022 - Relating to the definition of “lead poisoning or exposure” when reporting blood lead test results.
CR 24-013 - Relating to national provider identifier requirement.
CR 24-012 - Relating to telehealth comprehensive review.
CR 24-008 - Relating to the elimination of the dance license as obsolete.
CR 24-005 - Relating to scheduling Mesocarb.
CR 24-004 - Relating to excluding [18 F]FP-CIT.
CR 24-003 - Relating to security in Type 1 secured correctional facilities.
CR 23-071 - Relating to correcting out-of-date cross-references, repealing obsolete provisions, modifying the structure of existing rules to conform to current drafting practices, and revising the definition of “member business loan” to conform to federal law.
CR 23-067 - Relating to advanced practice social workers and independent social workers treating substance use disorder as a specialty.
CR 23-065 - Relating to statewide materials recycling and effective recycling programs and affecting small business.
CR 23-057 - Relating to fair packaging and labeling; selling commodities by weight, measure, or count; and weights and measures; affecting small businesses.
CR 23-052 - Relating to reduction or waiver of penalties for voluntary self-disclosure by a small business of actual or potential violations of rules or guidelines, and affecting small businesses.
CR 23-047 - Relating to gray wolf harvest regulations.
CR 23-042 - Relating to operator’s licenses and identification cards.
CR 23-010 - Relating to updating Wisconsin’s water quality antidegradation policy and procedures and affecting small business.
CR 23-007 - Relating to Commercial Building Code and affecting small business.
CR 21-023 - Relating to the provisions and administration of the Universal Service Fund (USF).
CR 21-011 - Relating to changes to criteria relating to specific learning disabilities.
CR 21-007 - Relating to revisions to pupil nondiscrimination procedures.