Motorists required to stop and remain stopped until pedestrian, bicyclist, personal delivery device, or rider of electric scooter or EPAMD has crossed certain highway crosswalks -
SB1097Skateboards used on roadways: regulations revised -
AB448Skateboards used on roadways: regulations revised -
SB446Income tax reciprocity between Wisconsin and Minnesota: study by respective departments of revenue required; agreement conditions and approval by Governor and JCF -
AB375Income tax reciprocity between Wisconsin and Minnesota: study by respective departments of revenue required; agreement conditions and approval by Governor and JCF [S.Amdt.1: JCF approval changed to approval by joint resolution of the Legislature; A.Amdt.1: joint resolution provision replaced with JCF approval, study provision modified] -
SB374PFAS group of substances: requirements created and programs established to address issues related to; reports and studies [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, rule revisions added [Admin.Code NR 811.12, PSC 184.06]; S.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
SB312Wisconsin Veterans Home at King: master plan study required [Sec. 9148 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9148 (1)] -
SB70Extrajudicial eviction in small claims court: actions for relief from -
AB702Extrajudicial eviction in small claims court: actions for relief from -
SB663Residential tenant’s right to counsel in an eviction action, notice provisions -
AB698Residential tenant’s right to counsel in an eviction action, notice provisions -
SB658Additional county and municipal aid payments to certain towns and counties that cannot collect property tax on property within an American Indian reservation, sunset provision [Sec. 533, 535, 1657] -
AB43Additional county and municipal aid payments to certain towns and counties that cannot collect property tax on property within an American Indian reservation, sunset provision [Sec. 533, 535, 1657] [original bill only] -
SB70Agricultural road improvement grant program established [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, appropriation removed, committee to review grants added; S.Amdt.1: awarding grants revised, report required; S.Amdt.2: remove county as fiscal agent; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, sunset added] -
SB247CDL training grant program established by DWD, sunset and residency provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1] -
Se3 SB1CDL training grant program established by DWD, sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
SB271Community-oriented policing-house grant program sunsetted [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 117, 118, 424, 9427 (1)] -
SB70Deer hunting in the northern forest zone: restrictions imposed; sunset provision -
AB1030Direct care positions filled at veterans homes revisions, sunset provision; eligibility for individual to be buried in a state veterans cemetery changed; sexual assault under the Wisconsin Code of Military Justice -
AB1079Early literacy instruction and reading readiness assessments and interventions: Office of Literacy and Council on Early Literacy Curricula created, teacher licensing and professional development training, model policy for promoting third graders to fourth grade, school district and school report cards, parental notification, parent or guardian complaint to DPI; reports and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, third grade promotion and early literacy instruction provisions modified; A.Amdt.1: further revisions re accountability report, reading plans for at-risk pupils, and model policy, and rule-making authority removed] -
AB321Friends of Vicksburg National Military Park and Campaign: grant for conservation of memorials and markers related to Wisconsin; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 126, 127, 9131 (2), 9431 (1)] -
SB70Grants to federally recognized American Indian tribes or bands in this state; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 141, 142, 148, 149, 9101 (2), 9401 (1)] -
SB70Grants to the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 23, 140, 150] -
SB70Harbor Commission of the Town of La Pointe established and investigating potential for ferry service between Wisconsin mainland and Town of La Pointe: DOA grants; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 138, 139, 9130 (1)] -
SB70Lakeland STAR Academy: DPI grant; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 65, 66, 9134 (1), 9434 (1)] -
SB70Next Generation 911: grants for certain costs to incumbent local exchange carriers operating as originating service providers [A.Amdt.1: sunset and report added; A.Amdt.2: 911 fund name change] -
AB356Nontaxable tribal land: shared revenue payments to counties to compensate for lost property taxes; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 151, 152, 163, 164, 9451 (1)] -
SB70Office of Outdoor Recreation project positions: sunset changed [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9143 (1)] -
SB70Online early learning program sunset delayed [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 473-476] -
SB70Private on-site wastewater treatment systems grant program eligibility extended [Sec. 291, 293, 2297-2299, 2646; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, sunset added Sec. 56-59, 410-415, 448, 449, 9438 (1); S.Amdt.13: replacement and rehabilitation grant program sunset extended, 472g, r, 9438 (2), all provisions deleted] -
SB70Rental housing safety grants pilot program for first class city, sunset provision [Sec. 113, 510] -
AB43Rental housing safety grants pilot program for first class city, sunset provision [Sec. 113, 510] [original bill only] -
SB70School Safety, Office of: authorized positions increased; funding from concealed carry license fees [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB1050Surgical Collaborative of Wisconsin: DHS grants; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 103, 104, 418, 419, 9419 (1)] -
SB70Walter Schroeder Aquatic Center in Village of Brown Deer: DOA grant; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 136, 137, 9130 (2)] -
SB70Whole-home upgrades grants: pilot program for low-income housing in first class city, sunset provision; DOA appendix report [Sec. 114, 509] -
AB43Whole-home upgrades grants: pilot program for low-income housing in first class city, sunset provision; DOA appendix report [Sec. 114, 509] [original bill only] -
SB70Wisconsin Merit scholarships awarded to UW System students: sunset eliminated -
AB67Wisconsin Merit scholarships awarded to UW System students: sunset eliminated -
SB84WisconsinEye endowment fund established; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 20, 173] -
SB70Local exposition district created by the City of Superior; taxes, bond, and referendum provisions -
AB348Local exposition district created by the City of Superior; taxes, bond, and referendum provisions -
SB342Actions in which the legislature is a party: Supreme Court to assign venue at random -
AB128Actions in which the legislature is a party: Supreme Court to assign venue at random -
SB131Campaign contributions from individuals, political party or legislative committee, and candidate committee limited; state wide officers and segregated fund provisions -
AB733Campaign contributions from individuals, political party or legislative committee, and candidate committee limited; state wide officers and segregated fund provisions -
SB604DOT to maintain a dignitary protection unit in state traffic patrol and include justices of the Supreme Court among state officers to safeguard [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 387] -
SB70Judge may not seek or hold an office of public trust while serving in the judicial office -
AB345Judge may not seek or hold an office of public trust while serving in the judicial office -
SB347Judicial security profiles exempt from disclosure under the public records law -
AB967Judicial security profiles exempt from disclosure under the public records law -
SB928Maximum age for justices and judges set -
AB552Maximum age for justices and judges set -
SB569Privacy protections for judicial officers created; judicial candidate provisions; JRCCP may report [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Register of Deeds provision added; A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB966Privacy protections for judicial officers created; judicial candidate provisions; JRCCP may report -
SB927Design professional services: prohibiting enforcement of indemnification provision in a contract with the state or a political subdivision [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB514Design professional services: prohibiting enforcement of indemnification provision in a contract with the state or a political subdivision -
SB491Land surveyors reclassified for WC insurance purposes -
AB962Land surveyors reclassified for WC insurance purposes -
SB893Flag Day: June 14, 2023 recognized as -
AJR57National motto displayed in every public school and charter school classroom required -
AB778National motto displayed in every public school and charter school classroom required -
SB735Brandy old-fashioned declared Wisconsin’s state cocktail -
AJR88Brandy old-fashioned declared Wisconsin’s state cocktail -
SJR84Henry All-Weather .45-70 designated the state rifle, Blue Book provision -
AB168Henry All-Weather .45-70 designated the state rifle, Blue Book provision -
SB165Lactococcus lactis (bacterium) designated as the state microbe, Blue Book provision -
AB800Lactococcus lactis (bacterium) designated as the state microbe, Blue Book provision -