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quorum, is of the membership presently
serving required   15, 39
roll call, quorum required before proceeding to   15
special orders   17 (2), (3), 70 (3)
under call of senate, business on which call
imposed stops   85 (1)
unfinished, of the senate   18 (4)
committee, schedule of activities   26
contents determined by committee on
senate organization   18 (1)
daily, general rules   18
definition   99 (8)
made available to members at least 18 hours ahead
of scheduled action on   18 (1)
exception for special and extraordinary sessions   93 (3)
orders of business on   17 (1)
second reading, calendar prepared by committee
on senate organization   18 (1)
special orders   17 (2), (3), 70 (3)
unfinished, taken up after 9th order of current day   18 (4)
Call of the roll, see Roll call
Call of the senate (or “Call of the house")   81 to 87
absentees, sergeant to bring in   84
adjourn, or adjourn to a certain time permitted   85 (1)
adjourn or recess, motion takes precedence   85 (5)
assistance of law enforcement officers   84
concurrent calls   85 (2)
definition   99 (9)
doors closed during   83
ended by adjournment, may be renewed   85 (6)
ended when all members present or absent with
leave and pending business is disposed of   87
in order on any motion or question before the senate,
including motion to adjourn (exception)   81 (2)
insufficient seconds, renewal only after
intervening business   82 (2)
intervening business, another call permitted on
same question   85 (4)
motion to raise call not amendable   85 (5)
moved as any other motion, in order anytime
before vote is commenced   81 (2)
not debatable   68, 82 (1)
only one call in order on main question   80
other business, while under, in order   85 (3)
purposes   81
putting question for   82 (1)
raising call, motion carried by majority of members
then present   85 (5), 87
renewal of, in order only if other business intervened   82 (2)
report of sergeant, accepting   86
seconding by 5 members required   82
successive calls   80, 85 (4)
transacting business while under   85 (1), (3)
vote to raise, majority of members then
present carries   85 (5)
Cancellation of public hearing (immediately
notify chief clerk)   25 (1)
Certificate under Joint Rule 7, examined for
compliance with   98 (5)
citation on behalf of the senate   98
Certification or citation (definition)   99 (10)
Chair (definition)   99 (11)
Chairperson of committee:
designated by majority leader (chairperson of
committee on senate organization)   20 (2)(a)
determines whether to hold committee hearing   25 (1)
files list of scheduled hearings with chief clerk by
Monday of preceding week   26
joint committees have cochairpersons,
Joint Rule 22 and s. 13.45 (4m), stats.
joint hearings, see Joint Rule 21
may agree to rereference of proposal or appointment   46 (2)(c)
notifies chief clerk of scheduled hearing   26
signs committee reports   27 (1)
Chamber, senate:
admission to   11
audio, video recordings   11 (7)
definition   99 (77)
disorderly member may be removed   13
doors closed when senate under call   83
open for use of members, when   6 (2)(f)
recording proceedings   11 (7)
Chief clerk, see also Wis. Con. XIII-6; ss. 13.15 to 13.17, stats.:
administrative rule, withdrawn from standing committee:
journal entry   27 (4)(b)
attests to warrants, writs, and subpoenas   44
bulletin of proceedings, supervises preparation of,
see also Joint Rules 76 and 78
corrections to proposals, entered in journal   31 (3)
definition   99 (12)
duties in general, term of office, assistant   5
election, see also s. 13.15 (1), stats. and art. IV-30, Wis. Con.
enrolling bills, procedure   43
errors in proposals, authorized to correct minor   31 (1)
payroll for persons employed by senate, certifies   89
permits no records to be taken from custody
of that office   5 (2)(d)
presides temporarily   5 (4)
proposals, when recorded in journal   46 (1)(b)
reads amendments not yet made available   48
records in journal date enrolled bill is submitted
to governor   43
records status of executive appointments   22 (2)
referral of proposals to committee, advises president   46 (2)(a)
removal, resignation   5 (1)
report used in lieu of first reading   36 (1m)(a)
senate payroll, certifies   89
specifies documents placed in jacket envelope   30 (2)