This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
Please see for the production version.
joint rules: amend, create, or repeal, or suspend
(majority of the members elected)   96
judge, removal by address of the legislature (2/3 vote
required)   12 (2)(c)
pension bills (3/4 vote of all members elected to
both houses required)   12 (2)(am)
reproducing additional copies of proposal (majority of
quorum of actual membership)   62 (2)
state debt and bonding (majority of elected
membership)   12 (2)(f)
suspending joint rule (2/3 vote or unanimous consent)   96 (3)
veto override (2/3 of members present)   12 (2)(d)
Rules, joint, of senate and assembly:
amend, create, or repeal, or suspend (majority of the
members elected)   96
constitutional grant of authority, each house determines
its rules   10
continuity of joint rules   97
definitions   99
resolution rescinding or changing not to be acted on
until copies made available to
members for 24 hours   96 (2)
suspension of joint rule (2/3 vote of members present or
unanimous consent)   96 (3)
Rules of procedure, definition   99 (75)
Ruling, definition   99 (76)
Schedule of committee activities   75
Secretary of state:
enrolled bill or joint resolution, receives 4 copies   60 (1)
Senate chamber, definition   99 (77)
Senate organization, committee on, see also Committee on
organization (of either house):
approves meetings of senate standing committees
outside capitol   84 (1)
defines subject areas assigned to senate standing
committees   84 (3)
schedules session days for action on governor' appointments   81 (3)(b)
Sergeant at arms, definition   99 (78)
Service agencies, legislative: assist standing committees
with studies, investigations, or reviews   84 (4)
Session laws, biennial continuity of numbering sequence   79 (6)
Session schedule, general provisions   81 to 87
committees continue throughout biennial session   84
final adverse disposition of proposals after certain
floorperiods   83 (4)
floorperiods, extraordinary sessions   81 (2)
introduction and disposition of proposals   83
limited-business floorperiod   81m
limited-business floorperiod, JCRAR   81r, 83 (4)
periods of committee work   81 (3)
submitting approved bills to office of the governor   81 (4)
veto review session   82
Sine die adjournment, definition   99 (79)
Speaker, definition   99 (80)
Speaker of the assembly:
approves certain meetings of assembly standing
committees outside capitol   84 (1)
defines subject areas assigned to assembly standing
committees   84 (3)
facsimile signature on enrolled joint resolution   66 (2)
joint convention of legislature, presides if president
not present   1
retirement system agent for assembly chief clerk   92
unusual correction in legislation, may authorize   56 (3)
Speaker pro tempore, definition   99 (81)
Special committee, assembly, definition   99 (82)
Special order of business, assembly, definition   99 (83)
Special session, definition   99 (84)
Special session:
how identified on bill draft   79 (2)
introduction of proposals   83 (5)
limited to specified committees   81 (2)(c)
reproduction in advance of special session   81 (2)(c)
Stage, definition   99 (85)
Standing committee, definition   99 (86)
Standing committees, continue throughout biennium   84
State agencies:
authorized to use LRB drafting services   51 (2)
preparing fiscal estimates:
may not copy unintroduced legislation   42 (4)
time limits on preparation   42 (3), 46 (2)
State debt, bonding bill passage (majority of elected
membership)   12 (2)(f)
constitution sections affected by amendments ratified since last
statute publication, bulletin of proceedings shows
full text of   77 (7)
law to be incorporated into   53
no repeal by implication   52 (6)
Studies, investigations, and reviews by standing committees   84 (3)
Subject index to legislation, acts, lobbyists, and principals,
legislative reference bureau prepares   77
Subsidiary motions, definition   99 (87)
Substitute amendment, definition   99 (88)
Substitute amendment:
analyses   51m
chief clerk may order reproduced with all adopted
amendments engrossed   52 (7), 63
fiscal estimate not required   41 (2)(a), 48 (2)
numbering of Sections in bills and substitute
amendments   52 (4)
offered by request, name to be recorded   55 (2)
offering of, 4 copies required   54 (2)
supplemental fiscal estimate on bill as affected by, may
be requested:
by joint committee on finance   41 (3)(a)
by presiding officer on request of bill's author   41 (3)(b)
by primary author during 5‐day review of bill's
estimate   48 (2)
form of   52 (1)
how treated in amendments   52 (7)
Sufficient seconds, definition   99 (89)
Supplemental fiscal estimate:
department of administration may submit when it disagrees
with agency estimate   41 (3)(c)
department of administration shall prepare when bill author
disagrees with agency estimate   41 (3)(f), 48 (3)
joint finance committee may require for bill
as amended   41 (3)(a)
legislative fiscal bureau shall prepare when bill author
disagrees with agency estimate   41 (3)(f), 48 (3)
presiding officer may require for bill as amended   41 (3)(b)