This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
Please see for the production version.
analyzes original measures only (s. 13.92
(1)(b) 2., stats.)   52 (2)
assist standing committees with studies, investigations,
or reviews   84 (4)
clerical corrections in proposals   52 (7), 56
committee reports, receives duplicate set after session   31 (4)
drafting of proposals and amendments   51, 52
engrossed proposal or major amendment, reproduced
as directed by chief clerk   63
enrolling bills and joint resolutions   52 (7), 60
fiscal estimates, duties relating to   44 (2), 45, 48 (1), (4)
index to joint rules   98 (2)(b)
index to legislative proceedings (legislation, journals,
acts, lobbyists)   77, 78
in publishing joint rules   98 (2)(a)
LRB numbers, distinct sequences for proposals,
substitutes, budget amendments, floor amendments,
and other amendments   79 (1)
publication date and enactment date of act
(s. 35.095, stats.)   65
reproduction of notes with session laws, supervises   59
action on bill recalled from governor   5
adjournment for more than 3 days   13
conference, committee of   3
disagreement on amendments, receding from position   2
joint convention of   1
members, reimbursement for expenses   85
Limited-business floorperiod   81m, 81r
Limited-business floorperiod, JCRAR   81r, 83 (4)
Lobbyists index by name and principal, legislative
reference bureau prepares   77 (4)
Local fiscal effect, how estimate obtained   41 (1)(a), 42 (1)(c)
Main motions and questions, definition   99 (44)
Majority, definition   99 (45)
Majority required for a quorum   11
Majority required to take action   12
Manual, definition   99 (46)
Manuals, legislative, preparation and reproduction of   71, 98 (3)
Measure, definition   99 (48m)
Member, definition   99 (47)
Member (of legislature):
drafting proposals, authorized to use LRB services   51 (1)
expulsion requires 2/3 vote of members elected   12 (2)(b)
fiscal estimate, may raise issue that bill requires   49 (1)
vote of, recorded on all motions acted upon
in committee   31 (1)(d)
Member‐elect (of legislature), authorized to use LRB
drafting services   51 (1)
Members present, definition   99 (48)
Message, action on bill recalled from governor   5
Minority member on committee of conference   3 (1)(intro.)
Minority report on joint or conference committee
recommendation   31 (3)
Motion, definition   99 (49)
Nonconcurrence, definition   99 (50)
Notes, explanative, when reproduction with proposals
permitted   59
Notes, fiscal, see Fiscal estimates   41 to 50
Numeric references in legislation, to be corrected
when wrong   56 (3)(e)
Offer, definition   99 (50m)
Open meetings of legislative committees   27
Opinion of the attorney general, definition   99 (51)
Organization committee (of either house):
compensation and classification plan for
employees of house   91
daily calendar, may change format of   72
extraordinary session, both together may call   81 (2)(a)
introduction of reconciliation bills   82 (1m)(d)
display of text in reconciliation bills   64 (1)(a)
may contain explanative notes   59
reproduction of additional copies, may authorize for
specific proposals   62 (2)
senate committee, may schedule extraordinary session days
for action on pending governor's
appointments   81 (3)(b)
special session, introduction of proposals germane to
call   81 (2)(c)
veto review session, may introduce resolutions   82 (1m)(f)
Organization day for session biennium   81 (1)(a)
Organization, joint committee on legislative   23
compensation and classification plan for legislative
employees   91
stationary, reproduction of materials   14, 62
Pair, definition   99 (52)
Parliamentary inquiry, definition   99 (53)
Passage, definition   99 (54)
Passage of proposal, certification of   32 (3)
Penalty bill, fiscal estimate not required   41 (2)(b)
Pension bill passage (vote of 3/4 members elected
to both houses required)   12 (2)(am)
Petition, definition   99 (55)
Point of order, definition   99 (56)
Precedent, definition   99 (57)
Preservation of historically significant records   23 (3)
President, definition   99 (57d)
President of senate:
facsimile signature on enrolled joint resolution   66 (2)
joint convention of legislature, presides over   1
retirement system agent for senate chief clerk   92
unusual correction in legislation,
may authorize   56 (3)
President pro tempore, definition   99 (57m)
Presiding officer, definition   99 (57p)
Presiding officer: