This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
Please see for the production version.
stationary, reproduction of materials   14, 62
Joint committees:
chairperson of specific meeting   22
hearings, public   27
meetings, announced in schedule of committee
activities   75
report of, how filed   31 (4)
minority report   31 (3)
Joint convention, also called “joint session", definition   99 (37)
Joint convention, procedure in   1
Joint finance committee:
memoranda by legislative fiscal bureau, may direct
insertion in bill jacket   47
supplemental fiscal estimate, may require for bill
as amended   41 (3)(a)
Joint hearing, definition   99 (38)
Joint hearings:
notice of   21, 27
procedure for   21
record of   31
Joint resolution, definition   99 (39)
Joint resolutions:
additional copies, procurement of   62 (2)
adjournment for more than 3 days   13
amendatory, form of   64
amending constitution, require enrolling   60
amending joint rules, action on (majority of
actual membership required)   96 (2)
may be reproduced and distributed   98 (4)
approval and jacketing of drafts   54
carried forward to even‐numbered year, which   83 (3)
citations in lieu of   7
clerical correction in, by chief clerk or legislative
reference bureau   56
constitutional amendments, Wisconsin or United States   57, 58
cosponsors on   55 (1)
enabling clause required   56 (3)(a)
engrossed copy, chief clerk may order reproduction of   63
enrolling, required for constitutional amendments   60
history, information recorded   32 (1)
important joint resolutions are included in session
laws volume   66 (1)
index to, published by subject and author   77 (1), (2)
by request, name to be recorded   55 (2)
four copies required   54 (2)
limited-business floorperiod, by organization
committee of either house   81m
prohibited following last general business
floorperiod   83 (5)
veto review session, by organization committee
of either house   82 (1m)(f)
quantity reproduced   62
recalling bill from governor for further action   5
recalling bill from other house for further action   6
Joint rules, definition   99 (40)
Joint rules of senate and assembly:
amend, create, or repeal (majority of actual membership)   96
continuity of joint rules   97
definitions   99
resolution rescinding or changing, not to be acted on until
copies made available to members for 24 hours   96 (2)
suspension of joint rule (2/3 of members present or
unanimous consent)   96 (3)
Journal, definition   99 (41)
administrative rules review, notice of   73 (4)
biennial continuity   79 (4)
book form, reproduction, and distribution   74
contents   73
daily, reproduction of   73, 87 (3)(b)
index to, prepared by legislative reference bureau   77 (4), 78
Judge or justice, removal by address of the legislature
(2/3 vote of all members elected to each house
required)   12 (2)(c)
Judicial council, permitted to include explanative
notes in bills   59
K and L
Laws enacted, incorporation into statutes   53
Leave, definition   99 (42)
Legislative council:
assist standing committees with studies, investigation,
or reviews   84 (4)
explanative notes, may include in proposals   59
meetings of committees, may announce in
committee schedule   75
Legislative day, definition   99 (43)
Legislative employees:
classification and compensation plan   91
continuation during periods of committee work   86
Legislative fiscal bureau:
assist standing committees with studies, investigations,
or reviews   84 (4)
memoranda on fiscal bills, inserted in bill jacket
as directed by joint finance committee   47
supplemental fiscal estimate on amended bill:
when bill author appeals from state
agency estimate   41 (3)(f), 48 (3)
when requested by joint committee on finance   41 (3)(a)
Legislative manuals, publication of   71, 98 (3)
Legislative organization, joint committee on   23
compensation and classification plan for
legislative employees   91
stationary, reproduction of materials   14, 62
Legislative records, biennial continuity including
special sessions   79
Legislative reference bureau:
agreement with chief clerks for electronic transmission
of introduced proposal and amendments   44, 54, 79
analyzes original measures only (s. 13.92
(1)(b) 2., stats.)   52 (2)
assist standing committees with studies, investigations,
or reviews   84 (4)