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procedure for obtaining   45 (1), (2)
reliable dollar estimate required   43
required for original bills only   41 (2)(a)
retirement provision in budget, analyzed by joint
survey committee   41 (1)(b)
substitute amendment, joint finance or presiding
officer may authorize supplemental
estimate   41 (3)(a), (b)
tax exemption provision in budget, analyzed by
joint survey committee   41 (1)(b)
time limit for preparation by state agencies   42 (3), 46 (2)
unemployment reserve fund, bill affecting liability
or revenues of requires estimate   41 (1)(c)
unintroduced drafts (bills, amendments) are
confidential   42 (4)
waiver for transmitting electronically   50
when fiscal estimates required   41
Floor amendment, definition   99 (30)
Floor of the assembly, definition   99 (29)
Floor of the senate, definition   99 (29m)
Floorperiods of session biennium   81
adverse disposition of proposals without action   83 (4), (5)
adverse disposition of vetoes without action   82 (2)(b)
limited-business floorperiod   81m
limited-business floorperiod, JCRAR   81r, 83 (4)
veto review floorperiod   82
Format of bills, text display, and structure of bills   52
Funeral delegation   25
Germaneness, definition   99 (31)
appointments by, senate organization committee
may schedule session days   81 (3)(b)
bill recalled from, joint resolution required   5
office of, receives enrolled bills for approval   34
Hearing, definition   99 (32)
Hearings, joint:
may be held on a bill introduced in only one house   21
notice of, procedure for   21, 27
record of   31
Hearings of committees:
meeting outside state capitol, permission required   84 (1)
notice of, to comply with house rules   84 (2)
open to public   27
record of   31
schedule of activities   75
History, definition   99 (33)
History file, definition   99 (33m)
History file of proposals:
approval of draft proposals   54
chief clerk records history in history file   32
corrections to be noted in   32 (1)(h), 56 (1)
final adverse disposition recorded after certain
floorperiods   83 (4), (5)
veto not reviewed at veto session is recorded
sustained   82 (2)(b)
assembly investigation (majority of elected
membership)   12 (2)(g)
senate trial (2/3 of members present and constituting
a quorum)   12 (2)(e)
Important joint resolutions are included in session
laws volume   66
Incidental motions and requests, definition   99 (34)
Incorporation of law into the statutes   53
Indefinite postponement, definition   99 (35)
Index to:
action on proposed administrative rules   78
bulletin of proceedings, journals, and acts   77
joint rules   98 (2)(b)
Information policy and technology, joint committee
on schedule of committee activities may
announce meetings   75
Introduction, definition   99 (36)
Introduction of proposals:
by request, name to be recorded   55 (2)
confidentiality prior to   42 (4)
employment relations bill in special or
extraordinary, session   81 (2)(c)
explanative notes, reproduction permitted in some
legislation   59
extraordinary session   83 (5)
fiscal estimate may be obtained before   45 (1), (2)
four copies required   54 (2)
introduction and disposition of proposals   83
limited-business floorperiod   81m
limited-business floorperiod, JCRAR   81r, 83 (4)
not permitted after last general‐business floorperiod
in even year   83 (5)
reconciliation bills, revisor's correction or
revision bills   82 (1m)(c), (d)
special session   83 (5)
veto review session:
reconciliation bills by committee on organization
of either house   82 (1m)(d)
resolutions, by committees on organization   82 (1m)(f)
revisor's correction or revision bills   82 (1m)(c)
Investigations, studies, and reviews by standing
committees   84 (3)
Jackets of proposals:
design, format, and color   54 (3)
see history file
Joint committee on finance, see Joint finance committee
Joint committee on legislative organization   23
compensation and classification plan for legislative
employees   91
stationary, reproduction of materials   14, 62