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Commendations (citations)   7
Committee activities:
hearings, executive sessions, open to public   27
interim work, hearings outside capitol   84 (1)
joint hearings   21, 27
members, reimbursement for interim expenses   85
minority report   31 (3)
proceedings, record of   31 (4)
report on proposal or administrative rule   31
schedule of, reproduction of report   31 (3)
Committee chairperson, definition   99 (13)
Committee executive action, definition   99 (14)
Committee of conference:
amendments or division not permitted   3 (3)
appointment of members to, one from minority required   3 (1)
meet on call of either cochairperson   3 (2)
minority report   31 (3)
provision of report   31 (3)
reconsideration motion not permitted on vote
adopting report   3 (1)(b)
report submitted to 2nd house (not house of
bill origin)   3 (1)(b)
vote on report completes action on bill   3 (1)(b)
Committee of conference, definition   99 (14m)
Committee of the whole, definition   99 (15)
Committee on legislative organization, joint   23
compensation and classification plan for legislative
employees   91
stationary, reproduction of materials   14, 62
Committee on organization (of either house):
compensation and classification plan for employees
of house   91
daily calendar, may change format of   72
display of text in reconciliation bills   64 (1)(a)
extraordinary session, both together may call   81 (2)(a)
introduction of reconciliation bills   82 (1m)(d)
may contain explanative notes   59
reproduction of additional copies, may authorize for
specific proposals   62 (2)
special session, introduction of proposals germane
to call   81 (2)(c)
veto review session, may introduce resolutions   82 (1m)(f)
Committee proceedings, record of   31
Committee work between floorperiods,
throughout biennium   81 (3)(a), 84
employees continued during   86
Concurrence, definition   99 (16)
Condolences (citations)   7
funeral of deceased member, delegation to attend   25
Conference committee:
amendments or division not permitted   3 (3)
appointment of members to, one from minority
party required   3 (1)
meet on call of either cochairperson   3 (2)
minority report   31 (3)
provision of report   31 (3)
reconsideration motion not permitted on vote
adopting report   3 (1)(b)
report submitted to 2nd house (not house of bill origin)   3 (1)(b)
vote on report completes action on bill   3 (1)(b)
Conflicting acts, organization committee of either house
may offer bill for
reconciliation of   82 (1m)(d)
Congratulations (citations)   7
Consolidated fiscal estimate, prepared by department of
administration   41 (3)(d)
Constitutional amendment, U.S. constitution: joint resolution,
3 readings, amending restricted, roll call vote required   58
Constitutional amendment, Wisconsin constitution:
display of text   64
enrolling required   60
included in session laws   66
index to, legislative reference bureau prepares   77 (7)
mandatory paragraphs (first or 2nd consideration)   57
secretary of state receives 4 copies after enrolling   60
vote required (majority of elected membership)   12 (2)(f)
Contested seat, definition   99 (18)
Continuity of joint rules   97
Continuity of operations plan   23 (4)
Convention, joint   1
additional copies of proposals may be authorized   62 (2)
biennial continuity of records   79
bills   62, 64
committee hearing schedule   75
daily calendars   72
daily journals   73, 87 (3)(b)
display of text in amendatory bills and acts   64
engrossed bill, resolution, or major amendment   63
extraordinary session, reproduction in advance of   81 (2)(c)
generally, by contract to lowest responsible bidder   14
index to legislative proceedings, journals, acts   77, 78
joint committee on legislative organization supervises   14, 62
joint resolutions   62, 66
joint rules, amending resolution may be enrolled
and distributed   98 (4)
joint rules in pamphlet form   98 (1), (2)
journals in book form   74
legislative manuals   71, 98 (3)
organization committees may authorize additional
amounts   14 (3), 62 (2)
proceedings, bulletin of senate and assembly   76
publication date and enactment date of act
(s. 35.095, stats.)   65
routine amounts, additional amounts   14 (3), 62 (2)