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Main motions and questions (definition)   95 (44)
Main question on 2nd reading conforms to committee
recommendation; exceptions
definition of “majority"   95 (45)
special order: vote of members present to advance
to 3rd reading or message to senate
  33 (4)
vote of current membership to change rules (roll call required)   89
vote of current membership to lift call (roll call required)   87 (2)
vote of members present (even if less than quorum)
to adjourn under call (roll call required)   86 (3), 87 (3)
vote of members present may withdraw bill from
committee after 21 days
  15 (1)
Majority leader:
assistant majority leader   2 (2)
duties   2 (1), (4)
election   2 (1)
floor manager on special order   33 (1)(a)
member of:
committee on assembly organization
(standing committee)
  9 (3)
committee on rules   24 (1)
presides when speaker and speaker pro tempore are both
temporarily absent   4 (1)
removal, resignation   2 (1)
seating assignment in chamber, settles disputed   2 (4)
term of office   2 (1)
definition of “manual"   95 (46)
legislative reference bureau to assist chief clerk   94 (1)
Mason's manual: use in interpreting rules   91 (2)
Means, committee on ways and (standing committee)   9 (1)(z)
absence, leave of   27
appointing authority for employees   7 (1)
assembly privilege, point of   61 (1)
call of assembly:
expense to secure attendance may be
charged to absentees   85 (2)
may demand, to secure attendance of absentees   83 (1)
motion requires 15 seconds   83 (3)
must remain in chamber during   84
crossing or leaving floor, not permitted while
presiding officer is speaking
  26 (2)
debate, right to: ends when roll call opened   65 (5)
definition of “member"   95 (47)
definition of “members present"   95 (48)
eating, not permitted on floor or in galleries   26 (4)
interruption of member holding floor, when permitted   57
journal, may request recording of position when
absent during roll call   76 (8)
leaving chamber, not permitted while assembly under call   84
majority of current membership required to change rules
(roll call required)
microphones, possession and use   26 (7)
mobile radio service devices   26 (6)
motions, right to make: ends when roll call opened   65 (5)
newspaper reading, not permitted during session on
floor or in galleries
  26 (3)
objectionable language in debate   58
paired on question, files signed statement with chief clerk   79
personal privilege, point of   61 (2)
presiding officer announces order that members
may speak
  56 (2)
privilege, point of assembly, personal, or special   61
purpose, must state when requesting rules suspension or
unanimous consent
  90 (2)
reading from bill or amendment currently
debated, permitted   59 (3)
reading from statutes, rules, constitution, when permitted   59 (3)
resolution to reprimand, censure, or expel a member,
procedure   21, 43 (3)
respect to, while speaking   26 (2), 56 (1)
right to debate, ends when roll call opened   65 (5)
right to make motions, ends when roll call opened   65 (5)
roll call vote, may request with support of 15 seconds   64, 76 (3)
rooms in Capitol, speaker assigns   3 (1)(q)
rules, may move suspension for stated purpose
not otherwise permitted   90
seat in chamber, assignment of   2 (4)
smoking, not permitted on floor or in galleries   26 (5)
how recognized for purpose of (by district or
county or municipality of residence;
not by name)
  56 (1)
interruption of member holding floor, when permitted   57
objectionable language   58
permitted only from assigned place   59 (1)
presiding officer recognizes member   56 (3)
reconsideration, member may speak once
(3 min. limit) if question was debatable
  73 (7)
respect to, while speaking   26 (2), 56 (1)
time limits, see Debate
twice on same subject (more than twice not permitted)   59 (2)
twice on same subject allowed in committee of
the whole
  8 (3)
special privilege, point of   61 (3)
suspension of rules:
limited to achieving stated purpose   90 (2), (3)
may move for stated purpose not otherwise permitted   90
motion proper under any order of business   90 (4)
not to be granted for frivolous, indecorous, or
dilatory purpose   90 (5)
purpose to be stated in motion   90 (2)
unanimous consent:
limited to achieving stated purpose   90 (3)
may request for stated purpose not otherwise permitted   90
not to be granted for frivolous, indecorous, or
dilatory purpose   90 (5)
purpose to be stated in request   90 (2)