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members not to cross or leave floor while presiding
officer is speaking
  26 (2)
microphones, possession and use   26 (7)
mobile radio service devices   26 (6)
newspaper reading, not permitted during
session on floor or in galleries
  26 (3)
presiding officer to maintain order,
decorum, and quiet   3m (1)(f), 26 (1)
sergeant at arms carries out instructions concerning any
disturbance in chamber
  6 (1)(g)
smoking, not permitted on floor or in galleries   26 (5)
Definitions, alphabetical list of major terms   95
Delete and substitute: proposition indivisible   80 (3)
Dilatory (definition)   95 (22)
Dilatory motions out of order   69
successive calls on same question not permitted   88
Dilatory use of motion to suspend rules not permitted   90 (5)
“Dipping" of bill through joint committee
on finance,
see s. 13.093 (1), stats.
Division of the question:
bill, joint resolution, or resolution not divisible   80 (4)
definition of “division of the question"   95 (23)
motion or simple amendment divisible when containing
2 severable propositions
  80 (1)
motion to delete and substitute is one
indivisible proposition   80 (3)
not to be used when amendment more clearly achieves
purpose   80 (2)
partial veto, how may be divided   80 (5), (6)
report of committee of conference not divisible,
see also Joint Rule 3 (3)   80 (4)
requesting a division is authorized interruption   57 (1)(h)
senate amendment received for assembly concurrence
not divisible   80 (4)
substitute amendment not divisible   80 (4)
veto of entire bill, may not be divided   80 (4)
Document provision to members, except calendars,
sergeant at arms supervises   6 (1)(c)
Documents, consent required to read from   59 (3), 90 (2)
Documents presented to assembly   37 (2)
Doors to assembly:
all rooms inside constitute “assembly chamber" (definition)   95 (6)
closed when call is ordered; members may not leave   84
Dress code, assembly floor   26 (9)
Eating, not permitted on floor or in galleries   26 (4)
Education, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(g)
Elected membership (definition)   95 (24)
Election of officers, midterm vacancy, see also art. IV, sec. 30,
and art. XIII, sec. 6, Wis. Con.; ss. 13.02 (1), 13.13,
13.15 (1), 13.18 (1), stats.   1
Election and campaign reform, committee
on (standing committee)
  9 (1)(h)
Electric voting machine, see Roll call, Voting machine
Emergency statement: bill lacking required statement
not to be withdrawn from joint committee on finance
or committee on rules
  15 (1)(b)
Employees of assembly:
anti-harassment and ethics training   6m
appointment, supervision   7
chief clerk, sergeant implement personnel
management system,
see also
Joint Rule 91   5 (1)(t), 6 (1)(i)
social security, insurance, retirement records kept by
chief clerk   5 (1)(s)
Employment relations committee (JCOER), assembly and joint,
see also s. 13.111, stats. (standing committee)   9 (7)
permitted to introduce proposals in special, extended, or
extraordinary session
  93 (2)
Enacting and enabling clause, inserted when omitted   36 (1)(b)
End debate, motion to, see Debate, motion to end   71
Energy and utilities, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(j)
Engrossed proposal (definition)   95 (25)
chief clerk supervises work relating to   5 (1)(e)
corrective amendment by committee on
assembly organization   23 (2), (3)
duties of chief clerk and legislative reference bureau   5 (1)(f)
Enrolled proposal (definition)   95 (26)
chief clerk may enter enrolling report after adjournment   5 (1)(g)
chief clerk supervises work relating to   5 (1)(e)
corrective amendment by committee on assembly
organization   23 (2), (3)
functions of legislative reference bureau in relation to   23 (3)
how proposals may be recalled for further action   23 (3), 51
message enrolled bill to governor on motion
or by speaker's directive
  23 (4)
Ethics and standards of conduct, special committee on   21, 43 (3)
Excuse from voting, member may receive for special cause   77
Executive action, committee (definition)   95 (14)
Executive action, 24 hours after proposal public   17d
Executive communications and messages:
in regular order of business   31 (4)
joint convention may interrupt regular order   32 (2)
vetoes   31 (5), 44
Expunge (definition), see also Rescind   95 (27)
Extraordinary, extended, or special session:
certain assembly rules modified   93
definition   95 (27m)
Failure to pass, adverse and final disposition   49 (1)(f)
Final legislative day of last general-business floorperiod:
reconsideration motion taken up by vote
of a majority of members present and voting
  73 (3)(b)
Final or adverse disposition of proposal: methods listed   49 (1)
Finance committee, assembly and joint, see also ss. 13.09
to 13.095 and 13.10 to 13.11, stats.
  9 (4)
bill requiring (but lacking) emergency statement
not to be withdrawn from
  15 (1)(b)
“dipping" of bills, see s. 13.093 (1), stats.
permitted to introduce proposals in special, extended,
or extraordinary session
  93 (2)
proposal reported by standing committee, speaker may
refer to   45 (1)
referral to, when required, see ss. 13.093 (1) and 16.47, stats.
rules committee returns bill to speaker for referral to   24 (3)(a)
simultaneous referral of budget and other bills to
joint survey committee   42 (1)(c)
Financial institutions, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(j)