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Proposals, executive action on 24 hours after made public   17d
Public health and public safety, committee on
(standing committee)   9 (1)(t)
Public hearing, see also Schedule of committee activities:
advance notice   14 (2)
announced in schedule of committee activities   14 (2)
definition of “hearing"   95 (32)
may be rescheduled for larger room   11 (3)
not required for special, extended, or extraordinary
session proposals
  93 (3)
reproduced copies of proposal to be available to public   14 (3)
scheduled at discretion of committee chairperson   14 (1)
schedules posted on bulletin boards of assembly   14 (2), 93 (3)
Publication of assembly rules   94
Publications of assembly, see also Joint Rules 71 to 79   38
Question (definition)   95 (61)
Question before assembly conforms to committee
recommendation; exceptions
Question, division of, see Division of the question
Question lost when vote results in tie   81
Question on appeal of ruling by presiding officer, how stated   62 (6)
Questions, how stated   75
Questions of privilege:
assembly privilege explained   61 (1)
personal privilege explained   61 (2)
precedence limited to immediate consideration   61 (5)
precedence of   61 (4)
privileged motions and requests (definition)   95 (59)
special privilege explained   61 (3)
under control of presiding officer and assembly   61
when disposed of, assembly resumes business
at point of interruption   57 (2), 61 (6)
Questions, requests, and motions in order during debate   57, 65, 66
Quorum; see also Quick Finder:
definition of “quorum"   95 (62)
fiscal bills, special quorum, see Joint Rule 11 (2)
necessary for transaction of business   30 (2)
pairs, both members considered not present   79 (5)
question of, may be raised while member is
  57 (1)(d), 66 (1)(b)
Radio, press, and TV representatives admitted to
floor of assembly when engaged in
reporting proceedings
  25 (3)
Reading at length, required when proposals, amendments,
or fiscal estimates have not been provided
Recall proposal for further action:
after passage   23 (3), 51
from other house   73 (8)
committee of the whole, may not   8 (7)
definition of “recess"   95 (63)
motion to, acted on without debate   67
privilege of motion or request   65 (1)(f)
roll call required when assembly under call   86 (3)
to next day same as adjourn   69m
always through presiding officer   56 (3)
by district number or county or municipality of residence
(not by member's name)   56 (1)
member addresses presiding officer   56 (1)
no appeal from presiding officer's decision   56 (2)
order members may speak   56 (2)
when more than one member seeks floor   56 (2), 57
definition of “reconsideration"   95 (64)
delays final action by two days, exceptions   73 (3)
limit on debate: 3 min/member   73 (7)
of amendments, proper only after reconsideration of
final action on proposal at 2nd reading stage
  73 (4)(c)
of vote on passage or concurrence, when taken up   73 (3)(a)
taken up when proposal next regularly
scheduled   73 (2)(b), (3)(a)
vetoes   73 (1)(a), (b), (3m)
when in order   73 (2)(a), (3)(a)
Reconsideration motion   73
calendar to show name of member making   29 (1)(b)
conditions for withdrawing   73 (6)
delays final action by two days, exceptions   73 (3)
in committee: proper before proposal
is reported to assembly   11 (8)
may be made by any member in event of tie vote or
voice vote
may be made by any member who voted with majority
that carried question
not applicable to approval of report of committee
of conference   73 (1)(b)
not applicable to confirmation   51m (2), 73 (1)(b)
not renewable after having been lost   73 (5)
not required for consideration of corrective amendment
offered by committee on assembly organization
  23 (2)
of vote on passage or concurrence, when taken up   73 (3)(a)
proper only after assembly has decided question to
which it relates   73 (2)
proposal returned (by joint resolution) for further action,
reconsideration motion not needed
  73 (8)
resolution organizing assembly, not impaired by   73 (10)
scheduled for consideration   73 (3)(a)
scheduled for consideration on final legislative day
of last general-business floorperiod, when
taken up
  73 (3)(b)
special, extended, or extraordinary session, taken up
immediately or at time set by vote of majority
present and voting
  93 (6)
special order, taken up immediately or at time set
by vote of majority present and voting   33 (4)
taken up when proposal next regularly scheduled   73 (2)(b)
time limits upon debate 3 minutes   73 (7)
veto override exception   73 (3m)
when in order   73 (2)(a), (3)(a)
Reconsideration of amendments   73 (4)