Chief clerk receives matters addressed to the assembly Rule 34 Proposals, amendments, and reports to beprovided before debate Rule 35 Clerical corrections to proposals or amendments Rule 36 Petitions and other documents Rule 37 Assembly publications and printing Rule 38
Chapter 5: Offering, Introduction, and Disposition of Proposals
Introduction and offering of proposals Rule 39 Readings of bills Rule 40 Readings of resolutions Rule 41 First reading and reference of proposals Rule 42 Privileged resolutions Rule 43 Subsequent reference of proposals Rule 45 Second reading and amendment of proposals Rule 46 Main question before assembly Rule 47 Third reading and decisions on proposals Rule 48 Adverse and final disposition Rule 49 Messaging to the senate Rule 50 Enrolling; further consideration Rule 51 Advice and consent of the assembly Rule 51m
Chapter 6: Amendments
Offering amendments Rule 52 Drafting of amendments Rule 53 Germaneness of assembly amendments Rule 54 Sequence of considering amendments Rule 55
Chapter 7: General Rules of Debate
Scheduling time limits for floor debate Rule 55m Calling a member to order Rule 58 Conduct during debate Rule 59 Debate on delayed calendars Rule 60 Questions of privilege Rule 61 Points of order and appeals Rule 62
Chapter 8: Motions and Other Actions During Debate
Privileged and subsidiary motions and requestsduring debate Rule 65 Incidental motions, requests and questions during debate Rule 66 Nondebatable motions Rule 67 Amendments to motions to be germane Rule 68 Motion to recess Rule 69m Voting immediately; time limit on debate Rule 71m Postponing; rejecting; referring Rule 72 Motion to retain a proposal to a second reading Rule 73m
Chapter 9: Putting Questions and Voting
Stating the question Rule 75 Voting mandatory; exceptions Rule 77 Presiding officer votes Rule 78 Division of the question Rule 80 Tie loses question Rule 81 Interruptions of clerk during roll call Rule 82
Chapter 10: Procedures Under Call
Call of the assembly Rule 83 Members to remain in chamber when under call Rule 84 Sergeant to bring in absentees Rule 85 Business under call Rule 86 Successive calls on same question Rule 88
Chapter 11: Change, Suspension, Authority of Rules
Changing assembly rules Rule 89 Suspension of the rules Rule 90 Authority and interpretation of the rules Rule 91 Continuity of assembly rules Rule 92 Special, extended, or extraordinary sessions Rule 93 Content, format, and style of rules and manual Rule 94
Chapter 12: Miscellaneous
Legislative citations Rule 96 Assembly citations Rule 97 Campaign committee activity Rule 98
As last affected by 2021 Assembly Resolution 2
(Adopted January 4, 2021)
Chapter 1:
Assembly Rule 1. Assembly officers. As early as possible in each legislative biennium, the assembly shall elect from among its members, by roll call vote of a majority of those present, a speaker of the assembly and a speaker pro tempore, and from outside its membership a chief clerk and a sergeant at arms. Those officers shall serve for the legislative biennium unless separated by death, resignation, or removal by a majority of the current membership of the assembly. A midterm vacancy in any of those offices shall be filled by an election scheduled by the speaker as a special order of business.
Assembly Rule 2. Party Officers; election, duties. ar2(1)(1)
The majority and minority parties in the assembly shall elect the officers shown in sub. (2), and may select any other officers desired. Party officers shall hold office for the legislative biennium unless separated by death, resignation, or removal from office by a majority of the current membership of the appropriate party caucus. They shall perform the duties assigned to them by their respective caucuses, by legislative rule, and by law.
(2) Each party caucus shall elect a floor leader, an assistant floor leader, and a caucus chairperson to be known, respectively, as the majority leader, the assistant majority leader, the majority caucus chairperson, the minority leader, the assistant minority leader, and the minority caucus chairperson. In the temporary absence of the majority leader or minority leader, the respective assistant leader shall carry out the duties assigned to that leader until the return of the leader. If the majority leader or minority leader is separated by death, resignation, or removal from office, the respective assistant leader shall carry out the duties assigned to that leader until a leader is elected.
(3) On the day a new legislature is convened under section 13.02 (1) of the statutes, the chairperson of each party caucus shall notify the chief clerk of the offices established by his or her party caucus and the incumbents therein, and thereafter shall notify the chief clerk of any change in the offices or incumbents. Each notification shall be entered in the journal.