Record of Committee Proceedings
Committee on Veterans and Military Affairs
Assembly Bill 178
Relating to: annual reporting to the legislature of sexual harassment and assault that occurs in the Wisconsin National Guard and of changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
By Joint Legislative Council.
April 20, 2023������������ Referred to Committee on Veterans and Military Affairs
May 31, 2023������������� Public Hearing Held
Present:������ (15)����� Representative Edming; Representatives VanderMeer, Allen, Michalski, Penterman, Petryk, Snyder, Sortwell, Summerfield, Tittl, Riemer, Sinicki, Andraca, Ortiz-Velez and Ratcliff.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (0)������� None.
Appearances For
������ Rep. Tony Kurtz - 50th Assembly District
Appearances Against
������ None.
Appearances for Information Only
������ None.
Registrations For
������ Sen. Eric Wimberger - 30th Senate District
������ Bridget Esser - Department of Military Affairs
������ Paul Fisk - American Legion - Department of Wisconsin
Registrations Against
������ None.
Registrations for Information Only
������ None.
June 13, 2023������������� Executive Session Held
Present:������ (13)����� Representative Edming; Representatives VanderMeer, Michalski, Petryk, Snyder, Sortwell, Summerfield, Tittl, Riemer, Sinicki, Andraca, Ortiz-Velez and Ratcliff.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (2)������� Representatives Allen and Penterman.
Moved by Representative Summerfield, seconded by Representative Snyder that Assembly Bill 178 be recommended for passage.
Ayes:���� (13)�� Representative Edming; Representatives VanderMeer, Michalski, Petryk, Snyder, Sortwell, Summerfield, Tittl, Riemer, Sinicki, Andraca, Ortiz-Velez and Ratcliff.
Noes:���� (0)���� None.
Representative Penterman indicated that he would have voted Aye if he had been present.
Tyler Longsine
Committee Clerk