Record of Committee Proceedings
Committee on Housing and Real Estate
Assembly Bill 197
Relating to: procedures for reviewing commercial building plans.
By Joint Legislative Council.
April 20, 2023������������ Referred to Committee on Housing and Real Estate
January 09, 2024�������� Public Hearing Held
Present:������ (12)����� Representative Brooks; Representatives Penterman, Allen, Armstrong, Goeben, Krug, Murphy, Summerfield, Haywood, Emerson, Bare and Clancy.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (3)������� Representatives Pronschinske, Schraa and Ortiz-Velez.
Appearances For
������ Representative Rob� Summerfield - Wisconsin State Legislature-67th Assembly District
Appearances Against
������ None.
Appearances for Information Only
������ None.
Registrations For
������ Senator Duey Stroebel - Wisconsin State Legislature-20th Senate District
������ Executive Director Brad Boycks - Wisconsin Builders Association
������ Brian Dake - Wisconsin Independent Businesses
������ Cori� Lamont - Wisconsin Realtors Association
������ Toni Herkert - League of Wisconsin Municipalities
Registrations Against
������ Michael Tierney - Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
������ Eric Knight - Mechanical Contractors Association of Wisconsin
������ Eric� Knight - Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors Association of Milwaukee and Southeast Wisconsin
������ Eric Knight - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor Association of Milwaukee
Registrations for Information Only
������ None.
January 24, 2024�������� Executive Session Held
Present:������ (15)����� Representative Brooks; Representatives Penterman, Allen, Armstrong, Goeben, Krug, Murphy, Pronschinske, Schraa, Summerfield, Haywood, Emerson, Ortiz-Velez, Bare and Clancy.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (0)������� None.
Moved by Representative Summerfield, seconded by Representative Krug that Assembly Bill 197 be recommended for passage.
Ayes:���� (10)�� Representative Brooks; Representatives Penterman, Allen, Armstrong, Goeben, Krug, Murphy, Pronschinske, Schraa and Summerfield.
Noes:���� (5)���� Representatives Haywood, Emerson, Ortiz-Velez, Bare and Clancy.
Christopher Schaefer
Committee Clerk