Record of Committee Proceedings
Committee on Housing and Real Estate
Assembly Bill 266
Relating to: judicial review of local governmental decisions related to certain land development, local approval of residential housing development, and amendment of zoning ordinances.
By Representatives Krug, Brooks, Allen, Edming, Moses, Murphy, O'Connor, Penterman, Schraa, Snyder, Sortwell and Spiros; cosponsored by Senators Stroebel, Quinn, Jagler and Testin.
May 16, 2023������������� Referred to Committee on Housing and Real Estate
May 18, 2023������������� Public Hearing Held
Present:������ (13)����� Representative Brooks; Representatives Penterman, Allen, Armstrong, Goeben, Krug, Murphy, Pronschinske, Summerfield, Haywood, Emerson, Bare and Clancy.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (2)������� Representatives Schraa and Ortiz-Velez.
Appearances For
������ Representative Scott Krug - Wisconsin State Legislature-72nd District
������ Senator Duey Stroebel - Wisconsin State Legislature-20th Senate District
������ Tom Larson - Wisconsin Realtors Association
������ Brad Boycks - Wisconsin Builders Association
������ Mike Howe - Wisconsin Builders Association
������ Joe Ruth - Wisconsin Towns Association
������ Tim Roehl - Wisconsin Realtors Association
Appearances Against
������ None.
Appearances for Information Only
������ None.
Registrations For
������ Robert Proctor - Wisconsin Builders Association
������ Brian Dake - Wisconsin Independent Businesses
������ Bob Welch - Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin
������ Emily Berge - City of Eau Claire
Registrations Against
������ None.
Registrations for Information Only
������ None.
June 06, 2023������������� Executive Session Held
Present:������ (15)����� Representative Brooks; Representatives Penterman, Allen, Armstrong, Goeben, Krug, Murphy, Pronschinske, Schraa, Summerfield, Haywood, Emerson, Ortiz-Velez, Bare and Clancy.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (0)������� None.
Moved by Representative Bare, seconded by Representative Emerson that Assembly Amendment 1 be recommended for adoption.
Ayes:���� (3)���� Representatives Emerson, Bare and Clancy.
Noes:���� (10)�� Representative Brooks; Representatives Penterman, Allen, Armstrong, Goeben, Krug, Murphy, Pronschinske, Schraa and Summerfield.
Moved by Representative Murphy, seconded by Representative Penterman that Assembly Bill 266 be recommended for passage.
Ayes:���� (10)�� Representative Brooks; Representatives Penterman, Allen, Armstrong, Goeben, Krug, Murphy, Pronschinske, Schraa and Summerfield.
Noes:���� (5)���� Representatives Haywood, Emerson, Ortiz-Velez, Bare and Clancy.
Christopher Schaefer
Committee Clerk