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Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Education

Assembly Bill 308

Relating to: protection from prosecution for employees of libraries and educational institutions possessing obscene materials.

By Representatives Allen, Bodden, Brandtjen, Maxey, Murphy and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Jacque and Nass.

June 09, 2023������������� Referred to Committee on Education

December 05, 2023���� Public Hearing Held

Present:������ (15)����� Representative Kitchens; Representatives Dittrich, Binsfeld, Duchow, Mursau, Nedweski, Penterman, Rozar, Wichgers, Wittke, Shelton, Considine, Myers, Andraca and Hong.

Absent:������ (0)������� None.

Excused:���� (0)������� None.

Appearances For

����� Rep. Scott� Allen - 97th Assembly District

����� Senator Andr� Jacque - 1st Senate District

����� Jesse Simcox - Gays Against Groomers

����� Jack Hoogendyk - Wisconsin Family Action

����� Anne Franczek - Tarry One Hour

����� Noelle� Kinzinger

����� Sam Hughes

����� Bill Brewer

����� Stacy Keene

����� Kelly Piacsek

����� Anthony Zenosia

����� Maja Cuellar

Appearances Against

����� None.

Appearances for Information Only

����� None.

Registrations For

����� Vickie Gertz

����� Linda Kauffeld

����� Steve�� Kauffeld

����� Marvin Munyon

����� Lindsay Kinzinger

Registrations Against

����� Kevyn Radcliffe - Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

����� Steve Conway - WI Library Association

����� Jack O'Meara - WEAC/ WI Association of School Nurses

Registrations for Information Only

����� None.

April 11, 2024������������ Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1


Bob Delaporte

Committee Clerk