Record of Committee Proceedings
Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety
Assembly Bill 504
Relating to: attendance of children at public events with groups of nude adults and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Duchow, Behnke, Binsfeld, Dittrich, Goeben, Green, Gundrum, Maxey, Michalski, Rettinger, Rozar, Schraa, Sortwell, Tusler, Wichgers, Brandtjen and Murphy; cosponsored by Senators Kapenga, Ballweg and Stroebel.
October 18, 2023������� Referred to Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety
October 31, 2023������� Public Hearing Held
Present:������ (15)����� Representative Spiros; Representatives Schutt, Duchow, Novak, Green, Donovan, Schraa, Steffen, Wichgers, Sortwell, Drake, McGuire, Emerson, Stubbs and Madison.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (0)������� None.
Appearances For
������ Representative Cindi Duchow - 99th Assembly District
������ Jeff Weigand
Appearances Against
������ Holly McEntee - Madison's World Naked Bike Ride
������ Robert Curry - Joy de vivre
������ Rebecca Hudson
������ Michael Bomier - WNBR Madison
������ Michael Marslender
������ Debbie Carley
������ Amber Ostergaard - WNBR Milwaukee
������ Kris Haibeck
������ John Jankowski - WNBR Milwaukee
������ Andy Kinzelman
������ Brenda Brown
������ Jolene Plautz - American Association of Nude Recreationalists
Appearances for Information Only
������ None.
Registrations For
������ Senator Chris Kapenga - 33rd Senate District
������ Julaine Appling - Wisconsin Family Action
Registrations Against
������ Claude Richards
������ James Dickey
������ Thomas Ryan
������ Mike Korczyk - WNBR
Registrations for Information Only
������ None.
November 16, 2023��� Executive Session Held
Present:������ (15)����� Representative Spiros; Representatives Schutt, Duchow, Novak, Green, Donovan, Schraa, Steffen, Wichgers, Sortwell, Drake, McGuire, Emerson, Stubbs and Madison.
Absent:������ (0)������� None.
Excused:���� (0)������� None.
Moved by Representative Emerson, seconded by Representative Drake that Assembly Amendment 1 be recommended for adoption.
Ayes:���� (5)���� Representatives Drake, McGuire, Emerson, Stubbs and Madison.
Noes:���� (10)�� Representative Spiros; Representatives Schutt, Duchow, Novak, Green, Donovan, Schraa, Steffen, Wichgers and Sortwell.
Moved by Representative Duchow, seconded by Representative Steffen that Assembly Bill 504 be recommended for passage.
Ayes:���� (10)�� Representative Spiros; Representatives Schutt, Duchow, Novak, Green, Donovan, Schraa, Steffen, Wichgers and Sortwell.
Noes:���� (5)���� Representatives Drake, McGuire, Emerson, Stubbs and Madison.
Cameil Bowler
Committee Clerk